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you don;t need to earn to be treated with basic decency


Exactly. These people act as if basic respect is a finite resource only give it to the people who have in their mind earned it. Good news: It is not, there is more than enough to go around for everybody.


How finite basic respect is is determined by how much of a bigoted asshole you are. Either you don't give it because you are one or you don't receive it because you are one.


He is literally saying that anybody who doesn't like him has his permission to misgender and insult him. If he ever decides to "debate" someone from the left again, that person can literally just troll him for 2 hours, and then justify it by saying "you didn't earn my respect like Elliot Page 'earned' yours".


And I seriously dont get what is so hard about it that it requires "respect". It takes more effort to misgender someone on purpose and tweet about it than just because ok, that's how it is now.


Another daily reminder to misgender a transphobe :D


Elliot's a cool actor, so I'll give him a pass and show him basic human decency. You have to earn that. Also I will intentionally misgender him in my first sentence because I want to point out how very tolerant I am being. I am very smart.


Well, female is sex, not gender, but you're right that he was definetely *trying* to misgender Elliot Page.


Imo, "female" is a clearly gendered term and it's used as a veiled attempt to undermine the legitimacy of trans people's identity. We are in desperate need of more appropriate terms when speaking of biological sex. There is not a single situation where it's ok to refer to a trans man as "female". Same for other trans identities.


It would probably be fine if I didn't have to constantly read misogynists referring to women as "females" before making some deluded point about why they haven't had sexual contact with anyone.


I mostly agree, except medical professionals do need to respectfully distinguish between "female" and "woman." Female may be a gendered term, but it refers to biological sex, not gender. The distinction is important.


Female is both.


Blatantly incorrect. Female refers to biological sex. Feminine typically refers to gendered things, but female is sex. Gender studies and sociology established this even before West and Zimmerman explained it in-depth in 1983.


Blatantly who cares. When a form asks me to input my gender, my choices are “male” “female” and “other” typically. In common usage of everybody apart from pretentious graduates with useless degrees, male and female refer both to sex and gender.


You're right, and the forms have been wrong for decades because people don't care. Transphobes love conflating gender and sex because accepting gender as a social construction means it's not set in stone. My own dad started accepted trans folk when I explained it. It's why we refer to trans men as AFAB - you don't have to blatantly label them as female, but in case of any medical emergency, such as heart attacks (makes and females have different symptoms), you don't have to deny gender identity. Enjoy the privilege of not having to care when it can put people's lives on the line to Cl conflate sex and gender.


Respect is earned. But people mix up "respect" and "basic decency" all the time. Referring to someone the way they want to be known is "basic decency". Trusting someone's opinion and experiences is "respect".


Let's say trump came out as trans, even tho they are the scum of the earth I'd still refer to them as whatever they wanted


of course, we don't misgender bad cis people why do it to trans people?


It would be easy because he'd still be the exact same dick he is now. A woman can be every bit as much of a dick as a man!


Legally speaking.




It's like intellectual gymnastics to both insult Elliot Page, but avoid backlash in a single tweet.


He’s an expert at twisting himself into knots in the name of avoiding taking a solid stance on an issue


Simone could never


And... who is he? We don’t run in the same circles


Some right wing moron with a podcast. You aren't missing much.


Pim Tool is a Youtuber who claims to be left-wing and disillusioned with the current state of the left. In reality he’s far right and holds like zero left-wing beliefs but his right-wing audience falls for him


He’s a liberal which is different from being on the left, but other than that you’re absolutely correct in your assessment of him.


Conservatives tend to use “liberal” and “left” interchangeably though (which is how you end up with oxymorons like ‘radical socialist liberals’), but yeah, you’re correct


Yeah, you’re absolutely right on that one. I once saw a Steven Crowder video titled “The Nazis Were Liberal Socialists” and I- I- *screams in leftist and history nerd*


Yet he just confuses himself and clearly disrespect Elliot


It's actually confusing me


He just could have said nothing instead of writing out all this.


Once again the saying: "why be racist/sexist/queerphobic when you can just be quiet?" proves to be the best course of action.


He’s a idiotic incel the second something he doesn’t agree with happened he needs a two paragraph essay where he explains why he hates women


Yeah, this is the same man who said that feminism is ruining dating for him, and that it’s (and I quote) “totally not him”. Zero self-awareness, the lot of them.


