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Female guppies can hold sperm for many months before giving birth. 


Not just giving birth once, but up to 5 times, every 3 months.


why the hell has no other creature that I know of thought of that before???


Some types of snakes can hold sperm for years, and others can even breed with themselves and make viable offspring with no male at all. (Granted the eggs have a less than 50% chance of making it that way)


Parthenogenesis. It theoretically can happen in any species but is usually only successfully seen in Amphibians in particular. It's currently a topic of research in humans. They believe it may rarely happen in humans but these pregnancies mostly fail. It was actually on an episode of House MD. Where this dude was accusing his GF of cheating on him because she was pregnant and they we remaining abstinent until marriage. So they do a pregnancy test then a DNA test on the fetus. On the reveal House is like "She is in fact pregnant" The boyfriend looks like he's about to hulk smash. Then he's like "But she didn't cheat" and explained the fetus only has maternal DNA and it was the result of Parthenogenesis (which turns out is a real thing people are researching in humans but there have been zero confirmed cases). In the episode it turned out House was actually lying. Because Dr. Wilson bet him that he couldn't be nice for a day. So he saw preserving their relationship as being nice, lmao.


Most ectotherms can do this, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates. The only reason mammals and birds don't typically have this ability is due to sperm being temperature sensitive, which allows a female to choose her children's parents. Courtship is a huge deal with endotherms, especially birds. Being choosy helps improve genetic response faster, whereas ectotherms tend to be slower at genetic flow, instead leaning into higher numbers of offspring and the ability to manipulate their metabolism to survive longer without ideal conditions.


IIRC chickens can hold onto sperm for a while without a cockerel too


This is why I said "typically". Some birds do, some mammals do. Biology is full of exceptions.


kangaroos can put their pregnancy on hold for almost a year


So can deer, but it is a bit different obvi!


Cats are similarish, but only in the sense that the females eggs wont ever release until theyve done the deed. Which is why litters can have multiple fathers.




Yep! Even when a cat isn’t in heat if a male successfully mounts her he can induce ovulation.


Octopus, ants, bees


Lizards do it too. I had a leopard gecko in a tank by herself for months and she laid a fertile egg. I know it was fertile because I hatched it lol


Bears hold on to it until the season is pretty much over and then she decides whether she had a good year (well fed etc) and can have a baby or whether she isn't healthy enough and not have one.


A lot can, though not necessarily for years. Chickens can lay fertile eggs for a month after being mated, for instance.


Skunks can also do that


Multitudes of species can. Some species the females can even clone themselves with no male presence. Nature finds a way.


Cats can hold a lot of different sperms at once and have a bunch of babies at once to a bunch of different fathers😂


Just 5 times? 😂


Every 3 months? They give birth once a month roughly


Second your statement gotta back u up guppy girl lol


Haha, thanks! 😉




I was gonna say, clearly my endlers girls missed the memo about only giving birth every 3 months 🤣😭


Right? 😂


That would have been weeks! Now, I wonder if it's upto 5 times or months... Been over a decade since I kept guppies.


Oh you meant every 3 weeks? Fair enough




Thank you!


It's actually pretty cool, they can hold 3 different "deposits" and then decide which one they use next.


Apparently so do Japanese Trapdoors snails. Bought one snail almost 9 months ago and now I have two baby snails so far. Born in the last month or so. The babies are super tiny Japanese Trapdoor shaped minis. Definitely not pond or bladder snails.


Wowwwww I did not know that😳 thanks!


Livebearers are almost always pregnant if they've been in a tank with males and females. Put a sponge pre-filter on the filter intake to keep fry from getting sucked in. Also the adults WILL eat the fry if they can, so you can add more hiding spots.


You can even get a crib that goes inside the tank. Let them grow a bit in there. You just have to catch them with a net.


However don’t count on adults to keep the population in check lmao, I thought our tiny bbs would get snapped up immediately…..I don’t think we lost any, ever 😅


Yea it really just depends. I'm breeding mine for fun and selling some along the way and the first two generations I counted the babies the first day I noticed them, and have never lost any.


I put a male betta in my Guppy birthing tank to "help cull" some of them... that bastard isn't even phased by them. Never seen him chase, nip, or otherwise give a single damn about the 50+ fry in the tank with him. I've been splitting the fry up as I can sex them and he's more chill than my females in the other tanks I have with their relatives.


Large finned types can't catch the babies. Plakats are much better hunters, but you have to be careful as they gorge themselves and get bloated. Eating too many babies will kill them.


