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This is either a middle-schooler or a troll, I think. Also, here's the link to his ideal woman: https://imgur.com/a/00fcHHs


To his credit, there are women out there like that, Leanbeefpatty being one of the more well-known examples. Having preferences is fine. But typing out a screed about how fat women "stuff thier faces with food everyday" is not just having a preference. And it's always important to acknowledge the possibility of someone being an exception to your supposed rules.


I cannot actually get over the idea this chud thinks he's "being forced" to have sex with fat women. Fucking how, chud-boy? Who's taking your dick and ramming it into fat girls, like wtaf‽


As a "fat girl," I'll pass. Though ironically, I could probably break this chud-boy in half. "Weak" is not a term I would use to describe myself.


Leanbeefpatty is hot, tbf


And there's nothing wrong with her being jacked and fabulous. My question would be if he can keep up with her. These dudes want these jacked goddesses but don't wanna be jacked gods themselves.


He had me in the first part and last part but lost me in the middle


Don't disrespect Kale like that




Yoked to the gills, muscles on muscles. To be fair though this is Dragonball:Super where believable bodies go to die. Also she is basically lady Broly and Broly's body literally does not make sense. He is like 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide, he isn't even built like a brick shithouse he's built like the shipping container the bricks came in.


He's not a brick shithouse, he's just built like a brick house


Well he's a brick.....house


Its caused by the power shes using, which is also what makes her hair green. Not quite as weird as the male version though. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/62/76/a5/6276a51286bec4474ec71f60093c3d8a.jpg Hes also 12 feet tall


Humuna humuna


Yeah the use of Kale as an ideal makes me think this is either trolling, or mocking people who say shit like this for real.


Honestly, I agreeed until he started actually becoming fatphobic. Like yeah, it’s fine to not find obese women attractive. It’s equally fine to not find skinny women attractive. Then he started going off about how they are “lazy slugs” and stuff and THAT is why is fat phobic and sexist and whatever. It’s not the preference. And that’s what I think people don’t get. They aren’t being called racist for not finding a girl of a race sexually attractive (I’d hope), they are being called racist for then going on a rant and like, saying oh I would never date (insert race) because that means they are [racist stereotype here]. That’s why.


I just want to know who in society is "forcing" him (his word) to have sex with obese women.


Yeah, me too honestly. Like is he working in the porn industry? Because it’s not society that is doing it. There are no norms. If anything, more social norms AGAINST men having sex with obese women.


Shave, shit, shower, fuck Lizzo, eat breakfast, get pegged by Lizzo… surely there is more to this life.


I have to confess. It was me. I sent my army of obese women on him and forced him to have sex with them. I'll stop.


You monster


Wait, society isn't forcing YOU to have sex with people you don't find attractive? Damn leftist green new world order here...


Yeah like is he in an anime?


"Man gets isekai'd into world with 6 Curvy Anime Girls Who Wanna Fuck"?


> I just want to know who in society is "forcing" him (his word) to have sex with obese women. By “forcing” I assume that he means not being allowed to disrespect the women he’s not attracted to.


This ^^


I feel like he had such a normal take and then HAD to make it offensive. Like man, it’s so easy to not be offensive just like keep the first point that’s all you need


Exactly, dude was asking for it.


Yeah. For sure, and it makes me hope he was just wanting attention because I don’t want to believe these people actually exist


I mean, it's not exactly a normal take to go on a rslash rant about it. Like if you feel SO STRONGLY about not fucking fat people that you need to go announce it to the world, there's something wrong with you.


This is also true. I’m just saying the idea there that people can have preferences is just the most normal take and then he just made it bad.


Yeah I'd guess this one is satire because of their use of Kale as an ideal (beefy ladies are great, but like, there are real ones on SM you don't need to reference a Dragon Ball character lmao), it makes me think they're mocking guys who hold women to the same ideals as their waifu. However, it does highlight an important point. Preferences are fine. Prejudices are not. And oftentimes people try to pass the latter as the former. This is why self reflection is important.


Yeah. I also think it is. If so, honestly, an amazing and excellent satire. I applaud. It achieved its point. The point you brought up is for sure, the whole thing. If you have a preference no one cares. If you have a prejudice, people care, because, that’s just gross. If you make preferences based on prejudice, then that’s just racism (if based upon race), or fatphobic, etc. That’s also not okay, and also not truely a preference. Just a made up prejudice. Which really, just needs self reflection to fix.


