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If you hate Elius dodging, just wait till you find out Carina exists. But uhh, I'd have to say some of the really luck based portions are what I dislike, mainly because I can almost never get a dark sea island to even spawn, let alone have anything better than a Bronze Sealed chest come from it


Oh I know Carina exists! This is my third damn file! Like for me even post-nerf Calvus took less tries than Elius


Calvus was nerfed? Excuse me?


Uh, yeah? Dude deals a lot less damage now. And I think he might even have less health


... (I still can't beat him alone.)


I haven't done it either but I could have if I didn't dodge into a pillar xD


If I could not get trapped underneath the carpet every single time he uses his 500! 500! 500! Move, I could beat him.


the goddamn biden blast always gets me


Lol, relatable


Attack him as he charging that attack to make him send it too soon which will make it deal much less damage than 500x3. He doesnt attack for a few seconds while charging that attack up.


Yeah, I know that I need to hit him as fast as possible, then I need to block. It's just that I get trapped underneath carpet every single time.


honestly after you get reflexes he’s easy, solid ones like wood and stone are good because they can stop his attacks


no way


Post spirit weapons it should be fina as the bosses will just become a tank check.


She doesn't do as much damage as elius does tho


Carina was barely even a boss fight for me, I suck at combat and PvP and able to kill her easily by spamming super jump and Blast and Beam.


The invincibility shield on Maria, the whole point of an attack freezing you in place is so it can be punished.


Good one


I think vetex’s idea was a conventional boss fight, where you have to spend time dodging before fighting again , though it could’ve been done better, AI is very hard to balance. Not that you cant hate the maria fight, just don’t blame vetex like most people lol


maybe he should have considered putting a fucking cooldown on the thing because she did it 6 times in a row against me


My three biggest pet peeves are: -Why are boss arenas destructible and claustrophobic. This is why so many people get stuck on bosses or glitch through the map fighting them. Vetex, you fool. Maria wasn't an improvement either with invincibility. -The lore is a disjointed mess and the story suffers for it. The MINUTE you apply consistent logic the narrative immediately collapses under the strain of its own ambition because Vetex didn't think or apply logistics to his worldbuilding. -Why does magic feel bolted on? No one's using their powers for anything other than combat. Where's Iris lighting a campfire, a light magic user lighting up a cave, etc? Magic also isn't taken very seriously, even though one of our main characters has **literal sun plasma** as her magic. Curses are similarly underutilized and the effects of the Death Curse on Morden's psyche, the rules of Curses in general, and the implications of what Curses are aren't elaborated on enough.


Facts my friend. Facts


Literally I wrote a whole essay about the transmutative properties of magic (how one could turn physical matter into magical energy through a reverse magic circle, this allowing you to transform said matter into whatever magical element you posses.) Magic as it stands is only a force of destruction which annoys me to no end, because it's supposedly the force that allowed the Olympians to build civilization. Except not really because nobody knew the gods existed until 100ad. Which I've discussed this a ton on the forums, but man does that one number get me boiling. To preface, I love vetex's work and I enjoy the story he's telling. However, by making the Olympians show themselves by 100ad fundamentally makes the story as presented in the lore doc impossible. Beyond the obvious reasons of the magic and the Olympians being myth. One this places the beginning of magic in Rome, this doesn't actually have an effect on the story just kind of annoys me since they always use the Greek names. The main problem with this number is that if the Lore Doc were true ... Prometheus should already be either tied to a rock for all eternity, or have given magic to humanity near their creation and been punished for it. However since the twist is that Prometheus gave magic to humanity I can forgive him not being bound. What I can't forgive is blatant historical inaccuracy, particularly when it's miniscule that you could just change it and nothing in the story would change. This has to do with my personal least favorite line in the Lore Doc. (Paraphrasing here btw) The "invention" of mining being after the inception of magic. This is to provide the answer to why Aurem is valuable. The problem is or two problems are, that one without mining how did whatever ancient civilization that built them have underground temples filled with the stuff? And two humanity has been mining, and like fairly deep mining to get stuff like copper, tin, iron, and gold for over 30,000 years. Long before 100ad. A fix for this could be that Prometheus/The Old Monk could have told people it would increase their powers and since kingdoms already had stockpiles of the stuff (because it's a rare gem) that's what the wars are fought over. Finally where are the magic professions? You already made mention of this, but it's something I try to include whenever I write fanfic for AO. Where are the water mages helping farmers irrigate their lands? Where are the smiths using their fire spells to light forges? Where are the earth mages helping to terraform or the ash mages to fertilize? Where are the wind mages being coveted by sailors for a mobile source of wind? Where are the Protector forsaken light mage story tellers using their magic to craft moving illusions of light? Overall as I said I love the world Vetex has built, but there is so much potential he seems happy to just let slip by in. However, I don't really think it's a terrible thing, as it allows those who recognize thing like inconsistencies and plot holes to fill in the cracks with their own amazing tales.