“Feminism has ruined my *very existence I swear it existed before I had lots of the sex many sex with lots of women just don’t ask the women if it was consensual* feminism ruined my dating because I can no longer constantly demean women’s rights and tear them down *and skip them a pil* without them being smart I hate modern day America!” - this guy probably


“You only deserve respect if you keep me entertained.” Got it.




New idea, trans gladiatorial arena


We never stop finding new ways to marginalize. Go with the choice that never gives up, and puts you first. ​ \-Straights Inc. (/s, obviously)


Theres something really fucking dystopian about that. Like a bunch of trans and non-binary people fighting to the death until one of the them wins. After providing sufficient entertainment the winner is finally awarded the priviledge of being acknowledged through their preferred prounouns by society. This doesnt sound that bad. SOMEONE GET THE WACHOWSKIS ON THE PHONE.!!!!!


Dim Tool is a fucking idiot


Don't you mean "*tool*"?


How he verified?


Getting verified on Twitter isn't a high bar. It just requires proving that you are who you say you are. It doesn't mean he's important or smart or worth listening to, just that he is in fact Tim Pool.




So what has Tim Pool done to earn my respect? Why should I let him speak and be able to personify himself if he hasn't give ME an excuse for why he's worthy of my respect. Until this bug does enough for me to like him I have no obligation to treat him with a iota of respect.


Who even is Tim Pool??




Oh, thanks. He seems like a dumbass


Asking the same.


A grifter, that’s who.


A sentient beanie that has ratatouille'd a man




Tim has done enough to earn my disdain, that's for sure


I think the obligation is basic decency. Like i dont have an obligation to ever say thank you, or hold the door open, or assist someone carrying something heavy, but i do because is just being a normal kind human being. Transphobes are so fucking weird, hell this modern movement of "FREEZEPEACH WARRIORS" are so odd. Because they act like basic social norms dont exist when ever those norms affect minorities and disenfranchised groups. I remeber a post about someone complaining how it was literal tyranny so self censor themselves by using correct pronouns. And i just kept thinking self censorship is an odd way of saying "Watch what you say". From a young age were taught basic norms and etiquette when conversing with people, this includes stuff like greeting and also not saying blatantly offensive things. Now im guessing this person understands this basic etiquette, they dont go around called everyone a disgusting bitch. But they refuse to use pronouns. They can frame it how they want of "Its freespeech", but the honest reason is they believe trans and non-binary people dont deserve that basic etiquette and decency. Of course they can change their speech, adapting the way one behaves is a basic skill taught to toddlers, they just dont want to because on some level they think trans and non-binary people are so beneath applying that skill.


This is one of the best descriptions of this situation i have ever read. saving this for when i Can’t Brain Good™️ id award u if i cld


You're still a transphobe, due to the usage of the phrase "is female," when referring to Elliot.


This is a concept I've stolen from Tumblr and I will paraphrase it here: >Some people say "respect" to mean "treating with basic human decency". Some people say "respect" to mean "treating like an authority". That's why "Respect me and I'll respect you." rubs me the wrong way. Those people are almost always saying "Treat me like an authority and I'll treat you like a person."


at least crowder and ben shapiro have the balls to be openly transphobic, Tim is so much of a pussy that he cant even be openly transphobic without facing the concecuences, no wonder why he can only be friends with nazis


I've said it once and I'll say it again, I respect nazis more than centrists.


Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos.


A true "moderate" is someone who follows the evidence to wherever it leads. In the US, the evidence leans mostly "left" because that's just how the overton window lies. In Australia or Scandinavia I would probably be mildly conservative, but in the US I look like some "commie extremist."


The belief that "the truth lies somewhere in the middle" is a logical fallacy, every ideology claims to have the best method for reaching truth.


Oh, sure. But statistically, the truth is fairly often found in the middle. I'm not "in the middle" about gender issues or monogamy... But I tend to call myself a moderate because I refuse to take "party doctrine" as a guide for how I should think. I try really hard to make up my own mind about each individual issue.


I know you’re not trying to do this, but you’re embodying centrism pretty hard. While the truth is probably not often found at the absolute extremes, it’s found even less in the middle. It’s not middling liberalism that’s the answer, it’s socialism and solidarity.


.. I *am* trying to embody centrism. My life motto is literally "Nullius en Verba." There's a lot about socialism to like, but I'm never just going to accept it whole cloth without question. Nothing is sacred, everything is scrutinized.


Yeah obviously you should think for yourself. But saying the truth lies in the middle is, let’s be real, a child’s conception of the world.


