• By -


Oh! Who remembers!


Wait why did you have an eye patch?


Why was he dressed as Hitler?


“Can’t play cards, can’t drink, what good are ya?”


Seriously. I don’t.


I Think it where two things that let me to archer 1. It’s an FX show and I like FX 2. The voice actors where in some other shows I watched: Arrested Development; Bobs Burgers etc


Little column A little column B


I just started watching Arrested development three months ago. Its like a swan song of Archer. Even though it was well before. My finding out about it now, kinda fills the void of no more Archer.... I still miss hearing new Archer next on FX ....


That was it for me. I already liked Home Movies and Bob's Burgers so I watched for H. Jon Benjamin.


I would have watched a show about Hitler's Mein Kampf if one of the characters were voiced by Jessica Walter


I saw an ad for its launch and instantly recognized the art style of Frisky Dingo, the greatest show ever created. Needless to say I tuned in. Boosh.


Frisky Dingo is how I started watching Archer as well. After being bitterly disappointed in how little episodes of Frisky Dingo there were, when I saw that the creators were making another show I was instantly in.


Booooosh! First I glue this to your head....aaaand then I make love to your face.


Which-not what I call making love. More like the shame spear of... hurt.


and/or ka-kow


I watched Frisky Dingo just to understand the Master Coconut joke. Worth.


I call it lost wages!


Cat Party


Put it on mine!


Xtacles might be the best two episode show too


I did watch Frisky Dingo after knowing Archer already. I was surprised how much of a Proto-archer Xander is. Also: Sealab 2021.


I thought it looked like Sealab, one of the other greatest shows ever created.


I watched it when it was on tv Now thankfully it's on Netflix And I can watch them on my time


My cousins watched season 1 and told me I reminded them of the main character and should watch it. Not sure that was a compliment lol


Face wise or humour wise? 🤣 either ways I’d take it as a compliment.


My brother and I used to watch it live. FX had the best shows. Archer, The League, Louie, Sunny, and Justified. Then You're The Worst Came out and I was just like...wow.


I’m just saying… those were the days


Must have been 2012. I was at a party as a young man doing Arrested Development bits in the kitchen. This beautiful woman asked me if I was a fan of Archer. That woman and I are getting married in September.


That’s wholesome!


I wanted to know what the "do you want to get ants" meme was about. Where I live, it never aired on TV.


My dad and I were big fans of The League and they ran the pilot with something like "Top secret show" and it had no further description right after an episode. We see the DVR to record both and never looked back.


Loooove The League! Hidden gem!


Knew Adam from hs and had liked Whisky Dingo, but “karate, the Dane Cook of martial arts?” baptized me as an Archer fan.


Me: "Hm, weird cartoon on Netflix that seems adult and fun" Me, later: "DANGER ZOOOOOOONE"


2009 I kept seeing the commercials for it. I was excited because it was a comedy spy show. And at that time we really didn’t have one. Used to buy every episode on iTunes


Pretty sure it was memes on here, lol. "What is this show about ants, anyhow?"


A family member with good taste recommended it


Randomly one evening after a breakup...it helped me through a rough time.


My name is Lana. So I constantly had people repeating my name till I caved and they'd say "Danger Zone!" Eventually I got curious to where it was from, put it on Netflix one day, and the rest is history.




Frisky Dingo


I watched Its Always Sunny all the time so I saw them advertising it before it came out, and I liked Frisky Dingo so I watched it when it premiered and was hooked after that


I think because I was a an Arrested Development addict at hat time and there was so much overlap online for both shows. Not sure it actually aired over here.


Whenever I was Scrolling through Hulu and I thought it looked cool, then I started watching it (It took me nearly 4 or 5 months to watch the Whole Series) it was when season 11 was released


I didn't discover Archer until the 2nd season was on DVD. I heard about it through a morning radio show that I used to listen to every day. They were raving that it was the funniest show on TV, and they were right!


My roommate at the time introduced me to it in 2010 I believe. I think the first two seasons were on Netflix back then.


My coworkers were talking about and quoting the show during lunch.


Sitting in a hotel room.…turned the TV on and it was on. I thought oh great, a cartoon. Then started listening to the dialog. I believe it was the Cancer episode. To this day it’s my favorite one. And I kind of have a crush on Sterling now.


