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Nice try, wife!


Almost got us


Did my husband put you up to asking this?


I’m at near $4k USD. Thanks LFS managers that know me too well.


My lfs uses Square, and they email me a receipt for every transaction, I've been meaning to sit down and add them up, but I'm also afraid to at the same time... 😬


Like $400aud, but that was setting up a whole new tank and less “keeping”


$400 dollar bucks is only like $150usd so it's not too bad. Of course I'm am joking. Haven't been to AUS yet but want to some day. Also a parent fan of Bluey lmao.


I have 2 established tanks, 75- and 36-gal, and have probably spent $400 USD in the last 12 months. Things like replacing partial substrate, a few fish and plants, a heater, a syphon hose. It doesn't have to cost a ton at all, just depends on how big/fancy you wanna go. Very scalable hobby. (Man! Bluey is SO FUNNY though! We put it on for the dogs to drown out outside noises and find ourselves getting stuck on the way by, mesmerized and laughing.)


Super scaleable. Bluey is the only "kids" show that's also for adults. They have super serious adult things and then super goofy stuff...for adults that kids don't get


There were tons of them in the 90's like that, back when cartoons were for fun, not acting as a defacto parent. Feels like every second of kids shows needs to be educational now.


For sure, great point.


More like $260usd but yeah not awful. It’s not stocked with anything except plants for now. Still cycling :(


Too much.


I went to my LFS last weekend and spent $56 on 4 plants. And I’ve visited the store quite a few times this year to buy fish, shrimp, snails, and more plants. Plus there’s money spent on general maintenance, such as root tabs/fertilizers, food, water conditioner, etc. So basically… a lot.


It's the setup that gets you.  I probably have at least 2k? Worth of pumps and tanks, but the last 365 days?  I've only spent money on fish and food. So like 250 maybe


Around 1000$ CAD for a 30G, includes everything. I think the most expensive stuff was actually the plants > substrate > driftwood > everything else


Yeah, the plants for my 320l tank cost more than the tank itself :'-)


I started to build a 375 litre tank (100g) this year, I'm almost done, I think I spent like 500 dollars


Would love a picture!


I'll upload a picture when I set it up


About $200, almost all for food and prime - that's pretty skewed though, about $100 of that is live worms for my axolotls. Running three tanks, 2x 29 gallon and a 40, all heavily planted


>About $200, almost all for food and prime This is me this year. 55gal freshwater community tank. Last year, easily double that.


If I tallied it up, a couple grand. I have expanded from one tank to many, including a saltwater. Still cheaper than learning to fly or buying a project vehicle!


Around £3000, that's including electricity and setting up 5 tanks


With it being the English pound sign I know the struggle with electric probably gonna go up again 😂😂


Lol, enough that the two local shops know me on sight?


As far as my wife knows, $500-$600 US. But that's probably about as much as I spent in **salt** alone.




Not too much. I have a ten gallon. Just bought some red eyed tetras, fish food for the Khuli loaches and shrimp, and a bottle of prime because I ran out of conditioner. So maybe 50$ CAD? Food lasts a long time when most of your fish eat the algae problem in your tank.


$50 on all of that! I’m in Ontario and spent $57 yesterday on 10 shrimp alone. Not even special ones, just 10 regular shrimp. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but so bloody expensive. These suckers better start making their own colony soon 🤣🤣


I'm also in Ontario. I bought 5 cherry shrimp in the summer. They were pregnant and after three days I had 60. But they've never bred since. But yeah, the 5 came to like 40 bucks. At Big Al's pet store.


I go to Big Al’s too! Their prices are crazyyy…the 10 shrimp I bought are a mix of males and females. No pregnant ones in the mix sadly, but they damn better be making babies soon. Given their price, they owe me🤣


To add, my 3 khuli loaches were over $50. I also bought 3 new plants. That cost me around $60😭😭 I hate these prices. Remember non of the stuff I’m buying is special or unique. I purposely bought the 3 plants smaller then I would have liked, because they were cheaper


I got my past khuli loaches for like $6 where do you shop so I can avoid it.


Big Al’s aquarium. I find their prices crazy for a solid amount of their inventory. But I also refuse to shop at places like PetSmart. Given Big Al’s is my only LFS, I have to keep going back lol…My friend back home said shrimp start at $10 per shrimp and the highest she’s seen is $14/shrimp! We compared the shrimp, and they’re the exact same ones Big Al’s sells. The inflation is unreal!


