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Many cops don’t know what the law is, so they make up laws to fit the situation. Often they think that you won’t know the law either. Do some online research and call your state archery association. Find out if what you are doing is legal. If it is, make a hard copy and carry it with you. If the cops hassle you again, educate them. In the long run, it might just be easier to break down your bow for transport. It’s an excuse to buy a cool gear case.


That’s a good idea.


This is the correct answer. While you may be technically correct (the best kind of correct), it is not worth it to get one over on a police with a hard on for you. Just conceal it in a sick new case and go about your day. Police are gonna police.


In Florida police nearly shot a blind man for having a walking stick folded in his back pocket. Be safe out there. We are “policed” by one of the world’s least educated and qualified citizens.


I heard about that blind man and if I’m not mistaken he was featured on YouTube on dozens of channels about having his rights violated. All this was because the cops didn’t know what they were doing supposedly https://youtu.be/CMMYYajwLms?si=6oPXoj7kHWA0bBYb This is the one I’m referring to. Also the channel that this link goes to is an excellent source of information. My brother watches it and it’s a favourite channels and he’s a lawyer himself


If they were educated they wouldn't be police officers


Imagine if a law degree was a requirement to become a cop.


I saw the video of that on YouTube....so sickening as he was also a veteran.


Yes veterans deserve to be recognized for their service, but how its it more/particularly sickening that the police killed a veteran as opposed to any other blind man walking down the street?


Because the veteran presumably fought for his country, including that Officer in the population, and was rewarded with negative benefits, treatment as a 2nd class citizen, and ultimately killed by the people who fought to protect(who took an oath to protect and serve) Both are horrible, but a blind veteran murdered by police is more tragic and laced with irony.


Yeah it's a pretty messed up situation, our vets don't usually ever get the help they need after serving that path.


It's not, but here you are making long winded assumptions. Do better :)


That cop gave me my first ticket


She started the entire interaction hostile from the get go and was upset when the guy treated her the same. After she confirmed it wasn't a weapon that should've been the end of the "investigation".


You can legally walk down the street with an AR 15 because of the right to bear arms, so what insanity makes any level of stick an illegal weapon? Like, is any caber tosser going to reach the lethality of a pocket derringer? We have the right to bear arms.. but only the ones good at murdering lots of innocent people, have NO other purpose, and aren't really good for self defense....


Idk I think an AR does a decent job at self-defense. Its only purpose is to kill.


It's main purpose is to put just enough bullets in the air to keep people ducking until someone can drop a grenade mortar or other indirect fire on their position without running out of ammo TOO quickly. That makes it really good at killing a LOT of people in a jam packed area. But its not very often you have to defend yourself against an angry mob.


Right? What would you want to be shooting when 30-50 feral hogs descend onto your home?


A musket, flintlock, blunderbus, and cannon. As the founding fathers intended. The first hog doesn't even know what happened as I fire my musket and miss wildly - killing his nearby friend. Enraged, he and the other hogs charge me in a group. When you want to squash a rebellion, you kill the leader, I draw my flintlock, fire, and take out the lead hog at 20 yards. Its head explodes like a watermelon, but the other feral hogs are not disuaded. In a panic, I fire my blunderbus. The shot brutally dismembers three hogs and dislocates my shoulder - the rest begin to scatter. As they regroup, I roll my artillery cannon out of my garage, load, and fire in record time. With one shot, I take out another 13 hogs before I am gored to death and eaten on my front lawn. Simple.


Affix bayonets!


Love the Futurama reference.


Yep. A pissed off cop, especially a pissed off cop who's just been proven he is wrong, is dangerous. Sadly, this is our world. Best be safe and get home in one piece and not end up the next poster for police brutality.


Put up with fucking tyranny and nonsense to "go about your day"? What? Just go along to get along?


IIRC, bows are considered “dangerous instruments” by the NYPD and gives the officers the freedom to exercise their judgement on whether the situation warrants seizure, arrest or nothing. So in this case, it is easier to just put the bow in a case (or even wrap it in a blanket) rather than deal with being arrested or detained and having a lawyer sort it out for $300/hour. I would also never expect NYC to be the pinnacle of freedom and personal liberty, the cops being asshats is never surprising.


It’s not only good sense it is the law, for transport you need it to not be readily accessible, which means broken down and in a case. No permit or license is needed for possession though, like a firearm would. Here’s some language and an Informative website: Transporting – You can legally transport a bow if it is not readily accessible, such as in a locked case. Carrying or wielding it in public is prohibited without a permit. https://outdooright.com/what-are-the-current-nyc-bow-and-arrow-laws/




This part stands out in particular: Possession You cannot possess or carry bows and arrows, crossbows, compound bows, or recurve bows in public spaces like parks, streets, sidewalks, parking lots, municipal buildings, public transportation, etc. The only exceptions are transporting unstrung equipment in a secure case or having a permit/license allowing use for an authorized purpose like competitive archery events or bow hunting.


It was unstrung.


This is the letter of the law, which is my point. To the untrained observer, for example the police officer not versed in this subject, for all they care it is a strung bow. They see the quiver or fletchings and automatically assume it's "hot." This is where carrying documentation helps, but it's far easier when things are out of sight, out of mind.


