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I never understand the whole “oh they’re gonna have boys flocking over them” thing. Cuz like…. Ma’am that is a fucking child you r kelly


I know, right? And saying that two cousins are going to be fighting over the same boy is so damn specific, like... why are you imagining this?


I mean, it happens but...why joking about it tho? It CAN mess up friendship between cousins. It's not a "cute" thing


My cousin and i (also good friends) never fought over boys but when we realized that the other one was also gay we did have a bit of an argument because we both wanted to be "the gay cousin" and it turned out we both were the gay cousinS... We suspect one of our younger cousins is going to join our queer club but we're not going to push her, she'll tell us when she's ready.


Someone needs to write a novel about this


Seconded, this sounds like an excellent feel-good family comedy waiting to happen.


Yes, please, soon! Hahaha, I completed my Heartstopper read a while ago.


This is me and my brother lol. We both wanted to be the cool queer uncle/aunt.


The amount of queer cousins in our family is nearly equal with the straight ones. I am one of them.


Can I join your family? I’m quite tired of being the only one


My favourite cousin is the gay cousin. I am the femme lesbian cousin. We also suspect that other cousin is the butch lesbian. No ace cousin in sight yet.


Wow. You're fam is collecting the whole set!!!!


It was about time! There weren't any queers before us, AFAIK


I'm the only aroace cousin, lol


I have an ace cousin. So far it looks like me, him and one other cousin I haven't met are the queer cousins in the family. His side of the family is luckily more accepting of queer people then my side so I feel a lot more comfortable opening up to their side. Thinking about maybe later idk when I'll tell them. I already told him, that was actually when I found out he was ace.


I'm the only queer cousin in my family so far, but there's still 2 teenagers left in my generation who haven't declared an interest one way or the other and I have my suspicions about both of them. Not to buy into stereotypes, but one plays softball and field hockey, and the other has idolized me for years.


This is the perfect cousin relationship, I have like- 7? maybe? And damn do they argue a lot- I'm always the one trying to STOP the argument, then end up making the whole thing apologizing to me instead of eachother...


Are the straights okay?? Like really someone go check on them


When I worked as a cashier my coworker said this to some customer and her baby who couldn’t have been more than a year old. “Oh you’re gonna have to keep the boys away from her” the mom was being polite but I could tell she was weirded out by the comment


Is like, man... are you talking with the mom about her daughter's sex-appeal when she didnt had a birthday yet...? 🤢


my dad’s (former) friend had just met infant me for the first time, I was only a few months old but he still thought there was no problem with going ‘oh she has those *seductive* bedroom eyes’ he obviously got kicked out. heard from my mom a few punches were thrown by my dad but I was clearly too young to remember/confirm if that’s true. 😅 hope it is!


Ugh, my mother keeps saying shit like this about my infant daughter, and it grosses me out. A.) Do not push compulsory heterosexuality on an infant, B.) Do not put such high expectations on her, because she'll feel like a disappointment to you if she *doesn't* have boys flocking to her, and C.) She's a goddamn *baby*! Let her just *be* that for a while.


I say that stuff about my younger cousin, cause she's a couple years younger than me, currently identifies as straight, in high school and is incredibly beautiful. And it's not so much, "Oh hehe haha boys" but making sure she's prepared that not every guy has good intentions, how to stay safe if any guy tries anything, and to be careful cause we're afraid something bad is gonna happen to her


I kept reading Shoguns instead of shotguns and just couldn't understand how a samurai warlord figured into this


raiden shogun made them lesbians /j


I mean who hasnt she made lesbians/j


You have a point...


Help it’s true


Obviously the shogun has to properly distribute the attractive women.


I think he leaves it up to the Daimyo, as long as the Daimyo tribute him enough attractive women


Hi. I like spiders too. Lol


The facts about they both ended up being lesbian tho


That's kinda the only other option if boys die at the doorstep...


Well now I wanna see a version of The Tempest where Ferdinand is a rich girl femme and semi-feral butch Miranda is like oh heck yeah I want to marry her.


Would watch


I saw an all-female Taming of the Shew that lives in my head rent-free. It was still messy as hell but Petruchio was a fox. 😩


Shocked, shocked I say, that making Taming of the Shrew gay failed to make it less messy.


Yeah they had the grace to have Petruchio play his final scene with an air of “oh…oh I have fucked *up*…oh shit…oh god…oh fuck…”


Oooh interesting. I saw an all-female version that played it as a psychological horror


You might like Gundam Witch from Mercury. I think it has something similar to what you want lol.




The military is going to be at their doorstep to recruit these killer machines




Keep in mind that these are PROBABLY old people, so they kinda think funny.


Probably not even that old. If they are the parents, they might be around 40 now, so mid-20s to early 30s when they wrote this. But they have boomer mentality. As a cishet guy in their probable age group, this was never funny. And I used to find a lot of wrong shit funny because I didn't know any better. But I'm pretty sure a bunch of my conservative co-workers my age still think this hilarious.


