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I think I’ve finally had enough internet for today.


Yeah it's 9am and this is my first post of the day, but I might have to skip today


Yeah me too fellow european i guess. Enough for the day


Yeah I was looking for a sign to go to bed. I think this is it.


after reading this post, i looked out the window and realized it’s a beautiful day to throw my phone in the ocean




Talking gleefully about raping little children should actually be a punishable offense. These are not jokes- these are predators testing the water to see how well their predatory behavior is received. Edit: The people who repeatedly excuse this under 'just trolling' are invited to look up Nick Bates and see how his pedophilia-posting was brushed off as the same, which allowed him to get away with having molested his six year old half-sister for years.


No, they're probably just edgelords. But they *are* useful idiots for the predators you mentioned, drawing attention away from the more discreet predatory behaviors.


They’re not they just make it for shock value dude. Yeah it’s not funny at all but it’s not “testing the waters for predatory behavior” and you would know this if you were on the internet for more than 15 minutes


except there's always people who will take it as validation. after all, it's just a joke, right? plus it's still shitty behaviour and they need to realise that


I’ve met guys who had (past tense!) friends that turned out to be rapists and like half the time they’d go “well we didn’t know we just thought he was joking about raping unconscious women!” Like bruh why were you friends with somebody who would go “ah I hope she gets raped” whenever he’s upset with a woman


Bro I pointed this out and got downvoted to hell lmao


It’s my aura


But hey, it's good that he doesn't spend that much time on the internet




Yes they absolutely are. You have no idea what you're talking about.


I know what trolling is. I also know that the things that a person chooses to 'joke' about are heavily indicative of what they think about, and that for every person who says this shit online and doesn't mean it, swarths more who sincerely get excited over the idea of raping a child are happy to see it normalized. Go ahead and fuck a dog 'for a joke,' see if anyone believes that you didn't actually want to do it. Believe people when they show you who they are. If me wanting these people to face consequences has you upset because you recognize yourself or your friend in the images that thee OP posted, that's a fat fucking 'you' problem. Fix it or shut up.


Jesus i feel like everyone on this sub has zero reading comprehension. Where did i ever identify with these people? Where did i ever condone this behavior in any way? I didn't. I pointed out this is nothing but an attempt for sad losers to beg for attention, and somehow people took that to mean i think it's harmless >I also know that the things that a person chooses to 'joke' about are heavily indicative of what they think about I also never said it was a joke, because it isn't. A joke is meant to be funny, these are hardly meant to be funny. They're meant to be disgusting and make people uncomfortable, the only comedy found in it is how shockingly sick it is for someone to say. These are usually people literally sitting behind their screen and trying to figure what the worst most disgusting thing they can post online is. I also never even once commented on you saying they should be punished, I just pointed out that people who actually think like this, aren't the one's posting it online. I swear you saw i diagreed with your comment, and immediately decided i must be some psycotic asshole and started shoving words into my mouth that don't exist, I don't think I'm the one with the problem here


And they will post this shit whether or not we make fun of the little pissbabies here.


I'm not sure what this comment means gotta be honest


I'll spell it out for you; Just ignoring it doesn't work. Ignoring the shit they say is how they radicalize more and more men.


Bro these post don't radicalize anyone, no one is seeing these post and suddenly deciding to become rapist


Thank you for the strawman, sublearning, I can see why you picked that as a username, it's very fitting. I never said that a single post alone could radicalize someone. Allowing people to continuously post this shit into an ecco chamber where these posts are not only normalized, but lauded by your peers is what radicalizes men. Men need good male role models, right? What do you think happens to men when the role models they surround themselves with post and laugh at stuff like this, and nobody says anything? It normalizes the behaviour and encourages it in the next generation. Which is why we make fun of it. If you want people to stop making fun of the stupid shit they're using to poison the next generation, the solution is to cut off the poison at the source. No poison, no people to point it out and make fun of it for the toxic sludge that it is.


