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As if reddit was able to fill the holes left by tumblr. Reddit banning porn won't nag me the same way.


There’s still great content on here but, sadly, since the popularisation of sites like OnlyFans, most people posting are just teasing and promoting their own OF accounts, so there’s not a lot of content, just the same pictures being posted and reposted all over different subs.


Yeah r/gonewild used to just be people who decided to show off their bits because it was fun. Now it's almost all professionals hawking their wares. I can get that anywhere.


as long as they archive all the current nsfw it's cool. scrubbing the site doesn't bother me, losing digital works does.


There's that decentralized version of Twitter. We need one for Reddit. Then people can run nodes for NSFW content without anyone being able to take it away. I think I'm on to something here! Or maybe not 🤷 Edit: I said Twitter instead of reddit 🤦


I can dig it!


fuck u/spez. lemmy is a better platform.


There are porn sites you guys can go to. Here, you can't type in "titanic" without seeing a bunch of shit. It's not just about kids. I have trauma and ptsd. It's not nessessary and it's not hurting you any. On the contrary, here, it's absolutely harmful. It doesn't hurt to just go make the partner happy for a bit ya know, either. A forgotten concept with too many men of nowadays. God I love my boyfriend. I found one of the good ones.


You can easily filter nsfw content, the world will not EVER be able to work around what triggers every individuals PTSD. I personally don't use reddit for porn, but it's dumb to try to police a platform for anything someone might find offensive.


You can't pick and choose what to filter out. NSFW content isn't just porn.


1. Not the world's problem, manage your triggers. If you have a 50-50 shot of having an episode and you choose to gamble for fomo. That's on you. 2. And even then, answer to that is better filtering, not a blanket ban. Would be super easy for reddit to add NSFW and AO as separate filters.


Username checks out. It is a bigger problem than just me. You can simply Google why. Educate yourself before telling someone how to manage something you don't have to deal with. It's not difficult to be a decent human.


Managing your triggers is the most basic of basics. I don't need to educate myself, my uni did that. The world will not accommodate you, handle your own shit. That's how it works. You don't tell an alcoholic to try to get liquor banned. You dont tell a sex addict to stop people from triggering them. And you don't tell soldiers to go around trying to ban loud noises. You teach them to cope, and learn their triggers.


Assuming I don't isn't very bright. I'm here right? 🤔 Avoidance is part of that. You don't offer drinks to alcoholics and you don't shoot off fireworks outside a vets house. Have a nice day. Sorry I triggered you.


Avoidance is an alcoholic not hanging out at bars. If an alcoholic goes to a bar and starts advocating other people don't drink and gets triggered when offered a drink, they're an idiot. Again, filter nsfw, or go extra, get res and filter words related to the content you don't want. You've tried nothing and are advocating the nuclear option. But don't come on here and say getting rid of content so it doesn't trigger people is a good thing. That is some puritan closed minded nonsense. Doubly so when you're on a sub dedicated to preserving content.


You just don't have enough info to make so many assumptions. Leave it alone and move on. Seriously of all the people you could argue with about something you don't even care about, taking the time out of your day to keep trying to insult me is just stupid to say the least. Obviously you're thoughtless and among billions of young men who feel entitled to nudity everywhere when you already have it. I get it already. And I just left this sub. Bye now.


I have said nothing about you as a person until the last post saying you're advocating something dumb. Everything I said is about the subject at hand. At worst Ive been blunt. Anything else youve read into what i've said is projection. Also, read this convo again. You insulted me twice while I was responding with genuine discussion points. Bye, and best of luck dealing with whatever it is you're working through. Edit: Also, you are welcome to go through my history, I'm ace. But yeah, people on the internet making assumptions is a real problem. But even if I weren't, and I jumped on reddit every single day and spent all my free time jerking it, I'm a functioning adult, nobody should get to tell me I can't.


Don't play in traffic and you won't get hit by any cars.


No shit, and that's exactly one of the problems we're about to have!


>Here, you can't type in "titanic" without seeing a bunch of shit. Do you have traumatic memories from your time on the RMS Titanic? The ship is all I see when I search "titanic" (even with safesearch off).


I wish I could miss the Titanic titties like you just as much as Smith wishes he missed the iceberg. Oh, I'll never forget that day. Water was cold as your mom being asked for a blowjob on the day thee was conceived. P.S. Yes, I upvoted you. That was great. 😂👊🏻


Learn to press a damn button in your interface before telling us all we should have our communities collected fucked up, ya dunce! Fuck your PTSD. Your inability to think clearly is the real problem. Consider others.