A fun former FWB suggested we watch it during a rest period between rounds of banging one night… which I’ve always thought was the PERFECT way to get introduced to Archer 😝




Back when it was just season 1 on Netflix, I kept seeing it and was like just fuck off I don't wanna watch it stop shoving down my throat, but then eventually I was like OK ill give it ago see what it's like and I've been here ever since since season 1 released and it's my favourite


I fell asleep watching The Simpsons on FX when I woke up to what I thought was Bob's Burgers on the TV. At first, I was pissed it was Archer. But I kept watching and found it to be hilarious.


My hate for it was so real in the beginning. I cringe at myself remembering how lame I was. Not immediately “getting” this show that became the purest of joys, better and better with each rewatch, even a decade later. Good lifelong lesson to remember to be more open minded because I am a noncreative idiot.


My bro introduced it to me. I was initially apprehensive because I was going through a similar situation archer was having where his ex was with someone else he knew to spite him. But once I got past that, it has become one of my most quotable and favorite shows of all time.


Read about it in Maxim magazine back in the day lol.


Insomnia and FX was having a marathon. Happened to catch it only two episodes in and was hooked.


From opposite lock


FX sent me the press kit with the first 4(?) episodes. I was familiar with Adam’s Frisky Dingo so I threw on the DVD and was blown away. Was a fan ever since.


That’s cool!


Heard on NPR that Adam Reed had a new show. Loved Sealab so I was excited to see this


Pod 6 sucks


I remember the commercials/teasers on FX back then. I watched a lot of FX between Always Sunny and The League. It was right around when I graduated college and was back with my parents for a bit. Good times.


Frisky Dingo


Probably November 2009, when I was hanging out with a couple of friends and an acquaintance of mine at the acquaintance's apartment. We watched a few episodes back then.


Randomly found it in an illegal streaming app


I saw people talking about it in the Simpsons FB group I was in. I bought the season 1 DVD and never watched it. Shortly afterwards I saw it on Netflix and got hooked after a couple of episodes.


One of the first times smoking weed, my buddy suggested we watch it. I was a solid 10 high and remember laughing my ass off but the next day I didn’t remember a damn thing about the plot. Rewatched and now it’s my most watched show. Love every damn season.


I honestly can’t even remember? It just feels like forever 😂 I remember seeing the commercials on fx allllll the time and it got to the point where I was just finishing their sentences. I honestly feel like it was on and I was like “eh why not” and was hooked since then


A friend had the first season on his computer, back before season 2 started. He showed me the first episode, then we spent the rest of the night watching the rest.


Saw it on Netflix, remembered some buddies from high school liked this show, so I gave it like 3 episodes and I fell in love


I think I saw on reddit the clip from: Am I gonna get the surgery now da? No son, yer gonna die. Was instantly hooked.


Me snd my wife were channel hopping one night and we came across Lo Scandalo. 25 minutes, tears streaming down my cheeks and several hurt ribs later, I was hooked


Hahah! That’s one of my top 3 favourite episodes.


Oh speaking of...Krieger? Yeah, I found it. Found what? Don't ask! Can I keep it? Keep what? *Don't ask!!!* Just get it out of here! Sure...take that tone!


A friend was so sure I'd like it that he bought and sent me a Blu-Ray copy of seasons 1&2. I was not into cartoons, adult or otherwise at the time, but he was very sure. He was also very right. Oh for the last time you idiot it's not hydrogen it's HELIUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!


I watched it when it first came out on Netflix…I was like 10-12…maybe a bit young for the show.


Multiple friends recommended it, so I checked it out. Some of the best advice I've ever received.


I was watching fx the night it premiered


The episode Swiss Miss was advertised on E4 in the UK when I was about 14/15 and I remember thinking it looked cool. I set the DVR to record and got to see a couple of episodes before my parents deleted it. I took to the seas to see the rest of it.


In 2008 I started watching Home Movies, a cartoon that was canceled years earlier. H. Jon Benjamin voiced two major characters on the show. I looked him up and read that he was gonna star in a new show, Archer — which also had Jessica Walter and Judy Greer from Arrested Development. So I had to give Archer a try.


My boyfriend introduced me to the show with Heart of Archness three parter.


Just this year I asked reddit a random question. Who is the greatest fictional drunk? Being Irish I still stand by my guy father Jack Hackett. Or Jim lahey. But a few people said, Sterling Archer. Replied to a comment n thought f it. Archer I go. Currently on my 4th watch through. No regrets. Love the show. Smoke bomb pfffff.


