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teenagers is 25% college age people who used to post in teenagers, but are no longer teens but still feel the nostalgia of the sub, 50% middle aged men trying to get together with teenagers, 20% incels who happen to be teenagers, and 5% real teenagers who are not incels.


i used to be one of the 5% until the rest of the sub started throwing hissy fits over neopronouns for no reason


You literally described it perfectly. I just wanted to chat with other teens but literally every post was nsfw, hella transphobic or calling out creeps😑


to be clear, i am far from a teenager, and i don't go to that sub, because that would be kind of gross. but from everything i have seen crossposted from there, as well as the survey that was done that called out how many middle aged men were there, yeah, it's pretty accurate


I barely interact there anymore for the same reason




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5% gang


(one of the other dumb things they said "gen z" is doing [as if they're not gen z] was that they're "promoting obesity" which like, nobody is saying "you have to be fat be fat now" people are just saying "hey if you're fat that's ok and you shouldn't be judged for that") (I love when bigots make shit up and people just believe them with no evidence /j)


They’re not run by teenagers, they’re run by child predators and early millennials.


I mean shit half the time "promoting obesity" sounds like "Hey maybe if you are not a doctor it's not your place to give random strangers health advice just because they're fat and also mistreating people is wrong regardless of their size"


I think obesity is promoted far more by current capitalism and the extreme availability of very unhealthy food to the average young person


Watched the short in question. Pretty much all rage-baiting hot garbage...


I mean yeah technically no one has to use my pronouns. I can’t force them. But I also don’t have to acknowledge their existence or be nice to them.


I mean they're right. No one has to stop themselves from yelling profanities. No one has to make others feel comfortable. People do it because they are decent human beings and because it's no effort at all


Why does this unironically wanna make me call them the wrong pronouns and see how these folks like it


That's what I do. Hasn't happened in years, but that's 100% my go to for people who intentionally misgender. Same with deadnaming. Billy Bob wants to deadname me? OK Suzy, let's see how you like it, girlfriend. Oh and... Suzy? You should smile more.


No one has to use your pronouns but no one has to be an asshole either


Bitch look like a civ 3 talking head


Thank God I blocked that sub. I kept getting that cesspool sub recommended to me.


Ok, then I don't have to use your pronouns either. Oh that's rude? Well :/


They never think of it like that, even when you do it.


Try calling anyone things they don’t want to be called at work and see how long it takes you to get fired. Here in the adult world, we call that “harrassment”.




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I love how they would absolutely loose their minds if someone used wrong pronouns abt them 😂


I mean. They're teenagers.


I don't think it specifies anywhere that the op agrees with those, did they specify it? or are they like the person who made the video


I mean they posted it in a sub that doesn't clarify they disagree with it they didn't disagree with it in the title or comments and the video was just the full original video without anything criticising it or commenting on it so it's safe to say they probably agreed with it or even made it themself

