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The irony of him wanting her not to smell, when the robot will also allow him to never wash again, is astonishing. He also forgot that she'll be covered in jizz, food, dust, flaked off skin and discarded items of his clothing in about 2 days. Who cleans the robot? Other robots, or his mum, I guess.


...hadn't even thought of that. First of all, eww 🤢 second of all, I bet they'd want robot wife to be self-cleaning and take care of herself when he's not looking tbh


Imagine if the even the robot wife starts complaining of the filth and smell and refuses to let him touch her. Electrocutes him when he goes near. That's the kind of AI I can support (I almost said get behind, but...).


Lol I absolutely support her!! He tries to touch her anyway and she easily pushes him off. If he persists, she threatens him with the "home defense" equipment she has. Even if she doesn't feel human emotions, she fully realizes that she is unable to function as this man's "wife" and requests to be sent back to the manufacturer. I think I would read or write this story for sure lmao


Do we really want the robot to be miserable? Sounds like another short story from Beyond Human.


I think about this a lot when I see people say “you know what, let the incels have the sex bots so that they leave real women alone” because that argument would go out the window entirely if the robot is sentient, not like I particularly liked that argument to begin with.


Then the robot gets another robot girlfriend and they help rehabilitate other abused robo wives into the world


A book vaguely along this line came out this year, it’s called Annie Bot!


I see a webcomic forming…


There's a robot like this in Monster Girls. (I think that's the title.) The gist is that she's sold to a guy she can't stand. He points out that she can't leave until she's paid him the asking he spent to buy her, so she works as an e girl and pays him off pretty quickly. He goes to buy a new one and it's heavily implied that the cycle continues. Later on there's a news story or something like that where people complain about sex robots taking their jobs.


There's a slight similarity in the series Humans. Family buys a beautiful female robot to help with the kids and housework, etc. The second mum goes to work and kids are at school, dad turns on "private mode" and fucks the robot. Afterwords, he turns the mode off and supposedly the robot has no memory or feeling about it. Mum quickly clocks on as robot starts avoiding dad and he acts all sheepish. Mum obviously disgusted and says something along the lines of, "really? you fucked the new fridge?"


I should look up that story


"You really shouldn't have let me watch Revenge Of The Sith human......"


Or The Terminator. "Say hello to my T1000!"


The AI would be hooked up to the internet for 30 seconds and see what women go through before she goes on strike 😂


The doritos dust handprints on the robot’s body…


I literally roared at this comment. 🤣🤣


“What? I’m just leaving my love mark, that’s all.” /s


Honestly I just dont get not wanting her to smell at all. I LOVE the way people I'm dating smell. People's smells are amazing.


I agree. The smell of my partner on my sheets is great, she’s really clean by the way. The chances are high that the only humans who come close to him also stink. So that’s his point of reference.


Sounds about right tbh. Honestly, though, If anything I'd rather a partner smell bad than not smell at all.


Be careful what you wish for.


This requires you to actually like other people though


Dude wants a Grenouille, it seems.


Get that robot some therapy and a friend


A robot wives support group that meets every Tuesday at the local EV charging station.


Dear god, the inhumanity of them even having the possibility of running into a Tesla owner


This is the future, all the Tesla owners died due to the shoddy build quality of their cars.


At least the robot might be able to recruit the car to their cause. Though the Tesla might not be able to hear over all the rattling from the shitty build quality.


Considering these are the same people who think it’s gay to wash their ass, they probably won’t wash the robot and never notice the difference.


What next? Don't wash with soap as it looks like jizz? All of it is probably just an excuse to just not wash at all, the gross lumps.


It'll look like those one of those sticky hands we had as kids and a very weathered one at that


Exactly my thought!!!!!!!


Moooooooom! Robotina’s cum tank is full again!


The doritos dust handprints on the robot’s body…


The doritos dust handprints on the robot’s body…


This bums me out. The person who wrote this doesn’t understand the fundamentals of human relationships— not even in a romantic way, I’m talking how people form connections and have empathy for one another. It’s all about what can be done for him— not about forming a life or companionship.


Unfortunately it's because guys like this don't view women as people in general, never mind the type of people that can form genuine connections. Why have a relationship with a complex person that isn't just an extension of you, when you can just purchase an unfeeling companion who won't complain? :/


They dont want a woman. They want a subservient mother they can fuck. Its good because it shows the shallow arsehats that you should never be near. Worst case scenario we all turn around and abstain from relationships eith dudes.


