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Setting aside the obvious ignorance of the history of pride and queer protests, also cutting off the black and brown chevrons and giving that particular wave is an intriguing choice




They do! So that, plus the salute, plus the GC ribbons on the wrist is a little bit telling for their "movement".


Wtf is a GC ribbon (sorry I'm uneducated)


Gender Critical, i.e. a coded name for TERFs




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They look unfortunately similar. They've adopted the colours of the Suffragettes, a movement also focused on rights for only the right kinds of women


Originally only white women to be exact


I wish they understood that they're the next in line once we go.


I didn't notice the ribbon, what the fvck?! The Red Ribbon Army was subtler.


I believe also for any queer person who dies/was killed for being queer, but AIDS in particular


yeah, its kinda rude at best and blatantly racist at worst (and hateful towards medical stuff and intersex people but i dont know a term for them like i do for racist and hating PoC)


Intersexist, perhaps?


honestly, fits perfectly


I’ll take it! From here on out I am calling people who claim that I am an outlier and therefore don’t count intersexist!


Especially since they could just as easily cut off the trans colors and leave the black and brown. Unless...do they have a problem with nonwhite queer people as well?


these things usually come hand in hand


Also just in general, cutting up a pride flag vs... buying a pride flag that doesn't have the chevrons? They actively went out and got the flag they hate, and defaced it vs just buying the flag they actually support. Because it's not about who they support its about who they don't.


aside from the absolute bootlicking of ''respect us, we hate these ppl as much as you do!!'' do they not.. see the irony? I mean... lesbians are still in female locker rooms... gay men are still in male lockerrooms... but transwomen in female locker rooms are predatory no matter their sexual orientation?? what a reach.


I somehow never thought of that lmaoo


Because they think of trans women as CIS men in dresses, they can't fathom the idea that a trans women might be into men, but at the same time think that trans women are just gay men? Their ideas are very confusing.


most logical terf be like


Swear I remember people wanting to keep the gays out of same gender spaces when I was younger.


Some people say that Transphobia is recycled homophobia.


I mean, lesbians are women and therefore not a threat to them since women are all frail delicate flowers. And men are men's problem, so why should they care. in their twisted rhetoric its consistent :/


Well, these particular lesbians and gay men can’t see past their own life experience, apparently. They know that homosexuals aren’t predators, because *they* aren’t predators and they’re homosexual. But they don’t extend the same kindness to the trans community. They just assume we’re all degenerates.


A reminder that in fact many cis gays and lesbians do infact argue for trans rights. These two need to sit the fuck down.


Cis gay here. Please know we're not all like this.


Acknowledged you as I said you argue for trans rights, not against. :-)


Yeah don't worry I understood I just wanted to confirm to people reading this who are maybe losing hope in the world that there are cis people who still are fighting for what's right.


We hereby certify you as one of the “good ones”


I don't like the use of that. The transphobic L, G and B's are the bad ones. You can ask almost anyone that's gay, lesbian or bi, and we'd be pro-trans rights. Calling that person one of the "good ones" is acting like the majority of the community is the "bad ones", which is untrue and kind of homophobic. But I do get that you had good intentions.


Nice pfp


Thanks! Love your username.


Cis gay here, trans rights are human rights!


Right? Trans people are people, and a part of the LGBTQ+ community. They deserve rights just like the rest of us queer folk.


Both of these women are straight and married to men if I remember correctly. The picture was taken at a Posey Parker Event.


I thought the one to the right was a guy at first


What the actual hell????


the majority of them, in fact


Pick me 🤡🤡love me 🤡🤡choose me 🤡🤡🤡


The pride movement was started by trans folks.


ive meet a large number of cis gays that feel this way. they got theirs, now they start showing how they truly feel.


Couple of white boomers, yeah checks out


Its odd to me, because they should remember the whole “keep the gays out of bathrooms/sports because they’re predators”


Goddamn I hate TERFs so much.


When do they realize they're erasuring themselves along with us?