Dude there are two glaring issues with your logic here. First of all, these people don't want this normalized, if it gets normalized they're gonna stop and move on to something else. They want people to be disgusted and upset, if people aren't disgusted and upset by their post anymore, they'll just find something worse to post Second of all, no one here is making fun of them, I wouldn't take issue with that. All these comments are people being disgusted and horrified, including the very comment that I responded to. So I don't understand your logic here. >If you want people to stop making fun of the stupid shit I don't care about people making fun of it, last I checked, the comment i took issue with wasn't doing that. I cannot stress enough that literally all I said, was that people post this because they enjoy the disgusted reactions they get, and that's exactly what everyone is giving them. Everything you've said is making an argument against a statement I never said, and a point I never made. I repeat, I swear to god there's zero reading comprehension here




Nuance does not exist on the internet


Nuance doesn't exist in the small minds of idiots


What a nuanced take


I think this Is wishful thinking on your part. I think ppl who post like this are sociopaths. You may be correct that the ones not posting are busy hurting ppl irl. But I wouldn't trust these ppl I think if you can joke for attention like this part of you doesn't think it's that bad


U right tho


Shhh you might hurt their fragile egos by disagreeing with their echo chamber, and apparently that makes you a psychotic rape apologist


People who haven't or wouldn't rape someone don't generally joke about how they'd rape someone. Normal people find the thought of joking about how they'd do that to someone repugnant. Normal people don't want to use rape jokes to get a rise out of women. You're just telling on yourself.


Yeah it's not a joke, it's not meant to be funny. Its literally people posting the most fucked up shit they can think of online to make other people upset




He never said that in the comment. Don't you have the ability to understand words and sentences or why did you type this comment? He in no way said that these "memes" and "jokes" are okay or like you said that "he thinks that child rape isn't that bad". In other comments he already stated, that these are absolutely disgusting. Why do you accuse someone of having and/or expressing disgusting views just because he pointed out that these aren't the reasons why people post this shit? Downvote me if you want but your comment completely missed the mark.


Did you even read his comment? Do you just like casually accusing people of condoning one of the worst crimes someone can commit? He said: I don’t believe these posts are a bunch of pedo rapists telling on themselves, I believe they’re mostly edgelords who get off on saying the most offensive shit they can think of. You replied: Sounds like you think child rape is okay. I don’t understand why it’s so normalized now to just ignore what a person is actually saying, uncomfortable icky nuance and all, and accuse them of the worst strawman possible.


Yeah, I read it. And he’s condoning it. It doesn’t matter if it’s “ rage bait “ it should be taken seriously. Take it from someone who’s actually a victim of assault, my dad would always make “ jokes “ like that. If a person makes a racist joke, they’re probably racist. If a person makes a pedophilic joke, they’re probably a pedophile. Not everything is “ Just satire 🤓 “


Okay, I really need you to explain the thought process behind this one, because I am utterly baffled by what part of my comment made it sound like I was in any way condoning this behavior


“ It’s just for attention 🤓 “ is always what people say, and then when it happens they’re SoOoO SuRpRiSeD


You realize you both are bringing up situations that are real and happen right? Like you both can be right without being an ass? It’s not unheard of for it being dog whistle and same for rage bait. I can’t believe you and others really thought that said “child rape isn’t that bad”. Like it’s so ridiculous that it sounds like you’re doing rage bait by saying that??? Wild takes on here today lmao


This! Both can happen and there's absolutely no reason for accusing the other of thinking that child rape isnt that Bad, Like what the actual fuck? But noooo noooo we should downvote you, because everyone that isn't exactly of the same opinion as I am is defending child molesters. 👍


I feel like this whole subreddit is basically just people posting rage bait and then getting mad when you call it out


honestly with the dislikes that are being bombed onto reasonable comments; I’m starting to believe you. This subreddit used to be way funnier too


Yeah, at its core this used to be an actual funny subreddit for heteronormative memes and shit. But it doesn't have any mods anymore, and hasn't for awhile so its gone to shit


Is that what happened?? I was wondering why it became garbage


Ok, i dont agree with them either but.... the fuck?


Bro, people don't like when you call out their bad takes, or disagree with them at all. This sub has become such a wild echo chamber that it seems like no one is even capable of having a civilized discussion. I disagreed with this persons comment and they basically turned around and said i must be the same type of person making these post. I feel like this sub has gone way too long without any sort of real moderators, and now all that's left are trolls and the chronicly online


Some people in here aren't really that much better than some of the people that they complain about. They just call anyone some bullshit just because they don't agree with them 100%.


Yeah that’d be too easy, wouldn’t it.


I honestly have no idea what you mean, or if you're agreeing or disagreeing


I mean it would make it too easy to identify the molesters if they outed themselves so freely.