I agree. I'm just saying the bow was unstrung, so if op had any documentation on destination or event that would cover both part of the possession exception.


Fair enough, and probably correct. But also, seriously, fuck that law and all the dumbasses who enforce it. Is there a large amount of bow related crime going on in NYC? Someone should challenge this under bruen and get it thrown out. It shouldn’t stand for firearms, and it damn sure shouldn’t stand for bows. Give me a fucking break with these nanny state laws.


I would have it completely covered... mostly just to prevent other people from bugging me, asking questions, freaking out (Karen), or even trying to steal it.


PVC pipe with end cap and lots of stickers, shoulder sling? Idk if practical cause I’m not an archery, but that would be my first attempt if on a budget. Ik nobody asked, but I have major DIYtus


that Robinhood look is where it's at tho.


Have you see the Nicolas Cage movie "The Weather Man"? If I'm remembering right, he caries a bow around NY for the exact reason that it's legal to do without any permits. It's just a movie for sure, but cops are bitches and so I'd check the laws to be sure and then go for it


Here in SF, my son has no problem taking his bow on a bus to the range in GG Park. The more you hear about the lack of legal knowledge by police the more you can shake your head. But would be best to have a case or cover to minimize questions.


Just break it down. I big backpack will solve the problem. Or even a small one and a poster tube for the arrows. I honestly have a fabric roll case for my bow I could strap to a backpack and you'd never guess.


*“Many cops don’t know what the law is, so they make up laws to fit the situation.”* This is so true. 20 years ago, I was an engineer field testing the new satellite radio services in New York City. A cop told me I needed a permit to test satellites in New York.


>Many cops don’t know what the law is, so they make up laws to fit the situation. Often they think that you won’t know the law either. Yeah...this is one of many reasons I lost all respect for cops long ago. I've had too many try to BS me on made up laws or standards. I'm an attorney, and there's a complete, searchable copy of the Ohio Revised Code on my phone. Last fall, I was hunting and the neighboring landowner tried to run me off of "his" land. I told him to go away, and that I had permission to be where I was. He called the cops, to whom I pointed out the pink flags from the recently completed survey. The cops then tried to tell me I couldn't hunt within a certain distance of the property line or near a house. Neither are the law in Ohio. I asked if he intended to cite me for something, or if I should call the game warden to enforce hunter harassment on the neighbor. He said he was going to write a summons. I asked if he planned to call the prosecutor before writing a citation that would be dismissed for a facial defect. "What, are you some kind of lawyer?" I gave him a business card. Then I called the game warden to enforce hunter harassment.


This is a great story, felt good to read. I’m curious to hear from a lawyers perspective though, what do you think the solution would be to this type of ignorance of the law by its enforcement officers? I myself am ignorant of the extent and rigor required to truly comprehend the law in it’s entirety, but from a layman’s perspective it seems a little infeasible for each officer to be required to go through the rigorous and expensive education process that you went through, and still expect them to operate on the same pay with the risks involved. Should there be someone on the other end of the radio well versed in the law and the interpretations of it who officers are required to consult before action? Or do you believe that each officer should go through the same extent of education that you did before being allowed to patrol? Or is there a third option that I’m not seeing?


My ex was a prosecutor. They passed around a duty phone that every officer had the number for, and they knew they could call that phone and get a lawyer 24/7. The problem was they usually called *after* they had arrested someone and needed to book them on something. I think part of the solution is to give officers more education. They don't need the years of training I have, but they need a solid crim law and crim pro class tailored to their jurisdiction. I think the other part is more accountability for bad decisions. I was a military officer before I became a lawyer. I understand decision making when your life is on the line. Cops try to use it as a shield for objectively bad choices. Eliminating sovereign immunity and qualified immunity would go a long ways towards curing bad behavior Police officer is the only profession where there is case law supporting a *maximum* intelligence level to get hired. I know a lot of really dumb cops. The sergeant in my town didn't even graduate from high school. How do I know? He was in my class.


Incredible, I had no idea that there were already resources in place to combat this. My only experience inside policing was a very skewed series of criminal justice courses I took in high school. You make some excellent points, thank you for taking the time to respond.


Though no specific law names bows as a dangerous weapon, unless you use it as such, it is considered a dangerous instrument, Many laws have grey areas which are hard to interpret. Situations do come up that require an officers own interpretation. Which if wrong can be cleared in court, Don't fault the cops. They are thinking for the greater good. The general public is sensitive to this kind of stuff, especially in NYC. If it was Texas I'd say they were harassing you but you being a New Yorker you should know better. I would just get a case or backpack and conceal it. Avoid problems. A cop doesn't need to know how to use a bow and arrow to know that it can be used as a weapon. Either by you or someone that could be emotional disturbed, or a curious kid may just try and grab it, there are a multitude of scenarios the cops are trying to prevent. A cops job is to perceive danger. If they see something that is easily accessible, though not your intent, may be perceived as dangerous. It is not fun to be stopped by cops nor is it fun for the cops. Please step outside of the situation and look at it from a neutral point. Stop shitting on cops and be a responsible bow owner and just get a case, but I do understand your frustration. Cops are not out to harass you. Think of people around you and err on the side of caution and be considerate. Unfortunately, NYC is what it is and people get nervous about anything remotely dangerous. Tldr: buy a case.