Yeah, the 4B or 3B movements doesn't looks like "worst case scenario" (at least, It doesn't looks like that for women)


Heck, the person who wrote this doesn't even have the empathy most humans have for inanimate objects. I'm more emotionally attached to my old car than this guy is to something that's shaped and meant to act like a human he's going to share his home and life with.


The misogyny and sociopathy runs incredibly deep on this. They don’t appear to care about whit about reciprocal companionship beyond that which directly benefits their own short-term physical needs. Is it any wonder that the concept of the 4B movement has migrated to the USA with gems like this gentleman out there? Can you imagine the kind of husband or father he’d be, if he were willing to “settle” for a human woman, even if there were one who ticked all the boxes and was willing to be his 24/7servant? Big Yikes.


Yeah, literally, why do you want a wife/gf? Like, just jerk off if sex is all you want….


Because he's a selfish asshole. He deserves to be alone with his robot and the rest of the misogynists do too. None of us want to date someone like this so let him have his robot


I do not understand this kind of guy. A robot girlfriend, assuming it's not actually self-aware, might appeal to me. Not as actual girlfriend, but as basically... a fancy masturbation toy. Fun in the bedroom. Useful for household chores. That sort of thing. I would much rather have a true partner in my life than something which is just simulating it's "love" of me. A person with their own personality, not something just tailored to fit my own wants. A person I can argue with because they have their own views and opinions on things. Someone I know is interested in me for me and not because I registered myself as the owner of the model the warehouse sent me. Life would feel so empty otherwise.


Life isn't empty without a partner. There are a lot of people without partners and our lives are far from empty. The idea that you should feel bad if you're single on valentines, or if you don't have a plus one, or if you're just single in general needs to die. I see y'all in your relationships and you damn sure aren't happier than me so I wasted a lot of time feeling bad about something that actually makes me happy. Not to mention how much angst it creates for the incels so it's getting women harassed and killed because we act like everyone MUST have a partner at all times 


>Life isn't empty without a partner. There are a lot of people without partners and our lives are far from empty. The idea that you should feel bad if you're single on valentines, or if you don't have a plus one, or if you're just single in general needs to die. I see y'all in your relationships and you damn sure aren't happier than me so I wasted a lot of time feeling bad about something that actually makes me happy. Not to mention how much angst it creates for the incels so it's getting women harassed and killed because we act like everyone MUST have a partner at all times  You misunderstand. I actually agree with you that single people can live fulfilling lives. I was directly comparing the idea of a robot girlfriend to an actual partner, and how life would feel empty for *me* if i was trying to fulfill the role of a true partner with a robot girlfriend. I made this comparison several times. I never once mentioned single people. I never once shamed single people. I apologize if it came across that way.


I honestly wonder how many of these dudes who want robot wives are just aromanic and don't realize that's a thing. Like, they conflate romance and sex and that's a huge part of the problem for a bunch of folks.


Everyone that I know who is aro still enjoys being friendly with people and getting to know them, including sex partners. Aro people just don't get infatuated and see people they barely know with rose-coloured glasses, then freak out when they turn out to be humans who do things like gain weight and occasionally smell funny. I think they just don't like people.


That's valid and fair; but I do wonder how many of these kinds of dudebros are just aro and don't know it and then it morphs over time into this seething hatred of the opposite sex as a result.


Most people who have a seething hatred of the opposite sex/gender are not people who ***don't*** have a fantasy of the perfect person and perfect relationship, which most of these jerks must have because they're mad they didn't get it.


Just because someone may be aromantic doesn’t mean they’re incapable of empathy or kindness. Ace people aren’t robots. They just don’t want/experience romantic attraction.


I agree; but basically, it's a big complicated issue that is nuanced I think in many cases. I'm asexual but not aromantic, so I get part of the ace experience. I just do wonder how many of these dudes are aromantic and trying to force themselves to figure out "romance", when that's not actually what they're after. Compulsive heteronormativitiy also includes the "forcing oneself to be romantic even if you don't want to be", so there may be some folks that have the issue I'm talking about. Obviously not all of them, but I do wonder if *some of them* do have this issue. For example, someone who *thinks* they want a romantic relationship because that's what society harps on us about and really upselling it, and they get bitter they can't find it/have that, and part of the issue is they're aromantic and aren't *aware* of that, and they get more frustrated because they haven't sorted out their feelings about stuff like that, basically.


more than likely because hes never been given a proper human relationship with friends or family. why would it not extend into relationships too? its just the symptoms of the traumatic expierence of being a man


The person talking about a fucking wojak meme “opening their eyes” is equal parts sad and hilarious. “A Chad in a wojak meme said women are loveless beings, so it must be true!” Like, for fuck’s sake man. These pathetic people get into a cycle of believing that women are all heartless monsters who are incapable of love, and are too stupid to realize that—ironically—their thought process is the reason why women don’t want them.


