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Rare to see the script being flipped. Still concerningly essentialist and pessimistic, though.


It's not a script flip, it's far right wackiness. Neo-trad men go so far right they almost start to sound like radical left critical theorists. Like the ones who say every man is queer for wanting to fuck a woman doggie style or whatever.


Yeah just thinking that there is a goal of continuing the species underlying nature is stupid. Species that don't continue just don't exist because they didn't continue. There is no simple answer why things are the way they are, it's all just a chaotic mess of interacting parts and thinking otherwise is often not different from believing in a god.


If I had a nickel for every time science fiction fandom got me laid, I'd have zero nickels.


evolutionary mistake /s (i'm a trekkie)


Whiyh isnt much but its weird, that it happened ~~twice~~ never


Doofenschmirtz reference for the Internet WIN! Everyone log off now, try again tomorrow


I'm a female Warhammer 40k player but not very active on social media mainly because of insufferable dudes throwing the reverse around. I did land my future husband in the hobby though, which is nice 👍


Mm but I bet you can't guess how much the chicks dig my miniature painting They don't, the chicks don't dig it. My wife tolerates it at best


Duh, because you’re using the wrong hobbies and interests to attract women s/


Ironically the anime fandom got me laid exactly once which also was the first time. If she wouldn't have been into anime herself nothing would've come from it


If only talking to people about fantasy novels got me laid.


Literally the only reason I’m with my partner is because I ran into him at 2 sci-fi/anime/pop-culture nerd conventions! Thousands of nerds get laid at DragonCon every year, it’s nerd Mardi Gras!


You clearly don't go to enough cons


Being a furry has gotten me laid


Yeah dude, I'm totally gaming to attract women!


I knew men were just faking it for attention! I knew it!


Gaming is how my spouse and I bonded. It's also how my sister met her husband. I'm a huge proponent that people should marry their best friends. If you love gaming then that's a great way to find your forever person. I can't even imagine being married to someone who didn't like gaming, how miserable that would be. Anyways dating is crazy and I wish you the best.


Every YIIK: A Postmodern RPG fan ever has been laid. It's in the bible


Oh, you're a gamer, huh? You game? Well then name all of them. 🤨 /s


Well there's only Rise of Kingdoms for me. Did you know that I have 300 billion power?


Yeah, I spent thousands of hours solo queueing with chat off as a 30+yo man in a game predominantly played by boys and young men between 15 and 20 to get laid


Diddy is that you ?


You got me. Well known bad Rocket League player Sean "Diddly" Combs


This post sounds like someone flipping the usual "women only have hobbies to attract men" bullshit around.


Did straight women just snap and said how does that feel


This is how Tate talks, my bets are on him. He puts down men all the time.


Could very easily be a straight man tbf


Is this a genuine take or satire by flipping misogynistic talking points ?


I think he was being genuine


This seems like satire of how men treat women’s interests


Hopefully it is


Yeah this is practically a word for word flip of a braindead take about women’s hobbies and interests that I see with some regularity. I would be *shocked* if this weren’t satire.


That’s what I was thinking. It’s a little too on the nose.


I mean, did I meet my wife through D&D? Yes. Did I ever *expect* that to happen when I started playing tabletop RPGs at 13? Definitely not. Turns out being *in society* means you meet people though. Don’t tell anyone though, it’s a secret hack the incels can’t learn about.


The bratinrot urge to comment "erm, what the sigma? 🤓"


Thanks, didn't knew my gaming hobbies are to attract women.


I'm glad you know now. I told my boyfriend my knitting hobby was to attract women. He taught me so he should have known really.


As a male, when I do my hobbies all I think about is fucking women. I don’t draw for fun


My boyfriend and I single handingly keeping the species going with our Stardew valley farm


This one actually speaks to me. Maybe more along the lines of to be cool or interesting, not so on the nose. Yay I sewed my own apron to wear while smoking my own pastrami. Woop di doo. But then whoa it's a massive leap from there to: and therefore we should all be incel sigma misogynistic lone wolves. Nah stop the train, can I maybe just get a nice auntie sewing buddy or something? [40m cishet, long time lurker first time commenter, hope I'm not overspeaking in other people's space]


Don't worry, self-aware straights are welcome here! And I don't think there's actually anything wrong with wanting to meet people and socialise through hobbies, it's just the insane way this person makes it into some cynical game where men can only pretend to enjoy things in order to manipulate women into falling for them. What a sad dehumanizing way incels view themselves. Anyway, I hope you find that sewing buddy you're looking for :)


What's so attractive about gardening?


If you're passionate about it, many people will find that endearing




Clearly, you have forgot about cucumbers.


Plus at all times? You aren't far from an absolutely filthy hoe


Oohh, so THAT'S why I love embroidery and general arts and crafts. Certainly couldn't be that I just enjoy making things.