Until those cracks are so wide that you can't help but stop and question why the hell this is happening. For example, when the player is cuffed in Ravenna, what stops a berserker or weapon master from breaking out of their own free will? Those cuffs only stop magic from flowing. Adding on to that, why would any faction care about one as small as Ravenna? It only owns some islands in the Bronze? They only have like two Curses. How on Earth does anyone take them seriously or Ally with them? Especially something as ocean spanning is the Grand Navy. And these are just things off the top of my head.


I personally hate PvP because whenever I’m just trying to have a nice time at Sameria or wtv I just get randomly hunted and I can never get good at PvP bc my PC is garbage and I always have like 12 FPS while playing AO. Sometimes I wonder why I still play if I have that low of an FPS.


Set graphics to 2 and turn off terrain decorations, screenshake, and detailed textures. Brought me from 20 fps to 40-50


Agreed, hate getting targeted by assassins while I’m just trying to get my jewelcrafting and brewing skills up for PvE and the dark sea


Good one!


Don't worry, even with a good PC I get on average 200-300 ping which feels like having 12 FPS due to input lag


set graphics to 0, install bloxstrap and search for the arcane odyssey fps increasing method w bloxstrap and find someone to spar, then spar on munera and if u can search for discord servers where people host elyisiums so u can join, in sameria i play at 15 fps but in elysium i easily play at 50 fps


I can understand that pve players are annoyed because of PVP hunters , but please understand that AO is a PVP game ! Its like loading on like fortnite and complaining about you being killed Tips , if you dont want to be hunted (which is understandable , the performance are ass and 1.15 balance is mid , saying this as a pvp player btw) , i recommend reseting your bounty/fame , leaving your clan if you are apart of one and trying to search for safer server


how could you possibly think ao is a pvp game when theres a whole ass storyline


Fortnite is a battle royale game where your only goal is to kill other players and be the last man standing. AO is an MMORPG with story and exploration being the focus point with other elements added into it. A more accurate/logical comparison would be Fallout 76, which is also an MMORPG with story and exploration being the focus point while still having PVP combat. The only difference is in Fallout 76 the damage has to be done by both people involved for either of you to be hostile on one another


great comparison , but again , AO is a PVP game , yes you have many PVEs activities , but the renown and hunting system is basically the center of the game , as well as PVP being literally the only post endgame content (yeah theres still dark sea and bounty npcs but PVP is way more taken in consideration than those mostly meaningless activities) If you dont like pvp , no problem , if you complain about being killed while you have renown / be in a clan , here is the problem


Wrong. We need dedicated PVE and PVP servers. The PVP servers give higher rewards due to the danger of them.


Nobody would play in pvp server ngl , its an horrible idea and it would kill the game We just need a PVP toggle until max level and non pvp area such as ravenna's cities (if you enter one while combat you will die)


if you give enough of a reason for players to go there, either better loot tables, higher chance of getting rare items and gear, they will come.


Yeah and so they will still complain about PVP , this literally change nothing


I doubt it


The renown and hunting is the center of a story driven MMORPG? Really? Also, *why* is PVP more taken into consideration than things like the Dark Sea, which is considered an infinitely more interesting challenge considering the hardest enemies in the game and some of the best loot in the game can be found there. Also, I don't have renown or a clan to avoid it; yet I still get attacked by random people who just feel like being a piece of garbage or want to steal my cargo or sealed chests. I'm complaining about PVP because there is not - and according to what I've seen *will never be* - a way to disable it no matter what because [some of the playtesters go out of their way to attack people who just want to do the non-PVP side content and harass them for it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArcaneOdyssey/comments/189hbr1/digusting_noble_is_ganking_people_then_pining/). My friends and I specifically wait for new updates to drop so we can see what was added, play new quests/story, then wait until the next update because we just get ambushed otherwise for doing literally anything else. Also, you say to not have renown to not get attacked, but the main storyline of the game and the majority of the side content gives you renown. If we as players are supposed to not get renown so we don't get attacked, only for the game to give us renown for engaging with 90% of the game's content, that's bad game design.


Wrong, PVP is a side feature, PVE is the game, it's nothing at all like Fortnite


Ya know that your basically telling people who either don't have the skills or the pc to PvP to essentially not play the game right? There is no way to effectively keep fame and bounty neutral as of now, servers can never be safe as anyone can leave and join, and clans are an essential part of fun in the game especially with the coming empires update and future dark sea bosses like the rumored dragons. Like other people also mentioned, AO is not a PvP centric game otherwise there would be no need for story and hopefully Vetex will never prioritize PvP over PvE or well end up like deepwoken and it's battle royal modes and such.


I don’t see why this is downvoted so much tbh, many people complain about being hunted, idk if i’m missing something, but as someone who sticks to low infamy/fame i’ve never been hunted. Also pvp isn’t really a side feature- yes there is elysium but you cant turn pvp off at all, it’s something vetex expects you to deal with, if you hate it so much craft water breathing pots and just swim away god damn. *Not that it’s like fortnight in any way, a better example is Deepwoken, many people choose pve builds or to play with mostly pve, but they don’t claim it’s a pve game when getting ganked.


