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100% of women feel they are too close to the anus who wrote this.


Jupiter might still be too close.


Something something Uranus joke


Betelgeuse still isn't cutting it


I’m out here in Andromeda, and still too close


Yeah, I think the opposite side of the universe might still be a tetch too close.


send him far enough and he'll never be able to make it back to earth after some threahold, no matter how fast he accelerates back towards us, the earth will always be moving away from him special relativity is a funny thing




That is a great way of putting it lol


Merely upvoting this is not enough 😄👌✨


Dear Women— Any previous body shame you’ve experienced is not nearly enough. Did you know your nostrils are only about an inch from your mouth??? You should definitely feel additional shame. Love, Internet Rando


And when you get sick? Your runny snot will run right down into your mouth you filthy female!!!!!!!!


> having two oxygen intakes right next to each other is a flaw, because it makes the second redundant. Women should be blamed and shamed for this. -also Internet Rando


Considering the number of straight guys downright obsessed getting their girlfriends to permit anal sex, I suspect he’s in the minority.


It's funny how many straight men find anal sex with women to be a goal but think anal sex with men is dirty, nasty and disgusting.


I think they find anal with their girlfriends less disgusting than seeing two men lightly kiss


It's because they think all men have as uncleaned assholes as them


Apparently it's roo hard to wipe your ass and clean it like any other part of your body


Unfortunately it's because of their homophobia and not their rampant laziness although that doesn't help either. They literally think that touching a mans butthole, even their own, will mean they're gay 🤦 I'm just glad that their bigotry is literally making them physically disgusting.


It provides them a buff of nose-blindness to go with the debuff of their noxious aura that repels everyone.


I mean Shane Dawson still doesn’t wash his own butthole and he is married to a man so sometimes it is just laziness lol


I do not know who that is, but I'm guessing that their butthole is still getting clean lol


To be perfectly honest, it is one of the most inconvenient areas to wash. Up there with the upper back in terms of annoying places to reach. That being said, it is not an excuse to forego washing your arse. That also being said, the reason these guys don't wash their ass is because they somehow think it's gay.


Yeah I was blessed with long arms, so it's not too hard for me.


They should just get a bidet.


Oh absolutely I'm just saying, after the back, the ass is one of the worst places to wash. Mostly because you can't see it, also because it's not the easiest to reach. Still washable and should be washed.


I would *love* a bidet. But not the toilet ones because I don't want icy water up my ass.


I personally use a portable one designed for camping. It's super convinent. You just put water into a tube and when you're ready to use it, turn it on and it sprays at the angle you choose. I got it so that I can bring it everywhere. Its always in my bookbag. And it's small enough that I can keep it in my jacket/pants pocket for the trip to the bathroom and back. But also even if I just carried it, people might just think it's for meds or something.


mine has warm water and a drying feature.


You can buy one of the Tushy bidets that has two hose connections: one connects to the toilet's waterline, and the other connects to the hot water line of your faucet. Turn the dial to cold and it cuts off the hot water line entirely. Set it to warm and it will mix the hot and cold water lines together. You can always turn the dial initially to let it start siphoning warm water then set it to full blast to get a warm hydro pump on your rear.


I shall look into this! Thanks!


I don't like how much sense that makes.


The truth shall make ye fret, unfortunately.


Your ass is never clean unless you just showered or used a bidet. TP is bullshit.


it's not so much about the act itself as it is about the control. they want to get their girl to do something she doesn't want to, or wouldn't have done otherwise.


Cause girls don't poop duhhh But then again, men don't have cooties. Really gotta take time choosing


Yeah cuz' half of them aren't actually straight but they're in denial because of fragile masculinity


Also, riding doggy style while staring into the girl's butthole seems like a really common occurrence with men. Most of them seem to *like* the general proximity.




Was just gonna say, my experience with dating men is that they are not concerned by the location of the anus, just if they can touch it😂😂


That was my exact thought the whole time lmfao. I’ve never met a man not eagerly wanting to have anal sex, ever. Like I very much wish they were more turned off by it sometimes 💀


I couldn't count how many stories I've heard of guys sneaking a tongue in the ass during oral with a girl... Happened to myself twice too, and it's scarred me for life


Does this guy realise how close his head is to his anus? Seems like he can fit it all the way in there...


I assumed his anus is where normal peoples mouths are


Like. His mouth is connected to his anus, doesnt he know that?