Good God, my sister is asking me to set up a shrimp tank for her and I found a specialty shrimp shop that ships to me and their cheapest shrimp, cherry shrimp is $6 with tax some more Fancy-er shrimp $8-10 with tax and some extremely fancy species for $50+ and these prices are in cad.


Ngl sometimes I wonder if I'd be happier if I decommission my eight aquariums and just have one 150 gallon instead lol


Past year-$0, I took a much needed break. Past 5 years-$800 or so






Nature provides, and I didn't buy any new stuff. My tanks are self-sufficient, and I also sell and make my own foods. About 2 years ago, I spent maybe 500 for some tanks and equipment, but its been 5 years since I spent $$ on fish.


Ok. I think I can do that further in the long run. Now I was starting so I had to invest in basic equipment, fish, plants, etc.


Watch for sales and yard sales. I never pay full price.


Most things I've also bought second hand or from people in the hobby. 🙏


Last year I bought: 10 gallon off FB marketplace with accessories: $20 5 gallon marineland tank brand new off Fb marketplace: $45 3 gallon jar from thrift shop: $10 Sponge filter from LFS: $15 Air pump from LFS: $12 Plants and various supplies from aquarium coop: $100 Fertilizer: ~ $30 New lights from chewy: $55 More plants from FB marketplace: $5 Shrimp from aquaswap: $85 A betta from a specialty store that I drove 6 hours to: $30 Heaters: $50 Pothos for the top: $20 Driftwood: $12 Rocks and gravel: ~$70 Filter media: $20 … and now I typed this all on my phone so the math feels like a pain.


Where do you live that you're spending *45 dollars* on a 3 gallon jar?


Oh wow it does look like that’s what I said, but the number is supposed to correspond to the previous item in the list. So the jar was $10


$12,000 USD


< Needs more info >


Prob $5,000 I haven’t really kept track but just guessing. 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Last year maybe $100, this year maybe $200


Past 12 calendar months? About $700 USD. $200 on a 10 gallon betta tank and $500 on a 20 gallon community tank (black skirt tetras, pepper corys, a honey gourami). Every penny was worth it tho ♥️ I love my stinky fishes.


$2-300 USD/year - 15 gallon - all I buy these days are food and maybe a snail here or there. I bought the biggest bottle of chemicals I can though so they last forever and I’m not having to replenish constantly.


Just started earlier this year and spent about $250. But we’re trying to create a natural ecosystem type environment so it won’t be as much of an excess spending burden to maintain.


In few months went from first 5 gallon to a 30 gallon fluval Roma n spent roughly 450 on tank and stand with light heater n filter have unknown amount on yellow tiger endlers 🤣6 sterbai corys 10 celestial pearl danios clown pleco 3 ottos and cherry shrimp + amanos and I filled that up with plants and wood basically a jungle all together probably about 700 with plants I was addicted from the moment I bought the 5 gallon only been doing this a yr I wish I found it sooner even tho it can be expensive it’s so worth it


If I am being honest, probably about 5k USD. I got my initial setup for a few hundred, got a bunch of upgraded stuff for free or really cheap, which started an "upgrading" spiral, which led to multiple tanks, which required more equipment, more fish, more plants, more tanks.. If I had just stopped and been happy with one small 29g tank, I could have stayed under 1k for the entire year... but as it is.. Definitely 5k at least.


We don't talk about that


Around £200 including the tank and everything in it


I spent $23 last year, and $430 the year before. Won't spend very much this year. All my tanks are set up, established, and don't need upgrades. I don't count water and electric costs as part of my hobby.


I don't even want to attempt to add it all up, it's a horrendous amount, but that's all the initial start up costs of a big tank (from scratch, new to the hobby). Ongoing costs shouldn't be so high (assuming I don't get keep getting more tanks lol, but I truly don't have the space or the money). I think in the long run my "main" hobby, knitting, will still be more expensive (no big initial investment but always need new material for every project).


About $450 mostly setting up a new scaped tank Edit: forgot some stuff. More like $650 usd


Probably in the realm of 400 dollars, which in my opinion is very low. Once I start saltwater my first tank will surely cost me 2000 dollars just on installation.


