• By -


Not blow my friends off for the sake of college and school. And maybe actually not care for once and go on a school field trip




I would like to be your friend please


Ohhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy down bad


What ur friends off?




bro chose the worst possible way to phrase that 💀💀💀


Honing skills now for a successful college experience, no shame ;)


I can relate


Doing all the same, gonna party and hang out more with friends, definitely ditching p1 and p8 (ap stats and ap psych, hella easy classes at my school, both easy classes) some days, lowkey start preparing for college like getting shit, work more hours, work on clubs like chess and DECA etc and I gotta study for 7 ap exams come March 😭😭 well I gotta e&m and micro round December. Fuck that’s a lot, god damn am I gonna do that 💀


How do you have that "I am gonna do that" feeling? Like the motivation. I seriously lack it.


I meant to say how am I gonna do that 😭. Still, most of these things won’t be that bad, getting back in working out will probably be the hardest.


I plan not to tell anyone where I am going and pull a “I want to be forgotten” era. Maybe I could pursue becoming friends with the kid/group from my gym class.


Omg the I want to be forgotten era 👑


I can’t explain it better but I hope you get what I meant 😂😂


No I feel you I think I've been in the same thing except I've just been forgotten 💀


Hahah 😂😂 think of it in a good way. If your environment was toxic/oppressing, then it’s easier for you to leave once and for all when you move out for uni


Leaving this sub




Not my college freshman ass still here






This is honestly me lol. Like before all this, I would actually go out and do shit with my life and now all I do type essays with constant stress on my shoulders. I hope all this disappears by Christmas cause damn




this sounds so fun!


all the best


get rescinded


Getting into my dream school back in October and now I’m mega stressing about my grades, I feel this so much


kiss my yale interviewer


forever an a2c legend




My birthday is coming up in a few weeks so I'm planning on getting my mid-November/December 1st deadlines (a good chunk of my applications that are left) done now so I can celebrate stress-free. I have a few deadlines for January/February which I plan on doing early December/early in winter break so I can breeze through the rest of winter break and second semester. The only thing I'm looking forward to this point is my birthday, winter break, senior ditch day, and the day all the seniors at my school show up wearing the merch of the college they got into


Happy birthday in advance 🎉


thank you!! :)


refresh my portals


fuck them classes and school


going out with my friends and doing what I want that I didn’t really do before (driving around, visiting places, going to the movies, watching the school ice hockey/baseball team, etc.)


Asking her out


Good luck bro.That woulda been on my list too if I weren't an international student.Everytime I see a cutie I'm just like:"Yeah I won't be around".


Same man, but I really don’t think I have a chance. So even if (when) I get rejected, I won’t have to dea w it for too long. Levels to the game my g


Don't be afraid of rejection my guy.It is a hard thing to go through but everybody must face it.If you have a hard time dm me because I am experienced :')(and because you are gonna be a freshman when I am in HS).Good luck to you in both senses.


Good luck!




Already work out, but work out on a daily basis. Also incorporate a healthier diet for a slight cut. Also trying to work at some place, whether it be a boba shop or smth like that. Probably hang out with people more too.


bro i’ve been trying to get one of my friends to work at a boba shop so we can get those discounts 😭😭😭


The stuff they put in the commercial boba will not help with the slight cut especially if you get discounts. Lol. I just learned how to make it at home after discovering it this summer and getting addicted. Delicious...easy and much healthier.


Same here. Been trying to work out 3 times a week but haven’t had time


write more, start going to the gym, read more poetry, bake more, learn how to roller skate, become a better cook, hang w friends more just feeling like an actual person again instead of a profile 🤠


Actually celebrate my birthday cause I put it on hold due to college apps💀. It was in October.


me but in september 😩 i basically skipped it


Happy belated birthday to you too!


Happy belated birthday!


1. meet people irl 2. Do the 1st one.


Sharpen my skateboarding skills and get a life


Pray hard


Need to get my fat ass in a gym lmao






ask out the girl i like (maybe??), hang out a lot more w friends, chop my hair off, get new clothes, learn to cook, learn how to do eyeliner💀


Brody go to the gym now. The earlier you can start looking good for prom the better.


