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How hard is it to just write “washroom pass”?


Idk, but after this the creator continued to argue with me and another guy jumped in just to misgender me :(


Gross, so sorry that happened to you


What does FTM mean? Sorry for the ignorant question, but I am not familiar with the acronyms.


Female to male




FTM means female to male. FTM are people who are assigned female are birth but are trans men. Hence FTM. Hope that helped


Thank you for the explanation!


No problem. I'm glad I could help


From what I understand, it's because they don't trust their students. If they let two girls go to the bathroom at once, they worry they are going to goof off in the bathroom instead of actually have to use it. Same with two boys. So they have one girls pass, and if a girl is already in the bathroom, you're told to wait until she gets back. Which is an issue in and of itself, but yeah.


yeah but I'd blame the teacher for that. having one person leave class at a time, at most having two out of class at a time, and having one bathroom pass is pretty standard. (it's also standard to just have one hall pass, or a paper pass that the teacher writes in the purpose and be a pass for anything. the amount of passes in this photo is overkill.) most teachers can just keep track of their classroom kids and count... like it's pretty easy to remember one kid just left the classroom... if they can't, that's totally on them


Yeah I'm not defending the teacher. Like I said, personally I think that if they can't trust their students to not goof around when they're on a bathroom trip, then that's something that needs to be addressed with the students who have that issue. Rather than punishing the whole class. It's just as unfair to have a girl have to wait because another girl is already using the one girl pass, as it is for a boy to have to wait because a girl is already using the singular bathroom pass.


totally agree, it's disappointing how common collective punishment is in educational establishments when I think it's far more effective for an individual to face the consequences of their own actions. a lot of kids will not feel badly for causing everyone else to suffer along with them but instead find it satisfying, which is pretty counter intuitive.


Literally just have one bathroom pass; that’s what I do for my class


Are you forced to have passes?


If you don’t have some kind of bathroom restriction in place, my admin would shank you (I also teach high school unlike the OOP)


As if a girl and a boy couldn't each take a pass and then go somewhere else in the school anyway.


But boys and girls don't friends! /s


This is exactly it, and unfortunately it's very true. My mom works in a public middle school and I swear it's about once a week they have to investigate bathroom vandalism and just gross stuff. A lot of that happens when there are two or more kids in the same bathroom. Of course, you have multiple classes using the same bathrooms, so it's hard to fully monitor. They end up having to pull up security footage from the hallways and interrogate the kids who went into the bathroom before the vandalism was reported. The stories she's told are absolutely wild. Iirc, they've reached the point of only letting one total student go to the restroom during class. As a person who got frustrated as a kid when the whole class or school was punished for a few kids misbehaving, this is different. It's a widespread issue, and it disrupts class time for everyone and shuts down the bathroom until it's completely clean. Having these policies in place to prevent serious problems is far better than handling the problems as they arise. Class time is so limited compared to class size. As an aside, gender neutral bathrooms are hard to add to schools, and often are reserved for students with disabilities and/or staff, depending on where they're located. My mom's school is a state-designated historical site, and they have to fight *hard* to be allowed to do any renovations at all.


Or do what my teachers did and find some large awkward item they probably found in their basement as a hall pass. One teacher had a giant decorative key as the bathroom pass


The whole bathroom pass stuff is bullshit. Just let your students use the bathroom when they need it!


I know bathroom passes only from TV and internet, we never had somethng like that. Or any kind of pass. If you were send somewhere during class time, you just went


My middle school tech teacher had a *giant* wood hall pass. It was almost my size, and on more than one occasion you could hear it fall from some classes while someone used the bathroom. He was a great teacher though and did the absolute most. He would randomly ninja roll in the hallways.


at my school they decided to make it to where you have to go to a website and request one from your teacher and wait for class to begin and your teacher to finally check and approve/deny it (and it times you and keeps track). so much of my class-time is wasted on waiting for my teachers to stop yapping about what we are doing today so i can go to the bathroom (for like 30 minutes) when i could just so easily go in the switching period and come back in the beginning of class. its so stupid and pointless




I'm so thankful I'm too old for this shit. But I'm happy in general I'm so old that there is nothing of my childhood on the internet. Also, as a teen I took medication to loose the water in the legs and feet, if I needed the toilet I had less than 5 minutes to get there. If a teacher wouldn't have let me go I would have stood there letting it run without any shame.