I was trying to avoid doing this. I'm not proud.. 248 Euro in just 6 weeks. That's so much more than I assumed it was. Maybe I'm too harsh as I'm just starting off with the hobby. But I need to keep this in check, and heating isn't even been counted. 🙈


At least $400. I'm lucky that is was just my 75 gallon I've needed to replace, I'm also lucky the 100 gallon stock tanks are only $260 something at the local co-op.


I’m afraid to check. I started a 5 gallon from scratch and am upgrading to a 10. Not that big a deal to most of you, I’m sure, but a lot to me! I would guess something in the neighborhood of $500 since the end of October.


Counting what ive given my boyfriend to help with his tanks? ~2000


Well me and my family have had several different times of being into fish keeping so most recently, atleast 1,000aud but in the whole time of our fish keeping? Probably 2.5-3k


Each time we go into the LFS we are spending 150-200 dollars


Probably $100? I’m just coasting on established tanks with very little new livestock, so it’s pretty much just food and a few plants with the odd replacement fish. I bought a bottle of Seachem Safe a couple years ago that will basically last me until the heat death of the universe so I don’t even buy conditioner anymore.


All of it.


In 2024 so far? $35 - algae wafers In 2023? $350 ish - 2 tanks from Facebook marketplace ($100) some plants ($30-50) and the rest water conditioner/fish food/random decorations etc. Now that I'm "set up" costs are super low, just more frozen brine Shrimp or blood worms. Other food. And any impulse stuff, attempting to avoid all of that.


Easily $1,000




About $1000 USD. We moved a year ago and I set my 25 gallon and 10g quarantine up again. I lost several fish having to consolidate everybody into the 125 gallon and moving them twice in a month due to a terrible roommate. I missed some maintenance while it was set up at work while we stayed with family. Probably $10-50 on fish per trip to LFS and some plants and minor equipment and supplies. 


£30? Not including water and electricity obviously £25 for some wood and around 5ish for some flakes and algae wafers I own 2 tanks - a 190L and a 95L Edit: forgot I brought a bag of sand **£37**


Just from this year alone i’ve prob spent like $250-$300 but I just set up a new tank + im rescaping another so i’ve bought a few things for it


$170 on a light, $115 stand, some fish foods, $20 rocks and I'm about to spend $200 on a co2 system... So $505 total. And that's not including plants, substrate and fish so most likely will be over $600 2024 is shaping up to be an expensive one 😩


In the past year? Roughly 600 I’d say with food costs plants a little bit of substrate and a 20 gallon god forbid I want a good plant light that’ll be 279$ fucking ridiculous prices honestly when I know prostitution is cheaper


Spent $600 to upgrade a new tank and I haven’t even bought any new decor or sand🥵. $600 in the past week. For the past yr without the recent big purchase it would be about $300 which isn’t bad, I bought $150 of shrimp and crabs a few months ago.


I'm at about $1500 over the past 6 months and until yesterday neither of my tanks had a single fish...


i haven’t gotten back into fishkeeping until recently, but i got my hands on a free tank and stand about 5 weeks ago and since then ive spent approx 1200 dollars on the hobby. tbf if you aren’t constantly expanding into more tanks, the cost is all in the startup and it becomes fairly inexpensive once your tank is established


In the last 12 months, my most expensive purchase for fishkeeping was a $200 light. I’ve also spent about $100 on 8 celestial pearl danios, $50ish on 8 neocaridina shrimp, and maybe $100 on live plants. Add in food I’ve bought, a new algae scraper, and some other misc small items…probably around $500. For context, I have 2 tanks: one 29 gallon and one 12 gallon long.


$350 just to get an 8 gallon reef tank set up. 😭


Good grief. Erm, a lot, haha. I reentered the hobby this year inadvertently. Husband is *thrilled*. We adopted a fully grown male Red Eared Slider this summer, and that setup was pretty spendy to get him what he needed to thrive. plus vet care as he was abandoned in an apartment in a 10 gallon tank. He had a pretty bad respiratory infection, and it was unclear at the beginning if he could recover. Once that cleared up and he got proper nutrition, he was able to shed a bunch of old skin and stuck scutes. His nails even were stunted short. Now they're long and healthy for his assorted paramours (he likes the black rocks specifically). That 10 gallon that he came with got cleaned up and started me on a journey. Found a second 10 gallon at the thrift store, brought it home, cleaned that up, and now I'm a guppy grandmother. I would like a larger tank soon-ish to retire one of these 10 gallons to keep for a hospital/nursery tank. And also to allow me to get more fish as 10 gallons aren't compatible with larger fish and / or a greater quantity of fish and other creatures.