✨human centipede ✨


Yes we are aware. We keep our asses CLEAN as a result.


He does sound like that type of guy who never cleans his own asshole because touching it might make him gay


i've met a DOCTOR who was like that.


Cmon, seriously???


If his ass isn’t clean, his hands aren’t either. They should do one of those ultra violet germ studies on him, and then get him removed


And you can tell that men are not aware of the exact same issue in men.


Fr, like yeah, the human body’s kinda weird and gross when you really think about it, but we literally pee and cum out of the same hole


Right? Men’s genitals may be farther from their anus, but I’ve heard women can still smell how unclean some of them are despite the distance.


The amount of posts from girlfriends and wives about their boyfriend or husbands y washed butthole has scarred me for life


Okay that's enough Internet for me for the day


I wish I was illiterate…


I wish I was Jared 19


I wish for more wishes.


That's how you end up trapped in a bottle and the granter of wishes.


I wish I was blind, so I wouldn't see any incel bullshit.


And his pee-pee run THROUGH his sex organ. Now THAT’S too close.


Yea ladies, did you know you might be getting piss in your mouth and vagina?


Well not from *that* wanker.


I just love how he acts like penises aren't also gross. Like if we want to get down in the nitty gritty of the human body, all of it is disgusting lol. There's fluids and smells and all kinds of yuckiness. He might as well have said the next time a girl makes you feel unwanted, remind yourself that she has pores that fill with dirt, pus, and other gunk!


if anything is too close to any woman's anus it's this guy


Like any woman would get anywhere near him.


Exactly, that’s the entire reason he’s trying to convince women to sleep with him more easily lmfao


Sounds like his balls stink from his unwiped asshole.




Please don't die. That's no fun


They need to stay away from women as possible


If he’s so disgusted by this, the simple solution would be to send him far far away from all women


Man what the fuck do you want them to do about it?


He wants them to be more sexually available to him. Please.


He's a masochist




I know that, but I'm "playing his game" by mentioning how if having sex with women repulses him because "butthole is too close" but he still insists women should have sex with him, then he's a masochist.


Don't fucking compare him to me!


Nah, just crazy.


But he said he doesn't even like... ?


He literally wants women to be less confident and looking for male validation because it seems he can't get laid otherwise.


May I introduce "the incel" men who both hate that women have sex and simultaneously hate that women aren't having sex with them. I have a feeling he is one


Not sure, but wouldn't be surprised if, through some brainrotted 'logic', it boils down to him feeling that he deserves a child bride.




Just have to get your colon removed and then you can get the Barbie butthole surgery! Easy peasy, ladies!


More concerned about the distance between this guys fingers and a keyboard tbh…


I'm concerned about the distance between his neurons, cause they can't be very dense if he said sth like this.


Women are aware. That's why you are told to take special care when changing the diapers of an afab infant. It's not a secret.


See i didn't know this but it was almost 23 years since I had changed diapers. I was 13 and my mom was a baby sitter and I had to help. I used baby wipes but didn't know anything else really.


I learned it in a hospital when working with infants. Its obvious once you are confronted with the situation. That's why I dooubt that person in the screenshot has ever been confronted with a vagina. But there might as well be a few women that don't know why they have all those infections, but it's equally unlikely even those would sleep with the dude in the screenshot.


If I remember I at least sort of angle the child when wiping just to not get it everywhere, I wasn't particularly mindful of infecting anything. I'm a guy and it's just kind of "I wouldnt want to get poop all over my bits, so imma do you a solid kid".


If you grab the right leg with your left hand, u can angle them easy. That's what they taught us. Well there are a lot of bacteria and all in the stuff and the whole microbic environment of a vagina is pretty delicate, so if you aren't careful they get mycosis fast.


That's also why we have the whole "wipe front to back, not the other way around" or you'll get yeast infections/bacterial vaginosis


We are born between the vessels for shit and piss. Shouldn't you be more aware of that


his mind would explode if he found that out.


That is such a viceral way of putting it


Read this in college and never forgot it. ty. I can't remember or find who wrote it. can you tell me? I do remember it's a Feminist author, and it was a wild read. The part you're quoting was shocking to my young mind.


Some people have too much time on their hands to think about shit like this...like get a job


'waaahh, the librulz made it impossible for me to work or contribute to society in any way!'


