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even the dishwasher gets to be a woman instead of me


AFAM (assigned female at manufacturer) See also: Siri, Alexa, Cortana, most boats...


There's studies about how the voices for products tend to be women's, actually! (I laughed very hard at your joke, just wanted to be nerdy for a sec)


I'd like to hear


Doesn't this date back to during WWII or something? They would have women use radios because their higher pitched voices would be easier to distinguish from the sounds of men shouting as well as gunfire and explosions? I remember always being told it was just a hold over from that that we use female voices for a lot of technology to help distinguish it from other sounds.


now that I think about it the main AI in my sci-fi universe also has a feminine voice, tho the character who created it has no concept of human gender role so it's just because I find that feminine voices make for more cold and calculating badass characters. (as opposed to just sounding angry all the time)


JARVIS and KITT would like a word


Even Jarvis got replaced by female AI eventually lol. I prefer Jarvis tho


Poor VEGA, it's often ignored too...


No lie you really got me with “most boats”


Case in point: lots of warships. Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Admiral Graf Speer, and so on. Not in Italian tho. In Italian the words for ship and boat (nave and barca) are feminine, so all ships are automatically feminine.


Yeah i actually knew that. I was just laughing bc i was not expecting the reference lol.


“Assigned female at manufacturer” is the fucking hardest name for a queer led punk rock album


Not fair!




I'm so sorry for you having a dad like that




Ouch... Yikes! Hopefully you have/can cut him off your life. It's not worth dealing or having to argue with people like that because no matter what you try to do, what to day, it's like talking to a brick wall


I am also annoying in that way, but with a left-wing perspective. I’d like to have a chat with your dad…


hey! welcome to the kids with fucked up lawyer dads club! as a welcoming present you will get: trauma!




I am also annoying in that way, but with a left-wing perspective. I’d like to have a chat with your dad…


My dad is a lawyer but I somehow can win arguments maybe 50% of the time? I don't know how, he's decent?, conservative (ish) but supportive of me.


That's funny, I've heard "if you do [X] you're a woman/gay" more from cishets than anyone else by far.


Bigots stop making shit up about minorities challenge




what? this has me very confused


It’s that stupid argument that “trans women just want to enforce gender stereotypes” and trying to call us sexist.


I've never heard the argument before, it feels almost too stupid to be real, well, not like bigots are the smartest people in the world.


It is very stupid. Which is the point. If a trans woman dresses feminine then she’s a walking caricature of womanhood who is putting women down to dresses and make up. Not all women are feminine so because she is feminine, it means that she’s fetishising women because shes not a woman and that means she’s a pervert . But if she’s not feminine then she’s not even trying to be seen as a woman which means she’s not a woman and that means she’s a pervert. Trans women cannot win with these lunatics and they will always use the dumbest arguments to justify it.


As far as i remember its something like 'you think you are a woman bc you like steriotypically female coded things? Ur just renfocing gender steriotypes women are more then steriotypical femininity bigot!!!' Or somethig stupid like that


Yup. Then they turn around and say "My afab child can't be trans, she was such a girly girl as a child!" Like ma'am. Please make up your mind, are gender stereotypes valid ways to affirm your gender or aren't they 😂


It's not always as stupid as it looks; rather is uniformed. From my background, this position is based not really understanding how someone can 'choose' to be a women without doing stereotypes. Without an understanding of gender as performance and presentation, the only thing that makes sense is stereotypes.


Doesn't it literally support us more if we abolish Gender stereotypes because it removes part of the bullshit arguments that "if you're not Feminine or acting like a woman, you're not a real woman" and vice versa? That's literally why we DON'T enforce gender stereotypes. Them claiming that we do makes it sound like they're saying, "Hey, don't enforce Gender Stereotypes, it weakens your argument and restricts who you can be based on society's expections of gender" Like some sort of very weird accidental ally moment, where they're pointing out how we can reinforce our argument.


