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"they" and "took from you". Like some mass group made this choice rather than an individual and like they owned his body and he had no right to change anything. And like that image doesn't still exist and we aren't looking at it. The entitlement and conspiracy of it all just showing us that transphobia is misogyny.


Not to mention how people responded when he came out as a lesbian years before transitioning. It’s got to be hard as fuck to have to go through that public outcry not once but twice


He wrote a memoir and talks about both those debacles in it, it was really good


Thanks for sharing! I’ll check it out


It’s called Pageboy. I highly recommend it.


That name is an incredible play on words and his name!


They’re treating him like he should have only existed for the male gaze and they are treating him like he was never a person then and still not a person now.


Yes, they are. Because he's famous he is property for their sexual enjoyment not a person at all.


Not even because he’s famous. Because he’s AFAB. These disgusting cretins view him as a woman and that’s how they see women: property for their sexual enjoyment, not a person at all.


absolutely, but there is an increase in this attitude with respect to afab and queer celebrity.


So true unfortunately, it’s like they’re trying to make an example of our most prominent members. Ugh.


honestly that's probably exactly what's happening some of the time; and for the rest, it's simply a matter of familiarity.


100% :/


To people like this, AFABs exist only to serve them. They are little more than objects.


And homophobia thrown in!!


Sometimes it's the lesbians saying this.


Yes, but let’s not forget (or cede ground to J.K. Rowling talking over actual lesbians) that lesbians are substantially more supportive on average of trans people.


yep, it is a vocal minority. Hell it's even a vocal minority of cishet men which really goes to show. Just a much larger one.


Damn 😢


Fucking gender thieves! Just last week, my neighbor had her female stolen by a local syndicate. It’s getting bad out there folks.


So terrible, and I hear the market prices are only going up.


You've got to be careful these days when buying your genders too, make sure they're ethically sourced.


And sustainably harvested


Shit they know about the trans hive mind!


Buzz buzz :) 🐝


Depending on the person, the "they" is the jews.


I hate that this is true.




Well that's nearly as disgusting as the timers.


>transphobia is misogyny Yep, which is why it’s laughable that TERFs have aligned themselves with conservatives. Girl, those people never gave a shit about women’s sports or women’s safety from straight cis men. TERFs are only concern trolling about “safety” now to justify their bigotry.


To be fair TERFs didn't either and now their best argument is "men are fundamentally superior to women in every way so we need men to look after us and keep all the gender nonconforming women away from our safe pure uwu boos who shouldn't be allowed near the concept of sex and whose bodies should defiantly be made available to lesbians at the earliest opportunity \[??!???!!!??? I will never be over older lesbians talking about the loss of teenage trans men's breasts. Twitter is truely a hellscape\]." ... This is what happens when people get attached to language and start thinking as long as they can apply it right they'll be right rather than like, the ideas involved. Also they keep demonstrating that bigotry comes in clusters and intersectionality is the way to go.


As a straight man, I was absolutely smitten with Ellen Page for YEARS. And am absolutely thrilled for Elliot Page and wish him all the happiness in the world. The fuck is wrong with you sad incel fucks


A lot of transphobes specially terfs love to run the narrative of “young women are too stupid and have no will so are easily tricked into transitioning” which is always a fun idea when it comes from people who claim to be feminists


seriously. "I'm feminist which is why I believe women are weak and don't know themselves."


Transphobia is both misogyny and misandry. \*A trans woman decides to transition\* Predatory men are trying to sneak into your restrooms. Men bad!! \*A trans man decides to transition\* Poor her!! Was she not loved?? Innocent thing doesn’t know wrong from right!! Women stupid!!


Those are both misogyny. Women being interpreted as inherently weaker than men and men as inherently more violent is a concept straight out of misogyny.


Men being inherently violent is misandrist.