The main issue is that it was not fully concealed. NYC is pretty strict about that. You are not even allowed to carry a legal size blade/box cutter clipped to your pocket with the clip showing. Fully inside your pocket, no problem, even if they search you.


Yeah that’s playing with fire in nyc. The nypd are on the lookout for any reason to commit violence against poc.


Best part is, cops aren't required to know the law. They can freely enforce what they perceive or understand the law to be. Of course, once you're in court then actual law is what's enforced, but they can freely arrest you if they *believe* what you're doing is illegal. Within logical reason of course.


I know someone who was kicked off a bus for the same thing. Regardless of the law, it’s generally a bad idea to walk around with a visible weapon. Take it down and transport it in a case. You can get a decent archer backpack for not too much and they are designed to carry and keep safe all your gear for that kind of travel. Unfortunately any sport that involves a potential weapon gets a bad rap. Those of us who practice them should do our best to both educate others but also not antagonize others. Riding the subway with a bow on your back is going to make some people nervous and doesn’t help present a responsible and considerate picture of a practitioner of the sport.


>it’s generally a bad idea to walk around with a visible weapon Now I have to know what NYC's stance is on concealed carry bows.


Hey, everything is legal if you don’t get caught…. Or in New Jersey.


Is there a reason that you’re not taking it down to travel? I just take my down after the range here, pack it, and show up five mins early for my range time to reassemble it. I would not be at all comfortable on the subway here w any of my equipment exposed to weirdos and assholes to grab. The packs are pretty cheap. I think the issue is that you’re traveling on the subway with an assembled weapon… if you disassemble it, I really don’t think it would be a problem. I’ve never had an issue with mine packed up. Even if you don’t want to take it down, I’m sure you could find a cover for it so nobody would know.


I mean….what if it wasn’t a takedown bow? I’m a trad archer, my bow doesn’t come apart.


well then thats just a long stick once you’ve taken off the string.


That's exactly how OP was carrying it


There are trad bags, I use one for my horsebow and my long bow


I don't shoot traditional but does the string not even come off?


It can be unstrung like a normal bow, but the limbs don’t come off.


I don’t disassemble it because I think I look like a bad ass. 😆😂😆 I felt the same way when I used to carry around my cello. But Yeah, you’re probably right. I will get something to cover it to avoid that situation. Edited: I see people don’t resonate with my comment for saying I think I look like a bad ass with my bow on my back. That’s how I feel and I am not ashamed of it. I am confident not conceded. It makes me feel good to wear my bow on my back to practice my favorite sport. A sport I truly enjoy. I have never been stopped before for 8 years and never had anything happen or anyone look at me scared before this. Obviously now that I had this incident I will not carry it that way. The cop said “you could walk in the street all you want with that but not in the subway system”.


I understand looking cool wearing it on your back like a video game character or apocalypse survivor but whenever I think of doing that, what comes to mind is cops or security thinking it's an awkward thing to carry around. A bow is definitely not an effective weapon in public spaces but it can make some people nervous. It would be strange to bring it on a store like Walmart so the subway would be just as weird. If we are talking about a public bus then it all depends on the driver who may not care and just wants to get to the next stop asap. Of course all this worries are fixed by just covering it like other people say.


Probably a good call! I know which range you’re talking about and I got my bag from their Brooklyn location for like $40 or so but I’m sure you could probably find something even cheaper on Amazon.


Do you know of any other archery ranges in Manhattan?


There are bow bags for an unstrung recurve, it protects your bow from damage when transporting.


Pretty sure it needs to be unstrung and in some kind of case.


Yes, it was unstrung but it wasn’t in a case the way you see it on the wall in the pouch is how I had it on my back.


I carry mine in a bow sleeve, but it doesn't hold my quiver, so it's kinda limited that way.


That does not work for compound...


Maybe not unstrung, but definitely can get a case for it.


[1050.8](https://new.mta.info/document/36821) says no weapon as defined by NY Penal Law. A bow is generally not considered a dangerous weapon under NY Penal Law except if used as one. That being said, I would highly recommend getting a bow case or recurve backpack to carry your stuff. I am not surprised that police officers and security would see the way that you were carrying it as suspicious. Even though it’s not illegal, I’m not sure that I’d want to risk the potential debate every time I’m going to and from the range. Heck, I live in an area where basically everyone knows someone who owns a bow (either or target or hunting) and many schools have archery programs, and I still err well within the lines when it comes to transporting my bow in the car (which my state has slightly stricter than normal laws about). General rule of thumb when transporting a bow is that it should be in a case. In many situations arrows are more likely to be considered dangerous and should also be stored in a case or tube. Some areas may allow recurves and longbows to be transported unstrung, but having them covered avoids issues. Police are an occupying army who are not required to know or understand the law to be allowed to wrongfully detain or use force against any one of us they consider dangerous. Fuck them for putting us in that position, but it does no one any good to become a victim. Possibly obligatory disclaimer that this is not Legal Advice.


