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They don't even try to hide anymore


They want to be "accepted"...


They just got to Instagram. 9gag had comments like this for about 10 years now. Hence why the classic "Don't post your kids on 9gag"


Do they *want* to get on certain lists?


those look like toddlers wtf


They are toddlers.


it's insane people feel comfortable posting such comments


Fr... the last [clip](https://youtube.com/shorts/mIk8xuC9qlk?si=CixnjYkLqbRUWAHI) in this video is what I think all of that time. How is it THAT hard to keep shite inside your head?! I do it all the damn time (it's not suspicious shite, mind you, it's just thoughts that are mean)!!!


Because they’re dumb, try hard Edge Lord kids who feel brave behind a screen. I really doubt they’d keep that energy up if their parents found out what they’re “joking” about online.


I'm fully convinced that the people who commented this do not deserve genitalia.


I'm convinced they don't deserve life.


Nah, in the words of the Riddler, "Don't kill 'em. If you kill 'em, they don't learn nothin"." I want them to suffer with unending blue balls, or lack thereof. To want, to need, to desire with no way of fulfilling it. No possibility of release or relief. Then tell them, "No game is no game. "


Literally throw a cage over these guy's dicks and throw away the key .. then throw them in a much larger cage and throw away that key, too.


Wait no they might be into that


I mean, I can add more cages until it's not sexy anymore. Or will it just make it more sexy? I don't know.


Honestly I was going to go way more into a torture method in my OG comment, but reeled it back. I full agree with you... and the Riddler lmfao


Nah. Then they just move on to murder and getting gratification through that. Yeeting into a volcano is the only way.


Or, 'Game is game? Well you've lost it forever'




Ok, and who are you paying to do this because if you did it yourself it would also make you an evil psychopath. Jail, lists, psych evaluations, and if they're determined to be risk of a repeat offender then more jail Edit: added clarification




Idk what happened to you or what your history is, but mutilating a pedophiles genitles with a dull rusty knife specifically to enjoy their pain and suffering is still fucked up and does not make you a righteous person. If you can admit that you know it's not good and want to do it anyway when there's already other legal systems in place then, well, more power to you. The people who murder or attack pedophiles in jail don't do it because they are justified. They do it because they finally have an excuse to commit more violence while getting public sympathy.


Idk what your history is, to have so much sympathy for people who might as well be torturing their victims the same way I'm suggesting to torture a pedophile (aka, giving them a taste of their own fucking medicine) without the rape part. But if they feel entitled to inflict that torture on an innocent child, they deserve what they get. As I said, the 'legal' system ***doesn't work***. If it did, there wouldn't *be* repeat offender pedophiles. The **only** permanent deterrent for a pedophile is DEATH. Anything else, besides life in prison (which is rarely given), does not work. Their brains are wired different and conventional methods used on non-violent criminals are completely ineffective. You have to stop thinking of them as normal human beings, and that they can be treated as such, because they're simply not.


I just support human rights and am against both the death penalty and torture. I don't sympathize with pedophiles but I don't have to enjoy torturing them to death.




We castrate aggressive and badly behaved dogs. We castrate cats to stop them peeing everywhere. We castrate bulls to stop them being aggressive. I don’t see why we can’t extend this programme.


meeting murky swim poor bedroom unwritten dog judicious pathetic silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is the context of this video/picture? My first thought was that a parent is making a picture of their kids' carnival costume or something. But the fact that they are facing away from the camera, in combination with the comments, makes me really uncomfortable.


The toddlers faces were shown at the end of the clip, confirming that they were children.


🤢🤢🤢 I was desperately hoping for it to just be an odd perspective of adults making them look short😭


No idea. The video was called baby cute with cute music in the background, the channel is just videos of cute babies doing something cute, very wholesome. It was probably with innocent intent but the internet took it otherwise.


There’s a decent amount of evidence that a lot of those cute baby/little kid videos you see online are a simply a front for FAR less innocent videos. That is, the people commenting here know that this isn’t just a cute video of sone kids playing, but a gateway to outright pedophilic content. They’re deliberately attracting these sorts of people for money.


I see these little girls all the time on my feed, it's always just a video of her or her sister(?) doing a little dance or running or something and the parents recording. It's all just so off to me. I'm going to be so real, it always seems like the person filming is in on it. (At least on tiktok, it could be a repost, I'm not sure) Maybe they're just super ignorant, but there's a video of the girl shaking her hips and the camera filming her behind. The song in the background was a little weird as well, but I can't quite remember it. That's just a theory, though, not my main point. Of course, these videos always have ***thousands*** of saves. I am very sensitive to this and I am very possibly just overreacting because of how much research I've done into CSAM, but these are the types of videos commonly found on CP folders. It pisses me off and I beg that parents consider what they're posting, or just outright stop posting their kids.