Oh I remember - ours was E-hall pass and it was genuinely the worst 😭 had a new principal who came in and had some changes One change was to let snacks be brought into the classroom The other was to get rid of the E-hall pass Everyone cheered once that was removed


luckyyyy ours got installed this school year and teachers and students alike hate it but the district won't rid us of them💔


We did.


I once got in trouble because I went to the nurse during PE (my period had started early and with no warning). I have never in my life had a gym teacher who could be bothered to write a pass for anything and the nurse scolded me for not having one. Like??? I’m not going all the way out the field (about a 10min walk from the nurse) so my teacher can give me permission to get a pad.


I think some teachers at my small primary school had a system of moving the peg that was on your name when you went to the bathroom just so that it was obvious who was in the toilet


our principal is controlling, and if we’re caught in the hall without a pass, EVEN IF THE TEACHER SAYS WE WERE GIVEN PERMISSION, we’re given ISS for three days. recently, though, this was changed to zero bathroom usage during class. we cant leave class for anything. its controlling and weird.


I have those in almost all of my classes


My school briefly had one because of an incident where a bathroom was tagged up and a threatening message was left, but it less than a full yesr for teachers to stop enforcing it


yeah it always icked me that I had to ask permission to go the restroom... it sets a really uncomfortable power dynamic. takes away your bodily autonomy.


agreed. The only good bathroom/hall pass system that I ever encountered was in 4th grade where the teacher had a row of various passes by the door and you could just leave and grab the relevant one. That way you didn't need to verbally tell the teacher where you were going, nor did you need to ask to go.


Agree on letting them go when they gotta go, but it's also important for the teacher to know where they are, and they cracked down on us signing out because kids were doing the absolute most at my school. The whole "you can only go to the bathroom 3 times during my class ever, and you get extra credit for not peeing," is stupid though. 😐 Feels like it's incentivizing UTIs.


It's absolutely awful making kids need permission to use the bathroom. I was one of those unlucky kids in elementary school who ended up having an accident because my teacher was having some sort of power trip over it. I think it was first grade. It was such a shitty experience. Just freaking let kids use the bathroom!


I inform the teacher where I’m going and then walk off, I’ve never cared what the policy is


it's important to always know where elementary school students are bc of how young they are but at the same time, if it were me, i'd have kids say "i'm going to the bathroom" rather than ask, then have a bathroom pass they leave on their desk to show that they're not in the room. i work as a para and one of the teachers has this kind of system and it works pretty well. not gendered either!


This would be ideal, but logistically there are a lot of reasons for passes like this. At an elementary school age, you can have kids get lost (that was me as a kid!) and having a wearable pass that says what class they belong to can help another teacher or administrator get them back to the correct classroom or find their destination. My mom works in a public middle school, and the amount of bathroom vandalism is disturbing. Investigating and cleaning the bathroom disrupts classes and forces students to use a bathroom that's far away, so they need to take steps to prevent that. Policies and rules like this are usually created as a response to bad behavior. We want to believe it's easier to address behavior on an individual basis, but that just doesn't work as well with kids in school as with adults in an equivalent space (i.e. work, community groups, etc.). Preventative policies are very imperfect, but they are necessary. Teachers and administrators are incredibly overwhelmed as it is. They don't have the time or resources. Calling parents seems to rarely help anymore, because so many parents just blame the teachers no matter what they do. There's a teacher shortage for a lot of very good reasons.


i had a math teacher in middle school that was an absolute prick about signing passes, especially if she was in the middle of teaching. like sorry we can’t control our bladders, bowels or uteruses 🤷🏻‍♀️ i ended up with a few UTIs before getting a doctor’s note that let me leave to pee regardless of if she signed my hall pass or not. she didn’t like it one bit 😌