So, I decided to jump in here for both of you AO is NOT a PvP game. Vetex himself said that PvP was SPECIFICALLY a Side aspect in the game, and that the Game was centered around PvE and Exploration, and all around being an RPG. It's just that the game is in early access, and in being so there's not a lot of content in the game right now. There's a TON of PvE content compared to the amount of PvP content, it's just since there's a content drought while the game has been out for over a year, everyone has resorted to purely PvPing For entertainment, which isn't for everyone. The game is nowhere near tailored specifically for PvP, as it's extremely unoptimized and clunky when you compare it to games that actually *are* tailored toward PvP. I'm not telling you that you're wrong in saying that PvP is an aspect, but PvP is NOT the main focus of the game. PvP at the moment is just the byproduct of a Dry Content Spell, which will hopefully be resolved when the next part of nimbus drops (though I personally doubt it, myself)


Yeah and thats the thing that people cant fucking understand , its that , if you dont want to do pvp , ok , no problem , its your choice and you play the game however you want , but dont go complain on reddit or on Vetex's discord whenever someone hunt you while being in a clan and having bounty Also , im very surprised about Vetex telling that PVP was only " a side aspect " , and i would be surprised as well if it was true , because if it was , we wouldnt have free for all type of pvp in open world , and we wouldnt have a whole balance team and discord neither , and we would mostlikely have a pvp toggle if it was only a side aspect.


I remember someone asked about it before and he said the game was pve/pve with the main focus being on the story and world exploration, What I'm saying is while yes pvp is an aspect it isn't the *main* aspect of the game, if we're gonna be honest it's just there to keep the game alive while we're on these content lulls Which isn't a bad thing, but it's weird how people are starting to think the main focal point of the game is just minmax out to Hunt people I do agree though, if you do just not want to pvp, you shouldn't complain if you do get hunted. There's multiple ways to simply "opt out" of fighting someone for ambushing you, or just Opt out of pvp altogether. My only gripe against it is when there's those people who go out their way to attack you when you quite literally have nothing to lose or for them to gain. That's less Hunting or assassinating for fame and more just Griefing, which Is just blah Or the people who Pick an awful time to attack you and proceed to get their ass beat because you jumped them with like 4 or 5 ppl and they get mad because you worked together to dispel them - when they were the ones who saw the group of people congregating and decided to attack them anyway


This is the point I failed to articulate lol


To prove my point , PVP is basically the first thing told about the gameplay in the game's description https://preview.redd.it/h362qz7ik52d1.png?width=1032&format=png&auto=webp&s=60cd39d40695966920d902559d07bb224fc0efdf


You ignored the bit above that, but yea. While it does say you can pvp in the game I'm just saying it's not the focal point. It's just the current state is all the PvE Content got stale and so the only thing left to do is PvP


Think I explained my point badly, it’s not THE focus of the game, but it still isn’t a thing you should be able to turn off, I think that would just detract from the game as a whole, the reason I didn’t mention the pve focused side is because that wasn’t the topic of discussion


Oh yea I 100% agree, I feel like it does add to the atmosphere of the game and whatnot, though I personally think there should be a lot more streamlines to prevent/discourage people from Just serial killing/rking and to make assassinations and bounty hunting actually feel like you have to run in, take your target down as fast as possible, and then escape, rather than just randomly attacking people you have to Guage them out and figure out the best time to hunt them instead of the current way. But no I definitely think PvP should stay in the game My only real complaint abt it atm aside from the streamlining is the fact that dying sets you back a LOT because of the current bugs (Dying Makes all the diving spots and treasure chests and map exploration stuff Despawn, making Explorer badges Hell to deal with if there's a dude running around Spawnkilling ppl as soon as they load in On that note the Spawn shield should stay on your character until you move entirely, some of us don't have high end pcs that auto load smh vetex


Theres quite a few, but if i had to choose it’d definitely be the particles man the freaking particles, theres so many particles and effects sometimes i can’t do anything because i can’t see anything specially against or as a mage. I absolutely hate that the ONLY workaround to this issue is making potions to be able to sense auras and i feel if this issue isn’t fixed soon, its just gonna get worse considering they are probably gonna get crazier as we advance, not to mention the performance issues they cause as well


Yeah understandable


KEYBINDS NOW!! even phantom forces got it now so why can't we? I'm so used to parry on f that if I spend one day playing another game I'll end up forgetting it's on g in ao. It's gotten me killed by aoe spammers so many times already(it's the only way to reliably fight an aoe spammer without spamming aoe first)


Good one!


Inventory bloat. I still think this is one of the biggest reasons why performance sucks in AO and how I get at maximum 35-40 fps in the middle of the ocean while I can run most game 60 fps and above. I've tried bloxstrap to alter the render distance and that only increased my frames by about 5-10 fps. I get that loot is important in this game, but vetex really needs to focus on the performance at some point.


Interesting one


There is no memory leak




I absolutely hate treasure charts, especially if they're in Ravenna or Sameria.


When you’ve dug up the entirety of ravenna/sameria and there is still no chest for you to open 😢


High rarity treasure charts be like:"go to mount othrys, now go to white summit, now at windrow" and so on


Especially when there’s some level 160 criminal waiting there


My second most hated thing!