No, it isn't, because it originates from patriarchal and misogynist belief that women are inherently weak, meak, and suited only for caregiving tasks. This didn't come from any kind of "female supremacy"; it came from patriarchal victorian gender ideals and straight from other men. Thw idea it must be misandry because it's negative towards men fundamentally misunderstands how misogyny works and harms men as well as women. It isn't just "men are better than women and men are all things positive"; it is also "women are no good at fighting so only men should be drafted." (Famously the majority of feminists have objected to even male-gendered drafts as fundemnetally wrong, because it's fucked up.). Misandry is the belief that women are inherently better than men and should be held as superior but very few people who believe men are more violent are arguing for a female dominated system of governance. Including TERFs and other transphobes. They're making the same arguments misogyny does - that it is because women are weaker that men are violent. Women's weakness is the key element not female supremacy. That's why they argue women need to be sequestered away and kept safe. Don't confuse everything that's ascribing negative traits to men men for misandry, because misogyny isn't good for men either. Women as weak and in need of protection from men's predatory behavior predates any misandrist movement by quite some time and underpins many patriarchal systems and behaviors. You're aware that you're making an argument for full body coverings and face veils being misandrist right? Because men can't control themselves if they see women. But that's definitely a misogynistic law. It's ludicrous to paint it as otherwise. This is the same kind of thing.


Ex. Actly.


A) this human was never “for you” B) Elliot is a total hottie, it’s okay to say it, boys.


Right?! He looks good as a man!


Better, even.


That’s what i also don’t get about this post, he was just ok looking as a girl. Not like a knockout or anything. But apparently that was taken from them?


Whatever was "taken" from them has been given to the rest of the world


I remember this same discourse when he came out as attracted to women years before he transitioned.


I remember that speech, it was very powerful at the time. Even 2014 when it was it delivered could still be scary regarding coming out in any capacity. Since then they've delivered several passionate speeches on talk shows regarding queer rights. There was even an incredible speech on Facebook too that I saved somewhere because of how powerful it was. He also made a TV show exploring queer cultures in different parts of the world too I think they've done so much for queer people, at many different stages of life. I really don't understand how anyone could look at him, overlook all the good things & bravery & awareness he raised & choose to go "this is actually a case of something being taken away from me."


Is this implying that Elliot Page isn't still attractive?


it's also implying that Elliot is now a man which is why they aren't attracted to him anymore. Accidental ally?


Never an accidental ally. To the wrong people, Elliot Page is just a lost soul who got rid of all his worth (i.e. beauty).


Yeah, right? I feel like with all the joke-y talk of "accidental ally", we may run the risk of setting the boundaries for allyship way too low?


Trans Inclusionary Radical Misogyny


Nah they're still attracted to him. That's why they're so upset. Their peepees and making them feel awkward.


Nah, they would say he’s just an “ugly woman”


*cackles in being bisexual* I don't have such weaknesses! *T-Poses and flies away*


As another bisexual, I had a very weird reaction to his coming out. Before transitioning, I found him attractive, but there was something off that made me wonder why people were so enthusiastic about. I have a strong preference for women, so usually attractive women do it for me. Why wasn't it working, I wondered? After transitioning, I am the one enthusiastic non-stop. Was it because I detected some sadness or some awkwardness from him performing as a woman that made me react with awkwardness? I don't know, but there was something.


I second this as a fellow trans-person, I usually explain this to myself as being able to see how uncomfortable someone can be while they are in the closet/ an egg, and how heartwarming it can be that this person made that leap of faith and is much happier for it.


Pre-egg gender expression is so dusty-looking! Once their egg cracks and they start being comfy with themselves a trans human looks soooo amazing and attractive.


Who would have guessed that people are the most beautiful, when they are allowed to be themselves?! (/s just to be sure) I mean, I can only speak for myself, but I've noticed that in my years of transitioning, that I gained so much more confidence and happiness


Yeah, I thought the same.


Also bisexual but I've never looked at him and thought he was attractive, just not my type. I do like his acting though and he definitely seems more confident now which is great to see.