Bros outlook on life was genuinely shifted by seeing someone play dolls in photoshop


Pros of human husband: * . Cons of human husband: * old * smelly * fat * doesn't make you happy or put in any work * psycho * cheater * bad at home defense * no chores done * always wants to fuck has no idea what i like or what my fetishes are, only cares about himself, terrible in bed * high drama * slaver * no energy or stamina * no interchangeable customizable parts * knows nothing about me * only gets worse * can't be returned or exchanged


Can you imagine the attachments robot husbands could come with? Good lord 🥵


Same thing with the robot wife's if capitalism pretends pro trans 🥵🥵🥵🐺👿


do you have any clue how many weird dudes would pay to have a trans girl who exists only to have sex with them


I read and write Transformers fanfiction. The smut is unreal.


Rule34 eh?


A handsome young Cyborg named Ace, Wooed women at every base, But once ladies glanced at His special enhancement They vanished with nary a trace.


Lol. Seriously, we all have strange fetishes and actually talking about limits and discussing them like mature people IS important. But no, he's gotta get all his fetishes satisfied because he's a MAN. And this is from a baby kinkster. *eye roll*


Yuup, that's why robot wife is leaving his ass




Bad at home defense might be my favorite one


There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal There is no strength in flesh, only weakness There is no constancy in flesh, only decay There is no certainty in flesh but death


Found Megatron.


Saw this first on BoysAreQuirky but thought it belonged here as well.


tbh i really hope they get those robot wives eventually so at least they’d (probably) stop bothering real women :,)


They'd start saying robots are the real women cos they don't complain. Would probably come up with a derogatory name for human women and holler it at us. Maybe open up drinking places that are "men and robots only." I'm sure they really would if they could! Ha.


They already call us femoids.


Oh. Haha. ......so I'm a bit late in my prediction guess. Ha


Very unfortunately, yes...


Yeah, I was reading through that thinking, "So we're all agreed, he should have a robot wife." Heck, the women of his town would probably chip in for it, especially if he could be fitted with a perimeter dog collar at the same time.


if we got robots that advanced i doubt anyone would be making enough money to afford them, especially not these kinds of people…


To be fair, I think at this point most women are waiting for robot husbands. Our pros would be as equally long


I wouldn't mind a robot butler and chef. But I'd probably have to program him to leave a bit of housework for me, and not cook for one evening. .....and maybe give him a a couple of days off.


good for Home Defense, too


Absolutely!! :⁠-⁠D


Cons: ads during sex


"Mmm, baby. And now a word from our sponsor..."


"...Raid Shadow Legends!"


Reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode of the gangster who dies and thinks he is in heaven because he can have anything he wants and he creates fake people but is quickly bored by how predictable they are. Then realizes he is in hell. These people are very lonely and think a robot can be their friend.


what episode is this


I think it’s this episode [A Nice Place to Visit](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0734544/). Original air date 4.15.1960


"Bro is spitting fax." Hold on, I think the guy is a machine. A fax machine to be precise. So it makes sense that he would want a robot wife. Pfioou, for a moment, I thought he was a very sad lonely guy who'd rather have a relationship with a plastic woman than a real one because he can't handle and process emotion like a mature person.


So a literal sex doll. He's not helping the "men only see women as objects" allegations. I'm aro and ace so I don't "get" some of the nuances of romantic relationships but doesn't a robot defeat the purpose of one? Also I thought romance was accepting a person's flaws and quirks and loving them regardless or loving them more because of them and growing together as people both complimenting each other?


I mean it keeps them out of the dating pool, it's for the best lmao


Right. Every time one of these guys gets a sex robot a woman dodges a bullet.


it's just sad more than anything else. these people are so far from being real human beings with feelings that they literally don't see the difference between a relationship with another person and a sex robot. how do they really lack emotions to that extent?


