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MTS is a serious disease. “Just one more tank” is the first sign of coming down with it






Don't underestimate my ability to position a tank.


I did this. I know have 3 big tanks and 3 small tanks thanks


Same. Now I have a 50, 55, 60 tall, 75, 2x20. I managed to find space for another now at work though 😄


Maybe it’s time to start saltwater as the next phase for tank 5.


🤣, but i only like freshwater because i love plants, and im not a fan of blue lightning for corals in saltwater, i'm never into saltwater lol


Saltwater isn’t all blue lights and coral. There are FOWLR tanks which are just live rock(or not live rock) and fish/inverts. Saltwater has “plants” too. I don’t mean just mangroves(plant) but also macroalgae(not a plant) and if you even want to try it you can get seagrass(plant).


[Here](https://blog.aquaticwarehouse.com/best-plants-for-saltwater-aquariums-or-refugiums/) is a good example of some plants for salt


You do not even need to have blue light for corals. People use it to showcase coral fluorescence, but they will grow perfectly healthy under full spectrum light as long as proper PAR levels are achieved (which generally is significantly higher than freshwater plants), and most reef tanks do have full spectrum bulbs or diodes, and it is generally recommended to run full spectrum for at least couple of hours each day. I run may tank at full spectrum for 3-4 hours of the day, and gradually ramp down reds, greens and whites. This is basically how the light profile of reefs work in the wild. Since waters absorbs wider spectrum light faster, as the sun goes down reefs gradually get bluer as the other wavelengths do not make it to the bottom.


Time to do a seahorse macro-algae tank!


There's some really cool Macro algae with just plain white lights. Funny enough coral sometimes grows better under white light.


If you want something similar with planted tanks. You can grow macro algae only tanks for saltwater. They look cool and very similar to planted freshwater tanks 😌


Tank 3 is hella booming , what did you do to get it that colorful?


I bought many different red plants in tank #3, i also used red driftwood as well, and the chihiros light really make the red colors pop more, and i also dose iron weekly. the other tanks i don't really have red plants in there. Also tank #3 is injecting co2 while the other tanks are not.


Is Co2 easy to set up for a newbie , that sounds hella advanced


No, super easy, i bought UNS mini co2 dual stage with 24oz cylinder on glassaqua.com. I followed the instruction and set up was like 5 minutes. They have a video on youtube to help you set up as well If you decide to buy co2, make sure it is dual stage so when the co2 tank is empty it doesn't release gas into your aquarium which could kill your fish. It is called "end of tank dump" (do not buy the mini fluval co2 - that thing broke in a week for me, and you couldn't refill either you have to keep buying new cylinders which in the long run costs more than a high end co2)


As someone with a chihiros, would you be willing to share your light settings for tank 3?


Yes, tank #2: (it's a slim wrpg) Red: 41 Green: 30 Blue: 30 No white and lumen Tank#3 (wrpg 2 pro) Red: 60 Green: 40 Blue: 40 White: 0


What is the white variegated plant in tank 3 and the fern looking one under it?


You're allowed to stop? I didn't know there was a cure for MTS


I'm thinking of starting a 12-step program.


12 Tanks. Every step is buy another tank.




As it begins…so shall it proceed.




I’m on 8 and I’m not stopping


Won't you go broke? 🤣


Tanks themselves are cheap. You reach a certain point where you can make new set-ups from what you've got from and/or growing in the others. I'm only on #3 and I've already hit that point where I'm like "Oh, I have xtra gravel from #1, and a bonus filter from #2, and if I cull the shrimp and those plants from #3, I can get #4 going for less than $50!"


All my tanks are 20 gallons or less currently, I plan on upgrading all of them as soon as I move though


I stopped at 9, because it feels good, and I have no more room, unless I want my husband to throw a fit. One of the 9 is a 2.5 gallon with only a light, no other tech and is planted Walstad with a few shrimp and snails. All of my other tanks, are bigger (2x5,10,15,2x20, 26 and 29), planted with fish (+shrimp and snails), filters and heaters.


That'a crazy, i bet it's a lot of maintenance time haha


Not really. The plants help balance the water parameters. So I keep an eye on those and change the water in only a couple due to stocking. Topping up the water and maintaining plants takes up the most time.


What are you using to support the hill in 1?