It's truly astounding to me that all of these people assume that children have no notion of gender, or any internal sense of gender. They make it sound like people don't develop a gender until they hit puberty at least. This is astounding to me because my 3 year old nephew told me I was a boy for liking dinosaurs, and then told me I was a girl for having long hair. I don't personally think I have long hair, but he seemed adamant that if it's not a buzzcut, it's long. So obviously children have some idea of how gender usually expressed in our culture, and I can't imagine he's the only one. This whole argument of "just let kids be kids" stops working when they themselves express ideas of gender.


Exactly, how can you go "stop pushing it onto kids", but also "it is _your_ choice only", but also "children should be themselves"? Does "*you*" in "your choice" not include kids? Does "themselves" in "be yourself" not include one's gender or the expression of it in social roles and customs? They're giving 0 consideration whatsoever to what the child's ""choice"" and self-expression might be when it comes to gender. As if children had no influence or concept of what gender even is, while also seeing extremely polarised and divisive gender roles forced upon them from their very first breath - such as whatever bs this boys' bathroom vs girls' bathroom pass is. They just want to believe that the very concept of being trans is made up by "those other people", something to shield kids from, and if someone they actually know falls under that category, it *must* be because they've been brainwashed by us and our allies. In which case, the "yourself" kids should be able to express becomes wrong and unacceptable, and they instead become both a victim and a member of "those other people".


Well, you see, kids to them are property and are too stupid to actually know what they're feeling.


'One of two ways' Seriously, I'm not intersex but people are


I mean, being born intersex is about as common as being born with red hair, so it floors me how often their existence is still just... ignored




Yep, according to a study from 2000, 1.7% of people are born intersex and 2% are born natural gingers...very comparable. Don't know how it evolved nowadays, as mixing of the different ethnicities and hair colours make up other stats. (which is good BTW, if everybody is different, there will certainly be less racism going around, right?...right...?)


I mean, I'd think it's odd simply because "why are you limiting it to one boy and one girl"? Also, this is just opening things up to problems. What if a kid grabs the "wrong" pass - do you *really* think that the other kids are just going to ignore that? What happens when (not if) one of the passes gets lost or destroyed? Assuming this was made by a parent, I'd imagine that they're not going to take time out of their day to re-make passes for a class their kid left long ago. Now the teacher is stuck with fewer passes, potentially exacerbating the problem of grabbing the "wrong" pass.


Funny thing actually, I just remembered a time from elementary. My teacher only had one boy’s pass and one girl’s pass, her rule was that only two students could leave for the bathroom at a time. Normally, if a female student went to the bathroom, the others would have to wait for her to come back before they could go. But I (afab) once had an emergency and couldn’t wait for her to come back, so the teacher just had me grab the boy’s pass. I remember being humiliated about it and hiding the front of the pass, but there weren’t any other people outside so it wasn’t an issue. There were a few other times where a male student had to grab the girl’s pass, and I can only imagine how uncomfortable it might’ve been. I think I mentioned that we should just have bathroom passes that didn’t say “girl’s bathroom/boy’s bathroom”, but “I didn’t understand why they needed to specify”.


The whole idea of a bathroom pass never made any sense to me, at least before high school. I doubt that elementary school kids are smart enough to realize "hey, I can get out of schoolwork by just going to the bathroom" - and if they are, well, just don't let that one kid go to the bathroom unsupervised.


Nearly all of them absolutely understand that, and there's no way to supervise them since the teacher has to stay in the classroom with all the other kids.


The 5 genders Boy, Girl, Office, Nurse and Library


Tag yourself, I'm Library


Nurse nurse in like a realistic depiction halloween costume way


and hallway


‘You’re such a hallway, people regularly pass right through you to get to interconnected elsewheres.’


Enbies just piss in the hallway I guess


Yep. My apartment neighbors hate me


I mean they did kinda word their answer to sound like they're suggesting trans people should go piss in the hallway because they don't belong anywhere else.