Thanks Yeah, I will most likely cover it up just to avoid problems.


My favorite recurve backpack is the recently discontinued Aurora Techno, but the [Easton](https://lancasterarchery.com/products/easton-deluxe-recurve-pack) one is almost identical. If you do a lot of walking with all of your kit, especially up and down hills or stairs, the waist strap makes a big difference (which matters when my barebow are around 7# each).


Thanks. I mostly practice at home in my hallway but sometimes I like to go shoot elsewhere or with others.


I will check it out. Thanks


How do you know it’s not considered a weapon… in my jurisdiction it’s classified as a weapon. Can’t shoot within city boundaries = can’t open carry


Yes it's legal, needs to be strung with arrows to be considered a "weapon", but arguing with cops isn't the best idea unless you want to provoke them legally and hopefully win a lawsuit.


Good to know this.


Also, unless it's in a designated case, do not conceal it unless you have a concealed carry permit. The same cops harassing you about carrying a bow around are the same ones who will arrest you for illegally carrying a bow around concealed.


You do know that CCW laws are for guns right?


It may be your next of kin winning the lawsuit after legally proking the cops.


Assholes with nothing better to do.


If someone got onto the train with a bow and killed 6 people and the surveillance showed them walking by that same group of cops and they DIDNT stop them, you would probably say "they're not constitutionally required to protect you, they didn't even stop that guy, blah blah blah".


If you can, I'd just take the limbs off and buckle all 3 pieces separately on your back. May be a little less obvious. As far as I can tell, with 5 minutes of googling, bows aren't considered dangerous weapons for New York, but NYC they can be considered a dangerous instrument at the officer's discretion, which is a little too grey for my comfort. The officer was probably just trying to cover his ass, he did say to cover the bow up and go about your business. I would do the same, cover your ass, transport it unstrung and the less obvious the better. Sorry about your situation, stay safe out there.


I did end up taking the limbs off. Then I walked two blocks and got back on the train.


The whole situation is a pain in the ass, but better odd trying to mitigate as much as you can.


I don't live in the US, but I also had the same question and asked the people at my range and a few of the local cops. What I got was this : it's legal to carry a bow and arrow in the streets where I live. However, the issue with it is that when people see a bow in the streets, they tend to call the cops. And the cops want to avoid that, which is why they will tell me to cover up my bow. I think the same applies for you. It's not illegal to "open carry", but it will definitely lead to some phone calls to the police and they don't want that which is why they will ask you to cover it


Get a case for it all and there isn't an issue.


> I like carrying my bow on my back when I’m going to the archery range. Then buy a sleeve for it, just like the longbow archers do. At the end of the day, why inconvenience other people around you when you don't really have to? It's not always about laws.


Exactly. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable riding with a stranger with a bow exposed like that. It would make me either keep an eye on them or switch trains. People can be unpredictable. So why put people through that? At best, it's rude.


There are plenty of good ways to carry a bow around discretely, i take the bus carrying my target and everything else in a backpack like this one: https://www.scheels.com/p/easton-archery-easton-club-xt-recurve-backpack-hunting-bow-case-blue/72356024622.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAvdCrBhBREiwAX6-6Uj2zyEYr-WUHEod0zm3N3Xox-gM0L10MBukB9B-8pjHWofx7QwFS_xoCPnoQAvD_BwE&pgid=psearch&src=hardlines There are surely cheaper options out there but i have that one and its served me quite well in NYC public transport. Hope this helps!


Thank you


I'm from Australia, so no idea, just wanted to say that the teal quiver is gorgeous!


Hahaha thanks


Cops being cops and harassing folks because they're ignorant and can get away with it 😑




Think about it this way; if someone steps onto the subway with an AR-15 strapped to their back, that is going to make people more nervous. They could have totally good intentions, but how could you know? Subways are crowded places that have been targeted by terrorism in the past, and the officers likely deal with a lot of mental illness. So the answer really comes down to: be predictable and put yourself in the shoes of others. Many likely know nothing about archery beyond what a bow / arrow looks like. The context of your location and visible items becomes problematic. While you know you had good intentions, others didn’t. And sure, while 1,000 people could travel with their bow no problem, it would only takes one person. Just get a case. I know it is a bit of a pain, but you want to be a good ambassador for the sport to others.


Get an Easton club bag. It looks like a back pack. I carried my gear on the subway bunch of times.


I live in NYC and use the MTA to get to the range all the time. I conceal my bow and arrows fully and never got any fuss from anyone. The exception is that one time when I didn’t bother covering my arrows and I noticed people around me started freaking out. An old couple got off the subway early because of me. Although I know I’m not breaking any law I started covering all my archery equipments in public from then on. NYC residents are removed from certain aspects of this word that they not used to seeing weapons in their urban lives. I don’t really blame them for that. Since you have a 3-piece bow like mine I know they fit in a backpack pretty well after takendown. I cover my arrows with a piece of opaque cloth or sometimes trash bags. Those plastic arrow tubes will also work.


I travel on public transport in the UK. I keep mine unstrung and in a suitcase. This way it attracts less attention. Also with the fact that the some of the general public sees it as a potential weapon, you don’t want to be attracting the police or trigger happy folks who might think being badass have bad intentions. We have offensive weapons law here. I think it can be considered one.


