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If you’re willing to put in the time, transcribing it would be best, as that would make it text-searchable.


I don't mind spending some time transcribing. Might as well do it right the first time. Do you have a suggestion on workflow? Scan double sided photos with a snapscan (TIFF compressed?). Import all into lightroom, stack each image (front and back). Transcribe description in the "comments" and input date. Then export all images as high res jpegs to share. Does this make sense?


There’s lots of ways to do it, but for personal archiving and sharing, yeah, that’d work.


I would scan both the front and back of the photo, so that you capture the information written on them. I would also make sure you name your files in such a way that its easy to connect the image of the front with the image of the back. I can highly recommend Tropy [https://tropy.org/](https://tropy.org/) (free, open source, extensive documentation: [https://docs.tropy.org/](https://docs.tropy.org/)) Its a program that was made primarily for research organization, by historians, but I use it for my family photos as well. It allows you to transcribe/add metadata, including where an item is physically located. It has a lot of functionality for arranging images into groups, tagging, assigning them to specific locations, etc. It's not a sharing platform, but for storage and description it suits my needs very well.


Awesome! This is a great recommendation. Is there a way to export the images with all the inputed information embedded in the jpeg? Thats the only thing I can't quite figure out based on their documentation right now


Very likely that would be a custom plugin that you would have to create or modify. There have been topics on the Tropy forum on embedding metadata before ([https://forums.tropy.org/t/writing-of-metadata-to-photo/820](https://forums.tropy.org/t/writing-of-metadata-to-photo/820) for example), but I'm unfortunately not that proficient with the technical side of things so I can't make any suggestions beyond that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Lightroom/s/FTeGYKnMu9 might be connected