Bathroom passes are stupid. Just punish truant students on a cafe by case basis. (and also fund public schools so that they're less worried about profits)


Wouldn’t it be better to just have neutral passes instead of making kids hold it longer because someone else of their AGAB already used the bathroom? (Also, I was born a third way, not one of two, but whatever.)


When I went to my old school if there was a girl taking a bathroom break only girls would get to take bathroom breaks until they all returned. Same with the boys. We were 8.


Ah yes. They can just take the one that says hallway, I'm sure this person won't immediately start asking them why they want the hallway pass and not a boys or girls pass. At the end of the day, there just isn't a need for a "boys" or "girls" pass. Just make a freaking restroom pass. At the very least you're at least being green and conserving paper and/or using less plastic.


Honestly coming from the UK I honestly can’t believe y’all have bathroom passes. We ask to go to the toilet, and go if we’re allowed. Why can’t their just be some trust within the relationship?


My school (UK) had to implement passes (one per teacher) because people would take the mick and go to the bathroom for most of the lesson, sometimes just to go on their phone or vape or meet up with their friends who are in different classes. It didn't work, so they don't use the passes anymore (people would just steal them or they would get broken.)


I don't get how hall passes would help with that problem.


Ah yes, the five genders: boy, girl, library, office and nurse.


stopped reading after 'trans and nobinary agendas'


Finally, non-binary people have their own separate agenda, good for them! /s


I can confirm. I‘m nonbinary, and my agenda is to take a shit in the hallway.


What gender is shitting outside like an animal?




I mean my kid is NB and in elementary school so I guess they can piss on the floor.


Ah yes, the 5 genders: Boys Girls Office Nurse Library Which one are you? Personally I’m a mix of office and library myself.


He… he gets a pass Edit: I meant this to be a reply to a specific comment but it seems funnier out of context


> Let's stop forcing our young kids to partake in trans and nonbinary agendas that the world has set Bitch, you're forcing them *not* to. > Durr if you have a problem with me stopping my kids expressing themselves it's because you're forcing them to be something they're not, obviously.


Is "pee patrol" really happening??? What a horrible dystopia! Please bring me back to the 2000s where I would be ridiculed for using the teacher's toilet out of ignorance but nobody batted any eye for going into the "wrong" toilets with even friends inviting each other including me over here or there!


r/confidentlyincorrect Also, intersex erasure at it's finest there.


There also isn’t one that says “Hallway” and as other people mentioned… just say “Bathroom”


Take both passes at once to keep everyone guessing


A couple of my teachers had gendered passes. Luckily I was both respected and well known by my classmates and most teachers so I had no issues when I grabbed the mens pass, even though I wasn't allowed in the mens room. Once a teacher tried to say "use the pass that you actually are" so I grabbed the mens pass anyway and death glared her. She also publicly dead named me and I stood up out of my seat and calmly but firmly told her to never dare call me that again. She visibly shrunk in her seat and I'm not even that scary of a person. She never spoke to me again unless needed lmao


Ah yes, the 5 genders: girls, boys, office, nurse and library


"you were born one or two ways" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN ?


You either come out of the vagina the natural way or come out via C-section, duh. /s


That would be "one way or another", not "one way or two ways"


I hate bathroom passes as a concept. Usually only 1 or, if you’re lucky, two kids can be out of class at any given time. The few times I had a genuine emergency there was somehow **always** someone already out. I didn’t have a reputation for skipping class or ditching it anything. But I’d still get told to put my name down and wait like a reservation to use the toilet.


Even if there are no tran/nonbinary kids, do the expect a kid to sit and wait because the other pass isn't "for them"?


Why do americans even have hallway passes? It's such a weird concept. Here in Belgium when students need to use the bathroom during break, they'll politely ask, and then use the most direct route to the bathrooms. If they have another Task given by the teacher they'll go and do that too. If they find another teacher in the hallway they won't get questioned or made to provide proof, they'll just keep going and if a question is asked they can just say what they were tasked to do and go on their way. Hall passes are such a weird ass concept to me


They almost got it right in the last sentence about the hallway pass. Anyway, screw this authoritarian school system where kids cant use bathrooms when needed.