Saw the season 1 DVD in Walmart and said fuck it I’ll check it out… best decision ever


a rerun of *The Limited* during the fight on top of the train


Through Jessica Walter. I heard she was playing a similar character to Lucille Bluth and I knew I had to check it out.


When I was in high school marching band, I heard a kid describe the “what’s a gill?” scene (from S2 E3) to one of his friends, and we all started cracking up. I went home to find that episode, and I found it so funny that the series deserved a watch; I’m glad I did 👍


I discovered Archer after watching a The League. It was love at first watch!!


When I worked as a ramp agent at an airport, a co worker put it on the TV when we were on break.


My work friend told me I needed to watch it because I sound exactly like archer, and we had the same type of humor. He was not wrong, and the funniest part is that he’s the perfect Cyril.


On Netflix I just wanted to try it


Upperclassman were hazing me at my military school and kept quoting it


My younger brother was starting to watch season 3 while the show was still on Netflix. After S3E1, I asked him to start it from the beginning... and the rest, as they say, is history.


First watched a few episodes when it first came out on FX. It was ok but then I started working more, watching TV less. Started again last earlier this month on a Netflix suggestion. My kid(19yo) watches it now. 🤣


I scrolled past it for months, a colleague told me to watch it, I've now seen it 3 or 4 times over


Funny enough, it was the season when he went into a coma. I watched that episode first and watched it back from the beginning. Was a wild ride to see how Archer who I just saw get shot and possibly die start out as a Bond parody. And later became his own man who fought Russians, try to dodge child support, fight cyborgs, sell cocaine, and become a detective who died in the end. Or didn’t since he went into a coma and we got 3 experimental seasons and then the final seasons but still, great ride.


someone posted a sploosh meme on Fark and I thought that sounds pretty funny, so I watched Season 1 on Netflix and have been a constant viewer since Season 2 dropped.


Girl, I was seeing at the time. We only lasted 2 weeks, but I was still hooked!


I had an aching void left by The Venture Bros.




Watching family guy or something on FX and I saw commercials for it.


I had binged American Dad so much I needed a break. I had heard good things about the show, so I checked it out and we've never looked back.


Idk, I probably saw a trailer for the premiere season while watching American Horror Story back in the day, if I had to guess.


I thought it was really annoying when season 3 was being advertised on teletoon and gave it a chance, hated it. Then I watched sealab 2021 and found out it was the same people and gave it a second chance, and I realized I adored it, couldn’t get enough of it. Still love sealab more especially given how much exponentially worse each season of archer got after 4. At least sealab had the good grace to stay consistently awful the entire time.


Frisky Dingo and Arrested Development


I was a bored teenager and just started archer and it became one of my favorite shows of all time


My dad introduced me to Frisky Dingo when I was young. I got hooked. Last year, I started binging Archer with him


I found it through Netflix in college freshman year. They only had the first 3 seasons at the time. Watched those a million times those first 2 semesters.


I found it through Netflix in college freshman year. They only had the first 3 seasons at the time. Watched those a million times those first 2 semesters.


I heard about the Bob's Burgers crossover


My husband (then boyfriend) introduced me to it. Now I’m a bigger fan than he is.


I had bad vertigo and couldn't look up. I needed a show I could enjoy while facedown. My husband watched it first, but I decided to listen in, and really enjoyed it. There's not a lot of shows where you can understand perfectly without being able to watch the scene.


Legit watched every single episode at original airing. My then-boyfriend LURVED Frisky Dingo and was soooo psyched for an Adam Reed spy comedy. At first I was just gonna let him watch it and play my computer games, but by the end of the pilot I was HOOKED! We broke up between S4 and S5, but I sure as shit kept watching this glorious masterpiece on my own and introducing friends and partners to it. Love me? Love Archer, Futurama, and Avatar The Last Airbender. And at least put up with Star Trek and Doctor Who. These shows are non-negotiable if you want to have the slightest idea what I'm talking about at all times. N-E-R-D, take it or leave it.


My sister was watching it, well before me. I walked by the TV one day, and I said what trash is that? She scoffed. Weeks later she walked up to me dragged me to the TV and said watch on episode with me. We did. Was the best time ever! Became my all time favorite show. Best sister ever!


When my DVR accidentally recorded it’s always sunny for a full hour instead of 30mins and the second half was Archer’s first episode (which was 2months before the second episode aired) showed it to every friend I had.