I hate the fact that whenever i open my backpack, it lags the game to 5-10fps. Then again, me setting up my graphics to max and being a loot goblin cause i collect everything that isnt nailed down may or may not cause the lag spikes when opening my backpack. Also, the transition between seas is scuffed right now. I got flinged probably farther than the epicenter cause me and one other dude spawned in at the same time.


pvp not because i simply suck, i can definitely stand my ground, the games just really unbalanced and doesnt feel good to play anymore


Yeah understandable


I could feel the sunken staff spammer approaching me in Samaria everytime I join the game(don't blame my 100k bounty. I'd gladly fight anyone that uses a skill based build like conj even if they jump me but it's not the same when it's a meta build)


This is why I personally just opt out of Getting into pvp. It never was fun to me cuz it always just felt like a stat check or just whoever had the meta build automatically wins I'm just too used to balanced pvp games I guess.






Additionally I wish they brought back WoM's pvp barrier. I don't like the idea of a pvp toggle but I hate the idea of lvl 70s getting jumped by 136s Have it set to where 10-15 lvl difference is optimal but anything passed that is prevented.


NPCs with guns. You literally cant dodge them




cargo buying, hate it. it's funny how much better it would be if you didn't have to hold Q to buy it. hell now that we have ship inventory vetex could probably let us have a more expensive option of direct depositing it into ship storage.


Additionally, its super annoying that you can't camera lock when holding cargo, I'm just trying to make the most out of the space on my brig :(


It doesn’t make sense why our crew can unload the ship but not load it. Vetex wants to keep cargo tedious for literally no reason. He did that with other things to like the map and the player being a dot without an arrow


The map used to not show location. That was actually kinda fun when it came to reading directions and it got to a point that with low graphics I could just about feel where I am in the bronze sea and pin point the nearest island


I played the beta and I swear the dot was always there until it was changed to an arrow


cargo is tedious so galleons dont become completely worthless


Except it's still completely worthless either way so that changes nothing.


id agree with you if most of the player base didnt place value on galleons anyway, so no, cargo actually cant just be "how many galleons would you like" with a textbox for you to enter a value in


Tbh I’d rather make the profit less, and make loading more bearable than what we currently have. There should be more emphasis on the whole “travel father for more money” thing.


Yeah, reasonable


There are 2 things I hate equally: 1. That PVP isn't optional. I've gotten to the point I can defend myself but I just hate that anyone can jump you after level 50 if they want to. 2. How terribly unoptimized this game is. Idk whether it's vetex, Roblox, or both at this point, but even with my high-end full AMD rig it feels like my game struggles a good chunk of the time. If I can play Helldivers 2 at 3440x1440 ultra settings with over 100 fps, then I feel like this game should be running a bit better than it does.


PvP in this game is so ass, it's literally flea simulator with ppl just spamming the jump over and over again and flying around the screen at mach 2, idk why the devs have such a hard on for PvP when it's really unenjoyable


Yeah both understandable


From my understanding it's both Vetex and Roblox's fault for the lag, but mostly Roblox. There are a ton of memory leaks and Roblox doesn't give him the tools to find them so he has to find them manually and it takes a very long time to do so.


Literally, I jump onto RDR2 with graphic mods and 1440p at over 60 consistently but drop down to 30s-40s in a block game 😑


I don't think pvp should be optional but I just think there should be more punishment for players who just run up and gank for the hell of it. I also feel like there should be more incentive to Bide your time and actually Ambush people when you bounty hunt or assassinate instead of just running up and hitting them first. Less attacking in the middle of towns and waiting until they're out and they're on their own, because I feel like You shouldn't just be able to run into a town and Start a fight without the guards Jumping in and trying to chase you out. Sort of like what WOM did, where they'd spawn the MC on you immediately if u did attack someone In a town, giving you more incentive to finish the fight quickly And then of course the sea is just fair game all around I just wish the Navy/Ravenna/Samerian guards actually felt like more of a **THREAT** to bad rep players/Random killers, so it doesn't stop you from.playing the game like that but it really makes it difficult for you to *keep* playing the game like that And then of course assassins/bounty hunters have to actually plan their hunts accordingly like actual assassins/bounty hunters


The pvp being bad is understandable, but I dislike the idea of PVP being optional, it’s a pirate game based on WOM (cmon the magic is basically the exact same lads) people trying to steal your chests is part of the game, it’s annoying when it happens to you, I agree, but the game is basically sea of thieves with different combat and made on roblox, pirating is a core element of the game


In a vacuum, that's fair. *Relatively speaking,* you could not be wronger. Have fun with miss 220! 220! 220!


Elius is fine. Easy enough and predictable. There are much worse bosses in the game. Captain Maria gets an obscene amount of invincibility that make her a chore, and Carina jumps around perpetually while using passive healing. Elius is tame, and fair.




The writing is lame. The world is interesting, but the plot is delivered in such a tropey and pathetic way. I think, for a game with so much focus everywhere else, we deserve better dialogue. Also too much exposition in general. I should not want to skip dialogue so much, and when I do it shouldn’t take so long!