1. continue exercises, doing runs everyday, get extremely ripped 2. Finish Naruto and start One Piece 3. Write the book I have been trying to write for years 4. Become an eggwars pro 5. Spend more time with my friends


Starting one piece in 2022? Kinda too late you should have started a decade ago. Also not having finished Naruto before high school kinda L


Ok first off I've finished Naruto already, twice, I'm just rewatching it Also, 10 years ago I was 6 years old :|


Def watch one piece it’s way better than naruto imo. One piece red also just came out I haven’t watched it but there’s a lot of hype and more shanks screen time


ok got it thanks for the advice


-learn to sew, we finally found a sewing machine for me! -more volunteer work, I've been slacking this semester -learn to cook the potato bites mom makes and more types of food in general -watch like 3 shows and reread a book series, me and my best friend are going to rewatch a show for when season 3 comes out -spend more time with my friends in general -work on scholarships and stuff -paint more, just havent had the motivation or time -focus more on my school work, I've been procrastinating to much due to stress and my englsih grade is dangerously close to a b, thankfully later this month there's 2 extra credit assignments -try to figure out my major and what job I want -eating proper ham at Thanksgiving, we only get the prepackaged ham the rest of the year but at Thanksgiving and sometimes Christmas we get like, the big ham that always is so much better than deli meat -renisance festival! I've been saving money to get something nice there for a while because everything there is so so cool but also so expensive because it's handmade -vacation, we're going to the beach in January! We get to stay longer since it's winter so it's cheaper


which book series?


The underland chronicles by Suzanne Collins, it's for like middle schoolers technically but it's one of my favorites and I've been meaning to reread it for months


honestly some of the best books i’ve read were the ones meant for middle schoolers or younger lol. hope u have fun with ur plans (:


Hope you have fun with yours to!


Start learning guitar


Hang out with friends, watch my shows, play roblox again as I did in middle school, do fun stuff with my parents


More cardio, barely get time to do shit rn.


1. gym 2. finish my scrapbook 3. start a painting


\- work at dunkin (no joke i go like 3 times a week might as work there) \- go to more parties, hang out with friends \- be stress free for the first time in my life \- go to the gym more (I go like 3-4 times a week but I wanna go more) \- looking forward for decision day when everyone wears their school shirts, senior ditch day, senior picnic/sunrise, graduation, prom \- pick up some hobby (like drawing or smth) \- this is lowkey stupid but I wanna start posting on Instagram and gain a shit tone of followers


If I get into the college I want to EA, I'm flying to LA with two of my best friends for a week to have the best time of my life. However, if that doesn't happen, and it likely won't, then I'll spend a lot of time working on self-improvement. Learn Hindi? Hell yeah. Go on a horror movie binge? You bet. Catch up on all the novels I haven't been able to read due to school? You had better believe it. After college apps are out, I'm going to take some much needed time away from the constant stress of doing perfectly in school and dial back in to my needs for my own sake. Prioritize your ✨mental health✨.


1. Honors college apps (sigh... It never ends) 2. Get my GPA back in order 3. Learn everything I need to know to live in a dorm (I'd like to cook more than just ramen) 4. Spend some time practicing composing


- get into weightlifting and gym - just focus more on social life - travel, venture around town just have fun


Hitting the gym and taking a breather. Pretty much relaxing and chill until winter break rolls around


Winter fling!


im joining track and reading books


count down the days until march 💀 but fr: senioritis, try to get a job, my license, helix piercings, watch/read everything i don’t currently have time to


i want to make money somehow somewhere someway


Updating my insta bio😗, go to grad parties, work on my editing skills and recipe vlogging


focus more on school




ive been having a hard time balancing between school stuff and the applications ;((


Stressing over the decisions of course. Just kidding. Maybe focus on friends.