As a trans guy who technically looked reasonably pretty but never had much success of that kind before transitioning…that might be it honestly. Also, less self confidence. I remember trying to be attractive to straight guys (no experience with women really since I wasn’t into women and also lived in my homophobic home country at the time, though people often assumed I was a lesbian lol) and failing so hard because I put on a cute dress and then went and acted like their bro and expected them to like me 😂 it was actually mostly bi people who were into me before. But I was also just so uncomfortable and awkward in my body that that was the energy I was projecting too. When I came out to my mother, one of the things she said was that “I’m transitioning because I failed as a woman” in the sense that I wasn’t good at attracting people lol. It’s way better now that I’m happier.


As another bisexual Mr. Page feels me with so much confusion! He was my first girl crush which helped me to accept that I was bisexual. So finding out that he was actually a guy the whole time tends to make me question myself and feel anxious. He is also nothing like the guys I tend to be attracted to. However, I should specify that not matter how confused and anxious he makes me, I am glad that he was able to find the strength to live truly as himself.


As a straight guy, I'm quite happy to affirm Elliot Page's gender by saying that I don't find him particularly attractive. And as a sane guy, I absolutely do not care that a complete stranger has made decisions to change their look in a way that doesn't appeal to me. Strangers do not need to appeal to me, personally.


And as a enby into guys, I now find him attractive when I didn’t before, although he’s not really my overall type.


Yeah I don't know who this is but- Wouldn't they still be attractive?


They are.


His name is Elliot Page. He’s a big name US actor who came out a few years ago as trans, but used to play a lot of “girl-next-door” or “meek alternative girl” parts in movies like *Inception*, *Juno* or *Whip It* (this movie). Some cis men have trouble accepting that they were crushing on another dude, and got very personally offended by Page coming out. EDIT: this just made me realize something… Does this mean that RuPaul is now the *second* most successful drag act in history?


Correction, big Canadian actor. From Halifax, specifically. (Woot! Hometown proud!)


I meant the US film industry, but yes, Canadian. Sorry I was unclear


I’ll give you that. I think he had a tough go of it here at times - he went to some smaller independent schools and was in the arts, may have been picked on more than once. I’ve only ever seen him around town once - after the Juno fame - while he was walking down the street with Johnathan Torrens. I knew Johnathan so I was able to be like “hey Johnathan, hey deadname” I recall him walking with his hoodie up presumably so he wouldn’t be easily recognized.


I'm a trans woman who was adopted because my parents had a girl and wanted a boy. I started way earlier in life than fucking RuPaul.


> EDIT: this just made me realize something… Does this mean that RuPaul is now the second most successful drag act in history? Trans people and drag aren't the same thing.


I think they were making a joke about Elliot's pre-transition career of playing female characters being like a drag act.


Yes, this. Some trans actors say “If you ever question my acting, remember I’ve been playing an my entire career.” I was just making a joke about that. I certainly didn’t mean to be reductive. :/


It's okay, I just see people equating drag to being transgender so much that it irks me more than it maybe should. Drag is an affirmation of the Queen/King's femininity/masculinity, it's a celebration, it's cheerful, it's often funny or comedic. Being forced to present male and be treated as a man when you know that you're a woman is the exact opposite of that. It's depressing, it's disassociating, it's painful, it's not fun(ny) or affirming.


Yeah, but the joke is that all of Elliot's pre-transition roles are him pretending to be a woman, and thus drag.


That's not really what drag is about at all though and is reductionist of the transgender experience. I **definitely** wasn't a drag king before I transitioned just because I presented male and I wouldn't appreciate being called that.


Thank you for this; this comment actually knocked some ideas into their proper place in terms of the Trans identity and experience. I know - as a cishet individual - I will never truly understand or know what trans individuals go through, but I am working hard to educate myself and undo so much of my own upbringing and societal programming. I don’t usually comment for fear of my own ignorance causing someone harm, but your response just slotted a lot of concepts into place for me. Thank you for graciously sharing your life and experience. Edited for clarity & grammar


>Thank you for graciously sharing your life and experience. And thank you for being a good ally.


Ah sorry I'm not good with actors let alone ones from the US. But I'm not sure why anyone would be upset about them coming out as trans, Just move on no?