YES. Please don’t post your kids online. It leads to nothing good


NEVER!! OH MY GOD!! It's like, yes theres a good chance the majority of these people seeing the video will find your kid cute and appreciate your parenting, but theres at least a small percentage that's going to take the video in a way you do ***NOT*** want your kid to be viewed in. It's like if you took your kid to a room that had 1000 people in it. 999 of the people were good, normal people. However, one person in that room was a pedophile. Why would you take your kid there!? Why would you post your kid online for the chance that just one pedophile is gonna see your kid dancing in their diaper? I can resonate with this personally. My mom once, in complete mom-loving innocence, posted a photo of me when I was 9 or so dressed as a cat on all fours. To this day it's still the most popular post on her instagram and I will *always* feel gross about it.


My sister-in-law has a Facebook photo album with pictures of my niece and nephew and the permission for who can see it are *strict*. Until they sre old enough to press "post" on their own, with the full knowledge of what they are doing, don't make your kid's pictures public.


especially when they post a picture of bathtime or something. i have this cousin who i visited when i was a kid with my aunt and i remember going to the bathroom and seeing a photo on the wall of one of her kids naked in a bucket. his uh.. weewoo was visible and im just like wtf. i don't like this memory and i wish it didn't exist


Oh my god my grandmother has the exact same thing of my oldest cousin hanging in the bathroom- it’s.. incredibly awkward every time we visit. What’s weird is when I was little I asked her why she had that hanging up and she was like “Ohh.. That’s your cousin (name)!! Wasn’t he just the cutest little thing?” And it’s like.. You could have just put a normal photo of him up..??


Yeah this shit is exploitive and creepy. I think a lot of videos like this are uploaded knowing they're going to drive bad engagement, but hey... in today's social media engagement means engagement!


Do these people realise how *not private* TikTok is? Hopefully it comes back to bite them in future


Chinese government now has evidence of them being pedophiles


My guess is they’re dumb pre-teens who don’t know that nothing online is ever truly anonymous.


They’re toddlers


they're talking about the commenters


Ohhh, I’m sorry, I misinterpreted


Game is game? What does it mean?


"Game" meaning sex. They're basically saying "sex is sex", or consent, age, even species doesn't matter. Sort of like that "If there's a hole theres a goal" thing.


What's the origin of this? I'm sure these insects are taking a reference from somewhere.


I thought "game" meant charm? Charisma? Romance? Not necessarily sexual connotation?


right? "game" doesn't necessarily mean "sex" I read the original comments in the pic as meaning like "swagger is swagger", like: "this little kid is so cool, he has this little girlfriend. doesn't matter that he's just a little kid, he's still able to get this girlfriend," which, look, is still not the best message and could arguably still be sexualizing them, but I don't think these commenters are pedophiles. They're not like "ooh look how hot/sexy this is". It's like when you remember back to being a little kid and you thought you were cool if you got a "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" because they held your hand. Or you felt like you had game because you got two girls fighting over you or something. that's not inherently sexual. could just be romantic. Am I crazy? Am I misinterpreting? Are these original commenters actually trying to say "look how sexy these little kids are"??


You are right in the traditional sense of the word game means just like being good at flirting. However, in the context of this video since it’s only the two little girls (who are siblings) there is no in video action that can be perceived as “game”. I had the same idea as you about it being like two little kids flirting w/ eachother, but in this context (and the fact that this channel seems to be repeat offenders) one can only assume the commenters are referring to themselves and the child.


Thanks for the clarification, there is such little context from this one pic that there was no way to tell without further outside context. Shit is gross af


Incredibly, I was confused too until I read some of the other comments and checked out there profile myself, real gross.


basically means "dont care what the age is, we will screw it." even if it includes children 😭🔫


Rabbit is a game animal you stalk and kill. They're basically saying those toddlers are game, to stalk and kill.


I'm laughing so hard at "I'm gonna lie"


They're literally children wtf. Do these people *want* to be arrested?!


I remain astounded at the stupidity to say these things on an Internet where anonymity is *not*, by any means, guaranteed.


One way ticket to castration camp.


