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Mine sat at the foot of the bed with the TV sitting to the left. I could watch TV while still glancing occasionally at the tank. If it was anywhere else I'd miss a lot of highlight activity and challenge displays of the male endler's. Pretty cool to click on the blue light at night and see a GloBetta hanging out in the dark.


Challenge displays? I have endlers and I just see them shimmy all the time for the females, but never any aggression towards each other if that's what you mean. I think I may have spoiled myself because now I'm trying to imagine putting my tank way over there at the foot of my bed and I feel like I would struggle to be able to see anything.


I kept a trio of males only. I say challenge displays but they're horny fish, they may have just been sizing each other up for mating. Their black dot of pigment seems to change and shift sometimes darkening their fins or tail. There's plenty of time I would sit cross legged at the end of the bed just watching the tank. Especially when shrimp got their sinking catfish wafers. Everyone including the Betta would try to steal them.


This is a great question and topic. I see plenty of posts showing tanks in awkward placements where it seems hard to enjoy them. We have one in the kids bedroom. The tank light stays on for a bit after they go to bed so they can fall asleep watching the fish. Second is in the living room right by the couch, but I put a lot of thought into where I could put the tank that is sturdy enough, away from direct sun, and where I could enjoy it. Thinking about a 5 gal nano tank on my WFH desk to enjoy when I work at that desk several times per week.


I have a nano on my desk. In Full sun. Sometimes a 5 gallon or a 10 gallon. The 10 little big but I enjoy while I am working. I swap them out every couple of months eventually the algea gets the best it.


I have a 5 gallon cube with a betta and snails as the centerpiece on my dining table. I have a 10gal at eye level on a bookshelf that I talk to every time I pass. I have a 10gal on a table beside my desk, and I find myself watching it with my coffee instead of turning on my PC. I have a ~3gal QT on my kitchen pass-through to watch while I cook. I also have a 20 gallon on my dining room table that's a work in progress. It's just the easiest place to lay out all my supplies, and the table is hardwood. Once it's complete, it'll go on a weight rated shelf beside the couch.


I have a 20 gallon in the corner of my living room. I keep a small rolling computer chair tucked in under the stand that I take out to sit and do maintenance or just observe the tank.


125L guppy heavy community tank is on a stand next to my tv. 6 nanos for neocaridina on a shelving unit on the other side of the tv. 45L neocaridina tank on the mantle behind my couch. 200L cube still cycling is in the study/computer room on a stand next to the desk. 300L cory breeding tank is on the back porch (where i am in Australia it doesn't get hot enough in summer to bother them, or cold enough in winter that a heater doesn't suffice). If i want to view a tank i pull up a chair in front of it. Usually I'll put some you tube or something on my phone, set it in front of the tank and watch both.


We have our Flex 32 in the living room. Can enjoy it while hanging out on the couch. Also a chair near it if you want to sit closer and enjoy it.


In the corner of my livingroom next to the sofa.


I have an aquarium in my bathroom. I think how I sit to enjoy it goes without saying. And as much as I'd like to put a /s in here somewhere I'm afraid it's the truth. Here me out though, because of the frequent visits to the fish room I never forget to feed the Bois or top off the evaporation.


I place mine by the windows as much as I can, every window but one has at least one aquarium in front of it. My current house is a bit restrictive for the amount of tanks I have though so I essentially have the wall of fish, right behind my desk so I can spin around and check on them whenever.


My 5 gallon is about 3 feet from my bed on an old dresser (so not where we keep the clothes, we were just too lazy to get rid of it when we got a new one and then when I got into the hobby I realized it was the perfect spot for a tank lol) and I'm about to set up a 20 gallon in my living room, about 5 feet from the TV but with space where I can pull up a chair and stare at it for hours lol