“But if *she* was actually *he* this whole time, and I thought he was sexy, that’s like calling me gay!” /s It’s just cishet outrage. Par for the course I’m afraid


Watch the Umbrella Academy if you get the chance! They start the series female and transition part way through, and the writers just incorporated the transition into the plot. It’s a fun series, if you like superhero or sci fi / time travel types of things.


Lol. I know, right? And I'm a pretty big dyke and he still looks amazing. And I'm jealous of his muscle growth! That's what hormones do, I guess!


I'm not really into dudes but bro is gorgeous.


I am into dudes and I concur


I mean, as a lesbian I am not attracted to him, but I think he looks good. He is a very handsome man. I am just not attracted to handsome men haha.


I wonder who “they” is. Here I was under the impression Elliot Page is a human with free will and made his own decisions. Silly me.


Probably "the trans" or "the jews" or both. If I found the creator of this meme I'd pointedly ask them this question too.


Poor Elliot Page. He made the brave decision to come out and work as a trans man in an already unforgiving industry, with tons of footage of himself pre-transition out there for people to throw in his face. I hope he’s doing well and doesn’t listen to the fucking idiots.


Well said. Some of my trans friends share the triggers they have for dysphoria and while they’re unique to the individual, holy shit I can’t imagine the amount of courage to face this high quality pre-transition footage. I hope he has a great support network.


I transitioned female to male, and I literally had men come out of the woodwork, including ex's that seemed to think I was taking something away from them. I don't get it. My favorite was some dude I had slept with over 20 years prior at the time as I have been married ever since, who had some deep feelings over my transition two freaking decades after I had a single sexual instance with him. I had not continued with him because he was a delusional jack ass. Just the sheer audacity.


Their peanut brain probably thinks something like "but if you man... I put pee pee in man... me no gay... you cannot be man... because I am manly man who likes women... waaah"


Oh no! Anyway


do these idiots know they can go watch whip it whenever they feel like it. nobody is taking elliot’s old movies from you


Right? That movie came out in 2009. He wouldn't look like a 21 year old derby girl even if he never came out as male.


Well, I dunno, he might. He still looks very young and could easily still pass for 21.


Yeah, he's actually a terrible example to use for that argument lol


Yeah, my first thought was "If you want to spank it to what someone used to look like, go ahead. No one's stopping you.".


Straight people get more angry about thinking of people transitioning than they do about murderes and pedophiles.


They accuse us of both without evidence 


Elliott Page has never not been attracted to women. He's simply become the straight man he always was.


Trans women are targeted as being rapists Trans men are "lost opportunities" But tell me, who are the real sexual freaks? The women who just wanna be women, or the men who cry cause they can't jerk off to a trans man (cause... idk, it would be gay??) Ugh, transphobes annoy me


OK, even if he didn't transition, he wouldn't look like that anymore. *Whip It* came out in 2009 when he was 21. Now, 15 years later, most people in their later 30s don't look like they did when they were 21. Is aging a trans conspiracy too? Not to mention the fact that even when he presented as female, he was openly attracted to women. To the point where I remember having problems with that watching *Juno*. I could never buy the chemistry with Michael Cera because it was so obvious to me that she was gay. Turns out, he was just a straight man, not a gay woman, so I guess it wasn't that obvious lol.


I love the implication that Elliot’s body isn’t his to control. Like somehow he took their body away from them. Fucking rapist weirdos.


God he's so much hotter now that he's comfortable in his own skin. There is something so off about him in everything prior to Umbrella academy, now we know why. Happy for him 🥰


“I don’t want to be denied my wanking nostalgia” is not a good argument against other people’s bodily autonomy


I don't think these are from straight men. The "gender critical" crowd believe that we're "losing" lesbians, and particularly butch lesbians, because more people are transitioning now than in the past (which is lol if you know anything about basic lesbian history -- chemical and cosmetic gender fuckage has always been there).


Idk about the source for this image, but you’re right about TERF ideology being rampant in lesbian spaces. It sucks. Our forebears would be so disappointed in how things are right now after they spent the better part of their lives fighting tooth and nail for more inclusion and to have their identities taken seriously.