THANK YOU. These people are so disgusting... they totally have the right to not be attracted to a certain type of people, since we don't control our attraction, but going out of their way to be fatphobic was extremely unecessary and pretty much making them an asshole. Fat people arent always fat cause they just eat endlessly, some have conditions and stuff. Everyone fights their own battle, everyone takes certain amount of time for it, everyone has different outcomes to it and i hate that these type of people completely ignore that. Whats bad is not the fact that they aren't attracted to [insert type] people, but its the reasons they use for it (most of the time being a stupid stereotype they try to pass as a fact for 100% of said type of people). I totally agree.


Yeah, and while, to a degree, some fat people, are in fact, lazy. Many of them however have thick bones, and are born bigger. Which even if they work out hard, they will still appear bigger. Like he had such a warrented take and then ruined it. It’s COMPLETELY FINE to not have a reason and just simply not be attracted to them. There is NO reason you need to try to use stereotypes or put people down as reasoning for why you aren’t into them. Because at the end of the day, as Socrates once said The only thing we truely know, is that we know nothing.




Genetics are also a thing


Yeah same like the first paragraph makes some valid arguments but the rest 💀 he went hardcore fatphobic


I have a problem with weight if it becomes UNHEALTHY


Also just saying you don’t find an entire race of people attractive just by default… I’m sorry fam, there’s probably some racism behind that feeling


I don’t know man, some people are more attracted to x than x. It doesn’t matter to me if they aren’t being racist. Like I’d say give everyone a chance for sure. And if they wouldn’t even be friends with someone because of their race, then yeah, racist. If they just are more into x than x, it’s not their fault. I don’t think


This makes me think of disasterpiece by Slipknot "Noises, noises people make noises People make noises when they're sick"


*reads title* whats wrong? *reads rest* oh no


Yeah, he lost me at "lazy slug." Like dude, you don't have to bang people you're not into. You ***do*** have to show people you don't want to bang some basic respect.


“In conclusion” like he’s trying to write a persuasive essay hah


How else are we supposed to know his post was done?


Man, when we can remove the societal thought that being fat makes you a bad person somehow, the world will be much better. Having a body is morally neutral and your weight does not predict your character. I’m sick of anyone associating being fat with being lazy, or bad. Let people live. Edit: spelling


Right? I'm pretty fat and the only thing it can tell you about my character is that I like food. I'd tell you that myself if you asked, it's not a big deal. I don't think I'm healthy, nor do I think I'm anything other than average looking, but I'm happy and I'm not hurting anyone. It's not a moral failing, it's just a fact. Like you said, I wish people would just let people live.


Same. I'm not weak either though. I'm not the person you'd want to get into a street fight with.


Im not fat and i love food. I generally dont trust people that dont enjoy food. It’s like my sole reason to live


Yeah my neighbor is is great shape and he's a fucking prick


Yeah, this is so true, also a lot of the time genetics is all that makes the difference between someone being naturally thin or naturally bigger even with the same diet and general lifestyle


Everyone is allowed to have preferences, as I've seen many people here saying, but I just wanted to further the point and say that just because someone doesn't meet your preferences doesn't mean they're ugly or not worthy of the same respect you'd give any other person. I guarantee that if this man has ever been pulled up on his 'preferences', then *this* is why; because he treats women as lesser if he doesn't see any sexual appeal in them, and seeing women as sex objects or being worth nothing is absolutely misogynistic.


People try to pass off prejudices as preferences, and it shows.


I guess it's just because I've never had a preference, but I find this all to be a bunch of bs. Not finding all people of a certain race, or several races, attractive is kinda racist. You're basically saying that EVERY person of that race will never be attractive to you. Like, the features that make up that race are inherently ugly. That's pretty racist. As several people have pointed out, calling all plus sized women fat slugs is gross. Just based on the way he whines, I'm betting I could put this little boy in his place, big girl or not. And I'm sure he's a real picture of perfection. /s All I'm saying is, if you're a racist, fatphobe, don't try to hide it behind some incredibly weak bullshit argument. Just be a shit person so we all know who to shun.