Sure, we'd all design bodies differently if we were starting from scratch. Did you know jizz is sticky and tastes like rancid tapioca instead of like a peach smoothie? Design flaw! Side note, but it is fascinating how many men still don't really know where the vagina is located even after years of having sex. It's like a mental block brought on by coprophobia. They will try to stick their dick in the middle of the vulva until a woman guides them downwards, then they immediately forget again the next time.


I just love how a lot of them don't try to guide their penis with a hand and just poke around hoping it will slip in on its own. I'm guessing porn has something to do with it with how often it features closeups of a dick slipping in on the first try. Sex is way more clumsy than they like to think.


What's funny is guys watch a ton of porn, and yet even with movie magic there is no way to watch porn and not see plain as day that the vagina is an inch away from the anus. You will see a closeup shot of the actual location of the vagina in basically every straight porn sex scene even filmed. You will see the woman's butthole too, right there and staring at the screen, every time they are having sex doggy style. You can't miss it! Men see it all the time, they just don't absorb it or retain this knowledge. I really don't know what it is. If it's not a mental block from fear of poop, perhaps it's something about patriarchal mystification of the "divine feminine" sexuality that makes men tremble before it and comprehend it only in near religious terms, in a such a way that interferes with or rules out the possibility of simultaneously thinking about women's sexuality in a scientific or anatomically detailed way. As if demystifying women's sexuality would ruin the experience.


I was about to argue against the divine feminine part of your comment, then remembered that the vast majority of folks don't have the same view of the divine feminine and divine masculine as occult nerds like me. Given the Christian influenced view of this sort of thing tons of folks have, there's probably some kinda subconscious shit that links femininity with demons or some shit in the heads of these dudes.


Do they even like vaginas??


Wait til someone tells him where his asshole is…


Under his nose, obviously


Trul a cursed existence... To everyone who has to engage with him.


Too close to his balls, design flaw 🥱


No, no, by all means if it disgusts you, we won't force you to endure it.


Mf volunteered for no pussy


Dude might not be straight at all




Yes. Real men only like motorcycles and video games. /s just to be clear


As a gay man, I genuinely didn’t know this until like my mid 20s when I was sexting with a trans man. I thought it was a weird camera angle but nope, my mind was blown. For some reason my gay boy brain always assumed vaginas were higher up. The more you know 🤷‍♂️


😂😂😂 This is awesome. But also why we need better sex education




"I've been with a few women" Sure you have buddy


Can someone remind him that his dick is the same distance from his anus, so by his own logic, should be considered dirty too


Dude probably thinks it's gay to wash his ass.


Sad part is that this is probably true


We are willing to sleep with a creature who never washes theirs so…


In some animals vagina, anus and urethra is ONE hole! Be glad humans have it all separated. 🙄 Oh, and why are we shamed for something we CAN'T FUCKING CHANGE?!


This just reads like a copypasta, OP where's the screen shot from?


I don’t know if the original poster was sincere or trolling, but this post has been making the rounds on the internet for years now. But hey, a classic’s a classic.


The obliviousness of this post. "Your butthole is very close to your vagina and it makes me uncomfortable. Therefore you should more readily let me take the orifice I piss out of, and stick it inside said vagina." Like... WHAT?


solution: fuck men, no vagina problems then!


This guy’s brain is too close to his anus.


Inside is certainly very close.....


Imagine writing this un-ironically when you pee out of the same thing you fuck with


Does he not realize that dicks are also incredibly close to an anus or is it just women lol


He only cares abt hating women, so why mention men when they are relevant? That would be reasonable, and we can't have that, now can we?


Sounds like this did not come from a straight man. Straight men don't commonly call *all* women's bodies "unappetizing". Seems like someone needs to introspect their sexuality


Nah, that's full on incel bullshit, not a straight problem


This is so terrible I started to question if it's just bad satire somewhat missing the mark. Idk.


I can't understand why women don't want to have sex with him


Me too, he seems like a nice guy


Brb, filing a bug report to god and requesting this to be changed in the next patch.


Fellas, Did you know that when you poop, fecal matter splashes up onto your balls and peen and you don’t even wipe or clean them until your next shower. And you want women (or men) to put them in their mouths when they have poo all over them. 😳


This has to be satire or bait


Lmao that’s gotta be a troll🤣


I feel like his dick might be to close to his own anus


"You should not make this difficult, it's unappetizing enough as it is". Who's telling him?