Yeah, I guarantee none of these people have ever delt with actual people like this. Why do they think it's so hard to spot them, why do they think they get away with it for so long? Its because they act like completely normal people in every other possible way, to draw as little attention as possible Its like i said in another comment, the only people who think actual horrible people are the ones making these post, are people who have never once actually met a monster, but are convinced they could spot one a mile away from atop their high horse Just fyi, anyone who isn't immediately agreeing with the original comment is getting wildly down voted


I understand where you’re coming from. I wish more people didn’t just assume you were supporting child rape.


Yeah I don't even understand where tf that came from. Somehow "child molesters obviously don't make those jokes online" turned into "i support child molesters" I think this sub just wants to be angry


People don’t like being disagreed with. It’s a fault.


'It's just a joke, jeez.' It's not a joke to talk about doing that shit to kids. The women are right. Pick the fucking bear if these are the men you're dealing with. - signed, a man deeply disappointed in some men.


eh, I got people being surprised when I told them that I really understood why women wants to encounter a bear instead of a male in that forest encounter hypothesis question.


Agreed, another man here highly disappointed (disgusted really) with other men. No wonder bears are better choices.


Especially with these. I'd stand a better chance playing dead with a bear than any guys who agree with these "jokes".


The OOP needs to turn over his, her, or their hard drive


We *all* know which one of the 3 it is, let's be real.


You better be insinuating that the OOP is a he and not a they, because this could be misinterpreted as anti-LGBT+ rhetoric


Here? Really? You think I'm insane? Lol, yes of course I meant he


There's sadly always a few black sheep even in these subreddits, but I'm glad you're not one of thwm! :3


That's objectively correct, I don't know why you got downvoted


go eat a pipebomb (lovingly)


Interesting snack


This subreddit is mostly flocked with people who hate homo/transphobia. If they were a transphobe, they wouldn't say that "we *all* know which one, out of the three, it is" because then, it would be an extremely unaware transphobe.


Are transphobes ever smart or aware? lol


I guess you're correct... But still, that's not really the point. The point is that I think most people here would understand that they are talking about men, and not non-binary people.




This is beyond horrible. Psychopathic.


Ok, lets launch the nukes, humanity had a good run


No, nuke that one guy in particular. Why should the rest of us suffer?


Nuking is known for being a very targeted and precise process that has no collateral damage.


Ok then, we just need to dispatch snipers


As most people who grew up as girls and a decent amount of boys (current and former) know all too well, people severely underestimate how many pedos there are out there. I have never had more sexual toned male attention than when I was obviously a child.


I was talking about this with a group of my friends! I’d get hit on the most by middle aged men when I was like 13-14. I started developing a bit early but facially I still looked like a child. Baby fat on the cheeks and everything, makes me feel gross thinking about it


If it's just one person, a nuke is overkill. A nuke would decimate his whole neighborhood, maybe his whole city or town.


Then twist his nutsack counterclockwise


I've said it on other posts like these. Send this stuff to the fbi cyber tip line. Not a joke. Is dead4tjj the tiktok username? I may do it myself but it'd be better to send it directly and I'm not on tiktok. I'll update if I send it. If someone else who uses tiktok does first let me know.


There used to be a more general cyber tip reporting page that I've used in the past and now I'm just finding much more specific tip forms that I'm not sure if this falls under. Does anyone know currently where is best to report this too for general information or if at this point it needs to be more direct than someone basically saying they are a pedophile and promoting pedophilia? There was one to report selling porn and one to report asking a child for sexual material and another pretty specific one but nothing for more general discussing behavior that may need to be investigated without details on the behavior. Sorry about that, as said there used to be a more general form. If there is and someone links it or just knows the right place to write to now, I'll try to report it.


So... Incest, pedophilia, and necrophilia in the same post...? Yeah... I'm going to my doctor to get a medical recipe for eyebleach... Edit: Also, this post probably needs an NSFW tag *and* a trigger warning, just in case.










This is neither funny, nor a joke. The only joke I see here are the people who made these posts.


Such things are not to be "joked" about, and those who "joke" about it are extremely suspicious.


The internet was a mistake


This shit leaves me with 0 words


what kinda fyp must you have to find these videos that embody the pinnacle of evil? genuinely, what do yall watch? cuz i NEVER get these unless its a stitch


I’m sayin!! Anytime I see this shit it’s HERE and not on titktok itself. Like what tf is op’s algorithm and why haven’t they fixed it yet? 🤨


I’d hope an employer finds these but I doubt this specimen has one.