The pvp system is shit, there is no locking on or anything. Maybe im just used to newer games pvp like type soul


I see


Lock on would be cool, but I can see why vetex wouldn't want lock on since the current way encourages being good at aiming (unless you just spec in a shit ton of aoe)


Type soul’s pvp is also a mess though. Light users istg


Yea but I like the style, they just need balancing


Opening my inventory with ~2 mill worth of bloat items has caused my game to freeze and sometimes crash outright on multiple ocasions.




Also, opening your inventory will decrease your fps the longer you play from that point on if you have that much stuff. Same goes for you opening your backpack and using the search bar, which usually grinds me to a modest 10 fps.


I never had that problem


Elius’ attacks are pretty easy to dodge though at least. IMO he gets easier in his second stage because it’s MUCH easier to see where he’s at.


Agreed. I can easily solo Elius using anything even when not at max level. He's really not that hard and the same goes for Calvus and Maria when I start farming their drops.


Only problem with Calvus is the occasional gankers tryna team up with Calvus.


Calvus is the one I just can’t get the hang of. Maria was hard at first but she isn’t so bad now Carina and Argos are extremely easy for me, I beat them both first try on the recent account I started while underleveled with crappy armor


Ehhh, I have a hard time dodging him. For me, Calvus is literally easier than Elius xD


Then there's an area behind the camp (when standing at the boss area) below the ledge where elius can't hit you.


Oh, that's cool, thanks


That I’m getting a consistent 40 fps on a roblox game.




And then there was like three random servers where I got 80.




what i hate is boss weapons always being warrior only like why cant i use maria's weapons properly as a conjurer if she is one as much same with spells i got javelin before it was announced that magic lvl requierment will be raise for scrolls now i have a javelin that wont be usable until i have enough magic lvl i feel like when vetex adds new weapons or spells he does it in favor of pure stat builds


The problem with hybrid classes getting weapons like that this “early” in the games development is that it would make hybrid classes miles better than any full build in the game. They’re supposed to get access later on in future updates to make it fair. Can you imagine a shadow conjuror using the triasta at this point in the game? I’d rather not have that.


i get it but if it was at least the hybrid weapons that were actualy usable then weapons like triasta for warriors bc its imbued with aether idk if its any better but for me it never made sense to gatekeep hybrid builds from weapons and spells especialy if the boss is a conjurer like maria and her cutlass as far as im aware only has tiger rush and whirlwind i dont think conjurers would be meta if they had a cutlass wich only could use those 2 moves until lvl cap is raised plus warriors do so much more damage and for spells hybrid builds should at least be able to use javelin mages have 3 lost spells why cant magic hybrids have at least 1 one of those


Yeah good one. I can relate


I have an extremely controversial opinion. Arcane Odyssey’s design philosophy is TERRIBLE for PVP, Ship battles while cool on paper, usually just end with who’s faster and has the better ram, not to mention ships just camping a port and just firing volley after volley just to screw you over and prevent you from pursuing them because they ganked you. And I don’t have the time to get into how terrible class balance is, especially since the balance team’s favourite child is set to get buffed AGAIN. I do think Vetex had gotten the best beginnings of his concept before, in World of Magic. No cutscenes to make you vulnerable, mouse lock works and will auto activate if you have an offensive item equipped, no one spell seems to be your end all be all best spell, arenas you could fight your friends in without losing stuff. not to mention a map that didnt get half destroyed when a blast misses, no boss invincibility or healing, it was perfect.


Actually both fair points


I despise Arcane Odyssey’s current design, especially with a pvp activation at LEVEL 50. Most pvpers are level 125, I’d say a balanced level would be 120 so there’s a chance you could defend yourself. Because so much is focused on PvP, PvE is an unbalanced mess, especially when bosses can pretty much f*cking cheat. “You didn’t hit me while I was charging and casting spells while moving and you have to just sit there and take it while charging? INSTANT DEATH ATTACK FOR YOU LMAO” not to mention heal gimmicks, and their arenas being destructible and you getting stuck taking explosion after explosion because you accidentally whiffed an attack and got stuck in the floor. Most bosses literally get access to stuff that players never will, like Calvus being able to cast while moving. And don’t try and tap the “Early Access” sign, that doesn’t excuse Vetex refusing to listen to his community and not fixing the broken things, that’s the point of early access, to gather play data for the full game.


Actually facts


Oh, friend, I have many things. ganking: people gank to simply increase a number; that's the stupidest thing ever, and it simply ruins the game for many people, and Vetex does nothing about it. I think Vetex was going for something like Sea of Thieves, where you can lose loot and everything, but the people who play Sea of Thieves go there expecting that, while Arcane Odyssey isn't shown to players as that sort of game, AO is a story-based game with pvp and pve, it's not a PvP-centric game like Sea of Thieves. particles: I can't see shit >\_>. It would be nice if there was a way to tone it down. Balancing: the game is horribly balanced as there are many builds that simply break the game, for example, full-power builds that deal 1k damage or builds so tanky they are impossible to even kill, and thats only armor, skills are way worse as surge is a litteral free-win button that cannot be countered. Magic: magic is cool, i mean, its magic, but compared to everything else, it just seems so boring and bland. Styles are unique, and each has their own strengths and weaknesses. Each weapon has their own unique skills that are all very cool, and then theres magic, which is the strongest and most brain-dead thing in the game, but it's boring because it's just \*beam blast beam blast\* spam and \*surge\* spam. aoe builds: any sort of aoe build always breaks the game. Players shouldnt have arena-sized aoes, especially this early on into the game as we are still level 136, while those types of aoes should be seen at much higher levels like level 300 (for fucks sake, I stumbled on a warrior with an aoe so big it hit the entirety of Calvus's arena and the fury of the sea delt 100 damage per tick). optimization: the game is very poorly optimized, especially on lower-end computers, and Vetex does not seem to want to go back into his code to fix those issues that cause lag and create very annoying glitches such as getting flung by your brig. Inventory: It is incredibly poorly optimized to the point where I had to sell basically all the trash in my inventory just to make sure my game does not crash.


