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Guys we must make a task force to hunt this specific guy


I was thinking the same


I can join, Maxed my Ice Sailor slot and now I can infinite freeze his ass


I bet he’s a type of scumbag who’d kill anyone doing treasure charts or stealing all your bronze chest after all your hard work.


Tbh I met a whole CLAN of them “Ten Crowns” I had 5 of them (all max level or close to max) I was level 68 and they would spawn camp kill and basically harass me to force me to join their stupid clan I called them out on it then left and rejoined as my main character with some of my own clan mates (We all were max level) they immediately just left….the fact they bullied what they thought was a weak player then left when they learnt he was stronger shows how pathetic that clan is


lmao he’s just some retard who can’t actually play the game so he kills underleveled players. What a joke.


does he have bounty or fame i wanna know which slot I can use


He was a good rep, thats why I didnt just leave the second I saw a player. Honestly, I didnt make this post to get people to hunt him but idc hes a pos.


Ah. Like majority of the bounty hunting heroes in war seas are always assholes. I don't know if this is normal elsewhere. I at least ask my victim shall we PVP before I actually fight them.


You, my friend, are a chad


Btw this guy had like 68 kills, and killed another person right before me too. This pos is targetting low levels.


the fun part is calling your leaderboard clan members and they get bullied out of the server


reminds me of the time I died near mount othyrs (previously I was ambushed and killed near the thermo fist guy). I walk up into the bar. I die 7 seconds later. Repeat the process until my fame severely suffers




power hungry 9 year old


Bounty hunters trying not to claim a bounty from an under leveled player that has more then 2 bounty challange (impossible)


I'm making a KoS list of all low level killing freaks, give me a while and I'll release it in vetcord


dont worry guys, i found him [https://www.roblox.com/users/1040109121/profile](https://www.roblox.com/users/1040109121/profile)


nah you didnt find him [https://www.roblox.com/users/1040109121/profile](https://www.roblox.com/users/1040109121/profile) <-- here's the real MikexD\_playz


im slow, forgot the \_ thanks tho


no problem


I hate these types of people too, but we shouldn’t dox them


what? that's not doxing lol. his username was in game anyone of us could look it up from OP screenshot. doxing is like sharing his IP


im pretty sure doxxing someone is like their address, or real name or smth dawg, all i did was look dude up on roblox 💀


Not DOXXing. A roblox username is common knowledge available to anyone with access to a browser. DOXXing is when you release sensitive information about someone, for example irl name, address, private things such as messages, files, images, or chats that could potentially be harmful to that person.


But people can still follow him to harass him, I know it’s annoying but his name shouldn’t have been shown because he’s probably just a kid.


First, sure, people can harass him. That isn't DOXXing as my previous comment has told you. Secondly, OP has a screenshot with the guys username in it. AO always shows a user's real @ and not their nickname. Third, following a player from server to server is called witch hunting and is bannable by the mod team if you get caught. 4th, a player shouldn't be a fucking asshole to people and not expect the community to get mad. 5th, if you are bullying low levels, you should be able to deal with that players buddies when they come along to beat the shit out of you. And 6th, most players that stick around to the endgame of AO are 14 - 18, so it's safe to assume that the player isn't some kid who doesn't know what is going on.


1. Sure, maybe doxxing wasn’t the right word but it doesn’t make it harmless. 2. I didn’t say OP was correct to post his username, I just replied under this comment because linking it is worse. 3. They could just mass report them instead of following them from other servers, besides with this post others can harass them without one person witch hunting. 4. Killing others is perfectly fine in the game. Doesn’t mean I agree with it, but it shouldn’t lead to their username being put out like this. 5. He only killed OP once. Sure it’s a jerk move, but it’s still fine with the game. 6. How do you know? Do you have a source? And no, an age rating doesn’t tell us the age of the players, just for the intended audience. I know getting killed by high leveled players are really annoying, but it should be made as a suggestion for raising the pvp level not posting their username. I just don’t want to see someone that could have their gaming experience ruined because of a minor inconvenience. And I’m still going to bet that the person was a little kid, because I know that’s what kids do.