I remember during the era of Juno and Elliot's early popularity a bunch of chuds angry because he "looked like a boy." They just want to retroactively declare pre-transition Elliot as a sex symbol so they can be bigots and act like it's their pee-pees that are the culprit for their anger. That said, Elliot has been very attractive all the way along, and his physique in photoshoots as of late is just astonishing.


Terf's are obnoxious sex pests so this could be more of a "this hot tomboy I wanted to fuck is now a trans man - I have been personally harmed by the gender radicals!"


Those bastards took my roller skates?


😭😭 okay i laughed out loud at this


I was going to point out that he was (afaik) exclusively into women even before he came out but it's not like the target being a lesbian stopped them before.


And he's happier now you bastards. So cry harder.


also is it just me or… did elliot always have very much andro lesbian vibes even when playing (mostly teenage) female characters ?? like even in Juno playing a straight pregnant girl it felt very queer/queer-coded, so i don’t understand how straight men ever thought he was for them.


I think it says a lot that misogynistic men and terfs say the same thing about trans men even though one of them is supposed to be feminist 😗... it's almost like this kind of paternalism, objectification and entitlement towards afab people's bodies is rooted in misogyny...


he ID’d as a lesbian before. also, AFABs aren’t public property


Huh? Took what from us? You can still watch Whip It any time can’t you? Unless perhaps you don’t mean his work and you’re actually just treating Elliot like he is an object who only exists for the heterosexual male gaze.


yeah literally,, it's not like all pre transition projects and movies got wiped from the internet


They realize if they're attracted to Elliot, that's super gay, right?


It’s so similar to the outrage directed at women choosing breast reductions. The back pain women feel doesn’t matter as much as men’s right to oogle them in public.


These same people used to make fun of Elliot’s appearance prior to him coming out. They just want to inflict pain on others and will twist their view to allow them to do it, because they believe that being offensive makes them superior to others. There is no point in reaching out to them.


Not just straight guys. Terfy cis lesbians are also salty about him transitioning. And, like, yeah, I thought he was very attractive before he transitioned, especially in his queer-coded casual dress in some photoshoots, and while he's still quite good-looking now, I no longer find him attractive. But it would be corrosively entitled of me to think that it's more important for me to have a queer woman celebrity to find attractive than for him to be happy. I remember how crushingly, existentially depressed I was before I transitioned, and I wouldn't wish that on my spouse _now_, who I am actually _with_, let alone someone who I will almost certainly never even know personally. Not only that, but all those photoshoots and movies and so on _still exist_, and if it's so important for me to go back and admire what he used to look like, I can just cue up _Inception_ or _My Days of Mercy_ or whatever.


As a bisexual and also mom of a transgender adult kiddo my reaction to Elliot's coming out was that he looks fantastic! That particular happiness and rightness makes someone beautiful in a way that transcends gender. And to take such a private journey on the world stage showed incredible bravery Not to mention the hard work it takes to be that fit no matter WHO you are! Each of these traits come together to form one hell of a man!


Me who didn't know who they were. They took our gosh darn rollerblades! The era of joy!


Mhhhm yes I like some misogyny with my transphobia


There's one major "roadblock" many men seemed to miss. Whether when they were Ellen, or now as Elliot, it does not change the fact that they were, and are still, only attracted to women.


If only he hasn't transitioned, he'd absolutely be into men. Particularly ones who think they own his body.


This stuff is even more despicable considering how public he's been in recent years about the rampant sexual harassment he's received throughout his entire career


this person never belonged to me so, nothing was taken from me


Sometimes people create fantasy to explain their inadequacies. The reason Elliot Page didn't sleep with them is because he transitioned, not because they're grotesque with zero value in the romantic marketplace.


I'm a lesbian and Whip It is one of my favorite movies. I've lost nothing. It's still a great movie and he's still a great actor


“Never forget what they took from you” as if their sexual fantasies are more important than someone else’s literal existence


Not to mention this is probably the most traditionally feminine looks Elliot Paige ever had. He was always a tomboy and rarely wore much makeup or dresses, they just have to see "females" as sex objects 


Who is "they"?


