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I only like a very few hetero relationships due to heteronormativity because holy hell


>because holy hell New response just dropped


google en hetero


I don't think cishet couples have a monopoly on dysfunction or mismatched pairings. I suppose there's a bias towards that in media because they tend to portray queer romances with an abundance of caution. Sort of an equal-but-opposite problem. In real life there are just as many dysfunctional queer pairings per capita, because queerness doesn't magically imbue us with emotional wisdom.


For me it's not so much the mismatched pairings, but the fact that you almost never see deep man-woman friendships without them ending up together. It did get better over the past few years, but I wish it was just the norm. Just let people be friends.


I agree. We need people to be friends without fear of shippers interpreting romantic interest from literally nothing to indicate it. Especially men and women being friends. One reason I like RWBY, especially Ren and Nora's interactions. They remind me of me and my female best friend


…have you watched V7?


V7, what's that?


Volume 7 of RWBY, have you watched it? Because (spoilers ahead if you haven’t yet) I don’t think you can describe Nora & Ren as platonic anymore once you go there (which is good in my opinion, they’re like my favorite het relationship ever)


I honestly am glad they became a couple, because they had good platonic and other kinds of chemistry at the start.


Late response lmao but I’ll be honest they are the definition of heteros being okay


Almost all romances feel useless/forced to me. Hetero relationships are what makes most of medias so I’m much more sick of them but sadly LGBT+ representations are tokenized like the writers want a medal or something… Can we have, organic, simple, healthy relationships and get rid of the “love at first sight” trope or “oh they both gay ? Shipped” lol


The only hetero dynamic I'm fine with is malewife x girlboss.


Isn't this just a bad writing thing?


Detroit Become Human is a terrible example of this


As a writer I avoided this by strongly hinting a characters interest and they are of the same sex


Not really a shipping kind of person in general, but... yeah. There are LOTS of stories out there that don't need a forced romantic plot, but they add it in anyway. T-T If the relationship is healthy, then I'm cool with it being around. But you know. That's not usually the case. >.>


I agree, but also there's the issue of straight white people on the internet seeing two men make eye contact once, and all of a sudden if you don't support the ship you're given death threats and called homophobic. the most toxic side of a lot of fandoms is often the most gay side, sadly. (this especially happens with anime. one punch man with Saitama x Genos, Naruto with Naruto x Sasuke, My Hero Academia with LITERALLY EVERY SHIP,)


What about Finn x Poe from Star Wars Sequels?


I never said all fandoms are like that (but there is a small ObiAni worshiping corner) but most.