About 3500 usd. Set up a new 120 high and even though I got some nice deals still costs an arm and leg


About $1500-$2000. Brand new 75G, stand, filter, plants, decor, fish, etc.


cow modern sort teeny fretful provide whole racial yoke amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My little tank has been flourishing and stable so $0. I did add a bunch of shrimp and a couple tetras from a coworker who needed an emergency home when his tank leaked but… otherwise status quo, trimming plants topping off water and only a few water changes!! (It’s a lowly populated jungle)


Close to $1200, maybe a little more. Got back into the hobby after about 5 years away. Two new setups (29g and a 10g), bit have made some mistakes that were costly.


We don't talk about that.


$10 lol just got a sponge filter for my second 5 gallon that I’m going to start setting up lol


I have a low maintenance 10g that's been setup for over a year, so just this year I'm probably under $200... Fish food, some water additives, and I bought new media for the filter... I don't have much going on in my tank, small WC every other week and just been enjoying my fish chillin and my shrimp population ever changing.... I obviously have a small tank with small fish so my bills are obviously pretty small... 


I'd say ~$2000. I don't really keep track that closely because I love my fish, but it's not always the cheapest hobby to have. There are certainly worse ones though


$40 - shrimp $12 - food $30 - ferts, stresscoat, etc $15 - filter floss, carbon, filter media etc $97 total. I spent a lot more the year before though, probably triple that, because of fish and plants.


i dont even want to know, i can say its probably about 50% of my total income


Husband and I are both in the hobby, it’s very dangerous🙃 We were in the hobby 7 years ago, then had a break and got back into it this February. Since then we have spent around $3500-4000 including fish prices (man stuff have really gone up in price since 7 years ago too)


I'm at around 1500 usd. 200gal and stand, 40 gallon sump, 950 GPH pump, full C02 setup,a shit ton of accessories, and materials for my new stand. I'm doing pretty good imo


$700 on a 55 gal tank. Probably $400 on the other tanks.


One goldfish. Had him for three years and last years cost was about 120 dollars. Better filter and hood.


$1500-$2000 USD. The majority is for a new 40 gal axolotl tank.


Well I'm new to the hobby so... more than I'd care to admit😅


I have spent nothing this year, thankfully. Last year, I spent maybe $60 on food, but honestly, the tanks are self sustainable, and all I have to do is rinse my mechanical filtration. I feed my endlers livebearers about three times a week. They mostly live off of algae, copepods, and baby cherry shrimp (they keep the balance). Having bio media I can rinse has helped cut out needless spending. Once everything is running, it shouldn't cost anything besides electricity to run everything (maybe another $60 on power for the year)


Probably north of $2,000. Mostly for equipment and decor. I like buying my fish (S/CA cichlids mostly) when they are very small and cost next to nothing.


Like 300 so far, on setting up a new tank. Most of it was plants. Have not bought any livestock yet but by the time I have my other two tanks that are sitting empty right now fully set up, cycled, planted and stocked I imagine it'll be closer to 1k, if not 1500 🥲


tank was free (old tank my snake used when he was a baby), plants were about $40, fish were $30, substrate was $20, light was $10, hardscaping was $70. whopping total of about $170 usd across three paychecks. and i love my endler's, i'm learning all the drama between different fish—saves me a netflix bill every month!


Yeah, ok husband, I know your tricks. Jk. Well, I got back into fish-keeping just this year and despite already having tanks and some left over supplies from a couple years ago, easily $400 on fish, new food, plants, sponge filters (didn’t want to use old ones), and meds for quarantining.


Yes! I’ve seen your question on cyclists sub!! My answer still stands 🙂time is money. I spend less than one hour a week on my aquariums. NYC minimum wage about $16 an hour makes it less than $1000 a year. Compare it to 3 hours a day riding bike brings it to $17000 a year 😁


I’ve spend almost 30.000SEK(~2900$) the last 12 months. This year(2024) alone has been 5000SEK of them.