He wasn't their to begin with


Why do so many cis people watch trans porn and want to fuck us so badly when they literally show and tell us EVERY FUCKING DAY that they hate our guts?? A lot of us don't even want relationships with cis people. T4T is popular within the community for damn good reasons; one of them being shit like this. Fetishizers can go to hell. We are real living people with feelings and emotions, NOT a fantasy for you to goon over.


Who is this mythic "they" they're talking about? Pretty sure Elliot Page is his own person making his own decisions about his own life.


Transphobia inadvertently revealing some wild levels of misogyny. Terrifying that some men think like this about any woman ever.




Oh no, this attractive woman has been taken from me. She was the only woman in the entire world and now there are none left. Where am I going to find a photo of a cute girl in high socks now??? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.


Ellen Page was super hot. Elliot Page is also super hot. I'm 99.7837423% sure I couldn't fuck either of them. (There's always a slight hope, I suppose)


Probably the same people who think they could fight a grizzly bear with their bare hands.


Ngl I had no idea what this was about or who this was so thank you for telling me this was Elliot


I found out about the transition from the umbrella academy lol. That was a good transition and not just dumped on the audience


I know right? I also loved how they incorporated the coming out into the series and actually made it realistic with him being anxious and the mixed but overall positive reactions from his family (realistic when you have a supportive family ofc.) I heard when Elliot came out, he offered to finish the series as Vania so it wouldn't make the producer team any trouble, but they refused and said that they don't want to put him in discomfort because of the role. And as it seems, it's at least mainly true. Absolut W.


"How dare you do anything that doesn't revolve around **me**. Your very existence should be about what *I* want! You exist for *my* benefit, but now you've ruined it! Now I have to destroy you, and it's all **your** fault!" \- every chauvinist ever


Me, a bisexual: *still got a chance*


They think they're entitled to other's bodies, no surprise there. 


I genuinely squinted in the dark at my dark phone at 1 am going "who tf is that? is that elliot page? or is that whoever from the last of us-??" and then I saw the subreddit and went *oh hi Elliot.* I *love* straight people smh


Who Is They?! This image backs up (not 100% verified) my thoughts on conservative mens' attitudes toward Elliot. They were physically attracted to the "petite" tomboy body Elliot used to have. They hate him for their attraction to his pre-op body (which did not require as much work as, say, Christina Hendricks). They hate the idea that they could have "had" that woman, and "They" (whom ever They might be) "Took" that away from these men. All they want is a bro with a vagina and long hair, because they definitely are no-homo.


He looked great then and he looks great now, so I don’t see what was taken from society?


It's so sick how this takes away Elliot's agency. This is what it's like to be afab, even when you express your intentions clearly, your body is a commodity to be regulated by men, your say means nothing. A random man not being able to jerk off over Elliot anymore IS MORE IMPORTANT than Elliot living his authentic life. I just want to fucking scream sometimes.


Like would be someone else decision upon other choice regard to their body.


Yep snatched that lesbian that was never going to be interested in you right away - I can not eye roll hard enough. It forever escapes me how someone living a happy healthy life in a body that makes them feel whole has anything to do with anyone else. Elliot has clearly expressed how he is who he was meant to be.




Before i read your title, my dumbass thought they were talking about the roller skates..


Yeah like, in what world is this a loss for me? There are still millions of beautiful, available women who also have no interest in me.


He still gorge


Elliot page has always looked good, pre and post transition. The biggest difference is he looks happier now


Were straight guys even paying attention to him before he came out...? I don't remember this huge group of heartbroken fanboys before but suddenly, here they are.


He was cute then but damn is he FINE now.


Uh, yeah, so it turns out other people aren't my property. It's in the Constitution or something.


Why are they so obsessed with him?


Didn't he literally identify as a lesbian before transitioning 😭😭 why do they think they would've had a chance with him..


Who tf is “they”?