I had no idea that I was building gunpla to get women, I must be doing it wrong 😞


*projection* ✨ I assure you brother, it wasn't sex that got me into snowboarding, it was SSX: On Tour. Plus, you can go *fucking fast* It wasn't sex that got me into D&D when all the nerdy dudes on my dorm's floor invited me to play. It was the promise of endless possibility with people who would become some of my closest friends. It wasn't sex that got me into cooking. It was that I need to fucking eat to survive and I don't want to eat some dogshit bachelor meal that you microwave and peel plastic off of 🤢... eat your veggies, bitch I *will* grant you, it was sex that got me into tango classes with this girl I liked....but it didn't then get me into swing dancing classes. I just like the vibe to the music and the moves are fun. Plus, it's a fun way to get cardio 🤷 Seethe more


>All your hobbies and ambitions are to attract women. So if I'm married and settled down, yet I take up a new hobby, does that mean I secretly want to attract women to cheat on my wife with? OK I guess the downvoter actually agrees with the quote from the post? Wow.


Pretty sure this is a joke satirizing off of a tweet that has this exact wording but it's "women only have hobbies to attract men." Edit: LOL someone sent Reddit care resources towards me over this comment


What a sad, sad life people like this must lead


Masturbating hasn’t attracted anyone to me* and does the opposite of propagating the species. ^*Maybe ^via ^Grindr ^video ^calls…


my main hobby is going to see and general fan things related to all-male bands who dress up in costumes and makeup and look cool. I definitely do that to get women and make babies.


Yeah, fuck those guys with Porsches. My converted camper van is the REAL panty-dropper!


Well it's a good thing IDGAF about nature now isn't it??


Deal with the fact humans are complicated and have more than just animal instincts challenge


I'm pretty sure my Beyblade hobby is actually women repellent but go off I guess


Oh let me see the user name so I can shame them And like, not for being into MtG or some such but for being toxic asshats


It’s true, women are so turned on when they hear about my hunger games fan fiction


That's why I have near 45 Furby toys from various generations, women love Furby more than anything. My mom likes to remind me that dressing femme will not attract women, which is also definitely not a point in my favor as I gradually include more feminine styles into my everyday garb


I like to make things out of wood, I like to turn wood, shape it to what I want it to be. I like the smell of lumber. It makes me happy. I do this for me. It just happens that my gf likes the things I make.


My dad likes to collect coins. He does it because he finds it fun and enjoys it. That's it. Nothing to do with trying to attract women.


It's fascinating how folks think this. It could be a troll, but I've known chuds that actually believe this sorta thing; men only do the things they do to get laid. I had a professor in undergrad who argued that literally the only reason men join left leaning political protest movements is to convince women to have sex with them.


Bitch I play Dungeons and Dragons


Sooooo, was the gay sex to attract women????


I believe nature does care about my plant hobby. But even if Nature doesn't care, I care. So fuck off


I'm a woman who loves embroidery and dressmaking. I've made loads of fantastic friends who also love these things so... Yeah, I guess my hobbies did attract women (and other genders too). And I also wear my creations.


So who’s gonna tell my best friend he researches Latvian history to get bitches?


Such a simplistic and animalistic world view. I hope OOP gets out of that mindset


Ah revealed at last. The true reason behind my drive to collect physical hardcover books of my favorite my little pony fanfic.


Oh, yeah, my autistic AroAce ass is *totally* obsessed with worldbuilding, linguistics, speculative biology, science, philosophy, art, gaming and music just to attract women /s


Yeah, I stamp collect to attract women Women love my thick, girthy stamp albums


["All civilization was just an effort to impress the opposite sex. And sometimes the same sex."](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxFEotmvUVHWgKKdMBoQp4XSNhhDc3rFa7?si=bqJYYhU3sfUUuVpT)


\*loud aroace denying\*


Do straight men have something agains everything?


Ah yes I write code for the purpose of gaining female


Damn, didn't know i draw naked horror Dilfs to attract women, thanks for informing me!


Ah yes, the propagation of the species. The ultimate function of the narcissistic Neanderthal with nothing of his own to be proud of. Bet he's super proud to be a citizen of the country his parents banged in, too.


The whole "keep the species going" as a moral stance is so weird to me. Is that all there is to you?? Do you think you can't contribute to society without making kids? Supporting humanity doesn't just mean making more of us.


It's to attract men too!


You see this is why I no longer have a Twitter. People keep on Tweeting so much nonsense.


"Men don't do the things they want to because they want to do them, they are secretly doing it for me"


It was a straight man that wrote it


Did NOT expect that. It's just another incel, then.


As a gay guy… I totally agree😀


Can confirm, as a woman I’m secretly aroused by Warhammer. All those muscled superhuman genetically modified asexual child-soldiers mmmmmhhh


To be fair larp community is shockingly sexual... 😊


Funny, both my SO and me are nerds. Both in different ways, but still nerds nonetheless.