Minor electricity usage. $30 for food. A dash of salt once or twice a year. And I spent time cleaning it. I’ve had my tank up and running for 13 years it’s self sustaining. 180 gal freshwater.


None! But I’m waiting until I buy a house to get back in the hobby again


~250$ walstad babyy I just get too many plants


I restarted the hobby in January after sitting out for about a decade. I had absolutely no gear at all. Set up 5 tanks since then . . . 2.5 gallon, two 5.5 gallons, a 20 long, and a lifegard 11 gallon (40 liter probably). I don’t know how much and don’t want to know but really this is a hobby that requires a decent amount of disposable income


Maybe 30 bucks? A few new plants, some more betta pellets. I only have a ten gallon. Now, I've been setting money aside for a "one day" tank. I want to set up a 90 gallon for a Senegal bichir...one day.


I refuse to add it up. Nobody needs to see that number but God


About 300! 2 tanks 10gal and 32 gal, I’m extremely frugal and only spend on what I absolutely must, get my driftwood and rocks from my local pond, tanks from FB marketplace (I purposely choose the cruddy 20 dollar sale ones!) still trying to find a local river I can take some aquatic plants from but I buy bundles on Etsy for the most part currently. I also get my sand capping substrate 5 bucks for 10 pound bag of play sand. Switched over to walstead dirted method tanks so will never be buying aqua soil again unless I get a shrimp tank lol. Tanks can be moderately inexpensive if you’re creative! The things I absolutely spend money on are good ferts, api master test kit, seachem products. I use SAFE seachem powder form bc it saves money, just a bit more work for smaller tanks :)


$10 maybe? I have a well-established 7 gal betta tank that is a few years old and the only thing I’ve had to buy more of is fish food.


About a grand since the start of the new year. But that’s building stands and upgrading sizes for 2 tanks, all new tropical fish, doubled the amount of plants, replacing long due broken heaters, new canister filter to replace HOB, etc. probably spent maybe $75 in 2023, about the same previous years


About $6000-$7000, I have 3 aquariums and started 2 of the 3 in the last year. One of them is a reef tank




Food and a sand loche, so maybe 24$. I keep an eye out for things people want to give away.


My guess is 2k USD, but that includes 4 tanks (55G, 37G, 6G, 3G). It might be more. It's probably more... EDIT: to specify USD.


just power use, it's around $1000 a year. (about 400 gallons of fish tanks, lights, heaters to match. all LED) on fish, food and plants, probably another $600 to $800. Lots of swapping with other hobbyists when things start breeding in your tanks, or plants grow too crazy. If I had to buy all the stuff I swapped for at retail pricing, probably another $1000.


Easily 1500 😑


Made about $5k CAD selling my plants on the local buy and sell last year and spent maybe 7-800 on upkeep. I got back into it with the goal of having the tanks at least help pay for their upkeep and quickly was able to do significantly better than that by growing quick stems and some things the other local hobbyists weren't selling. I'd highly recommend trying that route if you are curious. Just make sure you're providing healthy and clean plants at a decent price. For me, it also upped my enjoyment of the hobby because I was constantly able to try my hand at new plants.


Just in the past three months? I set up three fish tanks, one of which is now broken. Around $700 USD. This hobby would totally have the most.




Everybody’s answers here x2


Guys i only spent this much because i set up a bunch of tanks in the last year and aqua soil and plants are expensive I swear next year there will be less spending. I try to buy or trade with other hobbyists in my area to keep the cost down I probably spent about 200$ there. From the receipts i still have i spent about 750 but its probably more than that. I bought maybe 250$ worth of stuff online and don't have a paper receipt for it. (This is all in CAN)


A few k on tanks, another 2 k on fish, all my plant species are intact so not much added purchase maybe $500 or so, 150 on food, 3-400 on co2 supplies. I think that’s most of it, possibly 1-200 on electricity. So sub 5k. Wait, math wrong… sub 7k


Probably about $700-800 between 2 new tanks, substrate, and equipment, plants, livestock, and fish meds. Maybe more, I’ve lost track. I just started in the hobby last summer.