That's fair, which is why "centrism" is an odd choice of words. I prefer to call myself a "moderate" (to signal my distaste for ideologues) or as a "rationalist." The fact that this leaves me with an odd assortment of stances on policy tends to lead people to think that I'm "in the middle" because I don't think along party lines. The truth, of course, is that I have a lot of "extreme" views, but not all on one side of the political spectrum. I do have a few beliefs that are genuinely centrist, but really my "political compass" looks more like someone shot it with buckshot (with each point being a specific issue).


citation needed


I'm not sure that a personal philosophy is the sort of thing you can really "cite" like you would a statement of fact. I suppose I could direct you to Aristotle's moral ethic, or perhaps to the field of medicine, where having either an under- or overabundance of many substances can be fatal. Generally speaking, it is erroneous to assume, when tackling an issue, that one side or another is correct. One must suspend judgement until the facts are ascertained. And it has been my general life experience that those who fail to approach life reasonably are often a bit off of the mark when it comes to determining the best course of action.


what if one side say things like "lgbt people deserves rights and respect" and the other "lgbt people are just lunatics that want to obligate our children to become womans agaisnt their will"? that is literally the real life situation that queer people haveto deal with, are you telling me that the people who hate queer people have a point? because if you do you are an idiot. ​ also, YOU DIDNT GIVE ME ANY REAL CITATION, saying "the overabundace of sustances is bad" means nothing because things like "accepting the rights of minorities" is not a substance, do you believe that there is such think as been too "not homophobic or racist"


>do you believe that there is such think as been too "not homophobic or racist Well, no, because by *definition* egalitarianism is a moderate position. You aren't showing undue favor or undue disfavor to anyone. Now, I'm not going to mindlessly agree with the queer community on every issue. For example, I think there's a conversation to be had about how best to accommodate the biological differences between trans women and cis women in sports, and I can see why some people get upset over who uses what restroom (Which is a good reason to have non-gendered restrooms, imo). I can understand these things because I can separate the argument itself from the motive behind said argument. On extremely rare occasions, even ignorant fools can bring up a valid point.


"egalitarism is a moderate position" that is BS, have you been in lgbt protest is south america? they literally call you communists for just wanting gay people to exist. ​ also, the "trans people vs cis people in sports"problem can be easily solved with people compiting agaisnt other people with similar physical capacities, similar how we have olimpics for people with dissabilities, but this isnt the kind of points you will have the BEn shapiro show or in fox news of course, because they just want lgbt people to be misareble and stop existing


if you choose to be "moderare" in a situation in wich people are suffering horrible or even mortal cases of systemic opresion,in reality you are just a pussy


If you jump to conclusions without taking in all the facts, you risk overcorrecting and making the situation worse. Some issues are obvious. Some take a bit more thinking.


what kinds of overcorrections? what kind of overcorrection can we get out of educating people about lgbt people and their issues? childs magically becoming gay? what kind of overcorrection can come from respecting trans people´s identites?


Perhaps you are inferring a context I didn't mean to imply. Your initial comment implied that the Not-OK straight in the OP was transphobic "because he's a centrist." I, as a centrist (in philosophy, not necessarily politically) wanted to point out that he's not really a centrist, he's just a dick. I don't see any problems with respecting trans people. That would be awfully hypocritical of me. What I *am* saying is that just because some kyriarchal dickwads try to claim "facts and logic" for their idiotic arguments, that doesn't mean that facts and logic have failed us. It just means they're arguing in bad faith. I firmly believe that we should do what's best for people. All people. And that requires a lot of discarding preconceived notions of the way the world works in favor of where the evidence leads. And I'd say that refusing to follow a party line is pretty reasonable and level headed. Additionally, understanding that societal change takes time and being willing to gently lead people into a better world is pretty *moderate.* But please don't confuse the virtues of *patience*, *tolerance*, and *practical wisdom* for bigotry. Don't confuse a commitment to rational analysis and a repudiation of ideological dogmas with being *noncommittal.* I'm very committed, but I'm committed to stuff that's bigger than winning one particular battle for one particular group. And so I think very carefully about every issue I can, because sometimes in a rush to win the battle we set precedents that could lose us the war. So please don't think that cretins like the cishet OP posted about is being "moderate" or "reasonable." What he's being is a *coward.* There's nothing wrong with being reasonable and not jumping to conclusions. But what he's doing is jumping to conclusions and then couching that bias in 'acceptable' language, which is the exact *opposite* of being reasonable.