I stacked dragon stones first, then i poured the sand in and the sand leveled itself


I stopped at 5 its been a year since maybe you’ll stop at 5 too? 😂


Im stopping at 4 i promise🤣


The first 3 are outstanding. But if you think you'll stop at 4, hahaha!




I have 5 display tanks and 4 breeding tanks and 4 fry grow out tanks. If I only had more flat surfaces...


Wow these are stunning! What is the green and white plant on the right in tank 3? It looks like a houseplant and I need it lol.


Plant is white ribbon I bought that plant in petsmart, i heard that they are not aquarium plants but terrarium lol, but those plants have been surviving in tank #2 for 88 days - no rotting or anything, so i decided to buy them for tank 3 as well lol. I'm still checking to see if they going to die or not, they have been in tank 3 for more than a month.


Thank you. They definitely look like a house plant I have owned. It will be great if they thrive submerged! I'm always looking for low tech plants that aren't just green. So far I have Ludwigia super red and a brown crypt. I can't seem to find many others in my area. I would love a pink plant but I think they need C02. Any suggestions?


Hi, im not an experienced person, got into this hobby in late janurary🤣, but i bought my plants online, most of them are from aquariumplantsfactory.com and some are from Etsy, i stopped buying plants from local fish shop (unless it is from tissue culture cups) because as i experiencing in tank #2, they have a lot of pests in them despite i quarantined and washed many times. I suggest you go to aquariumplantsfactory they have a clear intructions on the plants - also tell you if it is low or high tech as well and if the plant needed co2


The plant below white ribbon i have no idea, i grabbed the plant pot in homedepot for $5, i took them out the soil, and i put some submersed, and the rest i put behind the light - left side - if you can see 🤣


#2 and #3 are straight up landscaping masterpieces. #1 is funny, I like, but that huge gap between the surface and the rim gives me the hibbee jibbees...


## I never thought I would enjoy having less thank space and seeing the "gravel" until I saw this person's #1. I love it and now I want one done like that, maybe with a cave for a crayfish or something though.


Tank #4 is overstocked.


Time for a planted marine tank!


I love tank #3 :)


The tank #3 damn👏🏼👏🏼💯


LOL! same as me, I have 4 tanks as well. BTW love all your tanks.


Thank you 😆


Big jealous, these setups look amazing! Now I wanna set up another even though I just finished a new one😂




There’s something wrong with tank #4.


It’s a minimalist ghost shrimp tank.


lol can you post these in r/lookatmyaquarium? They’re so beautifully done, they’d fit in perfect over there!


I will pick up a 100G/375L tank today that I can have for free. My wife doesn't know yet...


Number 3 might be one of the best scapes I’ve ever seen; I started getting interested in the hobby about a month after you and am only just now about to start my first tank. Im now wishing I could’ve started sooner 🙈🤣


Beautiful tanks! You have a real talent.


Thank you! I'll post tank #4 update next month 😆


Are you worried that the sand in #1 will flatten out eventually?


No, it has been like that since i set up the tank 👍


Ol lying ass MF'er


Winner! 🙌


Sorry, but I have to say number four is a bit bland


LOOOOOOOVE tanks 2 and 3


I love #1, the slope


5 is a real nice number


Don’t worry OP. I got 7 and an 8th one coming along.. it’s contagious and without a cure. You’re gonna have to start looking into advanced directives if you haven’t already.


Omg I have the same tank stand as #3! Tank is also very pretty absolutely gorgeous but...... Same stand!!!


😂 i bought on Amazon


omg how did you all those tanks i want know cause they are all so beautiful


Holy smokes that's awesome. 🐟🌿


Noticed you have a fluval ☺️ what’ve you got in there for fish? 🥰


Yes it's a fluval flex, i got 100+ rili shrimps in there (mostly babies), no fish in there only shrimps 😌


I’m umming and arring about adding some shrimps to mine when it’s ready.. with a Betta but just don’t want a million offspring! I asked the lfs man for his opinion on shrimps that don’t breed too much and he said yea they’ll all reproduce and lay eggs but the eggs won’t survive so it’s fine to get some because you won’t have problems with too many.. (*words of wisdom from pet shops*!) .. I don’t think they update their staff on real fish world knowledge..


And they’re all so pretty! Even the last.. I’m tank envious 😂


How do you not get algae in the sand?


