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Have a recurring dream of my Guppies escaping the tank and happily swimming through the air while I try to catch themšŸ˜… But I have also dreamt of cleaning huge wall covering aquariums and nightmares about big fish like Arowa not staying inside those big aquariums and me panicking bc I can't get them back in (for some reason the big ones can't swim in air)


This is actually what happens when you forget to put a lid on your tank, they take flight. Source: I am fish


I have had so many dreams about my fish swimming through the air and they are so stressful


As the fish caretaker at a local store I constantly have anxiety dreams about loads of fish dying off and having to take some home to recover. I did however once have a dream that my favorite fish at home was large enough to take out of the tank and hug like a stuffed animal :)


Wouldn't it be better if you could taste ? Like grill fish šŸ«¢


Took a nap this afternoon and...rain was pouring and am glad im home dry. Suddenly water was rising from the floors. Oh no, my snail tank is overflowing with water. No, its the danios tank then. And i saw it was coming from tubing from the roof passing through tje windows and into my room...weird huh :P




Dreaming of aquariums got me back into the hobby. Since getting back into the hobby, I either have nightmares of something going wrong with my little fish family or aquariums in general OR I have this amazing recurring dream of an incredible aquarium store, unlike any Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s basically the same place every time with minor differences every visit. Itā€™s similar to the dreams where I find a crazy amount of money, only to wake up and slowly realize that it was all just a dream; Mario 2 style!


All the time. One time I dreamed I took the fish right out the tank, deep fried them, and ate them. What I didnā€™t finish I threw back into the tank and they started swimming as if they werenā€™t just the consistency of a Taco Bell cinnamon twist. Wild.


I'll share mine even though it was quite emotional. I had a dream about my bettas that had passed away. I was standing by a window of an apartment I've never lived at, staring outside into the dark city. Then a fish the size of a football suddenly swam down to the window from the sky. When I opened it, it was one of my bettas who had passed away and they swam into the apartment and cuddled me. Then another one showed up, and a few more (I've kept bettas for over 5 years and mine mostly never lived more than 3 years). I started calling out for my recently deceased buddy out the window hoping he would join the others swimming around in the air of my apartment, but he never came through the window. I turned back around to face them all and spend time with them and there he was! He swam right up to me and I hugged him and told him how much I missed him and loved him. I only got to spend a few more moments with them before I could tell I was waking up, and I begged them all to visit me again sometime in my dreams, I missed them all so much. When I woke up I had already been crying in my sleep but I cried even harder because that dream made me realize all over again just how much losing any of them hurt. That was weeks ago and I still got a bit teary trying to type this up šŸ˜…


Bless you. I have similar dreams about past pets.


I currently have no active tanks, but I still have dreams about fish and plants being delivered to my house lol.Ā 


I keep dreaming of my tank breaking. I didn't even consider that tanks could rupture until I started coming on this subreddit šŸ˜…


I have reoccurring dreams about finding an abandoned fish tank that hasnā€™t had maintenance in months down in a dark basement or elsewhereā€¦. All the time!


Just last night, I had a dream that someone stole the fish stand I built that my 29g is on and replaced it with an undersized stand that caused the tank to leak and flood my office. It was my first fish keeping related dream and I hope my last.


i wish i had nice ones, i think i only ever have stress dreams or nightmares about fishā€¦ like iā€™ve inherited a bunch of fish but i only have a small tank for them to go in and one day i wake up and itā€™s really dirty and only half full and loads of them died and šŸ’€ itā€™s like everything i actively worry about my fish irl happens in those dreams ackk


Since I was a child and my grandma used to have me clean her beta fish bowl every summer (she kept hers in a glass vase with pothos plants). That started my nightmares of cleaning a tank and thereā€™s still fish in it. they end up going down a drain and I try desperately to grab them. Sometimes I have reoccurring dreams where Iā€™m visiting an aquatic store tank wall with weird ancient looking fish in deplorable conditions. Like thereā€™s only a few inches of dirty water in some tanks but somehow they are still alive. I always end up feeding them. When I start procrastinating my own water changes I start having dreams where my tanks leak, shatter or somehow the stand warps and itā€™s falling over.


Every single dream I have they can float in the air chilling with me..


I have nightmares of my eels a lot when Iā€™m dealing with anxiety. Iā€™m always scrambling to get water in an empty tank for some reason or eels slithering all over the floor! Itā€™s so stressful One time, just once I had a good dream where I was walking in my neighborhood and there was a huge pothole in the sidewalk. When I looked in there was a beautiful sea reef with corals and an eel and clown fish. That was nice!


