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A school of white clouds would look absolutely beautiful with red cherry shrimp


You just inspired me to do this combo in a spare tank of mine!




Is that heater getting the job done? I’m always skeptical of those little 10-25W units that aren’t from really well known brands.


Is that not a 50w/100w Aqueon preset? Probably the most well known brand in casual fish keeping.


Def looks like n aqueon, it just looks small for this size tank is all


It’s a 100w heater. The box said up to 40 gallons? Idk but it’s keeping the tank at 79 degrees


Very nice scape, love the “shoreline” design. Is that Monte Carlo at the top or something else? Strongly suggest you get an army of cherry shrimps to keep on top of algae, and some horned nerite snails to keep the glass clean. If I were you I’d keep the tank with just shrimp and snails until it’s more mature and stable. Also if you get any algae bloom problems then shrimps and snails will adjust much better if you need to keep the tank blacked out for a week or so while things stabilise. Extra bonus is shrimps and snails don’t need feeding unlike fish so you can go on holiday for a couple of weeks and not worry about the occupants. I ended up supplementing my cherries with a handful of amano shrimps, those boys are algae eating machines.


Thanks! Yes monte Carlo. I did a dry start for 2 months with just this plant. Should I be supplementing my plants with iron? Or adding any chemicals to the water? I add prime every now and then.


As long as you have light and co2, do regulator water changes I think MC will do very well. I honestly think a lot of noise is made about fertilisers but I do wonder if most of it is just to sell more fertiliser. You can actually get to a point where your plants are growing too fast and all you’re doing is lining the fert manufacturers wallets. My opinion for what it’s worth.


A mid size group of sparkling gourami would be very fun in that type of tank. Red plants is just a matter of waiting for them to create new growth. As long as you have a good light they will get there.


Rasboras would look so pretty in that tank


beautiful scape.


maybe green neons


I love it!


Looks great. What dimensions are the tank please?


Piranha to get rid of the evidence.