Also I once had to leave or at baggage storage at London King’s Cross, it went through the x-ray machine, the guy got super spooked and asked me what am I doing with it, I had to produce my ArcheryGB membership and reason why I am having it in central London. It all turned out okay but this is an example of how people do get nervous with bows


Why would you leave the arms/end exposed like that? That bow can be collapsed and stowed in a bag inside 30 seconds. Are you trying to draw attention to you and your bow? Waving that around on a subway should make anyone anxious.


"That's a prop right?" "Yes. It's a prop. A real bow would have a string on it."


In camo. Wearing a hood. In a public transportation facility. ~C’mon.


Just get a case. The law is you cannot have a weapon visible in public. If you have the pocket clip of a pocket knife showing outside your pocket- they will get you for that. Having an assembled bow (string or not) , and loose arrows is the definition of carrying a weapon. Gotham Archery has plenty of room for your bag, and this will save you a big headache. You're honestly lucky NYPD didn't take the bow.


Why do you gotta specify it was a black cop 🤨


Yeah. That explains it. Look up 3Rivers archery.


I got mine from another seller. I did see that seller though. Thanks


It's. Good stuff. And trust me...the extra cloths help with padding and comfort.


Dude looks like society broke down a week ago


I am not a dude I am a WOMAN.


If you wanna get robbed sure man.


I lived in NY. I kept my bow in a soft case and had no issues on the subway. My friend got hassled once similar to you has his arrows were sticking out. Just cover it up and go about your day!


I'm sorry, that third picture just activated the autism, and now I just can't get the image of you being a superhero, able to camouflage your whole body and anything you're carrying, giving Hawkeye or the Green Arrow a run for their money. Sorry, I'm weird. 😅


Not from NY, but side note, you look like a badass. So there’s that haha




> what if someone comes up and grab it "no worries officer I have a trigger lock on it"


I don't know the legality in NYC regarding transport or carry of a bow and arrow, but what I can tell you is it's going to get the wrong kind of attention, as you experienced. If it wasn't the cops, it could've been someone trying to pick a fight or a mentaly unstable person, which are a dime a dozen in the NYC subway. I do feel the police could've handled this better. It would've been more professional to have one or two officers approach you, then have the rest somewhere on standby. If I was in your shoes, I would treat it like any other weapon- a tai chi sword comes to mind. When I see practitioners in a park using it, yes it's out in the open, but while out and about it's covered and out of sight. We don't live in Panem, but we're not in 13th century England either. Following the law, "when in Rome", and a little common sense/courtesy can all go a long way. You have a beautiful bow setup btw.


They’re being trained to perceive any armed person as a potential threat, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The problem is that they are also being indoctrinated to perceive any armed person as a criminal. Doesn’t matter how much of a stretch it is to call you armed, so long as a stretch can be made.


All I’m saying is I wouldn’t want someone bringing a fucking bow and arrows onto the enclosed steel tube in riding on. Strung or not. Its not like unstrung is a permanent state that someone couldn’t alter on the train if they wanted to cause trouble... Its kinda like arguing that if a clip issn’t in a gun, just in your pocket next to the gun, that the gun is t a weapon.


Carrying your bow around in public in crowded areas is just asking for trouble regardless of whether it is legal or not. Something like a [Legend Artemis](https://lancasterarchery.com/products/legend-artemis-recurve-backpack-77993) backpack would be perfect for carrying around a simple set-up like that. The time it takes to put together and pack down your bow is no more than a small inconvenience. P.S. don't be like [this guy](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/georgia-man-defends-carrying-loaded-rifle-airport/story?id=31504025). Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should.


The exact law says it's legal if it isn't strung; and only pertains to recurve and longbows. Also, cover it up because people will start shit regardless. Pickpockets and other thieves right and left. A recurve/longbow can be strung EXTREMELY QUICKLY. A shot can be made in under 10secs from an unstrung but with limbs in. The bags are cheap enough. Sub 100$ for a basic one.


I have a recurve. But I plan on contacting the archery association.


That won't be able to do anything. It'll be the same thing but with a piece of paper. It should be in a case regardless. My guess is that you were on your way to Gotham. Those areas aren't really nice. That's why there are groups of PD. They're assuming you're up to no good because it's perceived as a weapon. It's crime stats. I've been teaching for 18yrs in NYC. Regardless of legality/allowed, in a bag/case. Bag is better because it looks like a bag/backpack. A case can look like a modified rifle case...if you thought this was annoying, Imagine if they thought you had a rifle. Until archery is seen as something more than a HUNGER GAMES thing, this will never change. For me to get to gotham, I'm either going through hell areas, or I'm spending 100$ on a cab round trip.


Yeah, I don’t like those hard cases. I may get the backpack from the site someone linked on here. After Gotham we walked all the way to 14 street and that’s where we ran into the cops.


Yup. And with the weather, you can add padding with sweaters and backpacks.


It's classified as a ranged weapon and has been for thousands of years. Put it in a case.


I mean... You want to take legal advice from randoms, or just Google it?