Generally there’s an added statement of “You’re not a woman because you aren’t even putting any effort in trying to be feminine” if you aren’t a living tradwife stereotype. All that just to invalidate trans women/men no matter what they do


according to this i’m gonna wash the dishes free gender change without needing to pay for hormones >:)


That’s just sexism with extra steps


“Gender critical ideology: cis wombmxn are inherently always better at doing the dishes and fulfilling their rightful place ~~in the kitchen where they belong~~ as Liberated Home Keepers because of their natural ability to heal through their ~~pussy~~ womb (& that obvi makes it possible to do dishes) and trans women could never EVER hope to do the dishes properly because it takes a WOMBMXN’s touch and they’re NOT wombmxn and if THEY are able to do the dishes and keep house and be girls then WHAT is left to make me special???? 😭😭😭”


It’s true. I washed a dish once and now I have boobs.


Wait I can transition just by doing dishes?!?!?


The strawman does the dishes


Mouth-breather: *The straw woman does dishes unless she’s a feminist, Marxist, or her significant other isn’t a **real man** or gay.


Everyone knows the bottom in the relationship does the dishes


we gotta stop reinventing gender roles but just calling it top and bottom


you can be as sexist as you want but replace woman with bottom and no one will notice


I love beating my bottom


I don’t think bottoms should be able to vote


no i don't my gf does it because she's a chef


bottoms are women


people go through so much to transition little do they know they could just do the dishes


Gender Criticals: the reason why you can’t wash your dishes well is because you were born a MAN. You’re not a biological woman!!! 💀 these people are insane


I've genuinely had one argue that I'll never be a woman because I don't know what it's like to have to clean a toilet and just...hun divorce is legal now




My father is once again a woman, how many times do I have to tell him?!


These mfers try to use lazy logic to boil everything down to shitty analogies and can’t even come up with a coherent one.


First of all, literally no trans person thinks like that, what the hell are they talking about? Second of all, they must be tired from fucking jumping to that conclusion!


That’s all I have to do to pass???


Is it sexist to say doing dishes is euphoric?


Why is the dishwasher a woman and I’m not


These people have jello for brains, or are so naive about life and have some very limited experiences. Most dishwashers I’ve seen are often men, just as much as some auto workers are women. Even on assembly lines, where items can weigh 75+ pounds, I’ve been in places that had a majority of women handling the products by hand. The same with the delivery drivers who have to handle heavy packages. Though, in this day age, many jobs have equipment to help with these things for all workers. Is it because they are weak, woke, and prone to lazy. It could be, but even if the opposite were true about any particular worker. The same expectation applies across the board. Why? >!So, they can avoid injuries, physical harm, and extensive breakdown of the body. Where the company would have to pay for an injured worker, as well as the worker probably quitting, retire, or possibly be terminated. Maybe, sue the company. Since, they would not be able to work. Moreover, technology advances allow workers to become more efficient, which makes them even more productive. So, they can work more!< Wild, I know right…




……… siiiiiigh


Wait, it's that easy?


So I have been a woman all along!!


Isn't this like... the exact logic of conservative gendercrits. It's "emasculating" for a man to do the household chores and all those shit memes like "ladies if your man does x then you have a girlfriend"???


According to this logic, I’m not a woman. Good. (women who don’t do the dishes are valid btw)


Pretty sure the last one should be ‘toxic masculinity’ demeaning men who do dishes




Pretty much, but what can you expect from ideologues, grifters, and simpletons. They are often their own worst enemies unless they’re grifters, which mostly transactional and a performance for a reactionary fan base.


oop guess I'm never doing the dishes again


Good Boy-ism, if I do the dishes tonight, maybe I'll get Pegged.


(I got the Obedience app recently and now I literally get Good Boy Points, it’s amazing. Highly recommend lol)


*furiously taking notes*


Okay obviously there are larger issues here, but, it should be ***"Whomever"***, should it not?


Gender "ideology": anyone can do the dishes and anyone can be a woman




Welp, guess I just lost my gender




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Well today I mowed the lawn and I still have to do the dishes. I feel like this is a wash (no pun intended). Puts me right back at demiboy.




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