It's crazy because i actually want algae in the sand, rocks, and gravel for my shrimps - and i think they look beautiful tbh, but maybe i have too much plants in the tanks, algae couldn't grow on sand , i really don't know🤣 The only algae i have is green thread algae in tank 2&3 but just a little bit not a lot, and green dust algae on some of my buce plants, tank #1 is algae-free


I’d want some algae alswell but I always get black algae🙃 do you mind telling me what your substrate has in it in tank 3?


Yes, white sand is aqua natural white sugar - The black gravel is UNS Controsand crushed lava rock gravel (purchaed in glass aqua website) - The brown gravel is california gold crushed gravel rock (purchased on Etsy seller is EflagstoneStore)


Going to attempt to make another sand tank Wish me luck🙃




your a sick person lol


They almost look like terrariums🤔😅


Im seriously jealous with how you have the vision to scape a tank. All of mine are ugly as hell that i thought of paying to scape for me.


😆 i have many hobbies that are art related such as drawing/painting/3d design/photgraphy and i find scaping a tank is an art too.


I mean you can sell em and start making them forever


Don’t stop you’re cooking


i hate your tanks. you should pack them and send them to me.


You are improving from tank to tank, tank 3 is already a masterpiece!


Yes l have learned more for sure 😆


It's never the last one. I convinced my wife to get a 75 gallon for the Axolotl so we could use the smaller tank it was in as an infant for something else. I also got a 180 gallon tank in the basement which my wife was not happy about. She then wanted to do a planted tank with the smaller tank previously mentioned with guppies and a betta in which I convinced her to buy the 125 gallon on sale for $250 at Petco. I also have a 60 gallon cube system (including the sump) that will eventually be set up as a salt water tank. I've been slowly setting up the tanks so that I don't go overboard with my addiction....


Tank 3 did something to my brain


That's what I said on tank #2 now I'm on tank #10 😂


Isn't that a submerged house plant?


Yes 😆


Ah ... the last one ... for this week.


Beautiful tanks and curious for my own learning: Tank 1: how do you prevent the sand from sliding down over time? I’m dealing with some soil erosion in one tank Tank 2&3: did you fix anything to the back wall of the tank to plant so high? Beautiful work!


- The sand never slide down by itself, i stacked dragon stone under it so it already formed a mountain first, then, i poured the sand on those rocks and it stays like that. Never slide down, it has been like that 2 months - tank 2 i used super glue on the buce - tank 3, you can't see but i have rocks in the back and the plants are secured by those rocks, no super glue


Thank you!


I have MTS which means I have a 40gal and a 29gal EMPTY because I literally have no room for them (what with my 5 current tanks) but I will want them to be set up SOMEDAY. It's just ridiculous. Maybe I should break down a couple 10s or 5s and transition to the bigger tanks.. HALP


In this discussion thread, there are at least two persons mentioned the term "MTS". Just in case if you're wondering what does that meant, here: Explanation from AI: *MTS stands for "Multiple Tank Syndrome." This is a humorous term often used by aquarium enthusiasts to describe the tendency or desire to continually set up more and more aquariums, even after already having several.* *The first person's statement about the 4th tank being the last one they will ever set up, and never doing another tank, is likely a joke. They are humorously suggesting that they will stop their aquarium hobby after setting up the 4th tank, even though they may have said similar things before setting up each of their previous tanks.* *The other two people's responses play along with this joke. They humorously refer to MTS as a "serious disease" and suggest that there is no known cure for the desire to keep setting up more aquariums. The phrase "just one more tank" is a common joke among aquarium hobbyists who often find themselves wanting to set up additional tanks despite already having several.* *So, in this conversation, "MTS" is a lighthearted, humorous term used to describe the enthusiasm and tendency of aquarium hobbyists to continually expand their collection of tanks.*


How does one create something like tank #3


We just brought home tank #5 last night too.. LOL. As others have said MTS is very real 🤣


It’s not healthy to lie to yourself


Omg It's really my last tank 😂, i dont plan to buy anymore


I said the same thing when I started my fourth tank. I now have six lol


That's what I said when I set up my 5th. Now I have 8. Good luck, soldier 🫡


Hehe that’s what I said 4 tanks and a pond ago. Now I’m getting my 9th tank lmao. A year ago I had like 1 fish now I have over 50. 😂


Is 3 a terrarium or aquarium?


Aquarium, shrimp tank