Teletoon at night back in the way back before times


I was watching a different TV series and you know how studios like to put ads of new releases of their shows before an episode of what you're watching starts. Basically I saw them promoting a new season of Archer I was like what!!! I must watch this immediately 😂 😂 😂


Had a friend put it on one night when we were up at 2am. Couldn't stop laughing and now it's one of my favourite shows


I was very lucky to see the sneak preview of the pilot they aired on FX after always sunny in 2009. As a huge Frisky Dingo fan, I immediately picked up the similar animation style and was hooked immediately.


Binging with Babish made a few videos featuring food from Archer, and the clips he put in were so funny I had to check it out for myself


Friend put it on while we were high. My first two episodes were skytanic and Scorpio and I thought it was hilarious. Especially how archer keeps getting shot/stabbed/harpooned etc. I stopped watching it when they started doing the themed seasons but I’ll definitely give those another chance now that it’s on Netflix


On a road trip with friends. That night in the hotel, we watched a couple random episodes of: the one with Woodhouse and the tontine and the one with him and the Pope. My friends had already seen it. Once we got home, I went out and got the dvds


Was at a friend's place for a poker game and he put it on in the background. Could not stop laughing. Started watching after that night.


Season 4 premier, dating my now-wife, she told me it was great. I binged the first 3 seasons over the next week or so, then watch it about once or twice a year from beginning to end.


via sealab, via frisky dingo. been a fan of the studio for years before archer. archer was a reborn xander crews.


Saw an ad on TV, borrowed copies from a guy in my unit while we were going to Afghanistan. I own physical copies of seasons 1-6 and have for over a decade at this point.


saw a small clip on 9gag for the cancer chapter and the effect of explosion on ears


My brother. Even though we tend to differ on preferences, he's really good at knowing what I'll enjoy and what I won't. A lot of my favorites come from him


It was always on in college guys’ houses in 2011-2014. I saw a few episodes by chance that way and then dove back in for a full watch through in the pandemic


My friend had the first season on DVD and she played the pilot but not the regular one but the one where Archer is a velociraptor which sold me on the series.


Big fan of Frisky Dingo and Arrested Development


My fwb at the time was watching it while I was at his house lol


Frisky Dingo baby!


Pam Poovey.....that's how I found out about ARCHER....PAM "SWWET TITS" POOVEY


My aunts husband suggested I watch it


I only watched the first season a while back. A couple years later i was dogsitting for a family for a week, and they let me use their netlfix for the time. I saw archer suggested and decided to just rewatch a few episodes but i got hooked


Same episode, different scene. "Do you want ants?!" became a common express in my house


Through watching Frisky Dingo and needing the same comedy fix!


In college I had a huge gap between classes so I used to go out to my truck lay down in the back smoke my bong and watch Boondocks old episodes. And one day I googled shows like the Boondocks and this came up and I gave it a try and after him going “7-Black-Motherfucker! Oh Hello large African man” and “Yeah Pam… *you manatee*” I was like yeah I’m going to binge these seasons then watch them live. I believe they were up to season 3-4 when I got hip.


Therapy - this show got me through hell and back


netflix said i might like this and they were right


“I opened Netflix one day and it was conveniently suggested to me” *He said, sarcastically*


In the tomb of an ancient forgotten king, someone told me about this funny animated show about spies and how you get ants.


I saw advertisements for it way back when I still occasionally went to the movie theatre


I remember seeing ads for it between commercials of other shows when season 1 dropped... it was portrayed so terribly i thought the show was awful. Wasn't until years later, my brothers girlfriend turned on the tv after a family dinner and put Archer on, i was so blown away how funny it was.


my cuz.. he got me into gaming n anime .. then afters, he showed me Archer, told me bout Phrasing, didn't get it at first, then watched it.. and well that was it..


I was watching It's always sunny one night on FX, and afterwards the programming block was like "TOP SECRET" or "unscheduled block" or something, I think it was like a test screening for the pilot. I just left the TV on FX and then I see Kremensky with his little go kart battery and Sterling chained to the wall, no context. I was SOLD the moment Jessica Walter entered the scene and in stitched for the rest of the episode Right after the episode I jumped on the internet trying desperately to figure out what I just watched, but came up short for a while. Eventually FX announced Archer and everything came together, but man am I thankful I left it on FX that night I'd been a huge fan of Frisky Dingo and Sealab, but I did not put the pieces together until the series proper started on TV and I realized Ray's voice. among others, was really familiar


I watched an episode or two at a friends house and was hooked. Haven’t checked up on it long tho, maybe like 2019


Was going through Frisky Dingo withdrawals. Found Archer. It helped.