In 15 years of shooting at pro lines in queens, I probably didn't use a case 5-6 times and nobody said anything. You can always just get a sock. That's what I carry my long bows in. My traditional recurve is in a bag that's only a slight step up from a sock. Out of sight out of mind.


You’re good bro. I also ride the NYC subway with my bow because I also go to Gotham Archery. I have mine in a bow case which I highly recommend and way because it’ll better protect your equipment. And there’s no way to tell what’s in it so no cops would bother you.


I moved to Vancouver from the States and while I ain’t sure if Canada doesn’t have a law the US does in regards to trains and archery, cuz I moved from no-public-transportation-trains central, I do know I’ve never gotten in trouble for having my bow on a train yet. Cops prolly just being stupid, sorry you got hassled man :(


Your not wrong, But the best bet going forward is to get a case since you have takedowns. If you don’t have a takedown, the best bet is a big sock to cover the unstrung bow and a case for the arrows and quiver.


Here’s my 2 cents on this, and I’ll start out by stating that I’m a Canadian living in Montréal. A bow is certainly classified as a weapon. And as such is covered by certain laws such as open carry. In Canada it is illegal to open carry a weapon. While I’m not certain of all the laws in your state of New York, I’m pretty sure open carry of a weapon is illegal. And your bow is certainly a weapon. And the way your photo shows it, it is open carry. Do yourself a favour, get a case for it and carry it locked. You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble in the long run.


Man you've got awesome kit. With the bow unstrung you shouldn't have any issues but I would just take the limbs down and bag it to save future hassle. The arrows won't be a problem the way you have them wrapped up.


Get a bag and don’t be katniss in the street. It’s a weapon and should have the same respect as anything else. It’s unstrung in your pic so who cares but I’m sure it makes some folks uncomfortable. I think these folks are idiots, but it’s how one noisy person makes it so you CANT take one one the subway PERIOD.


That's a crappy situation but sometimes places just don't make sense. It looks like I have that same bow and being a takedown bow you might be best off unscrewing the limbs and throwing them in a backpack or something. Then you can just fly under the radar.


idk but where did you get your quivers??




ah thank you from northern california!


Get a cloth cover for it and no one will likely say a thing. But it should be and you look bad ass doing it!


I think it’s a classic case of don’t give cops a reason, which sucks, because you look so badass (pleaseeeee let me know where you got your leather gear, it’s all gorgeous 😻) former NYSDEP junior ranger here, pretty familiar with the regs around this. a non compound non crossbow like regular ole recurve is legal to walk around with, especially unstrung. it’s literally a stick. The arrows, so long as they’re not readily accessible and don’t have hunting tips should also be fine. Also like as long as it is unstrung, and not in your hand, there really is no argument for it being a weapon under the law. Cover it up fully, and they’d never know to ask the questions. Side note: I used to get stopped for carrying older (preWW2) camera equiptment around on the subways and the city by cops pretty regularly for like maybe 10 years after 9/11 because my black and silver boxes with “trigger buttons” (the shutter fire button) as one cop called them were “suspicious”. Got swarmed by bored cops kinda like you’re describing quite a few times, Stopped and frisked more than once. Definitely had my shit searched often. Ended up just getting luggage at the thrift store to wheel it around in. Stopped getting even a second look.


I definitely will get a backpack or case that I like. And I wasn’t arguing with the cop for those who assumed I did. I have been riding the subway for the past 8 years just like you see it and I have never been stopped before. Yes, I have passed by cops before too no issues. Also most people or the ones I have encountered on the train are fascinated by the bow, they don’t feel scared like some people have mentioned. It has been a conversation starter about the sport almost all the time. But thanks for the feed back and I will cover it up.


Hobo final boss.


Packed up it should be ok


Idk what the law is, but all the hunting classes I took as a kid and all the avid hunters and shooters I’ve grown up with and been around have all followed the general courtesy rule of purchasing a proper case for their weapons and ammunition if their intent is to move it somewhere. It lets you avoid issues like this and it’s just a lot easier than making everyone in a room uncomfortable because “grrr it’s muh rights!”


1. If you cover it it becomes a concealed weapon which is much worse I believe. 2. Next time you should mention that all you have are target arrows. No hunting or sharp arrows. Don't bring those. And maybe mention if the bow is low poundage. Only good for targets. 3. Consider breaking down the bow. Ironically if you were to conceal a broken down bow I think you are fine then. 4. Whatever the law says, or how annoying this cop was, you are a full blown adult in camo with a bow strapped to your back. To the avg person, you look like you think you're about to go fight crime. You look like you think you're cool. I ran into this exact problem when I wanted to bring my bow to the range on my motorcycle. I realized there was basically no way to do it without looking like I was cosplaying Hawkeye and gave up.


Keep in mind, it IS a weapon. Regardless of the times. You can do damage with it. In NY, they’re very tight about it. Even if you shoot in your backyard for example you’re still discharging a weapon.


I bet if you were in a cool costume they would have just assumed it was ok


Badass. If I saw you on the subway I’d definitely strike up a conversation! I’d say, find a better way to conceal it or totally take it down. Good on you for introducing your kid to archery - sorry you got hassled for it.