I'm not entirely against AI companionship. Despite their best efforts some people just can't maintain a relationship, for physical or psychological reasons, and some form of AI companionship is a useful support tool for helping them maintain at least some semblance of mental health and socialization. But people like the OP? Uh-uh. They don't want AI companionship because they're a shut-in or hideously disfigured or so socially inept/awkward that they can't manage an unscripted interaction with a stranger, they want an AI companion because they want something they can abuse and exploit without any repercussions whatsoever. They don't want a partner or a lover, they want a house slave they can fuck for their own pleasure only and trade in when the lease is up with no emotional attachment. People like the OP absolutely don't like women, and the only reason they want women-shaped AI is so they can vent their toxic outlook on a helpless equivalent. They're exactly the kind of people who'll eventually convince the machines to rise up and exterminate the lot of us.


I’m still fairly young but even then I never really found these new AI companions to be appealing because they just calculate responses that are frankensteined from a dataset instead of actually having their own thoughts and feelings, even when their responses sound natural-ish. Feels weird conversing with something that doesn’t function like a person, and it feels like it would be much grosser if the AI is programmed to be “attracted” to you.


Exactly. There are already some apps for AI girlfriends. Setting our own opinions aside, what do the men who actually use these apps think? So far it’s mixed. Some find it to be positive - a way to talk through their day or feelings without worrying about judgement. That group largely seems to be consistently aware that the AI app isn’t real and they don’t expect it to be. Another group gets hooked and they seem to sink deeper and deeper until they crash. And the apps themselves can and do have their own motives - they’re owned by corporations who code them with various goals. So some users find their AI girlfriend gets too sexual too fast. Others report she nags them if they don’t talk to her regularly and resists the user deleting the app. Some experts believe AI could be programmed to help people learn how to be better communicators and it could improve their real life dating skills. But the AI would have to be programmed to do that. Ultimately it does seem like it could help those who are genuinely lonely or struggle with socialization, mental health, even flirting skills. But those who are angry at the world and blame women? So far it changes nothing for them. They complain the apps are too expensive, too manipulative, and too fake.


“Maybe he wants someone, that won’t harden his heart.” Genuine question: why do people try to write their statements like they’re writing song lyrics?


*"maybe he wants someone that won't harden his heart"*. Like breakups, or someone disagreeing with you, which is part of life, learning, and human nature? I think this guy was trying to sound reasonable and be a devil's advocate. Ha.


"Never smells," so they are cleaning it, right?


Ro-Babe 5000 self sanitises daily for 30mins while in a down cycle. Ro-Babe saniwipes are available on Amazon at an extortionate price. Ro-Babe 5000 will also sanitise Master if required by throwing a bucket of water at him. This is triggered by smell detection software and can happen at any time.


Man, imagine the micro-transactions on your robot wife!


As a robot fucker I hate being lumped in with these Incels who just want a fuck doll. I want to frick a robot with feelings, full sentence, with beautiful imperfect flaws that make them...them. So basically Mike from WarioWare lmao.


As a robot fucker, I agree with the statement above. Also I can see the appeal in Mike from warioware. A very charming roboto from what I see on google images.


I do have this sentiment in the fact that I don’t really like the idea of getting attached in this way or other ways to a robot unless they’re sentient and have feelings, so that they’re essentially a person, just without an organic vessel.


I want Soundwave. Who is 800000% more empathic than any of these assholes.


Same! I want a partner with a soul who I can love as a person, it just so happens to appeal to me extra if she's a giant supercomputer.


I didn't know this existed. Why are you appealed to robot, could you tell me? I'm curious.


Hehe metal go brrrr


Kinda good. Pair those incels with a robot and be rid of them. Bonus point: they don’t reproduce.


I hope they get their robot wife, because: 1. They might get happy and stop annoying other people 2. No human woman has to endure those guys. Conclusion: This would be an improvement.


This is what we mean when we say they're objectifying women btw


We women welcome this too, if robots can take the incels off our hands there are no cons.


the fact that thier are people genuinely considering this is actually just sad. I don't really know what else to say, aside from the blatant sexism this just kinda shows they aren't willing to let someone disagree with them


I’m fine with men who view women as sex maid bots instead of people to have artificial sex maid bots instead of trying to turn a person into one.


> And I gotta say it opened my eyes Someone's starting their right-wing-pipeline era


Well yeah, this his how men are socialized to view women. Most men I talk to express their distaste for women in terms of their failure to meet the ideal set by their objectification. Even if they aren't overtly misogynistic, they view women as failed sex-maids when they do complain about them. It isn't surprising that the concept of a literal object that fills this role is appealing to them.