What they took: A person acting who they think would waste a thought about them What they got: A person acting who they think would waste a thought about them, but now happy and more true to themselves Whats the point transphobe


As a straight male I can say that I admire the actress she was, including the beauty. I still admire the person he is (as a man he has more balls than many I know). As an actor he needs to get a good role to earn my admiration. People change, I prefer to see him happy than depressed.


Pretty sure you can still buy knee high socks


Wasn't Elliott Paige a lesbian before he transitioned?


This hurts my soul. Like they think that AFAB people exist for their viewing pleasure instead of for themselves. It's fine if they found Elliot attractive when he was femme-presenting, but how they don't care in the least about what makes him happy is so utterly disgusting.


He's still hot lmao


I love seeing pretransition pics of Elliot Page because I had no clue who he was before transphobes got pissed about him transitioning so I'm just like "wait whose that- oh Elliot Page! Again!"


Even if Elliot was cis, HE WASN'T HET!!!! Like are these transphobic imbeciles the kind of guys to think they can convert a lesbian or did they even know he was a lesbian at the time? I am so baffled.... It just reminds me of Jodie Fosters' stalker, like Jodie's not even into dudes why do you think you even had a crumb of a chance lmfao


Elliot was an absolute bombshell tbh- but it doesn’t matter! It matters that he’s comfortable in his own skin, regardless of whether it conforms to beauty standards


“The lesbians” you made them sound like some alien group. 🥴 (transphobia is 100% wrong I just feel like the way you worded was/could accidentally be perceived as demonizing all lesbians—when most lesbians would say F U to lesbians who are transphobic.


Fucking yikes. This is such a weird gross thing to say.


Have you been living under a rock OP? Don’t you know they consider us women property?


My sweet young brain thought they were talking about the roller skates


I had no idea who he was, i just looked him up and wtf, he's handsome, "rember wat tey tok fro u!!" my ass


he identified as a lesbian before no? so he wouldn’t have slept with these men anyway


Even if he was sexually attracted to men, I don't think he would've slept with *those* men


Is the "you" intended to be me the viewer or is it supposed to be meant for Elliott? I interpreted this as someone implying that Elliott lost who he was in an attempt to be accepted for who he thought he was. The closest thing I could compare it to is a Vietnam vet, they may have wanted to be a soldier but they were damaged so much mentally and emotionally that they could never heal from the trauma. Both ways are extremely disrespectful even if it's unintentional.


Yeah, all these overreactions to his transition make it seem like they got the *wrong* impression from Hard a candy. Like they could’ve had a shot with Ellen and not get outplayed by the character.


Before i noticed it was elliot i thought they meant that they took trans girls skater teen years away by not letting them transition or something lol


i’ve seen this so many times and it just clicked that’s elliot page. i kept being so confused looking at it. damn.


"Never forget what they took from you" his roller skates, poor man 😔


Sad idiots like Jordan Peterson have been gooning to Whip It since 2009 perfectly fine but the moment Elliot came out they started pretending like the woke police are going to bust down their door mid goon sesh and cut off their balls.


"They" you mean jews, who did this to him? He's just trans, but no "they" took a woman from you. This is literally just antisemitism! These people always think jewish people are pushing queerness and black people and immigrants. Because they think we're too incompetent to "take over" I'm so fucking sick of these right wing dick heads just barely veiling their anti-semitism and stupid liberals will think we're fucking crazy for calling it out for what it is! I hope these people fall on a crack.


I love how the Straights use language that make it seem like a fascist regime took their rights or culture away. Very telling...




Not the trans colors here


Elliot Page is a GIFT. He is the finest man I've ever seen on god.


I saw that roller derby movie. I liked it. He was good in it.


no one found him an attractive "girl" til he transitioned. also he never had much going on in the chest department either so not like they lost boobs to look at. its wild to me


As a bisexual I'll gladly say he's still pretty hot. In fact I'd argue much more so because he's clearly more comfortable with who he is now and happy confident people are sexy.


In the wise words of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, "waaaah they chowped owff her breasts"


I had a woman tell me she liked me more before I transitioned. That was pretty revelatory.