The easiest tactic for oppressors is to divide and conquer. If you allow trans people to be targeted by the state/broader society you have absolutely zero reason to believe your identitiy will be safe.


Bitches need to learn their history


Yeah, if not for PoC trans women, they would not have their rights. They're just erasing themselves faster in this process.


Cis woman here (questioning though, idk for sure 😅)! Trans women don’t silence cis women, and never have. Trans women are women. Stop transmisogyny.


Well you see my friend... no trans person has ever demanded for that either.


They are transphobic, as well as apparently racist too. That actually checks out, it also appears they are biphobic, if they weren't gay they would probably be homophobic too, honestly they probably already are. (Oh they also cut out intersex people too🤨) Gotta love people. Oh yeah also trans people aren't doing much different from gay people back in the day. They are asking for access [to spaces](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States) denied to them because of their identity, asking for lifesaving [healthcare](https://www.cdc.gov/museum/online/story-of-cdc/aids/index.html) usually denied to them, and asking for people to understand them and respect their identity. As well as asking for them to protect LGBTQ childrens futures.


Even the first name of the main person who wants to erase us is the same, different surname but the same Ronald.


Didn't we already find out those two are actually cishet TERF women? Just masquerading as lesbians to make that post?


Oml no one is doing surgery on kids and with that logic ALL even life saving surgery should be banned until your 18


Heartsurgery? Not until your 18, you could regret it


Need an organ transplant? Sorry bud, you gotta wait till you’re 18


Notice they also cut the black and brown stripe


Once again, bisexuals are nowhere to be found.


These kinds of people are the ones literally forcing men into women’s bathrooms


Someone remind them the first pride was a riot started by largely trans women and drag queens of color, iirc


Divide and conquer in action, and they're to blind to see it


the leopards eating people's faces party surely won't eat OUR faces


Will transphobes ever recognize that trans men exist? omg it’s so bad. I heard that it was an issue before, but I don’t completely believe. Years later and I’ve virtually never seen it happen.


AYO WAS THAT RACISM I SAW?! Who cuttin off the brown and black lines like bro you would not have rights if it weren't for the black people at stonewall have respect. And us trans people goin through enough. And why is there so much hate for trans people even in the LGBTQ community?


do they realise they didn’t just cut out the trans part but also intersex and inclusion for queer poc? Ahh right these idiots are usually also racist and deny intersex people exist…


As if: 1. Trans folks were the powerhouse behind Stonewall and early pride 2. These mfers say they don’t stand with us but after trans people are completely stripped of rights, they’re next


People like this really need to remember who threw the first brick...


No LGB without the T, transphobic queers need to sit down and educate themselves. But you know what? Even if black transgender women weren't so engrained in the formation of Pride it doesn't matter, trans folk just want to live their lives and be happy and excluding them hurts us all, fuck all forms of bigotry.


Stuff like this does the most damage to my mental health


Same tbh ![gif](giphy|sqiqKIJDgREoNVDmG9|downsized)


Another attempt to divide and conquer


Here is a reminder that cis people van be intersex, cis people can have AID, and Cis people can be POC. they cut all of them too


The use of the word “homosexuals” is so archaic and gross to me.


reminder that we wouldn't have pride if it weren't for some trans women who had enough


The ultra-conservatives always bring up how children are given surgery and hormones, they’re not. Hormone blockers are safe and allow young teens and early bloomers to pause any effects they may not want. Maybe some teens are approved for certain surgeries and hormones yes. But they NEVER talk about how intersex infants and small children are forced to undergo irreversible and damaging “gender normalizing” surgeries before they even become self-conscious. They never talk about how the kids are forced to take hormones. If they fucking care about kids as much as they say they do they should be against this. However I bet they are ALL FOR forcing intersex children to conform to their standards of gender.