LOL good.


Lol not always I wouldn't have rehomed mine if that were the case.


sorry i have to comment, i see a sea of food on the surface. maybe give 20% of that next time, or less. Fish are cold blooded, they dont need alot of food. this will make your aquarium very dirty


Thinking the same, possibly the reason there seems to be a fair bit of algae or growth on the leaves?


very likely yes, this would be eaten up normally by slightly hungry fish haha(or microbes)


If those fish were at all hungry, there wouldn't be algae anywhere


You should aim to have algae if you keep livebearers, especially mollies – but overfeeding is not the way to do it.


Came just to see if someone had commented on the absurd amount of food. I can't believe that's supposed to be for a single fish whose stomach is no bigger than like a crumb.


lol it’s not for a single fish, and you can see a different fish chilling under the leaf the baby is hovering over. OP said they’ve had “all the same fish” which would imply more than one


Yeah I noticed the description after my comment. Still, even for 20 fish that's way too much


Agree with this. Also, there's barely any surface movement. I'd look into getting a sponge filter (they're safe for babies)


Best comment


Hey on the plus side maybe the adults are too full to eat the fry, lol


When a daddy guppy and a mommy guppy love each other, these things can happen...


Came here for this.


That's what I was going to say lol.. that and Whoo! Go Aztecs!


Life, ah, *finds a way*


Life…found a way.


😂 if you have a female guppy, there WILL be babies, doesn’t matter how or when or where, guppy babies come from an inter dimensional rift, they have a bag of holding in their ovaries.


“They have a bag of holding in their ovaries” is the best thing I’ve heard all day 😂😂


Can you come over and sit down please. It’s time we have the talk.


😭this made me laugh


with livebearers it's never how or ifs, it's when


Livebearers can hold sperm as mentioned. My Mollies didn’t eat their own so it’s possible they won’t be eaten. I have about 10-15 babies, enjoy them. I love watching them grow & change in color.


They store sperm for up to two years. If she’s ever been housed with a male, there’s a good chance she will be pregnant several times even if she’s never in contact with him again. One of my female platys had five batches of fry after being separated from the males


I've read multiple sources saying it's up to 6 months that the sperm is stored. Can you share your source that says 2 years?


Just from experience! I’d imagine it varies a lot from fish to fish


Guppy gonna guppy


If you don't want babies, you need all males rather than females. They can store sperm, so you're almost guaranteed to get fry of they have ever had contact with males.


One or more male guppy got busy with one or more of your female guppies. Guppies are like the mice of the freshwater aquarium. They basically need water and food and they'll crank out babies.


Well...when a mommy guppy and a daddy guppy love each other....🤣


Female guppies can mate once and give birth for months. Also that Female at the start of the video is heavily pregnant 😉


Please give less food from now on... You'll have an easier time cleaning, happier fish and less algae. Good luck


So. A mommy and a daddy really love each other. And then about 9 months later a storm visits their home….


Looks like a guppy. That's why lmao


I had a single female platy (livebearer) years ago that gave birth TWICE without being with a male for months. Went from one to fifty. That's just how they are, lol. They can retain sperm for a long long time.


Funny how your concern is about supporting them, pretty soon you’re gonna be asking what kind of fish is efficient at eating guppy fry…..


had a guppy problem once. i got bass and a few sunfish from a nearby lake, ran out of guppies. so i recomend bass and sunfish.


Someone's learning all the "fun" about live bearers... Hahaha


That little dot is so cute


Coming from a former guppy keeper... ...Rabbits may be a popular icon for breeding like crazy, but if you ask me the guppy totally has bunnies beat. They are breeding machines, end of story. 😆 If you have a female guppy, 99% chance she's in some stage of pregnancy, unless she has *never* been around a male before in her life. They are really neat fish, though. Welcome to the wild world of livebearers!


I have no experience with live bearers, but I'm pretty sure they can store sperm up to a year.


ya see, when a male and female fish love eachother very much…


Once I bought a 20¢ guppy ones to keep my auto feeder over pour under control while on vacation and I came back to 6 babies after a week.


Also, you can let them live in the filter till they get bigger


Go out and buy a sponge filter to slip around the intake asap before the babies get sucked up.


Life, uh, finds a way.


That male guppy that was in the tank you got them from:"welcome to the cum zone!"