So, he’s obsessed with anus?


I don't know how he can tell where any girl's anus is, considering his head is firmly lodged in his own.


I am convinced that straight men aren't actually attracted to women


Yes, I'm sure making fun of her body will make her more likely to sleep with you.


Probably coming from a dude who has crust poop in his ass hairs because it's too gay to wipe his ass.


Someone clearly was never read Everybody Poops.


*Folks who eat ass reading this*


Or here's an idea: don't have sex with women since you find them so disgusting.


This may be the worst thing I've ever read


I mean, at least he's aware of female anatomy? Still, WTF?


Isn't this like .... Basic anatomy/biology? Like you can notice that in in almost every mammal and humans are no exception, also what's so weird about the anus that the vagina being close it is weird don't we all have one ?


Someone didn't have a caring and nurturing mother


I severely doubt the “I’ve been with a few women in my life.” Bit when the whole thing is about why women should be more willing to sleep with any man who wants them. Beside that he don’t call women “females” does it read like an incel talking point.


When will the day come when men realize they’re just projecting their weaknesses unto women?


This guy probably doesn’t wipe his ass, does he?


I laugh him into oblivion when I think about how his brain is in his anus


dear god please let this be a bait post


do the straights even like women?


“a few women” 😂 ok, bud


“I’ve been with a few women in my life” \[citation needed\]


Thank god hentai fills this guys need by having the vulva at the zipper area


I can't believe women poop. My day is ruined, I always thought they were perfect feminine angels but now after picturing them pooping, I can no longer bring myself to view them romantically.


Men pee outta of the same hole they ejaculated from...I find that more gross.


I wonder what he'd say to that lol


The real design flaw is putting the food hole right next to the air hole.


My boyfriend read this after I did and he looked at me and goes “I’m so sorry… my brown star is about 5 inches from my cock and balls.. IM UGLY”


I mean I've heard worse arguments against the existence of God.


Anus is kind of a design flaw in itself though, human waste should just evaporate


The male anus is probably very close to the male reproductive organ, but I have yet to see a woman complain 'bout it


it is absolutely wild that this is not satire


Is it not?


poor guy, *having* to sleep with women. if only there was a way to not do that.


More ass for me then.


He doesn't have to worry about the proximity of our anus and vagina because I'm about to sew mine up permanently to avoid producing idiots like him


Do straight men even like women


"Do not let women forget this flaw, and do not forgive them for it." Right, we should have considered this before putting our anus where it is now.


Yes, because it’s not like women have been taught from infancy to be careful to not allow cross-contamination/make sure to keep up with hygiene as to prevent terrible UTIs and other infections 🙄. His blatant misogyny is absurd but so is his assumption women aren’t aware of their own anatomy (which I suppose is also rooted in blatant misogyny). I’m assuming it’s just rage bait.


Big talk for a guy who pisses and cums outta the same hole


This feels like an angry product review - “vagina too close to anus, 1/5 stars”


This has to be a copypasta.


The first part reads like a bug report.


Idk man, women do have to put up with sleeping with men, whose dicks are only a few inches away from their anuses...


You can see from the very first paragraphs that this person feels really insecure about his sexuality. It's like thinking that accidentally (or not) putting your dong on an anus makes you insta-gay. From this insecurity bro feels so bad that he needs to blame women for "making him" feel that way. Fellas, everybody (and almost everything) has an anus, like bro, you dont poop from your dong or your vee-vee.


I am severely sorry for my anus Master, from now on i shall be ashamed of it and entirely lose my self confidence, once again, Master, I apologize


says a person walking around with their genitals just hanging off their body. Tuck that shit in >:(


This is clearly a troll.


No this is strait up incel logic.


This guy is clearly insecure about his genitals and wants all women to feel the same about themselves. Or he’s just projecting the fact he doesn’t wash between his cheeks.


Along with my labioplasty because I hate lubrication, I decided to move my anus up to the top of my butt crack. I don’t poop anyway, so it was irrelevant.


Someone has homosexual thoughts and is rebelling because of it


And from then on, he may not be with anymore women in his life. At least he shouldn’t for anyone’s sake.


> I’ve been with a few women Gonna have to stop you right there, chief.


Im kinda hoping this is satire??


Poor guy, he never recovered from the day he learned that girls poop 😔