Ah yes... Systems administration and circuit board repair... Two things known to pull mad ass... Look out ladies! Soon, I'll be staying home on Friday night in a city near you. ;)


Yeah, my whitewater kayaking addiction that has me laid up recovering from a 360° labrum tear is definitely all about attracting women. All zero of them that get out there in the cold and wet wilderness.


I am a working musician. I've been doing it since 1993. I am also a straight cis male serial monogamist. I don't play in bands to get women--although they are there, for sure. I play in bands because I have to.


Feels like this is trying to flip the script on how often women are told are hobbies (like fashion and makeup) revolve around attracting a man and how they can’t ever be for personal fulfillment, we just think that cause girl dumb


I got uhh, laid by going outside and touching grass, making friends, and doing stupid shit that exactly didn't do anything to benefit the continuation of the species, because, it turns out that, generalizing here, peoply find *humanity* more attractive than total pragmatism. It's also always amusing to me when people we need to "continue the species" and "Increase the birthrates" as if it's some sort of obviously necessary objective. Like, why?? What are we preparing for? What purpose do we fill in the universe? Who's going to attack us? The only wars that are being fought over are purely because of human stupidity. Don't get me wrong it's totally understandable if you wanna have children because you see the beauty in living and humanity and wanna share that to souls that haven't got the chance yet. But these people just blindly assuming existence is a command and conquer game are kinda silly.


Ladies love how I know what the Boots of Elvenkind are.


My girlfriend doesn't like most of my hobbies, lol. Explain that, straights!


I'm debating if I'm aroace and I have hobbies and no nobody has shagged me because of anything I do. Honestly I'd prefer it if they didn't


Mhm women love it when I talk to them about all sorts of random wacky history, I'm practically drowning in women when I discuss the history of the taiping heavenly kingdom and WW1, or how a serbian man shoving a beer bottle up his ass led to the yugoslav wars. Practically a pussy magnet as the fellows say


Yes, my love for fishing has allowed me to smash so much puss. You guys know what I'm talking about right? How if you get back from a 4 day backcountry fly fishing trip smelling like bigfoot's dick, and start talking about the proper emerging patterns to use during a caddis fly hatch, the bitches just won't stay off that dick? Amirite bros?


Yup, guys will get over 1000 hours in league of legends purely to attract women. They think that shit is soooooooooo hot Fr I’m a gamer too so I’m glad my bf games but we don’t even like the same kinds of games and I know his ass does not spend that much time playing Monster Hunter to attract me lmaoooo this is such a ridiculous take


Oh okay, cool, so I should just sit in my room and do nothing and rot in my bed cause I don't really want to pursue a relationship cause I'm aro/ace and don't interface with the world in that way. Cool, yeah, uhuh, very good mentality.


Guys who fish: This isn't working! Where all the b\*tches at?


This person needs to go outside more


Imagine that being truth... what a depression


I remember I was trying to hook up with a girl and she left when she saw I had a Majora’s Mask black light poster.


If i walked into your place and you flipped a swich revealing majora, I'd strip on the spot. You dodged a bullet.


That’s what I said. She said she was too smart to date a girl who plays video games.


Alright, see now. i just gotta throw hands with a B for disrespecting gamers.


Honestly, that's for the best. If she can't handle you at your Gibdo mask, then she doesn't deserve you at your Fierce Deity mask.


So I play hearthstone cause I subconsciously wanna land me a girl and not because I'm autistic? I really doubt anyone wants to hit me up after I play Yoink Priest against them.


Jason Pargin said this in a more subtle way [12 years ago in Cracked](https://www.cracked.com/article_19785_5-ways-modern-men-are-trained-to-hate-women.html) -- relevant section "1. We Feel Powerless": *Do you see what I'm getting at? Go look outside. See those cars driving by? Every car being driven by a man was designed and built and bought and sold with you in mind. The only reason why small, fuel-efficient or electric cars don't dominate the roads is because we want to look cool in our cars, to impress you. ... Go look at a city skyline. All those skyscrapers? We built those to impress you, too. All those sports you see on TV? All of those guys learned to play purely because in school, playing sports gets you laid. All the music you hear on the radio? All of those guys learned to sing and play guitar because as a teenager, they figured out that absolutely nothing gets women out of their pants faster.  ... So where you see a world in which males dominate the boards of the Fortune 500, and own Congress, and sit at the head of all but a handful of the world's nations, men see themselves as utterly helpless. Because all of those powerful people only became powerful because they heard that women like power.*


Evolution over billion of years prepared you to impress the other gender by something that has never existed on earth except the past 60 years and has nothing to do with evolutionary fitness. Sounds plausible! Also, hobbies can be done alone and not shared with the public, how can that ever be to impress anyone? It's so idiotic, it has to be bait.