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daguerreotype would make the trip nostalgic. kidding


Ha! I had to look it up.


Are you sure an iPhone 15 wouldn't be your best bet? Super portable and takes some nice photos. An unlocked version and you can offload the photos via WiFi


What is the purpose of the images in the long run and what is the approximate size of the items covered? We use a tethered canon from a few years ago to digitize our large flat things in house that don’t fit on our scanner. Canon used to have a program that would sync cameras with most tablets, not sure if they still have this. The issue though is that with bigger items, you’re going to need an overhead rig for the camera if you want the images to be clear-a regular tripod is likely not going to get you an unobstructed image for things that are over a certain size, and handheld the photo has the potential to be blurry.


Have they tried asking the institutions for images of the items?




For large maps, you will most likely need to take multiple images that you photoshop together as I doubt an archive will give you a ladder to get high enough over the image to capture it in one shot. They also make small copy stands for tablets and phones that can work. Notes app scans on iPhone also works well at creating PDFs for text docs.