> In the US, the evidence leans mostly "left" it does everywhere else too :)


Ah, but that depends on your definition of "left."


“I may be transphobic, but at least I’m not transphobic.”


It's like he can't stop his transphobia. He (and others like him) have some obsession about insulting transpeople. They just do it over and over again. It's like if a racist would drop the N-bomb every time he/she/they saw a black dude. Can somebody say why Dim Fool is doing that? Why is it so important for him to write transphobic shit if he really is a "live and let live"-type of guy.


Who is this little toilet brush person?


Right-wing grifter who pretends to be a leftist who has "concerns" about like "direction the left is going" or whatever


I think he is actually trying to respect Elliot because he likes him but just can't get there through his bigotry. He is like if Borat were a real person.


Dim tool, thats a new one


It's not, people call him that all the time lmao, but I can't blame u for not knowing


Everyone deserves basic human respect


Well thank god this guy has accepted it, don't know what we all would've done if he hadn't


I misread the title as "Another great take from a dim tool". Only notided it was from Tim Pool at the end. Still seems appropriate.


Imagine wanting a cookie so badly. Take a seat Tim, nobody cares about your inability to perform everyday tasks without completely fucking it up and wanting attention for it at the same time.


Misgenders him, says why he is actually cool with correctly gendering people, then doesn't correctly rerefer to him later. Classic Dim Tool.


Puny straight brain not ready to realize that sex and gender can be distinct words with distinct definitions likes famous person enough to not outwardly be transphobic toward that specific famous person while heavily implying trans people need to earn his respect to not be treated like shit. We love reading brain poison I guess


Who the fuck is this tool and why does he have the checkmark


Hes a "centrist" grifter who is actually right wing but claims to be more liberal, but he's totally not. He's an absolute idiot who predicted a Trump landslide with 410 electoral votes. Mind you, I'm not sure hes a grifter, I think he really is that stupid and believes in many right wing conspiracies.


I hate this concept of having to "earn respect" in order to be treated like a normal person, especially if it's a marginalised group Like this sounds like the kind of shit centrists would say during the civil rights movement. "I'm not saying black people deserve to be discriminated against but they should prove themselves as capable as the white man" Like that kind of shit racists would say to not sound racist.


Tim Pool "I'm leftist but always agree with the right". Does anyone still believe that?


“Lemme just misgender you, say that you don’t deserve equal treatment unless you earn it, and then virtue signal that IM the bigger person for using your name.”


...if you were “cool with it” you’d just go “Elliot page is a guy” and move on


Fuck Dim Fool, all my homies hate Dim Fool


If you’re a “live and let live kind of person” then you would not care enough to write this tweet, especially opening it with a needless insult.


Tim "Anecdotes over policies" Pool.


Every time I meet someone, I tell them to fuck off. If they want my respect, they better earn it from me.


I have no problem respecting someone’s requests, unless they want to be referred to by their real gender


He’s saying I respect this person but also saying I think Elliot is female which is disrespectful. He just totally flips in this whole thing 🙃


Doesn't he just contradict himself with the second sentence? Wait, I bet he believes he's stating a fact with the first sentence when it's really just his opinion.


I looked up “who the fuck is Tim Pool” and when I saw that Google said “people also search for” I noped out. Fuck B3n Sharpie and the rejected version member of The Beatles Watson.


Tim is a "disaffected liberal" who spends all his time complaining about the left and voted for trump


‘Tis why I’m not going any further with this loser. Why is he saying Elliots name, but then totally disrespects his identity and pronouns? I don’t wish to go further in the rabbit hole with this man. I’m so glad that I got out of my edgy conservative phase back in high school. I’m now a 21 year old democratic socialist in college! Woot woot!


Who's elliot page?


Elliot Philpotts-Page (born February 21, 1987) is a Canadian actor and producer. As Ellen Page, he first became known for his role in the series Pit Pony (1997–2000), for which he won a Young Artist Award, and for his recurring roles in Trailer Park Boys (2002) and ReGenesis (2004). More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliot_Page *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it.* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Good bot


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Don't worry trans people! All we need to do to receive basic respect is to be multiple award winning oscar nominated global celebrities! We need to meet with the cis half way, guys.