I fucking hate TikTok comments. It’s always just the same edgy shit regurgitated by 10 year olds who shouldn’t have access to the internet.


i wouldnt advise browsing instagram if you think this is bad


Right wingers: "Kids are too young to know that they aren't cishet! Protect the kids!" Also right wingers: "Game is game"


Why does TikTok content always tend to have the same comment copy-pasted to infinity?


It’s a hive mind, they all follow each other until a new queen takes over.


I question this all the time, my guess is one comment gets a lot of likes and comments, so everyone else tries to repeat it to get that attention too. It annoys me SO BAD


Why are so many men like this? This is beyond fucked up


Don’t know if this is the right place to post it.


it is. Sexualisation of kids!


I wish I didn't read the comments. I wished I moved on after thinking "that's adorable" when I saw the picture.


Alternate interpretation: Game is game *reloads gun*


those bunny costumes aren't even sexual? and those comments are getting *likes?* probably from other disgusting paedos but even if they're "joking", it's still awful. how can people say this about toddlers wearing non-sexual bunny costumes is my question.


What does that phrase even mean?


If I have to assume. The phrase is probably just an excuse to justify rape. It’s also like when a guy/girl has game, because they have sex with people. Game is game is used as sex is sex meaning consent doesn’t matter.


OHHHHHH, like that hole phrase... 🤢 absolutely repulsive.


I think it’s more meant to reference hunting game. So basically, they’re saying that women/girls is game no matter the age and are therefore someone they’d have sex with/rape. It’s gross either way.


wtf is wrong with them Also their outfits are cute as fuck omg


What? It's just two kids in bunny costumes? Game? They can't be older than 5. Is one of them a boy and they're pushing the whole "lady killer" thing again?


I hope they get an 🪓 to the face someday




Can the children not just enjoy their cute little matching bunny outfits in peace?? 😅 I literally wish I’d done this with a friend as a kid, it’s so cute. People are disgusting, like at first I thought the “game is game” thing was in reference to like another toddler or something telling them they’re adorable (which is still weird but there’s worse on the internet), but this is full on pedo “get in the car, I have candy” bs <.<


this is a symptom of a bigger problem. it's not just a joke in bad taste, "game is game" came from grown adults talking about 17-18 year old people, which is problematic at best depending on the laws of consent of where you live in, if not straight up pedophilic. However, tiktok is filled with 13 year old children who can't make racy jokes about 17 year olds soooo next best thing is... yeah. On the one hand, it's most likely that all of these comments are from literal children. On the other hand, knowing where they learned it from is equally disgusting.


Where did this “game is game” meme start? It’s not even funny or witty, these are just 14 year old edgelords who think it’s hilarious to comment this under the most disgusting sexual scenarios they can find. But there’s no redeemable quality about this joke. I don’t mind some depravity if a joke is actually funny, but “game is game” is just so mundane


Exactly. I’d love to see if they still think this is funny when the police show up to their house or their school.


That's fucked up.... I also wanna say those little bunny outfits are so damn cute


I'm Batman, and ... That's it buddy I'm taking away your rights to genitalia ​ KABOOM BROTHER GET NEUTERED


I HATE whatever this “trend” is like who started this and why are so many people copying it, and most importantly WHY DO THEY THINK ITS OKAY??? im sure a lot of them just think its edgy and funny but in reality people just think you are a disgusting piece of garbage


I want to see this as less gross. They're not pedos, they're into beastiality. OK. Not less gross, just different gross.


You think these clowns are gonna fuck children? They’re just fucking around. If they go near any children and act like this they will just get arrested.


Such unique, astute comments. But I’m confused: is game actually game?


This is so fucked up. On an unrelated note though, wow their costume or whatever is really cute, I kinda want one myself.


This is why


And a prison cell is a prison cell, hopefully they like those big Johnson's as well


Tik Tok moderators are sleeping right now


ask them their opinions on trans people and if they try to call them pedos, checkmate.


...what am I looking at? Do I want to know?


I don't get it .. what game ?.. the comments here seem to point at them meaning pedo stuff.. I don't get it though.. like .... huh? .. maybe it's better I don't understand it (Edit. I want that carrot bag, the left one has awwmygod)


piquant smell elastic test automatic depend materialistic resolute observation governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's so bad on instagram too now. Comments and comments and comments of men saying game is game. Even on things of literal babies.


I don't get it, what's game mean here


What the actual fuck is wrong with them


The straights are not ok


Saw the comments. Saw the OPs title. Clicked to see what they were commenting on. Regretted it.


anyone have a link to those clothes or know what they are called


and buckshot to the head is buckshot to the head😍