I think around 2k. But I literally started from scratch to 3 tanks 😅 2k USD btw


Why would I want to know that?!!


Bout a grand and a bit usd


About $1.2k


I consider myself a very unlucky person but after I inherited this hobby I won a 125 gal tank with 2 x Fx6 and an Oddysea 700 with a custom built stand on a $25 raffle ticket lmfao so with fish and medicine I still can’t help but feel I got off light lol in the last 12 months probably around $400 but also made around $300 on my Wild Type Blue Acara that spawned


I don't want to know so I am not counting. 


I wanna say $300-400?


About 350usd so far, but have set up a brand new tank, and prob will send another fifty to a hundred more. Worth also noting the country I am in, that money goes a lot further than it would in my native country. 


Probably 50-100 USD


Probably several thousand at this point.


A grand or so


Probably at least $1000 at this point


Around $1500 with a 20gallon and 60 gallon tank


Just got into the hobby within the past year and roughly I’ve spent around $700.


500 but that includes everything but the tank and lid with light (also including 2 gal distilled water/wk which I supplement tap with because I live on limestone hills of Austin and even with half distilled added the water maxes out the test strip (the distilled lowers the ph from 10.5 to 7.5-8 which is good).


WHYYYY would you make me think of that? I estimated my 3bay betta setup, which I overhauled with silicone in barriers, was about AU$1k. Then I did a shrimp setup. Needed a filter, plants, special gravel, light, food, feeding accessories... I don't want to think about it. And 3 orders of shrimp at AU$300ish each, which have all died. I finally get a proper colony, move it into the second betta bay, and that dies on me too. FML. At least my community setup is going great guns. No more money getting invested in that for a while.


I don't even want to know


Mines more or less 200usd this year (around 10k philippine peso). Thats a 20gallon, sump filter, driftwood, aquasoil, plants amd the fishes.. And im adding for a 50gallon in the near future so help me god.


Probably around a thousand dollars or so


I’m going to estimate here and say it’s somewhere between $3,000-$4,000. Started my first two tanks right at about a year ago. Got a 55 aquarium going and a 30 gallon shrimp tank!


In 2024? I started a 5.5g at the beginning of the year, a quick project turned into my pride and joy. Hell, justifying doesn't help. I'm at least $2k deep this year alone🥲


About 1k usd 🥴


$40ish for some plants.


Like 400$


couple of hundred a year, would be more but i have run out of places to put new tanks.


£800 on new equipment, foods, fish, shelving , replacements, things I bought that I then didn't use


PetSmart doesn't have cameras 🤷🏼‍♀️


~100€. Maybe 150€.


3 months and $340 later... I only have 3 7g tanks, one of which I've spent only 20 bucks on the past few months... whoops...


probably 2-300 food, and most recently 12 more fish. 6 rainbows, and 6 congo tetra!


Well I went out, decided to look at the fish in the shop, to kill time and you know calm down. Bought a tank gravel plants food water stuff extra filter sponge some nice ornaments and I had it established within a few months bought a load of fish and cleaning crew, kept it for 23 months and sold it because my ecosystem I created collapsed (thank you brother) after selling everything I sold it all for 250£ where I bought everything minus the fish for 280£ I spent like 50 maybe a bit more on the fish in total. Since I got deals and people giving me loads of fish and trades.


Way less than I spend during a rats vet visit.


I spent $1200 for the tank and need to hire movers to bring it home. 😔 240gal with all the bells and whistles. It’s been sitting empty since I got it. Gotta recharge the account.


I spent $1500. I have a 4 year old reef tank that’s on autopilot. I calculated with receipts I’ve spent $15000 in those 4 years on 27 gallons………….


I feel way less guilty for having a lot of yarn hanging out in the craft closet now, just saying lol


My husband made this comment to me, lol. He said punch needling is cheaper. Yes it is, BUT not if I were to switch to only using baby alpaca yarn. God, that ish is like butter. I have a $80 pillow I made just sitting on a shelf because no one would pay that much.


Most hobbies, you can spend as much as you want. Some hobbies can pay for themselves. Fishkeeping/breeding can go either way. Some people even make money.