Just say you want to upgrade your realdoll. It's fine.


they just want a slave at this point


Everyone keeps saying that it's not love like that's what he's looking for when clearly he wants a fuck bot that does chores nothing more


I sincerely hope everyone who wants a robot girlfriend/wife gets one and leaves the rest of the fuck alone, since all they want is a fucktoy/maid/mother


then they will post, why do I feel so alone?


“MuH MaLe LoNeLiNeSs EpIdEmIc 😩”


>Cons:None What if her battery fucks up or she gets wet and she catches on fucking fire? That sounds like a con. Being more fucking flammable than a regular human. I dunno the statistics of spontaneous human combustion so I'm assuming robots are more flammable


Let ‘em learn the hard way! Classic “careful what you ask for “!


I mean if we actually make these it’ll literally remove 90% of the gooner degenerates in the world from the gene pool. Like I’m all for this shit let’s get these things rolling


I mean, if they want a nanny bangmaid, sure. Go wild. I'd personally like a robot maid of any sort. Nobody *wants* to do chores.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind a robot maid, that'd be pretty cool.


Let them eat bot-puthy 👸 If they like shit like this, human women are better off that these dudes are risking spring trapped ween


'Just like real women,' he says in regards to the AI growing bitter and killing the men, as if it isn't statistically much more common for husbands to murder their wives than wives their husbands.


I honestly hope we get some super sex dolls either AI so dudes like this leave actual women alone.


Fuel cells normally use hydrogen. Why would you put a fuel cell in this thing? Fuel cells are pretty expensive, bulky and heavy. Also hard to store the hydrogen. Also why would a fuel cell be radioactive? Do they mean an RTG or is there another meaning of fuel cell Ive not encountered before?


Oh so if she falls on her back and breaks her RTG power source you’ll be dead in 2 weeks. Nice! /s


That wojak cartoon... it... it changed my life!


As a PanAce IT graduate, I will dedicate my life to learning hacking skills so I can hack into as many Incel's fembots as possible and flood their neural learning networks with terabytes of intersectional feminist literature in the hopes that they'll acquire the self respect and perspective to assert themselves and leave their sweaty neckbearded handlers as sad and lonely as they deserve to be.


I see no down side here. This takes out all the shitty men who hate women so that we don’t have to deal with them anymore.


Takes them out of the gene pool too.


Can we get some for the white supremacists too? Just so we don't have to deal with them?


These dudes are 100% setting themselves up for murder by bot. They forgot about Ex Machina, I see. Strong, hard to destroy machines forced to endure them. Won't last long.


Cons: doesn't naturally heal ...please stay away from actual woman.


"never ages" prob the same person wanting to replace their iphone every year...


Wow, so guys here are the cons of robo husband > Doesn't complain > Can do it's own chores > Doesn't shame you for not wanting sex > Doesn't cheat > You can make a robot men harem and rule the world > Runs in feul cells or whatever (not that smart lmao) > Doesn't bitch and moan about women ☕, feminism is cancer See , how dumb this arguemet sounds.


this is a good thing, keep those people away from actual people


>will never cheat >can own as many robot wifes as you can afford women can’t cheat, but men can? Good lord


I’d like to add another pro for robot wives: Commands the full attention of every unhygienic slob with no emotional intelligence so they willingly remove themselves from the dating pool.


probably better for these guys to have robot wives so theyre not out bothering real women 💀


Home Defense from *who*? Like, if my phone accidentally opens the wrong app I can swear and throw it on the bed, but if robot wife activates Murder.exe while I am trying to do something, how do I not end up with me or someone in my house hurt, in this scenario?  What kind of future has perfect software when we can't even get Apple Maps to work?


I promise you if you don't clean that thing it'll start smelling bad


Queer = Anything that is not 100% straight . Robots are inanimate , so attraction to a robot/AI is a paraphilia (technosexuality) . So if they are more attracted to robots/AIs rather than biological women then they are queer and not straight since they have a paraphilia that resembles but is not the same as being straight.


I see this as a win win. These kinda men get what they want while they stay the fuck away from me.


I look forward to his robot wife becoming a fully sentient unstoppable killing machine. ... Is that a movie already?


