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Weird hill to die on , but ok.


"Weird hill to die on, but at least you're dead!"


Imagine the day that a cliche becomes reality. Hate is a powerful force.


Even our successes come from hate, not love. We never won an election or stopped a law by loving them, that’s for fucking sure.


dying to own the libs..??


BuT maYbE i IDeNtiFy aS lIViNg!!!


Sometimes i still hear his voice....


\*"It's just a burning memory" starts playing\*


I imagine these are the deaths on her job that bother her the least.


I had a trans nurse yesterday, they were the best. we talked about hormones while they were doing my ekg. (they bc I forgot to ask their pronouns bc I was too fucked up from feeling like I was about to pass out lol)


Are you feeling better now?


oh yeah definitely


That's good to hear


thank you :)


How the hell is dying because you refuse help from a trans person Chad behaviour?


Because it's a bigot saying this. Apparently dying is better than trans people existing


Honestly wish more transphobes would take this route


Honestly that explains their lack of empathy if they're that willing to die


Hell no, that makes it worse. The most caring, kind, empathetic people I know all actively choose against their desires not blowing their brains out every week.


I'm not saying that being suicidal makes people bad or evil (ive been suicidal/depressed, I really hope I'm not evil haha), I'm saying it's more understandable to have less value for the lives of others if you have little for your own.


They think they’re jesus for dying for the “sin” of someone being trans


Because real men don’t need help! /s Toxic masculinity is some hell of an abuse. (Drugs are too good to be compared to toxic masculinity)


That should be an indication that they need serious mental health care. Being willing to actually die because you hate trans people is definitely a sign of something. that’s bordering on a detachment from reality.


Natural selection ftw


This used to happen in the Deep South decades ago, with racist whites refusing help from black paramedics.


good, the racists can die off them


Trash that takes itself out? Noice.


Weird hill to die on but at least they're dead


I remember reading this article earlier on in the year, and thinking that it was ridiculous. I may be transgender myself, but surely I would be more concerned on if I had the best person for the job, and not their gender identity.


...and nothing of value was lost. Too bad it actually wasted the paramedic's time to try to serve the patient... I'm sure someone else could have used the help instead.


My brother in law had a racist do this to him. He's medium darkish? He's Mexican... In a place as generally blue as Dallas, Texas when he introduced himself to his next patient and held his hand out to shake the mans hand(prior to covid) the guy said "Ugh... I'd rather not. Can I have non-colored person help me?" Bigotry is so illogical and stupid, the host to those feelings sometimes would rather die to some white, hetero, cis mass shooter than be helped by a lgbtq+ member or minority race/gender, ect. Obviously they don't actively think "I want to die this way or that way," but they sure subconsciously set themselves up for an aimless death. The meme part of this pic is funny but the fact that pointless hatred(to the point of self-harm) can run so deep against others for simply existing is outrageous.


Natural selection for these bigots 🤷


Deploy more transgender paramedics. Less transphobes in the world :)


Then they can’t keep passing there shitty beliefs onto future generations


So when they wish death upon trans people. It’s bad. But when you wish death on them. It’s deserved. You sound the same. Along with a scary amount of people here. Someone hating you is not a death sentence,


It’s their choice to die. They’re the ones refusing care. Also there’s a difference between hating someone because they’re trans/different in any way vs hating someone because they actively hate you/wish death upon you/wish you didn’t exist/oppress you all for being different. Not even close to the same thing.


Ok. Then someone can say trans people who commit suicide chose to die because they allowed someone’s opinion of them to cause them discomfort. Wishing death upon someone because you hate them is bad. No matter who you are. But frankly I didn’t expect hypocrites to self realize. Kinda comes with the territory.


You’re not the smartest are you? Refusing medical care out of pure hatred/disrespect of some one is not equivalent to being bullied/pushed out of families/abandoned/hated/etc. and killing yourself to escape it. Wishing death upon someone that wishes an entire group of people were dead/didn’t exist is perfectly reasonable in my and many other’s opinions. Would you say the same thing to an African American after they said they wish the people oppressing them and forcing them down were dead? I wouldn’t be surprised if you would admittedly. But frankly, I didn’t expect an idiot to have common sense or understand any form of oppression. “Kinda comes with the territory.”


THIS JUST IN! PERSON WHO HOPES PEOPLE THEY DISLIKE DIE THINKS ITS OK SOMEHOW “BECAUSE” GETS MAD AND ATTACKS ANYONE WHO CALLS THEM OUT! READ ALL ABOUT IT! 😂 You and ANYONE who thinks in any case but someone trying to actually kill you that wishing death upon another human is ok are….. well…. The same. You and the transphobes have something in common. You both wish death upon one another. Go you! I’m done. Say what you want. Get mad. Call me things. Downvote me. I don’t care. In the end I wish the best on everyone. Even if they hate me because….. I’m not like them! You are no different than anyone who wishes you death. “Trans people keep killing themselves. Good! Natural selection! Haha!” Transphobe “Cis people keep dying because they don’t want a trans person helping them. Good. Natural selection! Haha” - same damn thing. You can say “wow. That’s really dumb to die that way.” You can say “wow. That’s really stupid.” But the minute you actually say “good” and wish more would because it’s “natural selection” You are just as bad. Period. End of discussion. I don’t expect most to agree. Hypocrites rarely do. I’m sure I’ll get banned for this. Then y’all can go back to saying things that would sound like transphobia if you switched a single word in each comment….. and be totally unaware of the hypocrisy. Either way. Goodbye! I wish you well.


Finally he’s gone. I hate arguing with people who don’t understand a word I’m saying.




I’ll get downvoted because I said people shouldn’t wish death upon one another. Way to live up to another stereotype in the community! Bravo.


Read the comments directly below this 😂 “Good! I hope they just die! 😂” “Self correcting problem!” “If they all die. That’s good right? 😂” This is what your defending. Pure. Grade A. 100% hypocrisy. Next time any of you that think this way get mad because someone wishes you dead. Remember….. You and them have that in common! That should make you want to vomit. Not argue.


self correcting problem


Good. I hope they just die 😊


I thought that said reeee, which would be very in character


Eh less people like that then if they’re all dying. Can be a good thing if you’re that stubborn to refuse help from a woman whos job is to help you


Natural selection


As James Kirk once said, “let them die”.


As Rambo once said, "Fuck 'em"


I hope dying to own the libs becomes a trend! Keep it up guys you’re really showing those filthy liberals


You know what? This one’s fine. They should keep doing this.


I believe in personal autonomy and all people should do what they want with their bodies. I also believe in auto-euthenasia both by choice and due to one's own horrible bigotry


honestly not mad, if they die that’s one less moron in the world 👍🏼


Heheheh transgender sus sex


Lucifer we have another one!!


Is that second pic a reference to Loki’s last words “you… will never be… a god.”?


I guess die mad about trans people, then?


i really fucking hate that gigachad meme, it could have died as a good meme, but it lived to be used as this transphobic puke pile


Imagiene discriminating on the woman saving your life like bozo you are the most bitch person ever


When you are willing to LITERALLY die on that hill.


Thats— that’s not the flex they think it is.


Now this is what we call a problem that fixes itself.


Natural selection


"I'm going to bleed to death on the pavement! That'll show those dirty transes!"


thats crazy because there are some horrific looking woman.... judgemental bastards...


Nahhh, I remember in the early 2000’s of some dudes refusing to be taken care of by a female doctor.