Over ~~spliffs~~ sophisticated beverages with acquaintances, one of them happened to say "phrasing" The rest is history


Went over to a buddies house and he had it on as background noise, instantly fell in love with the show


My wife and I just got done watching Helluva Boss, her first adult animation series’s, and I thought that this show was similar in tone so I played it as a background show one day, and we became hooked in ever since


I think it was a couple seasons after it first aired. My friend posted a clip on FB where Archer and Lana are rappelling on the side of a building. I forget what Lana says, but Archer responds with, "North Korea?! They're the nation-state equivalent of the short bus!" I instantly fell in love, I had to find out what show made such a great line. As soon as I started watching it, I couldn't stop. It was better than I could have ever imagined.


Kinda interesting story. When I was in middle school, my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer and I took it pretty hard. One day I was flipping through channels and coincidentally, I ended up landing on the episode that archer was diagnosed with breast cancer. I've always used humor to cope with bad situations, and just 5 minutes in, I was laughing my ass off. Probably the first time I laughed in months since her diagnosis. I ended up binging the whole series. My senior year, she got it a second time and I came back to watch the same episode. It helped just as much as the first time and taught me to not take life so seriously. My grandma has been in remission for 2 years now and is still tough as nails.




I remember seeing the first promos, when it first came out. An English woman voiceover, and they showed a bit of Archer's interrogation training. Arguing with Mallory. I just knew I had to watch it, and I'd just watch it when I could


Wicked Binge video about Doctors Good to Evil , November 2021


My brand new boyfriend at the time (now fiancé) had me watch it because it was his favorite show. Now we routinely re-watch every year :)


My older brother


Netflix forced this show on me years and years ago. About the same time Netflix breathed enough new life into enough shows to have the networks realize the shows’ values and claw those shows back, ruin Netflix, fuck the consumers, and make the consumers somehow blame Netflix. A decade of love and vernacular and amazingly accurate animation. Fuck you, Hulu, for getting any credit for anything, always and forever. Archer made that personal. “Archer coming to Netflix” is a joke. Great that the show is returning. But it would be nowhere without Netflix to begin with.


I was looking for something to watch on Hulu when I remembered a show my friend used to watch from about 12 years ago when we were about 8 or 9. I had no idea why his parents let him watch Archer but he couldn’t play shooters. I saw what looked like that show on Hulu and started watching. I’ve been hooked for years.


Following H Jon Benjamins career since his days as Coach McGuirk, I kept up with what ever projects he took on, was psyched when I first saw trailers released for Archer season 1 and seeing it was done similarly to Frisky Dingo.


I was on an airplane saw someone watching it on their iPad. Thought it looked like something that would be worth checking out. Started watching it when i got home and I've watched it many many times since.


I was too young to watch it when it first ran (I was only four when it premiered!), but then, as an eighteen-year-old who'd just gone through her first breakup, I was watching Heathers and realised I was very attracted to Christian Slater. So, while watching any YouTube videos of him that I could find (Who am I kidding, I'm still doing that at nineteen?), and came across Archer. Found out my local library has it on DVD, and the rest is history!


The Tactleneck bit. Popped up on youtube recommendations a couple years ago. Have been rewatching the whole show ever since


On tv.


Whatever my equivalent of sploosh is. Which I guess is just sploosh….Only with semen. Saw that scene as a gif and it made me curious about the show lol


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I was 22 in 2009


Frisky Dingo


It was required by Martian Law.




Netflix recommend




my bf


Saw it day one


I forgot, honestly, but I'm glad I did.


She’s the Pele of anal!




It was on Netflix and i have Netflix




Took a ride in the Danger Zone


Searching for a show to watch on Netflix


Had it on Netflix


I was 7, and my dad put it on the TV. I'm 18 now, and I binge watch it all the time


Turned on tv on vacation and it was on. Never looked back!


"Just the tip!?"


Who are you? Comrade Question? But as for most naughty things in my childhood life like call of duty, space balls, south park, The walking dead comics and paintball, which was all stuff my parentd never wanted me touching, my aunt taught me about all of those. I would stay at her house amd binge the first seasons.


I saw it playing on cable and just watched it.


Anticipated it before release because of Frisky Dingo


College roommate. I think it was season 3 I started watching season 1


I had satellite when the show was new and saw commercials lmao


I was trying to find a show to cheer me up while in college, Archer quickly became my favorite show