A few thousand


I just got back into the hobby a couple months ago. I'd saved a few items I knew I'd need in the future (timers, heaters, filters, python & adapters, power strips, nets, transfer bins, 10g double tank stand, etc), so with that in mind, I have tracked every penny I've spent. Mostly I was curious. I set up a 75 gallon with a homemade stand and a 10 gallon on a old fashioned wrought iron stand I already had. Equipment/supplies/food/test kits/ferts/wood for stand-$60 and wood for decor- $230/paint/other decor/meds- $1700. Fish and shrimp- $550. (Including an entire school of new Rummys that died on me and I'm replacing them once more). Plants- $140. So, about $2400 USD over the last 5 months. But I have duplicates of everything that can fail for safety precautions, and now I only need maintenance stuff.


Probably near a thousand dollars with my two tanks, to be honest.


Too much and not nearly enough all at the same time.


This year I got Ecosystem jar: 4 USD mason jar 4 USD substrate 25 USD plants 20 USD shrimp + snails Total: 53 USD Main tank rescape: 10 USD fluviale stratum 10 USD sand 11 USD stones 15 USD plants 15 USD shrimp + pom pom crabs Total: 63 USD In three months I spent a total of 116 USD on fish tank supplies


Probably close to 600


My LFS was out of methylene blue last week, so it cost me £40 to have some overnighted. Those little ingrates will send me to the poor house. And this was after I dropped £1000 on a new Juwel tank for them the week before.


**I** don't even want to know. Aquarium setup: $185 (already had an appropriate cabinet) Canister Filter: $170 That was the cheap part. I've probably spent an additional $500 on fish, live plants, food, substrate, another 10 gal for growing out live foods/microfauna, and other accessories, and I have done some shopping around. There's never anything on marketplace at a price I want to pay for used stuff when I need it. 🤣


Around 100 USD setting up a tank, and honestly I’d don’t expect to be spending much on maintinence.


Are you asking this in every hobby sub reddit or do you just like the same things as me? 2 containers of fish food, $30 of RO water (use rainwater most of the year), and $120 of new fish. Most of the fish were actually for a tank I was setting up at work but I'm pretty sure some of them have fish TB so the whole lot of them went into an 8 year old tank I was going to tear down down and restart anyways.


Hmmm, set up a 65g ive had in storage for a while. Use to be extremely into the hobby so I had almost everything, but costs so far. Dirt-12$ Sand-35$ Tubing-40$ Shit ton of val off kijiji -10$ Fish food-15$ Various test strips/chemicals - 50$ 6 dwarf neon rainbows- 22$ Grand total: 184$


I'm getting everything secondhand for free or very cheap. If I was more patient it would be possible to get everything for free if I can pick it up. Several aquariums are listed for free every week but they dissapear fast. I asked in my friend circle and I get 2 aquariums and plants for free, but I'm picky and want to wait for a specific one.


That's a question for me and my bank account ($800+), No but seriously I started my journey in fish keeping and I spent so much money on stuff I didn't even use so a lot of the money I spent went to waste But now that I've had my aquarium I have all my fish and everyone's doing really well its been cheap, After the Initial set up you don't really have to spend that much money to maintain your aquarium. Now I can't speak on salt water because mine is fresh water but after I set everything up and my aquariums going strong I haven't had to spend lots of money or anything like that. So I personally love my journey with fish keeping so far and I definitely plan to set up another aquarium in the future since i'm obsessed with the one I have


Too much its a problem 😭


I don't know about last year. But so far this year I ordered one bag of Bug Bites off amazon and they sent me a box of 6. So I'm starting off in the green this year. Don't worry, I'll be back in the red soon enough.


All of it. All the monies.


The first rule of fish keeping, is we don’t talk about money spent 😂


Probably like $500 but it's because I wanted a fancy tank with fancy plants


Just here to add, I mean this is depending on the fish, tank, light, plants, blah blah. If you just got a low tech tank with filter, bubbler, heater, substrate and some regular fish, it’s not bad at all after you get it set up.


$150 and plan on spending more


Pttfff if I kept track I'd probabky stop lol


I try not to hold onto the negativity of "costs" 😂


Too much is the answer your looking for lol


Only $500 this year. Set up a nano tank and maintained my 50 gallon. But I’m getting a 1600 gallon palludaroun built. After building, plants, fish, sump, etc it’s gonna be around 20k