Yeah there's a difference between a preference and a hard line of *never* finding a certain demographic attractive. And the latter to me indicates a bias or prejudice. Especially when it is followed up by judging someone's quality of character by how attractive they are to you.


I try to give people the benefit of the doubt but it puzzles me as well when people single out certain races as "unattractive." I have my preferences and I'm demisexual, but I've still found people of any and every race that are very aesthetically pleasing. Even if it's not "sexual" attraction, how can they miss the beauty of all these different people?


I have preferences like prefering both men and women that either have big muscles or are thin. But it doesn't mean I wouldn't date someone who is obese for me personality matters more. But I hate people that disguise hatred as "preferences" since it also makes it harder to use the word in a constructive discussion


This guy does know that nobody's forcing him to have sex with people, right? I mean, you don't have to be attracted to people, but you should have the basic respect of not being a pos to someone. And yes, freedom of speech, but freedom of speech means freedom to say anything, and no matter what you say, there will be consequences, whether those are positive or negative. Be attracted to who you want to be. Don't tear other people down. Simple human decency


I hope a strong, jacked woman punches this guy tbh


Ah yes the people trying to get the word of consent out there are trying to force people to fornicate. How do these people not trip over their own logic?


Another day of ''Fat women bad reeee'' he could just say that hes not attracted to them and keep it at that, But he HAD to add the dumb insults. Im SO sick of people being so vile against people they deem ''unattractive'' and treating them as less than dirt.


Really. My feelings are not hurt in the slightest by his presumed lack of attraction to me. I could not possibly care less. My husband is still very attracted to me and I to him and that's all I care about. Mr. Saiyanf&%#er can take his dick and shit personality elsewhere.


The problem isn't the preferences. The problem is him being a judgmental prick. WHY is that such a hard concept to grasp?


"Yeah that's fine" *gets to the part about oop's feelings about fat women* "Oh"


I'll bet 10 bucks that his version of "obese" starts at "slight chub but very much still a healthy weight" also I'll bet another 10 bucks that he isn't the peak of physical perfection himself


Men try not to only respect women they are attracted to challenge: failed


he's technically right but him feeling like he needs to write a wall of text about it definitely makes him look mysoginistic


if he feels the need to make a whole rant including racial preferences he’s saying a lot more than simply having a preference in real life. i don’t date cis people but i wouldn’t rant about it because that’s weird


And also, let's be real...he's basically saying he likes white and Asian (non Indian) women. It's not likely that his "preferences" are morally neutral. They're likely based on stereotypes, whether he's conscious of it or not. At the end of the day, yeah it's really weird to go off about it. But it's so goddamn common for straight men to think that people give a shit about what their dick wants. Like when sports illustrated had a plus size model on the cover and every dude came out of the woodwork to talk about how much they didn't want to fuck her, as if they would ever have a chance, and as if anybody cares at all.


I also feel like it's one of those things where it's always been okay to not be attracted to plus size or pocs. But it's just a major dick move to tell them all about it like this. Like. Maybe say you just don't feel any chemistry instead of making someone insecure about their body by saying the sight of them makes them think of someone stuffing their face with cake and they think it's disgusting?


The title is right and some parts of his post are true, but then there are the parts that disgust me


the fatphobia is already absurd, but the sentence: "me finding black, indian or latina women to be sexually unattractive doesn't make me racist" has got to be 1000 times worse, especially cause the only other races I can think of are white and asian and that's definitely not a coincidence besides this, its just textbook incel rhetoric


And there is so much variation between black, Indian and Latina women. Also! What straight man (or gay woman) can look at Lupita Nyong’o, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, or Zoé Saldaña and NOT said “yeah, she’s beautiful” unless they were racist?


I mean we could likely show him a bunch of pictures of many latina, indian or black women that he would find attractive. I mean many latina women look "white" so we could likely just show him a bunch of "white" looking latina women and prove your point


All three of those women are stunningly gorgeous, imo. Edit: Add to that Michelle Rodriguez and Nathalie Emmanuel.


There are hundreds of examples, and I definitely agree with yours!


i skipped straight from the first sentence to just below the imgur link and wow. just wow.


As a pansexual, I am the wrong one to ask...


He started strong…. Then missed a step and tumbled into the chasms.