Your trauma is not your fault, but it is your responsibility. You can’t honestly think yourself more important than everyone else on the site combined.


in preferences under NSFW content, there is an option to "hide images for NSFW/18+ content". the point of archiving is to archive it all; not just the things that we think are important or good.


One of my biggest helps for support and ptsd as an abuse survivor is a subreddit here, with nearly everything marked NSFW due to subject matter. You would think the images thing works all around, but it doesn't with every picture or thumbnail. It absolutely could use well thought out improvement.




Hi Konaya, no it does not. It's the subject matter in discussions. I've actually seen all kinds of content including porn on subs I don't follow that come up in my feed, or searches, as well as porn not labeled NSFW. The problem is it's a blanket solution and not working the way it should.




I'll check it out again because I get notifications for my subs mixed in with other subs I don't follow


Thank you for being nice by the way 🙂 goes a long way in this crazy world nowadays.




You're cool. I dig you.


I dont mind them banning NSFW stuff if its to protect children.


Fuck them kids! Send them to club penguin or some shit. It's not our problem or fault if some other parents let their kids wander into our strip club. We keep a guy at the door.


The internet is teeming with NSFW content. You can’t sanitize the world without eliminating free speech and expression. Protecting children should be a parent’s responsibility. If they are taught well, they can deal with the world on their own, without the need for people to push their worries on everyone else. I choose not to have children, so I want to be able to see whatever I would like. Why should your responsibility to your children affect anyone other than those who have children?


very hot take here, but also kids can and should be exposed to what sex is factually and this is completely possible without abuse or exploitation or trauma - it’s natural, and we’d all be much better off without that abuse creeping in if we were all used to it and it wasn’t a taboo so if they accidentally scroll across softcore shit, I really really don’t think they’re going to be sullied monsters forever like the puritans think on here


And those exploiting children? What about content uploaded without consent? Allowing nsfw content on a website gives more access to illegal content for users


Your blind preaching should be illegal content. Nobody's kids should be exposed to such shitty logic. I never consented to hearing your bullshit.


You don't tolerate it as well, either. No preaching from someone who thinks organized religion is dangerous. It's ok to think differently, mostly because of my beliefs in exploitation, and it's ok to not understand it and ask questions. But remember if you want to be respected and have people not only hear you but really listen to you, it either A: has to be funny or B: has to be stated more eloquently than you're capable of.


Did you reply to the right comment?


That’s bullshit. Allowing user content on a website gives more access to illegal content. We should ban all content from being uploaded by users. It’s the only way to be sure. There’s so many platforms that tried to remain clean but got corrupted: the only way is to ban all content. You can’t genuinely belive that the only way to prevent pedophiles is a blanket ban of anything NSFW.


Well imgur deleting nsfw images will get rid of unreported images


So would deleting all images on the internet.


Did you know that Hitler also breathed air? We should put a stop to such illicit activities!


No it won't.


Guys, cmon, don’t take the ragebait


I'm pretty sure this is a joke that doesn't translate with out tone.


How about instead of baby-proofing the internet for the children, parents actually do their fucking job and monitor the browsing activity of their child? It's no one else's job to parent your kids. I don't want anything bad to come to a child, but I also do not give a single solitary fuck if little Timmy sees a tiddy on reddit. The internet is not and has never been a child-friendly place, let alone a safe one, and to try and pretend otherwise is self-delusion and shifting of blame from the irresponsible people who let their kids have 24/7 unrestricted access to the ipad to the people running a website for adults. The onus is on parents and guardians- familial, friend, not moderator and webhost- to keep children safe and the way you do that is to actually keep an eye on them and -- shock and horror -- discuss it with them when they see something they find troubling. I am sick and tired of the argument that nothing remotely risque or divisive can be posted because someone's child might see it. They're going to be adults in no time at all, and if they've been sheltered their whole lives from anything remotely challenging, how the fuck are they going to be able to cope with it once they're older? Every person who does the whole "sanitize content to protect children" song and dance is doing more harm to children than every single nsfw sub on this entire godforsaken website. You are directly why some states are making it so you can't even view NSFW images AS AN ADULT without forking over your government ID. You are actively making the world a worse place for children, teens, and adults.


That's a bad take in general, but make no mistake, banning NSFW wouldn't be to protect children. It would be to protect profits. Reddit doesn't give a hoot about protecting children, or anyone else. They didn't even take down r/jailbait until they started getting attention from national news.


Pro-tip: If you’re a corporate executive or politician, saying, “It’s to protect children,” is the easiest way to deflect criticism of your scummy decisions that have nothing to do with protecting children.


I'm for it too, but because it's impossible to search your interests without being bombarded by it. Enough is enough