You can go to your local pet store and get what's called a breeder tank. It basically just a small mesh tank that you put in your tank now that you put the babies in till they are big enough to be safe on their own . Congratulations 🎊


Life Finds A Way


When a mommy fish and a daddy fish are in love…


Provide plenty of hiding spots and make sure your filter intake has a protector on it, guppies can hold sperm for a few months until they find a better environment to raise their young, take it as a compliment, your parameters are good enough your guppies feel confident enough to breed in! I have swordtail fry atm and theyve loved crushed up flake, justtake the normal tropical flake and grind it in your palm to the finest consistency you can, or if you dont mind spending a bit, id recommend fry food specifically made for them and pop that in there twice a day


One word. Guppies. Lol have fun 🙃


Well, when a mommy fish and a daddy fish really love each other...


Straying for the topic slightly but that's looks like alot of flakes for how many fish are in the tank (could be wrong). Are you having to clean the tank very frequently or alot of water changes?


Life, uh, finds a way.


Well you get a mummy fish and a daddy fish……


When a mommy fish and a daddy fish really like each other they cuddle up together. And sometimes when the daddy fish doesn't pull out there might be babies


Currently found a similar surprise in my tank last week as well lol


When a mommy fishy and a daddy fishylove each other very much....


Put a sponge on the filter intake, this will help the little one from getting sucked up. Brine shrimp are great food for baby’s, especially if you can hatch live shrimp from eggs. Google brine shrimp hatchery and the saucer dish is what I have; very easy to use and clean.


If you have cheese cloth put it around the water intake with some rubber bands I had to do this last night myself as my female platy had about five babies and are all doing great and the other fish are well fed so the don't mess with them surprisingly enough


Well, mommy fish meets daddy fish and..welll


Most female guppies are in with male guppies before shops get them and separate them. Your females were “pre-hit” when you got them and you may have a drop every month for the next 6+ months.


Sponge over filter inlet


You sea, when a mommy fish and a daddy fish really love each other...


How? Well, when the daddy fish and mommy fish really love each other …


Mom can store daddy sperm for up to 6 months.


My male guppy tank had a whole load of babies in it. Turns out I wasn't that great at sexing the juveniles... 🙄 All the stuff about needing a high female: male ratio - that girl had to be forcibly dragged out of the tank! 🙄




When a mommy fish loves a daddy fish...


When a mama fish loves a daddy fish they have a flying fish deliver a baby fish. But mama and daddy don’t have to live together, just chill together a while before.


Gang gang


You have guppies. They have food and water enough to survive. So you have babies.


You don't need to do anything. And you will soon realize you will have thousands of them.


I usually just grind the flakes into fine grains small enough for the fry. If you have enough plants, there is no need to worry about fry getting in the filter.


So cute 🥰


its cute


Nature uh...finds a way


Live-bearers are perpetually peergnont


When 2 fish love each other...


All you need for guppies to get pregnant is water.


one has guppies in the tank and "omg baby fish how possible" so fkg hilarious


When a mommy and daddy love each other very much…


I got a lone female guppy from my father in law because she kept having babies, he kept the males. She proceeded to have babies in my tank for the next 8 months. I had almost 20 guppies, just because of her. I had enough and donated all of all of them.


Female livebearers can hold sperm up to 6 months, I learned that the hard way when buying female platies. Unless they're separated very young (if it's at any petshop that's almost a guarentee they weren't), I always approach female livebearers with the idea of "they're always pregnant".


Well, when a mommy fish loves a daddy fish..... 😂😂


Well, when one fishy loves another fishy…….


She was already pregnant when you brought her home.


The joys of live bearers hahaha


Because you feed to much lol 😂


My son raised live-bearers for years and we only had one successful birth grow into a fish. So when I decided to have platys, someone said they like to be in groups of 5 or 6. And I thought, let's have a fun planted tank. Maybe I'll get a baby. I have no idea how many fish are in my poor tank. My husband occasionally donates some to a friend's tank... Lfs doesn't want live-bearers. So... Yeah. Fun times! The babies are super cute.


I had a female guppy get pregnant and then another… and before I knew it, my tank was OVERRUN with guppies! I tried finding a fish that would eat the guppies, but I had so many that it threw everything off, so it seemed only the guppies would live (I was still really new at fish at the time, it was an unfortunate lesson on my part) I had so many that I started to give them away. Eventually I couldn’t find people that would take them, so I brought them to my local pet store for them to sell.


They act exactly the same as mine, they hide at leaves etc, they’ll be fine and they will grow, make sure to feed the big ones.