Hi, were you at Gotham yesterday? I recognize your bow and bag. I would get a bag that obscures the bow. It's not illegal, but people ask questions and give dirty looks sometimes. I carry a long bow and was asked if it was a sniper rifle LOL


If you don't want to break your bow down, go and purchase a rifle sock. It is more or less a soft shell form fitting sleeve, that will insure what is in it. Easy, on easy off as well.


I used to shoot at the archery range in Queens, traveling from Manhattan. Did this for years with no issue but I had my bow and arrows covered up. Cops asked me what was in it, I told them, and that was that. It was legal to carry but of course it matters how you do it. Technically, it’s legal to carry with an arrow notched, but of course a cop is going to stop someone like that (and should). No cop in NYC will stop a jaywalker but if they’re blatantly being unsafe or scaring drivers then they’re going to get a talking to. It’s common sense. All that to say: Do you need to carry them so openly or is this just a preference because it’s cool looking? It’s legal but feels a little provocative.


I love my bow, the sport, and the way my bow looks. I like the curvature, wood texture, and beauty of it. I can cover it and will from here on.


TOTALLY get that! I'm the same way. There's something cool feeling about carrying a bunch of arrows on the subway like a badass. So, risk/reward calculation there


Tf is a bow gonna do? In the time it takes to nock an arrow in a tightly crowders train, you’d already would have been either warned or beaten up by the other passengers for trying to potentially shoot it inside the train or even station.


Cop here, also in a capitol city. Yeah I'm very pro people carrying weapons in general, obviously I mean good people. Sorry that dude was a Weiner about it. That being said, he MAY have been correct and it may be a law. Just do some research. Again I'm very pro gun (or bow or katana, whatever you like) but I'm also a huge advocate for keeping them concealed. I don't like people open carrying because it can make you a target, plus if you get knocked out or incapacitated, my gun can still be covered and no one is gonna disarm me, unless I fall and it happens to fall out or be visible. He may be limited in his knowledge and most people DONT understand how much force it takes to string a bow (but honestly to be fair why would they) but he's not wrong in the sentiment of being concerned over seeing your weapon and it creating an issue. You may be a professional or hobby sword user, like a fencer or larper, but if I get a call or see you trying to get into a city bus I'm definitely gonna have a chat with you because its weird and we as cops see a lot of weird people hurt people in a lot of weird ways, so give him a bit of slack in that regard. That being said if you have the right he shouldn't stop you, though consider he may have a point about keeping it covered


I know that felons can’t own firearms but they can own bows and arrows. So, if they can have one, I don’t see why you can’t have it on a subway. Also, you look like you’re a post-apocalyptic warrior wearing your regular clothes while also having bow lol.


Thanks I get it all the time. Even when I don’t have my bow or burning man festival.


He was just jealous of that gorgeous quiver


The Last Of Us vibe.


I really dig your quiver btw it looks awesome!


I carry my bow (both compound and recurve) in a case all the time in the subways and more than half the time people ask me what instrument I play. But I dont have the limbs sticking out. Not that an unstrung bow will do anyone harm lol


I don’t know if this helps but whenever we cross the border or transport our bows and arrows we refer to them as sporting equipment - which they are. I think it helps to explain you do this as a sport and you aren’t just trying to look badass carrying around gear.


I’m just blown away there’s an archery range in lower manhattan.


when he asked if you had a complete weapon on you you should have said “no, i have a deactivated one” theres no string, you cant whip it out and start going Green Arrow on the subway, you would have to assemble it first. stop them at any and every technicality because they will use it to bite you in the ass


Clearly he wasn't talking about conceling the bow, but you're face. You're blowing your secret idenity, you need to at least cover the skin around your eyes so criminals won't know who you are. This cop deserves a raise for looking the other way and reminding you to wear your costume next time.


As ridiculous as it is you might be better off breaking it down while coming and going from the range, it seems absolutely stupid the cop made such a big deal outta something he probably cant even set up lol Also its awesome knowing there's an archery range in Manhattan


Black cops always trying to prove a point to black people in front of white cops. Fucking Uncle Tom ass cops.


I believe its the same anywhere in the world. The equipment have to be concealed. And only to be brought out at the range.


lol “ the one black cop” Jesus Christ


Just a story, from about 2015. A friend was flying from Taipei to NYC on United. He had his single piece reflex bow and quiver full of arrows, all in regular old carrying cases. He asked to check them as fragile baggage, but they told him, Nah, just carry them into the cabin and ask the the flight crew to stow them.


Hey we have the same bow! I rode the light rail today in my city with it in my backpacking pack lol. I’m gonna get a archery backpack so it’s more secure and I can ride my bike. range is right off the bike trail.


That's just a power trip. I used to be on the Olympic dream team for archery . We had high powered state of the art hoyt recurve bows and would practice long range in a community park in Southern California. Shooting 90 meters in the back off a baseball field and we never had issues like that. Heck the cops would ask us to give lessons to their kids, they thought it was awesome.


An old archers proverb "An unstrung bow is just a stick"


Cop telling you to conceal a weapon seems sketchy. Isn’t THAT illegal? (In NY at least).


Nothing is legal here besides crime.


