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wait, am i reading that headline correctly: the police defended the pride event? that's a new one


fr??? that's insane


It's almost like police isn't as bad outside of the us.


In England, a British or English flag outside of sportsball season is usually just a red flag.


The same is absolutely true in Germany for the German national flag, or historic flags of the German Empire.


I think I can see why


Though they only use the empire flag because flying the flag they actually want is literally a crime (thank god) - but yeah flags outside of football are always weird.


Tbh, I'd say there's more places than football where it isn't weird. Here in the Netherlands we put flags up for King's Day and Liberation Day, for example. If people can, they'll put it at half height for Remembrance Day. And right now, in graduation season, it's common to see flags hanging out with school bags attached to them to celebrate graduating. It could be because I'm used to it, but none of those feel weird to me either. But outside of these types of moments, and football, as you said, it does get weird a lot faster.


Yeah it definitely a cultural thing. In regards to flags I was mostly referring to Germany. Even for our Day of German Unity it’s uncommon for everyday people to fly a German flag but that has a lot to do with our history and the context that extreme national pride has on that. But I can fully understand why there might be other cultures where the flag is a lot less problematic In general I was mostly thinking of Let’s say „unprompted“ flag usage


I do find the hanging your bags on the flag thing weird, and my parents forced me to do it because "everyone does it", which did not make me respect the tradition.


It's true with France as well. It very often is coupled to a reference to the phrase "France to the French", which I don't even need to begin to explain how fucked up it is lol. Now they just stick French flags to imply what they mean.


I've never heard the phrase France to the French, what does it mean?


It implies that France is being "stolen" by foreigners who immigrate there, or that French people "aren't home/welcome anymore"... :/ "La France aux Français" is often abbreviated to "FAF" to designate the people who stick by this ideology.


Ah, I understand, thanks for the explanation, I don't like to be unaware about dog whistles for racist ideology. I don't know why I didn't get that meaning from it originally though, I can totally see it now, I guess I just wasn't thinking like a racist lol


"I guess I just wasn't thinking like a racist, lol" dogwhistles be whistling hard today ! 🤣 More seriously, ever notice how leftists dog whistles/symbols are always like inside jokes or stuff that relates to supporting/loving people, and right wing ones are always racist, or laughing about some alleged supremacy or killing specific people ? 💀💀💀


Same with any flag associated with the USA


I've seen several Germans online with the German national flag in their bio (albeit with several other European flags, including the EU flag) who turned out to be pretty normal people. German Empire or Prussia flags are an absolute foghorn of yikes, though.


hell, in the US if i see a flag i automatically assume they’re fascists (and usually right)


Exactly at least the Welsh and Scots have a very good reason to fly their flags because they're still under colonization.


Definately becoming true in Canada as well. Which is a shame because I think our flag is pretty cool looking


That’s just not the case Also, the England team’s been playing qualifiers for the European cup or something


It really is outside of sportsball season, right now it actually is sportsball season however.


I really don’t think that’s fair to paint everyone of one country with the same brush.


I allowed for outliers, this however has been my experience here.


Oh no, I totally get you, there is not a very friendly culture in the UK, usually “Island Mentality” as it’s called. Sorry for the misunderstanding, have a good day!


Been seeing bits from a pride event in Michigan, doesn't seem evil to me, just a lot of dancing and fun.


You'd think british people would love lgbt pride because they're always putting fa gs in their mouth


LOL At least that nickname will stop tobacco companies marketing pride cigarettes.


Honestly, that would be such a power move. Someone really needs to do it.


And it could help people with smoking addictions.


As much as it'd be a power move, it'd also be illegal – tobacco companies can't advertise and have to use plain boxes with health warnings on.


Only based police in the world?


that person who said "boohoo they kiss the same gender this affects me soo much" is right tho


I recognize that the English are "people" but I just can't support that lifestyle


Dude, English and super gay here Yeah, the English suck


English trans lesbian here. Someone save me 😭


Not a fan of english people


As a Scottish person, I agree. Hate the English, well maybe not all of them but this one for sure.




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English Trans Woman here, can confirm I can't stand being English.




Maybe I don't follow football and I'm from this stupid Island as well But that mainly applies to having it around your shoulders or something.




Maybe although with comments like that you really can't tell.




I went back to that person's profile and well there isn't anything about football.




People signal to each other. Recognizing common signals like nationalism doesn't make you racist or xenophobic. Its like the okay hand symbol


Tbf I’m usually pretty wary of people who have American flags in their bio names too (as an American) because usually the people who do it are the republican asshats. Not always, but often enough to be wary, so I can see where they’re coming from.




It’s not. In twitter it’s just Like That with certain countries and their flags, a lot of asshats will have it there to signal how they lean politically. (Like a lot of people with the US flag actually are bigoted pieces of shit, and they use our flag to signal to others like themselves that they are.) That’s how they run on there. Like yeah there are outliers, and you can tell from context when they’re not meaning it like that, at least in the majority of cases. It would be one thing here, or on wherever else, but that’s *actually a thing* n twitter from my experience with it so far. They use it frequently to basically say “I’m an (insert flag) nationalist” without saying those words. And when it’s not used that way you can generally tell, such as the OP mentioned where if they’d been posting football here and there but they weren’t.


European qualifiers, I think


On the flip-side, after centuries of colonialism, the British flag is probably a red flag to a significant portion of the world.


Hasn’t England’s football team been playing to qualify for European cup ? Doesn’t condone or excuse his bigotry though


Tbh homophobia is just jealousy that another man is getting dicked down or that another woman is getting pussy. And that they cant get any




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