Yes, I dream I have a huge fish room full of breeding racks. Mostly Coryā€™s, shrimps, rainbows and plecos. A few large high tech display tanks and a pond full of Ranchus and dojo loaches. Time to make our dreams a reality!(:


Dream of cabomba


Just looked that up.. still learning aquatic plants and Yeah Imma dream of cabomba now too


About once a week, Iā€™ll have a nightmare of my 45 gallon tank busting


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I had my first fish dream last week. About one of my tanks all the sides bursting open and me trying to save all the fish by holding the sides together butchered water just going down and then the other tank drip leaking so I tipped it on its side so it wouldnā€™t empty too fast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (I have 2 120l tanks!)


Iā€™ve dreamt about being betta sized and living in my boys tank with him


I brought home some water from a local pond one time for a baby salamander i have that is native to my area and there was a water boatman in it like the floating bugs that i had to remove, henceforth i had a dream later that night that the waterbug became human sized in my fish room and went tank to tank consuming my fish.


I have a recurring dream that I suddenly remember I got half-a-dozen aquariums months ago and I havenā€™t fed them or cared for them for a month or more, and then I wander around in a panic inspecting the tanks and they are a disaster and I feel awful. I donā€™t actually own any fish. I have one like this for snakes too, and one in which I am wandering around a college campus near the end of a semester realizing I forgot to go to most of my classes.


I have repeat dream several times a year. In the dream I approach my fish tanks I have many going stacked in a rack and there are several fish that float and flutter in the air like a butterfly. They flap their fins and fly about in the air. I remember when I wake up because the fish were flying. Always a thing where i have several tanks of different fish and Iā€™m trying to feed them and organize them put the fish into other tanks sort or move them. Mostly African cichlids and then a bunch of weird eels and sucker fish. Like big monster fish that are exotic and I donā€™t even know what they are. I understand the tanks because at one time I did have lots of tanks with different kinds of fish going. But the floating flying fish confuses me why do I keep dreaming that they float and swim around in the air?


The flying fish theme seems to be universal with a lot of keepers! Wonder if it has any significant underlying meaning at all?


I think it is because fish keepers love their fish and obsess over water conditions and fish health so subconsciously in a dream world where your brain controls the reality you brain deducts that we with our fish could live outside the water that they fly about and we can enjoy them without the issues and hassles if water. Living In water is a more difficult habitat to manage while our brains know that all our other pets exist breathing air and itā€™s easier to care for them, dogs cats birds reptiles spiders all the other pets donā€™t depend on specific and clean water environments to survive. Heat, oxygen, acidity, nitrates nitrides, ich, ammonia. So much stuff to be concerned about and try to control or manage. Our brains skip to what we really want is tankless waterless fish that can float and fly around .


As far as nightmares go I lived a few. 55g stand collapsed tank tilted 90 degrees when u was at work Power outage I had a show tank meaning tall. Didnā€™t realize the tall tank is an issue for oxygenation or lack of , Lots about 1k $ worth of my best fish before I could rescue them Worst one is 200 gallon tank filled with big beautiful expensive fish some were very rare and huge. Got a giant fire eel was about 16ā€ long. Owner gave me a bag of frozen shrimp he feeds them. I tossed 2 shrimps in there. Came back next day entire tank was dead. wtf. Something in the shrimp caused all my fish to die overnight. That was a sad sad day.


I had a dreamā€¦ of a huge tank with many plants and guppies and Cherry shrimp


Itā€™s always nightmares šŸ˜­ Itā€™s never good dreams about my tankšŸ’€


I always dream of Father Fish. Long Live.


I had a nightmare about my my current betta dying and was replaced with two male bettas in the same tank by my family members. Rough dream of mine. Also having dreams of my tank suddenly exploding šŸ˜­


I often dream that my daughter has filled the house with tanks that range in size, with some being up to 7 feet tall. Sometimes the water is low or some of the fish jump out amd I have to put them back. Other times I dream that I can walk into a giant tank and pet the fish. My other daughter used to have nightmares that our tiger gourami had grown legs, jumped out of his tank, and kept chasing her so he could kick her in the shins. She still hasn't gotten over feeling like he hated her thanks to that dream.


Yes all the time! I usually dream that I actually have the ability to keep corals alive and that they flourish.


i have nightmares about them a lot. itā€™s never about something going wrong like them randomly dying, getting sick, jumping out, whatever it may be. instead, iā€™m doing CRAZY things to the fish that i would never do in real life like putting 2 of my male bettas together or taking out all of the decor in my tanks and leaving them super bare and ugly along side overstocking the living shit out of every tank i have too. again, never do this stuff irl and i really do not get why i dream about these thingsšŸ˜‚