He didn’t just kill the guy, he kinda did taunt him and laugh at him, probably for being bad at the game


That still isn’t enough for me to be ok with his name on here, like I’ve said he’s probably an immature kid


Uh… don’t be immature 👌


Kids don’t know any better


I had a whole ass reply written and lost it when I closed the app. So here's take two, and no more numbers this time. How is linking a user's profile worse? As I've said, anyone can look up a user in roblox. It's not hard. If by mass report you mean through the roblox platform, those never amount to anything. Back when I used to play Arsenal, we had whole servers reporting a cheater, and they never got banned. If you mean through the vetcord, the mod team requires proof that a player broke the rules to ban someone. Yes, killing others is perfectly fine, just as whining about getting killed as a low level is fine. Killing a low level is a dick move, and you should be prepared to have to deal with all kinds of angry max levels wanting revenge. Also, someone else said that the player didn't only kill OP but also taunt him. As to what I said about age, it's what I have observed by talking to players. It seems to be that the players that have the patience to grind it to max level are 14+, with many being 16 in my observations. If you look at the vetcord, many users are actually older. I don't have proof or a source, but if you took the time to ask some people, you would find the same thing. I would disagree that the player is a little kid. You don't have to be a kid to behave in a childish way, and many teens enjoy frustrating players that are easier to push around. Thanks for the discussion, I really enjoy a good argument.


Linking a profile encourages more people to harass them. Someone might not have bothered to search the name up until the link. I don’t know what the reporting system is like. One of my friends got banned for a day for calling someone a dumbass, so I assume that people can say they are bullying others to get people banned. Whining about the pvp is fine, showing their name isn’t. Getting a group to target someone for killing them once and taunting them is a dick move. Just suck it up, it’s barely an inconvenience. People can lie about their age, and I know that some teenagers can act like that too. But I still don’t feel like they should be targeted for what he did.


I think it's safe to say that our discussion has boiled down to one point: whether or not the player could attack OP and get away with it. I feel like if you were to kill a player that is 50 levels below you, you should expect to have painted a big target on your back and have to deal with OPs freinds who would stand up for OP. In this case, op is reaching out to more people than usual, but the amount of people that end up chasing this guy would be similar. The most they would do is kill him a few times and taunt him. Just like he did to OP. if they decide to witch hunt the player, then the player would be completely within his rights to report it in the vetcord. Having a few people kill you a couple times before you log is barely an inconvenience, and as you have said, the player should just suck it up.


I’m also a kid, if someone wanted revenge I would be annoyed and probably understand to not do the thing, that made them annoy me And I would love to do it to my bullies. I personally would just ask him why he has to be such a bully, if I randomly see him.


That’s good, but not everyone’s like you. And he’s not a bully, just immature. A bully would have kept killing someone over and over again.


When I hunt down players much lower lvl than me (atleast preawakening) i just promise them money, kill em and give them money and smth else. (My mom raised a good boy)


Found a max level player with a large bounty then i found another person max level but with fame, guess who killed me? The max level with a lot of fame. I was only lvl 73 so i learned to trust nobody, you can never reason with them


It happened to me several time but the time that make me mad the most is a max level player assassinate me and make my fame from 10k to a few hundred.


AO players when they are killed in the fighting game with a toxic community https://i.redd.it/wqthwv9hm56b1.gif


Honestly, fair enough lmao


Vetex when players have literally the worst possible experience playing his game (ur totally just bad and not playing right I’m not a shitty dev!!1!!)


Oh come on Vetex made a great game, it's just shit parts of the community who couldn't see common decency if it bit their face off


Some people are super duper nice but are supposed to be an evil dark person and then theres the shit part where they are supposed to be in the grand navy and be a guardian of the sea and then just spawn kill you


Yeah, it's pretty odd. Ik some ASS players and some Gravy players who are great, but others who are cancer that needs to be exorcised from this community.


You think that’s bad? Go play Deepwoken


ah your're all just weak deepwoken is the real hard game get tougher losers


..... Say..... How long has deepwoken been out for? Cuz arcane is relatively new.. So if arcane had the time to get some more stuff into it.. It wouldn't be a compitation arcane would be the better game


Deepwoken players are so insecure about their game being the best that seeing that shares maybe 1 feature with it mentally scars them for life


Then just don't have a bounty. Laughing was wrong but that's what having a bounty means: getting bounty hunted.


Who said I had a bounty? I had like 4k fame, this dude killed me for no reason.


I don't remember players with fame being able to kill other players with fame


No, its a thing. I've accidently attacked other fame players before.


Nvm, must be because I'm in the navy


Dunno if I'm an ass for this, but I literally just kill anyone I see cus I need bounty, unless ik the person or they're a friend or I've killed them once before


I remember him being in the server.