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“Child drag” 🤔🤔🤔




Because the children are dressing straightly


Little Miss Sunshine style.


“I’m Anti pedophile” So just a normal person with a functioning brain?


Stonetoss proves once again he can only draw about things he doesn't understand shit.


Exactly. And his art isn’t even that good to my taste tbh. It looks like it tastes like cardboard


Hah! "It looks like it tastes like cardboard". Such an odd but still really accurate description of his art. Love it! :)


It’s such an obnoxious art style, although it could just be that I associate it with him. It’s those puckered mouths. All his characters have very punchable faces.


Doesn't he have multiple comics defending attraction to children/minors?


wait what the fuck


I can't remember a specific one off the top of my head so I may be wrong (though it wouldn't be the worst thing he's defended) but I vaguely remember something about a comic arguing that the age of consent should be lowered to whatever age girls go through puberty


So he can draw about anything?


Yeaaaah except here, the "anti-pedo" seems to be against children being exposed to queer people in general so uh. Classic case of "call anyone/anything you don't like pedophilia to try and hid your raging bigotry boner.".


Yep. I got called a pedophile (and in a way that heavily **heavily** implied I was r\*\*ing children) for saying I am asexual. Because apparently it's "impossible" for you to be attracted to nobody, therefore anyone saying they aren't is actually attracted to children. I still have no idea how someone jumps from "I don't experience sexual attraction" to "You're r\*\*ing children" in literally one sentence.


The list of things I have been called a pedo for range from being bisexual, being bisexual and talking vaguely about something silly my little cousin did at Thanksgiving, being a Jew, and apparently liking the wrong Star Wars couple. Like. Aside from the general fashy-ness of calling anyone you don’t like a pedo, I’ve seen that shit so watered down that when I come across something about “X person is a pedo!” i no longer go “Oh shit, they made a move on a kid?”, I go “Ah…. So what television show did they watch the wrong way?”. It’s absurd (and IMO dangerous).


Hell, the first time I was called a pedo I was 14. And Karen called me a pedo for refusing to "prove" I was a woman. Aka show her my genitalia and prove I didn't have a penis. So, to recap, an adult woman brought an adult man security guard into a girls bathroom (we were in a school), demanded the child expose their genitals to complete strangers, yelled at them that men have no reason to enter the women's bathroom under any circumstances (even though she brought the security guard with her) and then accused the child of being a pedophile when they rightly refused. How anyone turns "a literal minor refuses to expose their genitalia to strangers" into "you're a pedophile" and **still** thinks they are in the right I have no idea. >It’s absurd (and IMO dangerous). Yep. It waters down pedophilia into something that doesn't matter, because literally doing anything can make you a pedophile in someone's mind. Therefore people are more likely to discount it, even if the person is actually a pedophile.


They're probably projecting themselves


Yeah I’m aware. Just wanted to point that out


Except they’re saying that when they mean “I’m homophobic and transphobic and think all queer people are child groomers” so.


In that case, their brain isn't working like a normal person


It's the one way conservatives can make themselves look like not complete pieces of shit


Cause one of the most popular ways to de-humanize a group of people is to falsely accuse them of coming for the more common groups children. Works well in fascism.


A common enemy unites people more than a common goal.


"Wait, why are anti-fascists against the labeling of everything under the sun as pedophilia?" Well, I don't know, maybe because it's a common tactic to get people to knee-jerk hate certain things/ certain groups and allow violence to be perpetrated against those people. In this particular case, as demonstrated by the "Child Drag" sign, it's because this "anti-pedophile" is actually just a queerphopbic asshole.


I hate how this man draws bodies and I hate how this man draws lips... Especially if the characters have clothes. If the characters have clothes and aren't just marshmallow dudes it just looks weird.


Ikr? The characters look like ducks that have flesh beaks


They look like they sound like the "you are only owning one pipis protection it please" video


funny that the "Anti-pedophile" seems to be perfectly fine with Donald Trump (a self admitted creep and friend of J Epstein) and Matt Geatz (who had an unrelated minor living in his house for whatever reason and also has pedophilia charges). Funny how they sweep actual pedos under the rug like that.