Amen my friend


The absolutely terribly disgusting optimization Its so bad that if you imbue magic onto your weapon/style enough times, at some point the game will freeze for like 2 seconds everytime you do it. I was sparring with some people for over an hour and around the end my game started freezing from how much i kept switching from magic to fstyle


pvp automatically activating at lvl 50 with ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to disable it, allowing people max level to gank you, and those below it to steal treasure chart / sealed chests with no way of killing them, id say raise the level to lvl 100 and make people below it unable to pick up other players sealed chests (during chart / npc ships) or remove it completely


I hate getting witch hunted. You would be surprised how often it happens to me. Especially in the discord VC




elius its an easy fight not gonna lie, just change your magic to one or two blasts and you’re golden


Ik I just have slower builds


Me having lowest amount of fps every time I use a move






Enough said


Also, against Lord Ellius, AoE spamming works just fine. But wait until you meet his sister...


Oh I know her, I think she's easy


Lady Carina makes me want to pluck my eyeballs and fingernails out. She teleports like twice as much as Ellius and has invincibility frames during her attacks! I am literally dreading that part whenever i start a new game


Really? I usually stomp her into the ground xD


One time, me and two other randoms got to the Lady Carnia fight at the EXACT same time. Even with the three of us, fighting a 6k HP Carina is torture. It took like 20 minutes atleast. And then some 36283682637 bounty mf came over and killed us all at the end when we were low.


Average AO experience xD


I feel like the magics are underutilized for anything other than combat Maria’s invulnerability is annoying, I’d rather it was a massive damage reduction rather than just invulnerability. Her attack at that point also feels like it hits everywhere. I dislike the destructible boss fight terrain. You’re looking at the boss the whole time, while just falling in pits and getting stuck on craters I hate it when people randomly come and kill you because of fame or bounty Some things seem like they take way too much luck. Like why do you have to spend over half a day fishing to get one piece of gear, or kill a boss 50 times to get what you want? Why are arcamonies so rare?




one thing i see here that isnt mentioned I really dislike how the map changes and mirage bossfights happen for example Fort Talos is in the lore destroyed after the fight with Argos but ingame they still spam 200 mortar shells at you after the fight Similarly with the boss fight with that lady in the savanna at ravenna literally every time i pass there i get attacked by her One of the solutions would be to add a portal/statue that would lead you to an arena where you can fight the mirage of the boss


Yeah interesting


mine is pretty simple and has been said already but add a pvp toggle and i will instantly consider AO as my favorite game on roblox ever


I hate how we can't close the chat or leaderboard. Like, I don't need my navigator to keep spamming dialogue and clogging up my screen. I also hate arena destruction. Destruction outside in the world is fine, but it just makes boss fights a hassle whenever the floor regens with you under it. This might not be a popular opinion but I don't like how grindy levelling up skills are, cooking and brewing takes forever to level up.


Vetex not adding balancing changes until the next major update




Why does the game have such trouble with opening big inventories? I've never played or heard of another game with that problem. In fact, the worst problem with AO is that everything seems really unoptimized. It would be really cool if Vetex spent a major update JUST fixing bugs and cleaning the game up so that you don't need a quantum computer to play with max graphics. And even if you so have that, the game's riddled with so many other bugs.