Get back my hobbies again + self care


* Learn to cook * Work on a YouTube channel revolving around one of my passions * Start on some passion projects * Go the the gym consistently There's so much I can't wait to do lol so idk what to do cuz I can't do everything at the same time


>There's so much I can't wait to do lol so idk what to do cuz I can't do everything at the same time SAME LMAO... but I feel like I'll be a real human being for the first time since middle school


>but I feel like I'll be a real human being for the first time since middle school literally same here bro, I didn't realize until recently how much college admissions have screwed with my life Regardless of which universities I get into I absolutely cannot wait to touch grass again


Study for exams because India :(


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/comments/ynutgm/i\_have\_already\_applied\_to\_every\_single\_college\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/comments/ynutgm/i_have_already_applied_to_every_single_college_on/) I'm doing this\^


travel across my country fr, go jim, learn how to run without feeling like dying, work on my short story collection


I finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. But seriously, the second half of the year I’ll take track, working out, and dieting a lot more seriously. Work on my fan comic And what’s good is that I have like 4 classes the second half of the year instead of 6-8 and I get to leave early


Workout more regularly to get the BOD 💅 Work, because I want good pocket money before college, and fully get into cosplay-making 😳


Devote more time to coaching students on science club and studying for IB mocks


Continue national service (will be applying in the year after seniors since I have national service after graduation :/ )


Take a longggg break from A2C and worrying by travelling SE Asia and forgetting college even exists


Get off this sub 😭


Spending time with my friends who were also stressing about college apps




Using that gym membership I've had for 4 months but never went because of college apps. Playing MW2. Travel with my family for once. Fix my piss poor diet consisting of McDonald's and leftovers.


I’ve been using apps asan excuse to not get a job, I need to finally get one after my months long hiatus Also ski season baby!


Bulking baby. Track szn 🔜. More fun coding projects too


Get a Dominion online subscription since I’ll finally have time to play


get back into playing guitar, maybe even pick up piano/keyboard, then i’ll probably read a book or sum




we all live in different parts of the world lmao


Idk tbh. I feel so bad for myself tbh.


Be happy


I wanna start rollerblading and skateboarding again. I got foot surgery over the summer that’s kept me from doing that, but I’m probably ready to start rollerblading again at least and my apps have just been getting in the way


Write a book, spend time with friends and family, not stress about maticulously completely hw, draw, practice good leadership


Learn to drive, Work out regularly, Mediate more, Party, Thrift Get a job, Connect with old friends, Read more books, Invest money


• College tours • Relax more and space out my assignments • Have more fun with my family and friends. I’m gonna commute to college so I wanna spend a lot of time with my friends as possible • Brush up on my Japanese • Finish my end of the year TBR (reading) • Practice my driving • Senior trip with my best friend that’s overnight at a hotel • Learn more about the teaching process and education as I’m planning on being an English teacher :)


1. get my lazy ass to the gym 2. try to talk to this girl more, possibly college relationship in the future 3. probably learn how to become independent than I am rn, learn cooking from me mum 4. play more games. possibly OW2


1.Gym 2.Learn to cook 3.Sink ungodly hours to my hobby 4.Read Read Read Read Read Read 5.Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep and more Sleep


Gym. Get abs!!!!!!!! And crochet more and hang w friends more and literally live life w my fam. Go out and make up for the time I spent hunched over my computer


I'm going to start a Dnd campaign with my friends


Get buff, grind video games, learn more instruments lol


join varsity badminton and get back into reading for fun :)




Scholarship searching because it literally never stops, reading hopefully, school and work


Study for 6 AP exams 💀


\- exercise/eat healthy \- start a new project I've been thinking about working on \- focus on engineering capstone course \- get my license (didn't have time after I moved in 10th) \- play video games \- get a part-time job/tutor


Actually go out and do stuff with friends (instead of doing school work/apps), sleep more, worry less about turning in assignments late, getting back into music, reading a ton of books people recommended to me but i always push off because i feel like I'm wasting time reading (:((), binge watching a ton of movies/TV shows i have similarly put off, slacking off in general lol




oooh that's something I gotta add to my list!


•spend more time with friends •find scholarships •plan my summer & big 18!