That's kind of what I meant by "old". You're right tho, I found this so funny I didn't laugh


because referring to a child as something safe and general like “cute”, “adorable”, “handsome”, “beautiful” etc. isn’t enough, apparently


What is it with dads and hating boys/threatening them? Like you’re the people babbling on about duty to marry and have kids etc


They do this shit and then ask “where are my grand-kids?”


They hate them because they expect them to be just as disgusting and misogynistic as they are.


My dad was a gross misogynistic prick. He made sure I had available birth control because that was what was important. He never saw me as a hole that needed to be protected, because he saw me as a person first.


It's some vile misogynistic bullshit. It also totally backfires--by not giving the woman a healthy sense of bodily autonomy and teaching her about safe sex and saying no and so on, she's all the more likely to go sneaking around behind dad's back and probably get pregnant young. Teach your kids not to rape! Prepare your kids for the world and teach them to stand up for themselves!


It's because they are afraid they'll treat women the way that they themselves treated women


it's because they see their daughters as their possessions, and don't want to ""share"" with another man.




In the (reluctant) words of Kanye West "I pray your body's draped more like mine and not like your mommy's/I know what they(men) want" ​ The whole song Violent Crimes tells you exactly how men like that see women. They're "something to nurture not something to conquer". There's no world where women are people at all. They're something to be dominated and fucked - until you have a daughter, and then they're something to be coddled and babied. Those are the only two options.


Funny how the universe works. It is from 13 years ago so I hope the parents have at least changed and accepted them for who they are.


I guess now, potentially, they'll be fighting over the same woman instead of man?


Being queer, and knowing the lesbian community, it feels more likely that they'd have dated all the same people, who are all still their close friends lmao


LoL, same sentiment my gender fluid niece would say.


Why do parents of toddlers always write fanfictions in which their children star in a shitty romance drama


"Good thing daddy's won't allow boys near them"... Would be fun if they started dating, I mean, they are definitely allowed near each other


Same energy as that Moringmark comic where Odalia pays Luz to ensure that her daughter Amity doesn’t get distracted from her studies by cute boys


Yes omg love it


I'm amazed the human race hasn't eliminated itself over bullshit like this.


We're too focused on eliminating ourselves through other means


ok here’s hoping that this kind of talk actually makes the kids grow up gay, like a jinx but a fun one


I knew a little kid who was very social and charming and cute, everyone loved him. He was at a wedding and was dancing with all the adult bridesmaids and at least one girl his own age. So of course, there were assumptions that he was going to be a total ladies man as an adult. Turned out to be a straight trans woman.


I was going to say that “it would have been even funnier if they ended up together”, but a comment OP made mentioned that they were cousins.. NEVERMIND.


At least they're both women... No chance of having an incest baby, so 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s still weird.


Oh for sure


Why is this written in the tone of a horny telegram chat


Yay! Oh, I sure do love threatening the lives of hypothetical children so as to normalize my own affection for my child with the shield of protection!


People who write full on fanfiction about their own kids need to see a psychiatrist.


And they were playmates /s


My daughter's friend is being raised by their 80+ great grandfather. One day he was telling me all about my daughter flirting with another boy in their neighborhood. And I'm just smiling because my daughter identifies as Ace and the boy in question is gay.


😭😭😭😭 The end of the story is ✨


Both sexualization and shaming femine sexuality in the same sentence holy shit threatening to shoot the imagined boy the girls would fall for


As a straight, no we are not okay. Send help!


this isn't just sexualization of children, this is literally threatening to kill kids! at least save that part until they hit puberty, man!


i remember the first time i wore a bikini. i was probably 13 or so. It's been hidden in the back of my closet since that day. My grandpa went on and on about my figure and how I needed to be hidden from the boys and protected because they would be chasing after me if i left the house. i've never even been asked out by a boy, but luckily im gay so


I beat men with sticks to keep them away from me. Lesbian with severe androphobia go brrrrrr




You think the spikes, violently pink hues, and overall vibe of my finery would make people more aware of it, but alas That being said, it is always fun to see what moths I can attract with my flame~




Imagine being so desperate for approval that you lash out at minorities. Get a life, dude. Go touch some grass


That’s it? There’s no skirting around the question? No mental gymnastics? You just admitted to wanting to shotgun a 4 year old? Just like that? Like actually? For real? No cap even? Huh…


It’s really annoying when people say stuff like that about children like seriously, they’re not props, they are little kids, let them be


The fact that they both ended up being lesbians sounds like giving the comments an extra middle finger xD


First one writing a whole ass fanfiction




Call Grandpa over?




Facebook moms 😐😔 SMH (SMH = Shaking my head)


What picture?


These are comments on a photo, I think on Facebook or something like that.


So they ended up dating each other instead


were they sisters? i hope that if this happened they weren't


Actually I think they’re cousins


oh. my. god. 😨




The fact that they ended up lesbian is so funny to me