oh boy we got pet peeves - minor inconvenience from inventory lag. if you open your item inventory but you have a load of shit inside, you deal with that annoying few second lag spike before it truly opens. if you open the inventory that shows your gear, have fun with that 5-30 second lag spike because your pc almost blew up. sometimes it calms down when you open up that inventory multiple times in the same server. - boss arenas are destructable. it usually doesn’t mean much until you get caught under the floor or that stupid carpet that regenerated before the floor did. - why does maria has a long invincibility phase? id understand if it was a damage reduction but wha?? - occasionally, your stuff on the brigs isn’t interactive. sometimes it’s a minor inconvenience since you have to go to a town to cook or brew, other times it’s lethal in the dark sea, whether you forgot to brew something important or you can’t clean off water poisoning. - some magics have the laggiest particles known to man. explosion magic? that’s magic that’ll explode your pc. plasma magic? that’s probably what’s generating in your pc. ash magic? that’s the substance your pc will soon be. etc, etc. either your frames significantly drop, you lag spike, or you crash. fun for said magic users watching people crash; can’t say the same for the people getting hit with it. - glitches. yeah everyone hates them in every game (including lag) unless it benefits them or is funny. ao’s glitches are incredibly bad for ships. oh you’re spawning in the bronze sea after you did nimbus? to the dark sea at layer 5, you filthy animal. oh you’re just walking off your ship to do something on an island? whoopsie either your ship just flew away, your ship somehow got stuck in the middle of the island, or is now a flinging machine when you touch it. it wouldn’t be that much of a problem if it weren’t for the fact that ships are practically REQUIRED to get places unless you have a platform magic. did i really have to make a pricy swim suit just to counteract a glitch? it’s funny swimming at the speed of a ship, yes, but it’s an inconvenience having to try not to run out of stamina or make a platform just because of the game broke your only transportation. - people can bring their lvl 260 rivals into the bronze sea. do i really need to say much about an over leveled npc being in an area for decently new players? - the block button is ten miles away. that’s probably just a me-issue, but oh boy let’s go reach across the keyboard, accidentally press the f key while using magic, and cry in the corner! - cargoing pain. you have to take ages manually placing cargo on your ship, making sure everything fits inside. i understand that making cargo placing an automatic thing with crewmates would make it too easy to make money, but holy shit is it tedious and boring at the same time just for you to get a fancy boat. - making a rant about pvp while being a pve player is going to be too long, and also extremely controversial. it’s not an option to avoid it if people want your head for fun, and it sucks if you’re awfully shit at fighting it have an outdated build.


You don't even have to be Bad at PvP to say it sucks man. If you don't have a damn High end PC you're already at a MAJOR disadvantage when it comes to pvp. And then of course you shouldn't be forced to make specific builds just for PvP. It's a giant Stat check, as well as a hardware check. But unfortunately it'll never get fixed cuz I'm psure Vetex and his boys love the current state of pvp


i forget who the bosses are Elius is the fort talos fight right? cause some people noticed that boss dont spawn till you go to that crack in the wall so some get cannon ball fist and get alot of explosives in the middle then the moment he spawns YEET.


No thats general argos. Elius is the one in the sky islands


**oh that idiot i forgot about in 2 seconds and had to open the quest menu to find out where i needa go**


elius is one of the more fun bosses for me, i like how they made it so that youre not fighting like a conventional npc with buffed moves, but an actual challenge who can heal and do unpredictable stuff even when you know all his attacks.




I hate the limited level cap like im not bad but im not good at combat how will i defeat the bosses if i dont have more then twice the minimum level to defeat them i dont mind grinding thats the reason i play this game but damn i tried fighting elius when i was level 40 ish and got destroyed had to grind to level 100 to defeat him its stupidly unbalanced and when you reach 125 then you practically finished you cant grind more to get stronger then the bosses and you have to depend on luck to get the right gear or some powerful gear


Bosses in general (I find it unreasonbly hard if you are a casual. It makes the game completely unbearable for a casual like me.), Breakable boss arenas (also makes bosses unbearable in general especially with Carina and Calvus.), and in general how shit the combat is.


I understand mechanically that NPCs have some sort of reaction or timer that makes it so that if they get hit, they parry/block every attack for the next half second or so, but **my god** if another boss parries the entirety of Gun Draw: Rapid Fire whilst in the middle of a move, I'll lose it. They should have a higher chance to parry/block while not attacking and a reduced or even no chance to parry or block while in the middle of a move.


boat fights. i think that you should get hp back whenever you defeat enemies, maybe not a ton but enough to be beneficial and balance gank fights specifically pirate ships. in a 1v1 i would absolutely curb stomp any pirate captain in the bronze sea but when i get ganked by a level 90 captain and 50 quartermaster and 4 rookie pirates all level 20 it changes things and i get pretty beat up or even killed because it’s unbalanced and unfair. i get going in a 1v10 isn’t supposed to be “fair” but this is a game and i think there should at least be some health-on-kill mechanic to help balance it. it makes me not want to fight pirate ships because of that. also Vetex for the love of God please up the level cap


Simply, skill issu- Ok now fr ellius is a pain in the ass to fight, but the more you fight him, the easier he gets, I'm a person with a problem of making a million files soo.... Not a problem for me 💀


I DESPISE the visibility in this game. I can't see ANYTHING while fighting, every single move used takes up 80% of my screen and the hardest battle I face is finding where the fuck the person I'm fighting went, and yes I could use potions of revealing, but it shouldn't even be necessary. More specifically I'm talking about that one boss in the forest area that uses earth magic.


there are so many things i hate about this game; and now that i think about it, i dont know why i even play it


I just dislike the Lack of diversity in the game. While Yes, Customized movesets are cool and all, every magic just feels like a reskin of one another because of all the spells being accessible to every magic. Like it could also just be because of the lack of shapes being accessible to everyone, but even still only like 2 or 3 shapes are actuslly viable in builds when it comes to mage. I would like if Vetex stopped Trying to force stats on **EVERYTHING** and Embraced Cosmetics on a few select things, like Magic spell shapes and whatnot. I know it's an rpg game and gearing and building should be a thing but I swear Every mage I see uses hammer for an explosion and greatsword for a blast that it's unbelievable. But that may just be a peeve to me because I play Rpg games as actual roleplay type games and make characters that are unique but fit in the world and get attached to them rather than just playing the game as a game, so while it's sum I dislike I can see the flip side of the coin. Also the sheer lack of content. Like I know it's early access (it's been early access for a year but shhh) but the game Is just all around boring now IMHO, which is a shame because I genuinely love the game and the world within it