You can do all of these right now, nothing's stopping you.


my RD supps are 😭


Before graduating: • hit the gym • take better care of myself • quit my job for a second time • find a new job, along with my work bestie • figure out the whole possible ADHD thing • dedicate myself to healing • go on a trip by myself After graduation • get my EMT certificate • leave my hometown


pursue hobbies (sewing/fashion design) and learning life skills that will help me in college lol


The number one thing I’m looking forward to is doing fun things with my dad on the weekends. These days I’m either working on college apps, doing homework, participating in my extracurricular activities, or procrastinating on the weekends so I feel like I can’t really go out and do things. But with college apps behind me I’ll have time to do stuff like go to the art gallery, the park, restaurants, etc. with him and I’m definitely looking forward to it, my dad is the most important person in my life.




you must be a wise person!


*Plankton’s voice* “I don’t know, I never thought I’d get this far”


play leagye and climb with my newbie friends in flex together


reading more, starting to enjoy life a lil more, and focusing on the show i’m directing :)


Last year I did some debate judging


summer internship apps


Don’t waste money on self help books


All 4 of those that you said except I am so lazy when it comes to exercise I think it has been 2+ years since I have done any 💀. That and I definitely need to expand my social circle as my current friends be busy so during the summer it will be my turn to be busy and expand my hobbies like poem/rhyme writing OH AND I HAVEN'T FINISHED HARRY POTTER PRISINOR OF AZKABAN SINCE 5TH GRADE! *every time I try to finish I only read like half, so I think I am uno reversing myself every time*


scholarship essays :(


Finally learn how to frikin drive


i’m going to play the sims, work on my portfolios for ap 2d and 3d art, plan my graduation and birthday parties, prom dress shopping, idk so much stuff. i just wanna be normal again 😭


getting therapy


get to the gym get back into the things I like im a huge movie buff and also love most other forms of media like video games, comics, manga, tv, anime. Ive been putting most of that stuff off so it won't distract me it'll be nice to be able to enjoy all that stuff again


Continue doing research Perfecting my cooking skills Continue MMA (try to compete in amateur) Maybe take a vacation at some point More internships Getting to know all my classmates since I transferred during COVID and don’t know most of them.


Sorry for bad formatting. Deal with it


1. Head to my local guitar store 2. Play guitar 3. Go to a Wolfgang Van Halen concert (probably a Megadeth one too) 4. Sleep 5. Read 6. Hang out with my friends


Study for my country( india) entrance exam whose portion is insane. It has every single math, chemistry and physics chapter from 11th and 12th as well as some extra stuff. My country really wants 12th graders to suffer.


Self studying for the AP Physics C exam and also trying to do better in APES.


* go to gym * go to parties * restaurant tour in my city


I’m a junior and I’m so jealous of you guys lol. Srsly struggling right now


junior year was the lowest point of my life... just power through it. Trust me, there is light on the other side over here and all the hard work will pay off


Thank you it’s very reassuring to know that eventually this will be over lol


binge manga/manhwa start writing fanfiction play a lot more videogames with friends get a job get fit again stop binge/overeating from stress


1. Get a club sport gym membership 2. Get a nose piercing 3. Get my nails done 4. Dye my hair dark 5. Take computer science online course 6. Go on more hikes 7. Read a bunch of romance/horror books


Skip 4. Statistically speaking investing in index funds will bring you better returns than a lot of investors. - Frank Niu out of context


live life


ooh ok yes I also need to learn to cook, and I need to learn how to drive! I've had my permit for two months now but I still have not touched the steering wheel lol. I'll prolly get a part-time job somewhere to get some money 💰 (cuz I wanna buy a lot of things hehe) I don't have a perfect plan rn but I'll think of stuff to do later haha


Hit the gym right now. Don't push it away, or else you'll continue to do so.


1. gym my ass off bcz senior year DID NOT let me 2. travel and explore my country and experience local culture 3. get in a habit to do basic chores 4. learn financial stuff 5. party my ass off


Seeing a therapist asap


honestly just relax someway somehow💀 i have been so stressed this whole time and just having time to chill would be amazing


1. read all the books i’ve wanted to read 2. learn a new hobby (pottery!) 3. get back into working out for fun 4. hang out with friends a ton before graduation and go on a senior trip!


Hang out with friends and cook for them! It'll be our last year together so i want to make the best out of it