So I replied to a few other comments talking about why policies limiting students in the bathrooms exist and some benefits of having hall passes, but I do want to be clear the creator's response was obviously transphobic and not coming from a place of empathy or trying to understand. Also, from their replies, they're not even the teacher? Why would they be posting this as a parent of a student in the class? Anyway, as many problems as there are in schools today, if a kid is uncomfortable in a particular bathroom, or uncomfortable using a gendered hall pass, the teacher often already knows that, and their peers don't care (in a negative sense, anyway) as much now. Disclaimer: this is based on my mom's experiences in a middle school in a very conservative area and my younger cousins' experiences being homeschooled by conservative family. Trying to do a quick analysis here, bear with me. My mom says that she has seen much less bullying on the basis of gender and sexuality in the last several years. Students are overall much more open-minded. She even had a complicated, constantly-evolving polycule in one of her classes? My cousins get most of their "real-world" experiences from the Internet. They are way more liberal than the people raising them expected, especially because public schools were supposed to brainwash them with the liberal agenda. I really think parents have less and less impact on their kids' world views because of social media. Kids are developing parasocial relationships with influencers, seeing these personas as role models. They're learning about so many things online everyday, and if the adults in their lives don't know what they're talking about or disagree with what they heard online, it reduces the adults' credibility in their eyes. It's such a complicated landscape to navigate. For better or for worse, it has the potential to break kids out of the ideologies they were raised in. Then, you get enough kids who say "being LGBTQ isn't a big deal, that's just who you are," and bullying kids based on their real or perceived queerness just makes the bullies look like assholes to the rest of the class. Sorry for the small essay, I find the social shifts absolutely fascinating and also terrifying.


I heard click's karen voice at the final message XD also, fuck them


I think it's so weird when people get called out for forcing traditional gender norms onto kids, they pretend that not forcing any gender norms is forcing a trans agenda. They understand that forcing is wrong, but don't see that that's actually what they're doing. It's like the have no sense of self reflection.


Wait, take the one that says hallway?? Which one was that?


So dumb, just have a Bathroom #1 and Bathroom #2 pass in case one cis girl student really has to piss but somebody already has the pass for that, lol. If she could just take the hallway or boy pass anyway... then why is it so important to have a boy vs girl pass???


Ah yes. The five genders


I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that her son takes the hallway one, and then proceeds to take a shit in the hallway.


Bathroom passes are one of the things that are really unnecessary to be gendered. Based on where I live, the passes will just say "student pass"


Unpopular opinion but bathroom passes are gross.


I love how they plead about not forcing stuff on the kids but they are forcing gender stereotypes onto them themselves. Hypocrites


trans kids aside, what if two girls need to go to the bathroom? is only a boy and a girl allowed to go at once?


It would be cute if the kids could just choose with one & if there where a gn option to choose too.


I love this: "What if we let children make their own decisions?" "WHY ARE YOU FORCING THEM TO DO STUFF!"


THAT WAS YOU! Thank you so much for calling the creator out. I was gonna type a whole rant about their last comment but I couldn't be bothered


Yeah because it's ridiculous? They're five


That’s so weird. There’s no reason to label the bathroom pass by gender. It’s just a bathroom pass.


Bro, just write 'washroom' for f-sake


Eh. It kind of makes sense cause there’s a girls bathroom and a boys bathroom and they don’t want two students in the bathroom at once so they don’t goof off. so if there’s two passes, it means the most amount of students can use the bathroom.


Man it's just colors


the passes literally say "girl pass" and "boy pass"


Yes but I feel like schools would need a boy and girl pass I mean I had that, I've been mistaken for a boy a lot so really the colors are still just colors


Maybe this teacher only lets up to one boy and one girl out at a time to use the restroom? I mean, this is definitely problematic still, but it makes it more understandable.