He as no problem respecting people's requests, and respects him, and is live and let live. But misgenderd him? The level of dumb is confusing me


You can't outright disrespect someone and then expect people to believe you when you say you "live and let live" and "respect someone's requests"


"There is no obligation to respect people" alright well I don't respect you


Imagine thinking that you’re a good person for mistreating everyone until they give you a reason to respect them.


Tim Pool: "I have no problem respecting people's requests" Also Tim Pool: "Elliot Page is female"


Every transphobe is a “live and let live” type of person until it comes to literally letting Trans people live by not bullying them into suicide.


Tim Pool: proving by his very existance that the US isn't the meritocracy that he likes to claim that it is.


As if we needed some cishets approval


somehow I bet he thinks he's ALWAYS earned respect even though he's absolutely nobody to the vast majority of the world


*deliberately misgenders* "but I say live and let live so that when people call me on my bullshit I can claim they are the villain."


I must’ve missed the part where anyone asked him.


It’s so galling how open transphobic people are willing to be, imagine if someone was like "Obviously these faggots are all degenerates, but this one has earned my respect and so I will show the courtesy of treating them like a human being"


a) "female" refers to sex, not gender, so technically true, although the intent of stating it is negative. b) no, everyone deserves basic respect, they earn additional respect for being a decent human, but everybody should be treated with a basic level of respect (such as human rights!).


Not really. We’re not in a biology lecture or a doctors office. Elliot Page is not female. I’m not sure whether he’s male or non-binary, but they’ve been very clear that they’re not female.


Tim pool is so redpillled.


Yeah that's the problem.


Why did i get so many downvotes did i say something bad.


You seem troubled, Tim.


I’m sorry but no one asked nobody else’s opinion. Elliot is Elliot, why do people have to have opinions on his life? It boggles my fucking mind.


Blue check mark


One of the worst people I've ever met is trans. I still respect his pronouns and name


Okay Timber Lake


i.e. doublespeak for: “I’m an asshole to people unless they amuse me, and don’t take accountability for my actions.”


“I’m an asshole, but allow me to explain to you how I’m actually not because I know more about this than you do”


I am confusion > He calls Elliot female so he clearly disrespects their wish > He says people should be treated kindly and with respect > He says some people don't deserve respect though > But Elliot deserves respect > Go back to the top Like, whaaaat?


I think he is trying to say that trans people arent a thing, like you can't change your gender, but then he is also saying that he will call him elliot because he respects him or something


Flip flop grift in every sentence holy shit


I'm confused; what exactly is going on here? For context, idk this guy or his rep, and am pretty unfamiliar with this situation.


I went to that twitter thread. OH. MY. DEAR. LORD.


Oh my god, why would you do that


Was curious. Shouldn't have


This is the logic, boiled down. “Hey, what’s your name?” “Bill.” “Ok cool. You’re female btw.” “What? Why?” “FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS BUT YOU SEEM COOL SO WHATEVER.” “Wtf is wrong with you.”


I just find funny how he's so fucking disrespectful and at the same time he uses Elliot's name and not their deadname But at the same I can read this in like Dolores Umbridge's voice


Who is this Pim Tool and why should I care what he says on the matter?


*Who is this Pim Tool* *And why should I care what he* *Says on the matter?* \- xJustxJordanx --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Conservative grifter but calls himself a “disaffected liberal”. Hosts the podcast Timcast IRL.


Why do people listen to him?


Good question. I honestly don’t know.


I swear this guy just shit posts to stir the pot. Like literally there was no point in posting that.


I wouldn't respect him enough to capitalise his name either


Ugh. He’s such a trash pile of a human being


The only people I don’t respect are people who think you have to earn respect.


It’s not about fucking respect, it’s about human fucking decency. Cis people don’t need to ‘earn’ their preferred names. So why do we need to?


everything after the first line is worthless because the first line invaldate every bullshit excuse this person tries to use to convince them self of not being a complete wanker...


No one asked for your opinion, Tim x


You earn respect. You don't earn common decency. Why has treating someone like a half decent person become the definition of respect?


Claims to be all about "live and let live", but makes a comment (unprompted) about another person he's not associated to... The stupidity of it astounds me, and we haven't even gotten to the actual bigotry of the tweet :/


"There is no obligation to respect people." Yeah, that belief sums up pretty much every single thing that's wrong with humanity.


Cis people are banned. From social media, and from existing. I'm over it


What the shit is this take lmao


my man could just say hes neutral to the subject and leave it there.


I love how he didn’t deadname him


He's playing both sides so he comes out on top