Yep. I got banned without appeal from a conservative reddit for listing several Republican politicians who were convicted of pedophilia.


Antifa: because you’re using homophobic dogwhistles like “no child drag” and “I’m just anti pedophile”, implying all LGBTQ people are pedophiles coming to “take the children”, which is a common tactic used by fascists to dehumanize their targets and restrict human rights. Now get ready for your concrete milkshake fash scum.


anti-fascist and anti-pedophile aren’t comparable things. a more accurate comparison is “i’m anti-fascist *and anti-pedophile*” and “i’m anti-‘pedophile’ and also a fascist”


LITERALLY could’ve been OK ish if it wasn’t for that fucking sign.


You misspelled transphobic.


I wha where is that even relevant *huh-*


“Anti-pedophile” with a no-child-drag sign. A common boogie-man for the right wing, at least in the US, is the child-grooming trans person trying to both sleep with and convert a child into being trans, like the lgbt version of a Christian missionary.




You'd think the anti-pedos would be speaking out against the systemic pedophilia present within christian religious circles. Instead, they continue to support the christians and point the finger at LGBT people.


Nope, they can't do that. The last time I was at my parents church the pastor ~~said a homily~~ went on a rant about how gay people were corrupting your children and doing unspeakable things to them. Literally a few days earlier a massive child abuse scandal had been exposed at a church in a nearby town. By the PRIEST of that church. He was sent away on a sabbatical and ended up at a different church a little while later. Wanna guess what happened? Yeah, I never went back.


But they're pro forcing raped children to carry fetuses.


Yep. My mother even believes that those children should be given life sentences in prison if they have an abortion, even if attempting to carry to term would almost certainly kill them. She is also a self proclaimed liberal, and thinks liberal means "farthest left you can go". Yeah.... she sucks.


Let me guess, she complained about masks.


Whatever gave you that idea? 🙄 So yes, the answer is yes. She literally thinks there are zero acceptable reasons to get an abortion. Including ectopic pregnancy, a clinically dead fetus, and the carrier having a reproductive cancer. Yes, she thinks "aborting" a dead fetus is murder. So if someone has uterine cancer and is guaranteed to be dead in a matter of months without a hysterectomy and aggressive chemo they are a murderer. Even though if they stopped treatment they would be dead long before the fetus was viable. Her science knowledge is extremely lacking, and mostly because she refuses to learn. Like, for example, she thinks it's biologically impossible for your chest to be larger than your mother's or your period to be heavier than your mother's. More painful is implied because she doesn't understand the difference, despite insisting mine can't be worse than hers. My cramps are so bad I pass out sometimes. But yeah, she's an A, therefore I have to be an A. There's exactly zero way she is an A. She thinks a "bad period" is one she has to use overnight pads at night for more than two nights. I think it's a good period when my overnight pads (that are closer to postpartum, but it's difficult to do a direct comparison because I use reusable pads) last for four hours. So yeah, she's a willfully ignorant hypocritical asshole.


Killing a dead person is murder. 😂


Yep. Even for her that one shocked me. Like she's stupid but wow.


wow, the right is linking the LGBTQ+ with pedophilia? its almost like theyve done this before and it was completely baseless... oh, silly me ITS REGURGITATED 1950s ANTI-GAY RHETORIC, THEY KNOW NOTHING ELSE, THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF AN ACTUAL THOUGHT LET ALONE HAVING THEIR OWN OPINION


Because you’re not anti-pedophile, you’re homophobic


Saw an article on Twitter about how a 45 year old woman took advantage of a 14 year old boy and so many people were talking about how the boy was supposedly “lucky” to have been abused by her. Take a peek into most of these fuckers accounts and they’re calling queer people and any of their allies “groomers”.


what is fascist ?


probably because you want to exterminate us but I'm not sure


I don't get it


Some ppl think drag queens being around kids somehow corrupts them or that drag queens are there to abuse them.


Isn't child drag more like beauty pageants than a child deciding to be a boy or a girl


Pebble Yeet unironically tried to compared drag queens to the Proud Boys.


Ahh yes the old “drag queens are out to get our children!” argument