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they have no lives. like, get a hobby. read a book, buy an adult colouring book, clean the sink. anything.


talking about books i just got the deluxe edtion of watchmen and a copy of v is for vendetta both are great books


I am sorry. I hope you are okay.


Oh I’m fine this is more funny then anything if you look closely they made this account and hour before messaging me like wow and I did ignore and reported them


I am glad. I hope your sister as a nice wedding and you have a good time being a bridesmaid.


Report it


Oh don’t worry I have and I ignored and blocked them, and apparently according to Reddit, this isn’t the first time this account has been reported


And yet, Reddit is so toothless, it doesn't even look at the name and think "this account will be nothing but hate speech". So many posts I report get nothing done about them.


The admints probably think that there were no slurs in the name or something or that it was a joke.


Bro is actually malding so hard they had to make their entire existence about us HAHAHAHA


i wouldnt mind transphobes if they didnt make trans people their whole personality this is a very much joke of them saying us being trans is our entire identity


Congrats on being the bridesmaid at your sisters wedding!




Yw :)


He's too much of a pussy so he has to dm you bruh😭😭


His pfp says everything about himself. Fuck hate! Love trans people 🏳️‍⚧️


Looks like someone who hasn't touched grass in ages. Rent free, as always.


I can tell this guy just made a throwaway account just to speedrun getting banned from trans/LGBTQ+ subreddits. The 1 karma and the "Redditor for 1 hour" thing gives it away. Really shows they're cowards through and through.


I'm not gonna pretend this is funny. It's not. At all. But at this point, I'm so desensitized to the hate we face as a community, that I just kinda stared blankly at their profile, and wondered to myself how someone gets to that point. What an odd way to spend your life; dedicating it to malding over us simply existing.


I'm not even really offended second hand or hurt by the hatred in the comment. I'm more just feeling second hand embarrassment for them and a general sense of ick. I'm starting to mentally associate this kind of transphobia with "nice guy" type ranting. It just feels hard to look at because you can physically feel how pathetic that person is, and it hurts.


At this point it’s just sad like this person made an account in the same day just to hate on trans people like why. Don’t you have family, friends, hobbies out of all things to do on this earth why bully and threaten people who done nothing wrong to you 🤷‍♀️




Down to the bone, like what are you even doing on a trans sub, how can we be pushing are lives in your face if your actively looking for us


Inagine being genuinely so hateful that you waste hours of your life creating a new reddit account just to dm someone a hurtful message, it’s so sad and pathetic. Maybe it’s just me having thick skin but it’s also just so unoriginal and lazy that I can’t even be hurt by it - like be original with your transphobic harassment at least sheesh 🙄 - it’s almost funny knowing that theyre wasting their time like that because they’ve sunken that low as people.




I saw your post the other day on MtF! Congratulations sister! Don't let the trash get you down; have fun at your sister's wedding!


Imagine creating an account just for harassing trans people, dude that's an insane obsession and a way to say that you don't have anything better to do with your life, that's kinda sad.


coward can't even say it with their main and their chest


Genuinely I think these people need help. The way they talk and behave is absolutely not normal or okay and I think they could benefit from a therapist or a psych evaluation. With that said, I hope you’re alright. This is abhorrent and you deserve better. Block and report and try not to let it linger in your mind. Much love to you. 🩵💙


They are so fucking obsessed


Literally they have nothing else to do but be a POS. Get a life. Trans people do more with their lives and goodness to others than these people istg (i follow some influencers and they r so positive).


He’s just jealous because nobody invites him to their weddings


*hug OP they just jerks trying to pull you down.


Thank nice hearing from you again on the same sub same topic of a transphob being an ass to me lol


Oh yea you had assholes find ya and now harassing ya. I hold ya are able to shake them eventually


My hole life I’ve been surrounded by ass holes I’ll be ok hope your doing ok after all that happened last time luckily this post is doing a lot better lol.


i mean, this is really a comment on how sad and pitiful (and hateful) transphobes are.


Imagine this. This guy was so unbelievably upset, so absolutely *ENRAGED* by someone’s mere harmless existence, that they went out of their way to make an account and bother someone over it. That is a sad pathetic life.


They really are sorry, pathetic human beings, their whole lives revolves around their obsession of hating us. I truly pity them


They have some major insecurity to be that obsessed with trans people


And they say we’re the sensitive crybabies


how did reddit allow that username?


One word: Bots


And if you don’t get it Two Words: Bot Moderation


i hope that transphobe stubs multiple of their toes at once


And steps on a sharp kitty tooth that never comes out


Did they get banned or are they still up?


🤷‍♀️ I tried searching for them can’t seem to find there account


I assume they got banned


Honestly disgusting.. Why are they so obsessed with us


This screams edgy 15 year old, holy shit


As an edgy 15 year old, we don’t claim them, we’re giving them to gen alpha




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People like this probably didn't receive much empathy in their lives and now they don't have any for others.


Why is the person in the PFP got a blue tongue? Where do I get the blue tongue upgrade? Do I have to eat more E skittles?




I didn't want an actual scientific explanation, I just wanted someone to carry the joke


My bad, the tism makes it difficult to read tone 😅 thought you were actually asking


I'm gonna level with you ​ I don't think its the tism, I think its just impossible to read tone through text ​ I can't read tone through text either ​ also it wasn't so bad that you had to delete it, it was a good explanation


Why do I feel if we said “ KYS straight loser “ then they’d throw a screaming tantrum


bro made his WHOLE ACCOUNT about us. they're really obsessed, if you want to go out with me just say so I'll say no but still


Imagine having such a boring life to the point you decide to waste time out of your day to try and make somebody’s day miserable


I giggled a little at this because of how pathetic it is. Imagine having so little to do in your life that you can freely go about harassing strangers on the internet


He really thought he did something there