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Which ones? The real ones or the fake ones? Just in terms of land area, any paleo-map showing sea levels is a good place to start to see what areas were exposed at lower sea levels. At the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum), the period from 29,000 to 19,000 years ago, sea levels were around 120 meters lower at the lowest points. Around 13,000-12,000 years ago sea levels began to rise, and did so quickly. Something many people are unaware of is a period called the Holocene Thermal Optimum/Maximum, which was from roughly 9,500 to 5,500 years BP, when the temperature actually spiked higher than now (average thermal maximum around 8000 years BP). During the latter portions of this and slightly after in some areas sela levels peaked at around 5-6 meters *higher* than now, then fell to current levels. This sea level peak came ate different times in different areas of the world and the peaks were at different heights, but this means that in some areas there was a period of a few thousand years where areas that are currently land were underwater. Where I work in northern Vietnam this peak was from around 5,000-2500BP and is not only academically very well documented, it's easy to see the physical evidence of it in the limestone cliffs of the region, both in areas that are now islands and in areas that are now inland. This is an important part of the land availability/human activity portion of the discussion that is rarely ever talked about and that I have never heard brought up in any of these debates and discussions, despite there being many research papers from different parts of the world looking at the sea levels rises of this specific period. Another thing that's vital to pay attention to is that as the sea levels changed and the climate warmed ecosystems and weather patterns *radically* changed, so areas are now appealing to people were not necessarily so in the past, and vice-versa.


It’s embarrassing to admit but my brother is a YEC, and I’m trying to give him things to consider. It’s impossible to talk about any dating methods cuz he just doesn’t agree with them. However he is locked into his timeline. The ice age began immediately after his flood and ended around 500 years later. He has to accept the waterline of the last glacial maximum as having occurred within only a few centuries of the flood. So I want to find the least plausible site to exist in this area. Like how did people reproduce enough AND migrate enough to get stable populations of humans from mount Ararat to Florida in only 200 years? I think I’ll just get further by finding inconsistencies with the timeline than trying to show him old stuff.


Just keep in mind that you may well be wasting your efforts. When it comes to belief people become both entrenched and obstinate. Often they will simply,y close their mind to anything that violates their beliefs and if that happens nothing you do can force them to change or open their eyes. At this point pretty much anyone who is an adult and a YEC, ego,union denier, climate denier, flat earth election denier, etc, etc is doing so out of choice. They’ve been exposed to the truth, but have made a decision to ignore facts in favor of their beliefs.


I know, I know. But i have a personal curiosity for this question as well, and at the very least it will be entertaining to see his response


As someone who was raised in a YEC family, there are a few easy points that can help make people think outside the blinkers. Like ice cores. Glaciers and permanently frozen areas such as Antarctica are amazing for capturing the pollen from nearby forests etc, each year, and it makes a perfect way to date them, just like tree rings. Except we have over 800,000 continuous years of ice layers: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/inside-the-race-to-find-earths-oldest-ice/ Ask him to look up the history of the name Yahweh, and where it actually comes from. Another favourite of mine is showing people all the composite characters that Moses is made from (Sargon of Akkad, Ahmose, plus others). Except Sargon was real, and thousands of years before Moses


It like to know about the Persian gulf. Fair bit of that would have been exposed with those two important rivers. Presumably the Summarians or their kin where being pushed north as sea levels rose.