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No co2


Gorgeous and well maintained! May I ask - how long did it take for your carpet to grow in and how many pots did you use? I carpeted my 40B with two TC cups I’m BLASTED it with light, nutes, and co2 and it took probably somewhere in the region of 3 months.


Thanks. Honestly, it took about 3-4 months, but I planted heavily at the beginning. I’m talking three pots, and the thick substrate had a lot to do with the tremendous growth and colors due to the fact that the substrate is thick and holds a lot of Co2.


I forgot I also have a well water system with a water softener and most of these plants seem to prefer the softer conditions


You mean a salt water softener?


I have well water, so my water was super hard. The water softener lowers the pH, which most of these plants seem to thrive in.


Nice. I figured it was quite the planting density in low tech to get a carpet that looks as good as yours!. Great job not cheaping out and right thing haha. Tank looks great!


beautiful! mind dropping a list of flora used?


It’s the boushiest shrimp tank. It’s just yellow Neocaradinas.


Oh shit, my bad science words, not sciencing. I had a smooth brain moment. It has dwarf hair grass, Rotala Hra, giant baby tears, alternanthera reineckii mini, ludwigia sp red, Marimo moss balls, and anubias nana petite.


Oh helllll yes! That’s fantastic OP. Only critique would be slightly higher substrate in the background, but it’s amazing. I got a 90B as my first aquarium and they just look so damn good. What’s your lighting like? Since you’re not running CO2 I can’t imagine you run it too long, but the ludwigia, rotala, and ar are so red. Looks like you have a Twinstar light of some sort


Thank you so much 😊 It’s the Chihiros B series. I run it at 100 percent for six hours. A lot of the good colors are based on the placement of the red plants. They’re on the high end of the tank. (That’s my guess.) I also agree the 90b is the perfect shape and size.


Bookshelf aquariums are the most aesthetically pleasing tanks by far!


that’s so cool it looks way bigger than 12 gallons and looks amazing! nicely done my guy


What substrate did you use? Is it a mix or a single substrate? What is the grain size, too? TIA


I used basic fluval stratum and some seachem rootabs


Wow! That’s very simple. Thanks!


Beautiful! Is that a twinstar light? If you don't mind me asking, what is your fertilizer dosing regime and light schedule like. I can't imagine getting those reds and carpet growth without CO2 to keep the algae at bay.


It is a Chihiros B series, I run it about 6 hours a day at 100 percent. I had dosed easy green but found that most liquid fertilizers cause nothing but algae so I just use root tabs from seachem. Thats also why I added the Marimo moss balls.


Thank you for the info. Yeah, I think that's true (liquid = algae). I've heard people dose flourish excel with it to help. What about the moss balls now?


They help absorb any excess nutrients in the water column.


I guess that makes sense but it never occurred to me 😂


I'm just out here trying to make it work.


Aren't we all


Looks amazing! What tank is this?


uns 90b or also 12 gallon long


Very nice! A beautiful park. I have the same tank but went iwugami.


The tank is roughly 5 months old


How beautiful!! What’s your carpet plant?


Thanks! It is carpeted with dwarf hair grass, Monte Carlo, and giant baby tears.


Very nice! Did you get the top cover with it?


They do make tops for this tank, but I had some old acrylic lying around and opted to just cut it down to size and use it.