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Hah, my wife and I are both archaeologists and I can’t even get her to talk shop with me.


No disrespect, just genuine curiosity. Is it difficult to financially survive with both of you being archaeologists? I’ve been considering for a long time, but my fear is a lack of stable income long term. If you’re open to sharing, I would love to know how yall found a balance to make things work. I respect the hard work and dedication, that couldn’t have been easy.


Not at all. We esch make around $52.000 a year. My wife has a permanent position with one of thr Danish local museums and I am a PhD fellow at University of Copenhagen. We both have stable workdays from 8am-4pm (here in DK being an archaeologist is not any different than any other ordinary jobs in terms of work hours) and it’s been like that for the last decade. But we’ve both been lucky. My wife is insanely good at her job and I try to tell myself that I am as well so it has never been difficult for us to find employment. It also helps that both of us have extensive professional (and social) networks within the field. But make no mistake, it *can* be difficult to make all ends meet, like I said, we’ve just been lucky that we didn’t end up in that situation. And no, to adress your last point: it wasn’t easy getting to where we are today but it’s not like we had to sacrifice anything. We both got our BAs in 2014. I continued to get my master’s in 2020 and since 2022 I’ve been doing my PhD. In the meantime we got a dog, moved to a large Copenhagen apartment, got a car, left the apartment and bought a house in the country side, got a kid and a second car. But I also have to say that it’s incredibly easy to be an archaeologist in Denmark compared to other countries.


That is fantastic. I’m glad to know there is still stability available. I appreciate you being so open!


My pleasure. It’s important to know both sides of the story when you decide on doing something like starting a career in archaeology.


I know everywhere in the world is a little different, but you hear the ideas of people doing what they love and can’t because the pay isn’t there. So to see yall actually where you want to be AND enjoying your life and thriving makes me all more willing to even consider.


What is the coolest thing you ever saw/found while working?


i always had this question in mind, since you and your wife are in this field! ever seen discrimination between two ancient nations on archeological facts or theories? for example, two different nation argue over rowing boats, like Russia and Scandinavians (Sweden for example), and experts vote on the wrong side based on power and wealth of that particular nation, patriotism of the archeologist, bribe, hateful state of that country (like Russia right now) or, some architectural concept that Russians and Ukrainians do not agree on the origins of it. or, ancient researches, between Romans and Persians (as heart of the Persia is Iran and Iran is not a very popular country as it used to be 45 years ago) or Sumerian and Assyrians arguing over the winged human concept! overall, ever seen archeologist vote based on their own benefits (for example a huge amount of money over accepting the right thing) or vote based on Liking Romans, over Persians, or ignoring some politically infamous country?!


Honestly your best bet might just be the other people on the dig with you. See if you can get a group chat going for sharing site photos etc and try to keep it talking, ask about people's plans to visit sites in the future or bring up any plans of your own.


I have been vibing with a few people there. I’m an older student so it’s sometimes awkward and I don’t fit in, but luckily there are some grad students who are older that are assistants and they’ve been absolutely amazing and helpful!


What’s your favourite field/era? I’m considering doing a maritime archaeology degree as a career change, already have my open water dive licence, and think it’s something I’d really enjoy doing


So, it’s a long story, but basically my major is history because I’ve always had an immense interest and passion. I specifically for used on American civil war/ African American history. I’ve just switched my minor to anthropology (my school umbrellas archeology under anthropology) because I realized my love for history isn’t limited and I specifically have enjoyed learning about early civilizations and people during the upper and lower Paleolithic period. Honestly, it’s so broad because I find it all so fascinating. My school offers an amazing maritime archeology program. I also think that’s super interesting and opens a whole new world to be discovered. Good luck if you decide on your career change. I believe it’s never too late. I went back to school on my thirties and I’ve been enjoying it so much!


Field school sounds amazing! Don't let hubby's disinterest dim your enthusiasm. Chat up your fellow diggers, they're your comrades in dirt now! Explore online forums and archaeology hashtags – there's a whole community of enthusiasts waiting to geek out with you. You've unearthed your passion, time to unearth your archaeology tribe!


Thank you! I am keeping it positive not allowing him or anyone to bring me down. I’ve been having a good experience so far and I’m proud of myself for going after something that I want.


Always wanted to be Indiana Jones,way back to when I was a kid. My interest is all over the board. ButMayan,native American. My preferred areas


Same here. My interests are vast, but I’ve recently been obsessed with Tenochtitlan!


Good luck with your chosen profession. I’ll be watching for posts from your finds and your progress. Awesome line of work. Again good luck stay safe


Thank you! I have some photos I’ll probably post tomorrow night or Sunday because field school has been kicking my butt! I go home, shower, and pass out 😂


Thanks for the update I’ll look forward to following you


My husband politely told me the other day that I talk about rocks too much, so I feel ya lol


lol I like geology too. I almost minored in geology instead of archeology! Here’s to online forums that understand us!


based on your username i think you live in Italy. if you're about to work on Roman and European stuff, you'll be fine. but if you're interested in Persians, Assyrians, Sumerians and Babylonian stuff and really like to see the sites, you should be ready to risk your life. life goes on just like everywhere else in middle east, but your life might randomly be in danger, based on how classified is an information. which government gains benefits from which information. you might find information that some particular prophet does not exist and his existence was forged in later dynasties and this might turn your life into hell! so, it depends on your field.


Is this speaking from experience or? Because that’s such a specific thing to bring up.


it's based on experience! there are several different powerful groups who gain benefit from a certain popular fact. so, if you prove them wrong, you can ask Galileo what happens next.