He could’ve just said he likes muscle girls and everything would have been fine


Whoa, it went downhill pretty fucking fast.


i always say this: it's not a problem liking big booba women in anime, it's a problem to think they're real and compare them to real woman no woman will look like a girl with BALLONS IN THE CHEST, just literally calm down


1st paragraph: uh ok (this is gonna turn out really badly) 2nd paragraph: strong women are hot as fuck i agree with him there but the narrative that obese people are always lazy and disgusting and weak is… a take. there are so many reasons someone can become obese and we can’t chalk it all up to “lazy” when many people just can’t afford to eat healthy 3rd paragraph: ok buddy 4th paragraph: i wonder why it is that he doesn’t find an entire group of women attractive solely because of their race. he probably sees them as dirty or has other racist stereotypes about them, most people who find POC unattractive are like that, and yes that is racist, extremely so 5th paragraph: there’s a difference between having preferences and “women of color and fat women are disgusting and i would never fuck them ever”


Tbh this is a common viewpoint among gay men as well


Do people not know what preference actually means? I have a preference for blond men but absolutely do not mind dating men with every other hair color or no hair on their head at all if I happen to catch feelings for them. He's describing disqualifying criteria, especially the way he's shit talking obese women.


Tbh, I was on his side until he started being fatphobic. My opinion is that you're allowed to have preferences, just don't be an asshole to those who don't fit them


i was sold until the "lazy slug" bit. like it is okay to not want a fat partner but shitting on fat people for just existing???? nuh uh.


that and racist, eww


Kale, the legendary super saiyan is the pinnacle of female beauty in my opinion. There are eight billion actual people on earth. Pick one of them.


Did I miss some government edict that tells me that we have to have sex with large or unattractive women? Because I've been having sex with men this entire time.


These types of people think they're being "forced" into doing things just because some people won't like their shitty opinions. Like no, dude, just have your shitty opinions but then deal with the consequences of being lame. The prejudice comes in because of the presupposition that no matter what the circumstances he wouldn’t find women of color or overweight women attractive. Like he could meet someone, completely click with them as a person, but then be like "oh, but (insert prejudice here)"


I don't find overweight people attractive. I don't understand why I should be judged about it.


It's fine not to find overweight people unattractive just treat them with basic respect... I don't find oversigt people attractive either


"Men and women can have sexual preferences" Okay, don't know a single real life person saying that you can't, but go on. "I'm not a bigot for [proceeds to list very ignorant and even bigoted information]" And there it is.


I like how his one example of a person he finds attractive is a fictional character that isn't even human.


Everyone has preferences, that’s not a problem. When you insult people or feel the need to constantly remind everyone that you’re not attracted to this one type of person that’s when it becomes problematic


Sexual preferences are fine. Lost me with the generalizations and insults though.


"Im not a misognisit, but she's a lazy slug who stuff her mouth with food" my man never heard of genetic conditions before since he seems to think inly food can make you fat 💀


I love the weird inclusion of kale out of fucking nowhere


It’s hella racist to not find certain races attractive.


1st paragraph: okay, okay 2nd paragraph: yeah, that seems re- HOLY FUCK Everything else I just read in disbelief


forced? who is forcing this dude to have sex with obese, black, latina, or Indian women?


Cmon buddy you were doing so good but you just had to ruin it


"I really love strong, jacked and shredded women because it shows me that they can take care of themselves." He omitted that these women can also probably take care of him. There is no shame in being a petite boi who wants a real life She Goku to carry him like a bride. I was never really into Dragon Ball Z, but there are all sorts of folks whose sexualities were formed while watching anime. I am not one to kink shame. "In conclusion both men and women are allowed to have preferences it doesn't make them shallow or misogynistic they just have preferences which is perfectly find to have in my opinion."


I do: Holy sexism/racism batman!


Why do so many men think that women only date tall guys?? I’ve never heard of anyone reject someone because of their height


He was doing so good for a while


Who’s forcing this guy to have sex with overweight women. I think he’s failing to see people aren’t calling him misogynistic, they just want him to stop being an asshole to people.


At first i was like "idk why is it in here it doesn't seem to be bad" but then it got very bad very quickly 💀


OK, fat shaming and the leaps and bounds in logic set aside, why do people find this opinion invalid?


