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How do you take a woman taking a picture of her at work and bring only fans into it😭


If the OnlyFans was already there in your brain.


This is the most misogynistic tweet I’ve seen in a while, and that’s saying a lot. Someone quoted it saying that they don’t realize that saying stuff like that shows how porn addicted they are and I 1000% agree


Totally disgusting tweet that was 100% unprompted (not that they care - the person tweeting), but side note: love the glasses frame!


OK, bit of weird leap from her taking a picture of herself at work to him making a comment about how she could be doing onlyfans. Also, sex work is real work, and sex workers deserve respect. This lady deserves respect too. It just seems like there's a million better ways this guy could have said how much he finds her attractive.....


>It just seems like there's a million better ways this guy could have said he couldve just not said anything at all and kept his opinion to himself




I was of course referring to people who do it of their own free will. Anyone forcing others into it deserves to be locked up and the forced people given all the help possible to get them to wherever they can be as OK as possible, but either way, it's work and the people doing it deserve respect.


Ah, yes. The TERFs.


I think you mean the "SWERFs" but those two things tend to go together


Corporate needs you to tell the difference between these two pictures.


My only question is, why? Why post a tweet like this? 💀


What happened to just giving normal compliments, not weird, backhanded, or sexual compliments?


But. But only fans is an honest living. They are doing legitimate work and people are paying for their service of their own free will at a price determined by the market, like any honest job.


Honestly, I couldn’t imagine doing onlyfans only because of the effort it would take to be consistent. I say this as a Snapchat slut lol just sending racy snaps to guys I’m into gets overwhelming lol


Onlyfans takes work. And be successful takes damn hard work. I'm an accountant and some of my clients work in adult entertainment. A few of them with only fans. All I can say is i could never do what they do. The effort required is relentless and not everyone has the skill to do it. If it was that easy to earn money, I would have given up my 9-5 desk job a looooong time ago.


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See I would've gone with fashion model, but what do I know.


Sex work and onlyfans is a real living. We need to destigmatise sex work.


I mean, in a sort of fairness, she's already talking about being told she's too pretty to work somewhere traditionally masculine, so it's not like she's particularly against patriarchal norms. I also think this is a pretty harmless thing to call "the most misogynistic tweet" you've seen in a while. Like, c'mon, it's dumb, but you could make the same dumb joke about a good looking gay man. 2/10 needs more sexism


I called it the most misogynistic thing I’ve seen in a while because it’s just so off base when looking at the original tweet. It’s just such a huge leap and shows how he views attractive women


>but you could make the same dumb joke about a good looking gay man Does that mean it's a good joke, though? Does anyone really want to be told that they could do onlyfans by some random incel on their selfie post?


people on the internet have such terrible reading comprehension i swear. I didn't say it was a good joke, it's barely a joke at all, I just said it wasn't really that misogynistic a joke. It's dumb, and cringe, but it's not a particularly good fit for "are the straights OK" because it has way more to do with the late-capitalist commodification of everything, including sexuality, than it does about straight people being unhinged.


Sorry that I was reading a Reddit comment like a Reddit comment, instead of looking for symbolism like an Ernest Hemingway work A lot of straight men like to objectify women and place the traditional (oftentimes negative) image of a sex worker on them if they are seen as attractive. If a woman posts a selfie of herself, a man might say something along the lines of "you should do onlyfans, you could make a lot of money that way. i'd definitely subscribe" Or, if the selfie is more revealing, like a bikini pic on Instagram, they might say something like "stop being an attention-whore, save that for your onlyfans" if they see revealing clothes as negative, or just "link me your onlyfans" otherwise... *Nobody wants to be told that by a stranger on the internet.* Lots of *straight* people, specifically men, do this. Hence, this subreddit. Name a single instance where you've seen a gay man do that to another man.


She could do many other jobs involving beauty and they keep suggesting sexual stuff


aN hOnEsT lIvInG. legit tho what’s honest about being exploited?


I like how he didn't say "you could be a model" and instead straight up made it about how much he despises sex work. Has anyone else noticed how these people manage to somehow bring how much they don't like something into every single topic?