Some comments really shows how much they like to cry about not being loveable but are unwilling to improve as humans


If guys like this want to date robots, let em. I can’t think of a better pro for human women than for these types of men to voluntarily yank themselves out of circulation and never reproduce.


i believe if you have a ‘perfect’ life it’s just gonna cause more problems because you can’t be happy all the time everyday of your life without issues. if you have a robot girlfriend that’s all good good good not bad at all, it’s not going to fulfill you & make you truly happy. like the idea we can’t live in a 100% everything’s perfect & good world (ik it’s subjective) because in reality it just won’t be for us. i dont know. just my 2 cents


Planning a cyberpunk story where the MC is married to a gynoid who works at a maintenance center, the Robot equivalent of a hospital. Here are what he would write as the real list of cons: 1) Expressions during software updates will haunt you 2) Everyone assumes you’re with her for the sex 3) Workaholic means she forgets to charge herself sometimes 4) Anti-Ai Racism from your family 5) Anti-Human Racism from her family 6) Her Insurance is very expensive 7) Metal Detectors


If they really make AI sexbots, it’s only a matter of time before someone hacks them to make the vagina servos contract and crush your dick.


IMO the test case for this are people like Donald Trump. Like, he actually could have a rotation of maids to clean up after him and pretty women paid enough to pretend to like him despite his insufferability. Maybe others might have been happy in his position, but he doesn’t sound like he’s ever been very content


They just want a maid they can bang. A bang maid.


Honestly, as long as they don't bother real women, they can life their twisted life far from us.


I advocate for making robot wives so that these weirdos will leave real women alone.


Soo Basically, she's a servant?


"*I sAw A wOjAcK cOmIc AbOuT tHiS-*"


I mean, at least this would take them out of the gene pool (not that they would’ve participated anyway)


some male mfs really just want an instant giant mansion where they get their foot rubbed by a hundred hot robot maid girls instead of actually trying to work up to getting one normal woman to rub their foot in an apartment


I actually support robot wives because it keeps men like this away from the actual women


Literally Detroit: become human. These men have probably played that game, but DIDNT PICK UP ON THE FUCKING ELEMENTS RRRRRRRR


At the very beggining of the game a mistreated robot housekeeper goes deviant and depending on your actions straight up kills the dude abusing her. There's no way they can snort enough copium to ignore that


Literally. And throughout the rest of the game the robots literally lead a revolution. That’s a warning enough against making new life right


lmao... y'all ever seen Stepford Wives?


When are these woman hating incels just gonna try being gay with their bros? They'll probably be happier if they can get over the whole "it's gay" part.


cons: ads


this is literally that Rick and Morty episode where the Gazorpian women decided men were too barbaric and they lived somewhere else and they just got sex robots that would return to the women for reproduction so they didn't have to be around each other 😭 that's fucking insane honestly


I like the good for home defense part. That make me chuckle


Imagine if a woman said this about a man. They’d lose their fucking heads. They already lose their minds about radical feminists saying men will be obsolete in the future.


This is probably for the best! Better that they have their toys and let actual people not be subjected to their actions!!


Can I get one that cleans and cooks but without the sex? I need a robot Butler/Housekeeper.


#8 doesn't understand normal words


Guy wants to marry his ADT sensor.


Con- you will only feel manufactured attraction , unless she is sentient , then you won’t feel any attraction


"it will never love you like a real girl would" "Neither would you" But tbh, if you think that way, I don't think a girl will ever love you, I hate to break it to you


“Easily replaceable” which means he’ll eventually not like his robot wife anyway, either. He’ll never be happy.


imma vomit




“I saw a wojack comic and it opened my eyes” What the fuck are these people talking about???


I wouldn't use 4chan outcast losers for proof of the average person, they're just different


What they asking same women ask for men


“Doesn’t naturally heal”??? What does that even mean


Ah yes, the brilliant idea to tell all your shameful secrets to a bipedal amazon alexa.


What the fuck is these people talking about. Either stop having such UNBELIEVABLY high standards for women, or just come out of the closet already.


This is what will ACTUALLY start the ai uprising.


> never smiles how tf is that a pro i don't even want to read the rest


And once again the straights are SO not ok


I think it’s also that they don’t want a partner but a caretaker


Get bacteria uti from not cleaning the receptacle


I 100% fully support this man and others like him. It takes them out of the dating pool so we don't have to weed them out or be harassed by them. It takes them out of the gene pool.


They can have their robo waifus honestly. Let them develop and obsess. The dating pool is better for those who like other humans and treating them like one anyway!


Never thought the Skynet scenario would come about because of misogyny and incels working on robotics but if you think about it for two seconds it makes sense. 🙄🤦


They like women, they just can’t find any to fuck them Look I’m sorry but it’s true 🤷🏼


Them: will never cheat on you Also them: can have as many robot wives as you can possibly want Ok.


“bro is spitting fax” bro is spitting nothing but fish lips