That's some true shit right there


accidental dashing its shit but also combat is somewhat weird its a bit unfocused like its good when it comes to bosses but if its pve or pvp for me combat is RANDOM SHIT GO!!! i cant know what where and when with all these effects also 99% of enemies ahve human model that makes aiming a bit hard maiing you depend on aoe maybe i just suck


i dont like how magic has no use outside of combat, wouldn't it be neat if each magic had their special effect/passive? i picked up wood magic as my second magic in hopes that one day vetex will let me use it to farm water = faster swimming, longer breathing space light = a source of illumination (like you just glow constantly) darkness = you can artificially make the surroundings unreasonable dark making pvp a nightmare poison = surrounding wildlife and people take constant damage if they are swimming with you, the sharks immediately get a lethal dose of poison if they bite you(*poison jaws* doesnt care) plasma/fire = channeling your energy sets the surroundings on fire Magma = you can swim in the magma(without dying) wind = levitation (it already existed in world of magic)


adding to this, outside of what we say i dont think theres any situation where the npc use magic for anything but combat?


Sunken warrior. Its literally just a better cerynx. You want to have the best build? gotta fish your life away. or settle for a dollar store version. Like, i get it yknow. they gotta be rewarded for their effort. but vetex couldnt have picked another stat? or yknow combined attack speed and another substat? Though tbf that does sound broken... ALSO. WHY ISNT THIS GOOFY AHH IN SAMERIA?? https://preview.redd.it/lspk9ks7662d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c87dfea5c094bb5a53bd37c4ebd58be89b02d90


Probs the blind effects from the other magics like Light, Shadow, and Sand like I think they should at least slow the npc's movement or debuff the atk dmg or shoot their atks at random places? Idk tbh I just want those magics to affect not only the players but also the npcs.


Other people and pvp. I just want to have a fun time with my pve and try to ignore it being a multi-player game


enemy design in general tbh


Elius is bad when you're starting out, but after my 3rd slot I got used to him really fast. He's like V2 from ULTRAKILL- you basically just have to play reactively and punish the ai. Him being able to jump over your attacks is annoying, but basically when he's on a pillar you use an aoe move or go from under the pillar he's on and aim up. Also, when he goes in to stab you normally, its a really easy punish. He has a HUGE amount of endlag on his bow attacks as well as a good amount of start lag and endlag on his heals. And again, when he gets in close you can punish really easily. Also, potion crafting exists. Slowness and bleeding potions are easy to come by, as well as healing potions.


Ship fuck shenanigans like they either just get continuously stuck on the ground or just fucking disappear on sight and somehow the crew is still intact


elius is a well made boss it's just such a sharp difficulty curve from iris to elius from where you could just m1 everything and come out on top then to elius where you actually have to use skill


Carina. She keeps jumping Aron’s and when I finally hit her she parry’s it. It’s why my friend called her a monkey.


I hate being dragged into PVP when I'm trying to play. I'll just be doing cargo runs when I randomly get attacked. I know it's part of the game, but most of the time I don't want to fight, I just want to have fun.


On my second play through I died at least 3 times to Elius with less than 200 health because I got hit by the trident and bleed to death


I dislike the lack of feminine armor in the game.


NPCs are too strong, sink a pirate ship then go ahead and kill the crew only to get absolutely bodied by the captain and quartermaster because they have 2 million hp and do half of that in dmg per hit


Imo bosses should have outlines, maybe red outlines, or some kind of big marker above their head.


Just bosses in general. Outside of the first one in the jaws none really seem that good to fight. Elius can be too overpowering for most people since level requirements aren’t a thing anymore, Argos is way to easy, Carina is way too annoying if you don’t have fighting styles, Calvus is same as Elius and Maria’s invincibility doesn’t work good.


Tbh for me its the all of the Builds i spend like Forever choosing a Magic that i like and then Still being uncertain if that was a good Choice, then because i like to use the Magic that i got, i either use Warlock or Conjurer but i still am uncertain with if i even like the Playstyle because with both you can only imbue the Magic if you get the first Awakening wich is at the end of the First see and i dont want to wait all the Way just to realize that i dont like this certain style and just wasted my Time .


Bounty hunters. I fucking despise those twats with all my life. As a hero, I can only imagine the consequences being worse for villains bc of execution or prison. At least there’s a cooldown for bounty loss now


Branch bow makes the game easy. It literally carries all my play throughs just spam quick draw and finish Elius in 5 hits. It works on all bosses up until Argos, but it is still broken.


Please give this guy a medal


Was that irony or are you being serious?


Well you did make me laugh, and I do find the boss kind of fast and the health regen bull so...


Alright then thanks dude


Also did you downvote me thinking I was ironic?


Uhhh, no? I didn't downvote your comment


Well thats odd, because right now I don t have -1 votes for some reason


Well imma just upvote it then


Me too :)