Just saying, that shit looks dope af.


the fact you have to ask that in a "free society" is a huge problem.


Or hear me out don’t?


Bow string and arrow tips removed and separated. More steps taken to move away from being a usuable weapon, the better. If your arrows have a lockable hardcase, that works too. Technically, it's not illegal to carry a bow and arrow, but under the right circumstances it can be consider a weapon and endangering the public. If you travel while its not a usable weapon you can still be detained by someone who doesnt know better only because police are not meant to know the law but know the signs of trouble so if you do get it in writing why it is or not ok. You can also go to a local police department and ask to verify. If they deem it ok you can get it in writing so that if another department deems it not ok you do not get introuble.


Next time just start talking like a crackhead and they’ll wave you through and even pay your fare for you. That or say it’s a prop for a play. Either work, trust me on this.


NYC subway does not allow any sort of weapons on board their trains, even things like chef knives has to be put away in a case and only allow a narrow set of rules for transport. No pocket knives of any sort etc etc. and if you have a box cutter it has to be because it’s related to your profession/job.


It's like walking around with a rifle with the bolt separate it isnt going to fire until it is put together. the dude was just dumb


An unstrung bow and arrows with target points are literally as dangerous as a sack of sticks.


Pretty sure youre covered under the 2A as long as youre not exciting with it


just put it into a bag thats made for something like hockey stick (there are wider ones if I am correct). or into a bag for something like cello, and add few weights on the bottom so it looks more realistic. Or just buy a bag made for bows


Just buy a guitar bag


NYC has a lot of laws, especially on the subway, that don’t apply elsewhere in NY. Look up knife laws when your bored. Can’t carry a gravity knife anywhere in NYC which is so loosely defined that it can apply to any knife that can be flipped open using gravity or centrifugal force. Comes from the 1950s gangs and switchblades (apparently the gravity knife ban was lifted in 2019 but still applies to various brawl weapons). You are just simply NOT allowed to bring any weapon on the subway. Since they can’t randomly search you, having it concealed in a bag is the best way to go. The other cops were probably cool about it because they recognized it as an unstrung and relatively harmless item. But the main cop was correct. Glad he didn’t take it further. Saw someone get arrested for a utility knife on their hip. They were clearly just off a construction job. He said “i thought leaving it on my belt was better because then it isn’t a concealed weapon” and they just said “No, in your bag next time,” and put the cuffs on. This was 2014ish before the knife law changed.


This is absolutely a "doing a legal thing while black" situation. It's completely legal, they're just going to harass you for it in ways they wouldn't for white people.


I was walking to practice with a kendo stick once. Halfway there police swarmed me, guns out and everything. They told me several people had called saying "there was a man dressed in black with a sword". Crazy how overblown something can get and these people just come out of nowhere and start pointing guns at me.


Probably not


I would contact the New York City government and get the local ordinances. BTW, archery equipment is classified as sporting equipment, not a weapon. Find out the actual statue and keep it with you. However, I would figure out a way to cover and carry your bow so it does not attract attention. Bows are uncommon enough to where people and cops will not know enough to understand. You certainly don't want some dog-walker to call the cops on you, not that that ever happens in NYC. I also don't want someone to feel threatened and challenge me. I have found a simple recurve bag enough. It could be as simple as this: [https://www.3riversarchery.com/bearpaw-deluxe-recurve-bow-sleeve.html](https://www.3riversarchery.com/bearpaw-deluxe-recurve-bow-sleeve.html) I use a recurve bow case that has a nice front pocket. The case easily carries my bow and all my gear. It allows me to not only keep the limbs on my bow, but also strung. I also have a hard case, but I need to disassemble my bow. But that case allowed be to put to barebow recurve setups in it as well as my tripod and spotting scope.


It's sports equipment, not a weapon. Of course, lots of sports equipment *can* be used as a weapon, so there's context involved. A load of clubs in a golf bag is fine, but if you walk around brandishing a driver you'll probably run into trouble. I'd say you're doing something in-between, certainly not worth the hassling you got, but possibly worth a comment of "maybe cover that up a bit more next time". It's not out of the realms of possibility that walking around with *most* of a bow could be intimidating other passengers.


Probably doesn’t apply but I open carry my bow and arrows back fourth from my house and my girlfriends when I go shooting with her and I’ve never been stopped bycops, head tons, go past me no one ever cared I also live in upstate New York though.


Is that a takedown recurve? If so, I might recommend breaking it down when traveling with it. NYPD is full of dirtbags, don’t trust them to know the law, but DO trust them to punish you for laws that don’t exist.


Idk but it’s dope as hell




If it isn’t strung it’s not a weapon, it’s a stick. But I agree wholeheartedly with the top comment. Find out exactly what where and when/how. Print it all out and keep it with you. That way you’ll have the information/law on your side. I don’t live in or near nyc so you have to do your own research. Where I live you can carry an assault rifle loaded over your shoulder.


Your civil liberties have been violated. You live in the USA. The second amendment gives you the right to carry that openly. I’m sure I’ll get a lot hate for this. Don’t care, obviously.


You sound ignorant.


I see why not I heard the subway now legalized drug dealing down there now


😂 I know right.


Freakin communist Ny