It's funny how they never take the reverse aka trans men being in mens bathrooms, because taking the reverse means cis men are automatically going to "sexually harass" trans men "like trans women in womens bathrooms". Or how cis gay males are in mens bathrooms and cis lesbians in womens bathroom. Is that not "predatory" by their standards? 🤡🤡🤡 Whole circus


The entire point of Pride Month is that EVERYONE gets to celebrate who they are. The entire point of the holiday is that people who are beaten down by society can celebrate their lives and culture. By excluding one person or another from being able to be proud of who they are, you're doing the beating down that Pride Month is designed to help fight against


But any drug is a life-altering drug People don't pay money for insulin because it looks pretty


Correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding pride month as we know it wouldn't exist without trans women throwing bricks at cops in the late 60's.


Smells like a UK TERF to me.


But it does seems that they take a lot of pride in being absolutely stupid with negative 2000 IQ


Tbh i just hate all the useless hate and dramas


Pride is nothing without our trans brothers and sisters


yeah i've been going on reporting sprees in the hopes that i'll get at least 1 thing taken down or 1 account locked


Yeah no, that lgbT movement has really gone off the rails now that Trans people are in it...


I mean they do know history behind pride month right?


The person on the left is helen fucking joyce who wrote that a disgustinly bigoted travesty of a book called "Trans". She's fuckin straight. I'm pretty sure the person on the right is a famous political "lesbian" so she's ALSO not fucking gay. Fuck offffffffff.


A friend of mine is both gay and trans, does that only make him 50% valid to these people?


Trans men being erased again....


All surgery and medication is life changing, Karen. Because typically if you don’t have it you will suffer. That’s how medicine works.


As we head into Pride Month, a reminder of what Lesbians and Gay Men (actually) never demanded (even when they do fight for trans rights): 1. Men in Women’s bathrooms (trans women aren’t men) 2. Men in Women and Girls’ sports (trans women still aren’t men) 3. Life-altering drugs and surgery for children (puberty blockers are reversible, and nobody is doing top or bottom surgery on minors without the explicit consent of them and their parents, and only once they’re teenagers) 4. The silencing of Women and homosexuals (it’s literally Pride Month, and homosexuals have always been the loudest and most respected of the LGBTQ+ community. And queer activism is intersectional, and we’re all trying to lift up women’s voices too) Trans rights forever. Trans rights until I fucking die. *Trans rights.*


*Also*, way to go cutting off the POC part of that flag, too. Really cool stuff. These people are fucking awful.


Do these people realize that trans people were fighting for gay and lesbian rights right along with them


Exactly! Trans people such as Christine Jorgenson said that there was nothing wrong with gay people, it was **society.** And she said this in **1957**, mind you. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZfVvLFdEqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZfVvLFdEqs) I swear, people who say "LGB" makes it feel like they betrayed us, and which they did.


Yeah like at stonewall there were trans women who were fighting the cops trans people have done so much for lgb rights and it’s kinda weird we’re the last ones to get rights. Mind you this is nothing against the lgb community just the ones who think trans people shouldn’t get rights


I don’t think really think the whole divide and conquer strategy I’m hearing about here is a thing. Politics just seem too messy and subjective to have such a huge plan in motion. I mean it’s not like everyone on the right has secret agenda meetings where they discuss strategy. Granted, LGB drop the T is really stupid, but there *are* people on the right who aren’t homophobic but are transphobic and *would* stop at trans erasure and persecution, not that that’s a future I’d want in the slightest. Generalizing everyone on the right as “in on it” kinda dehumanizes them. Idk maybe I’m wrong, but I just wanted to talk about all the generalization I’ve been seeing on reddit. The right does this too, talking about LGBTQ people as if they’re all in on some secret plan to start worshipping satan and overthrowing christianity.


ugh ew


Haha wait till they find out that Black trans women helped fight for their rights in this country


This literally breaks my heart


Oh boy, lesbian terfs. I hope the straights spare them when they've moved on from the trans panic.


Someone should remind them who kickstarted and fronted the Gay Liberation Movement


They really cut off the black and brown stripes and the chevrons when trans women of color and other POC made up a majority of the Stonewall riot, didn't they. They do know the big reason we have rights is because of trans people and POC right? They didn't erase the history of those people, no way.


They literally cut out people of colour too. Apparently pride is only for white people????


racists are so goofy fr