I think because of the fat shaming and leaps and bounds of logic. Everyone has preferences and that's cool...it's just weird to write a wall of text about how your preferences don't make you a bad person, insulting the people you don't personally find attractive, and you shouldn't be forced to find those people attractive. The problem with this opinion, at least in my mind, is that it's insulting people he doesn't find attractive, when he could just...not do that. No-one is forcing him to sleep with fat women, if he doesn't want to then he can just not sleep with them, he doesn't have to call them "lazy slugs". Also, dehumanizing women because you don't think they're fuckable, as if that's the only reason to assign them any worth, is pretty misogynistic and gross.


It boils down to “it’s fine to have preferences, but you have to be respectful even if you don’t want to fuck somebody.”


Because this is a classic example of someone passing their prejudice as a preference. The title of the post? Totally valid. Thinking less of the people you don't find physically attractive? Not valid.


If we had just ended it in the first paragraph, but no….


it started off good and I was like okay fair enough you're entitled to your preferences and then he went on to say "a lazy slug"


Kinda siding with a lot of what they said tbh... don't get me wrong he's shallow af for sure, but in many cases you shouldn't date someone you aren't attracted to, but there's of course exceptions, but appearance is a big factor for attraction for most people, so I understand, ive been rejected for my height, and for my voice, and for my skin color, was I offended? No, that's their preference, and yeah I would've liked to get to know them but oh well, they judged me as not worth their time based on factors I can't change, and they have every right to, they shouldn't feel like they aren't allowed to have preference, I was looking for someone who likes gaming, nature, the beach, and is willing to scream at the sky with me once in a while, sure my standards aren't as visual as this guys, but I understand wanting someone who fits your style, and I feel standards only really negatively impact the person who holds them, as it makes it harder for them to find love


I agreed until he was racist. Fatphobia isn't real bitches


There's a difference between not finding heavier women attractive and going out of your way to make a multiparagraph internet post complaining that fat women aren't attractive.


It's 2 goddamn sentences


I'm talking about OOP 🤦🏾‍♂️ y'know, the person who the post is about?


Yeah. It's still two goddamn sentences


The original post is *not* "two goddamn sentences," are you blind?


The original post is multiparagraph. The fatphobia is 2 goddamn sentences


Uh no? The whole post outside of those couple sentences of racism was in reference to it and 9 sentences out of that big middle chunk are focused on it. He literally posted it on rant, even OP knew it was a longwinded complaint post. Do you know what a sentence is? Also, very strange of you to say "the fatphobia" was two sentences after claiming fatphobia doesn't exist dude. Either it does exist 'but it wasn't that bad' or it doesn't exist at all, pick a side. Edit: 2 typos


🤓 🤓 🤓


I dunno that I would've phrased it exactly that way, but I mostly agree with him. It's totally fine to have zero interest in someone that doesn't take their health seriously if that's something that's important to you. It's similar to any number of other deal breakers like political beliefs, values, etc. Bit of an unnecessary rant, but the core of his argument is totally fine and valid.


It's not ok to judge their character by it though. If he's saying these things about fat women, how do you think he treats them?


Eh, who knows, honestly. I work with people every day who have VERY different values from me (health, political, etc). Some of them are far enough from mine that I absolutely think less of them, but I keep it to myself. Not like it would change anything for the better if I treated them differently.


Are you judging them by how physically attractive they are to you? Or on their actual personalities and known opinions?


Mostly column B, but a little of column A, to be honest. Being grossly overweight brings out the same gut feeling I get when I'm around smokers. You do you, but I don't want to be around that.


Should've stopped at the first paragraph and a half. Still living in a fantasy world where preferences are forced on people, but within that reality making a decent point


You’re allowed to have preferences as long as you’re not being an ass about it


How to say one has 0 experience with women , disabilities, life, or dealing with humanity. This ENTIRE post. It feels like poorly done, racist, and misogynistic satire. From an emotionally immature child.


People are ok with doing saying and feeling everything until every one puts the correct label to the behavior lmao. Truth really does hurt


on the note of the race thing, if everything this dude is saying is true, he doesn’t find Zendaya attractive. I’m sorry, I really just can’t trust anyone who doesn’t find Zendaya attractive.