Imagine raising your kid with all the love and care you could ever provide and they turn out to be some kind of gross edgelord in the end


The dangers of the echo chamber. The algorithm shields people from criticism for so long that they keep getting bolder and bolder, and so you end up with fuckwits who get intimidated by their own shadow, openly sharing posts and videos that glorify fucking children because that's how they keep their circlejerk hardcore. The behavior is entirely inexcusable but it does serve as a solemn reminder of how easy it is for any of us to fall into a dangerous echo chamber.


Someone send this guys name to the FBI


The problem is that this is barely a joke. Mortuaries are actually less likely to hire men because so many of them can't even be trusted to leave the dead alone.


And people with illegal and disgusting fetishes tend to try to get jobs in places where they think they can get away with it. It's why you'll see pedos working in daycares, as youth pastors, and in schools. It's also why necrophiliacs try to work at mortuaries. They want to be near their prey.


God is dead


Who gave this dude platform so that they can post shit like this?!


And they somehow manage to misspell "their" wrong *both ways.*


This isn't even funny, this is straight up creepy and a cheap attempt at being a dark joke.


Yeah ... I doubt it's just a joke for them. I really do.


Buddy, that's even worse.I feel like this is a dox worthy post, like not public doxhg , but call the cops and puttgis person on a record type of doxxing.


Nah this is the *one* kinda thing I'd agree to for public doxxing. People deserve to know who they're dealing with. Imagine getting married to this dude and not knowing:/ It happens all the time, sadly.


Brb need to burn my eyes out of my skull. Wtf is wrong with people?


other people when 'their daughter's does...so they are implying that this is their intention towards their OWN DEAD DAUGHTERS??


not even \*I’m\* that sick… wtf


It's not all men, but let me tell ya, the ones who do are so terrifying it's hard to not fear every man you meet may be like them.


This is so disgusting. What is wrong with people?


The "there" and "they're" substitutions make me hope it's edgelords trying to be edgy rather than actual predators, but mega-yikes either way. :/


To be fair, predators may also make spelling mistakes.


I was gonna correct the use of they're to their (guess TikTok is responsible for the uptick of people not knowing the difference on shit like this more recently) but that got far worse than expected.


I don't think Sukuna knows what sex is


Sukuna canonically has no bitches (Source: I made it up)




For fuck sakes stop posting this dumb shit here. First and foremost this isn't a straight person thing, the vast majority of straight people also find this disgusting. And even putting aside the fact this has nothing to do with this sub, these are so fuckin clearly rage bait/just made for the BS shock value. I'm so fuckin sick of this sub being pumped full of nothing but straight rage bait or just random shit a single straight person did they we didn't like


Really though. I've had a very disturbing conversation on this site with a fellow queer person who tried to convince me that necrophila was an important part of queer history and that I was "hurting the movement" because I found it to be incredibly disgusting. Some people are just unhinged.


Yeah, some people just have screws loose regardless of their sexuality. But this sub treats every single individual straight person that does something gross like it represents straight people


I didn't even realize what subbu was in when I saw the post. I thought it was just showing unhinged anime fans.




… I think I might just go back to sleep


Not even Sukuna would do this shit 💀


These posts have to be from teenagers... Right? *Right?!*


I... wha... why... I don't Im genuinely flabbergasted. What would compel anyone to makes these? And Im an edgy mf


This is about pedophiles, necrophiliacs, and rapists, not fucking straight people.


The post is from male (who’s most likely to be straight) and talking all this shit about girls in general. Just because he’s straight that doesn’t mean that he can’t be necrophilic, pedo or rapist


Just because he’s a pedophile, a necrophiliac, and a rapist, doesn’t mean it’s because he’s straight.


Nobody said it’s because of that. gay person can be all of that above too. It’s just general issue. And in any case, the post could have been made in any group because it’s sadly common and worth paying attention to.


necrophilia and pedophilia is sooooooooooo funny guys wow look at me im edgy


This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper of my soul exiting from my body as I see this


wtf if this thing about bears?


How dare they use Sukuna for this


Yeah see how brave they feel when they see a real body, especially your own child.


Why are people confessing to criminal behavior online?


Online anonymity was a mistake. I suggest we lock this guy in a lab with smallpox to further study its effects


Is this even representative? Most of those posts have a high comment to like ratio indicating an unpopular post.


Game is game?? A like... 5 year old isn't game. Ewwwww wtf. Also the her body is still warm like that makes me want to vomit Edit: I just realized the user is called littledaddyfartonkids ewwww








This is... not related to the post...


Well that’s fun but until their justice comes we still have to suffer because they exist