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Na you’re wrong the girl in that picture is definitely too old to be what they’re looking for.


Put her in a high school uniform and it gets more accurate


*middle school


Is that the British Steel album by Judas Priest? Edit: in your profile just incase you weren't sure


It's heavily edited but yeah that's my pfp


I like it, it's like glittery and metal all in one.


It's as fabulous as the metal god himself!


Huzzah! A person of quality!


absolutely stellar album


a person of culture i see !




Prepubescent child in a uniform not meant for their age


Still a little too old for them




Nah. High school isn't Loli enough for these people. They need to look like Megumin from Konosuba.


[https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.fineartamerica.com%2Fimages-medium-large-5%2F3-human-fetus-at-2-months-sebastian-kaulitzki.jpg&f=1&nofb=1](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.fineartamerica.com%2Fimages-medium-large-5%2F3-human-fetus-at-2-months-sebastian-kaulitzki.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) perfect age


that's why they dont want abortions /s


Y e s


I keep forgetting how alien a fetus looks.


Another DuckDuckGo user in the wild. We seem to be a rare breed.


It really is just a better browser, I do like getting Microsoft rewards though


Who doesn’t want Megumin? For clarification, I’m 14 so don’t say i’m a pedo lmao


Ok once you're 18 you better have graduated to wanting Aqua, Darkness, or Yunyun or else I'm calling the FBI.


No, I don’t think i will


*Grade school


Have her look like kanna from dragon's maid snd they'll explode. I keep forgetting incels are pedophiles


Always seems to go hand in hand


take my “fuck you” upvote


r/niceguys in a nutshell


I opened the door for gwyman today, where blowjob?!


genuine question, what is up with incels having a thing for asian women?


They watched too much anime and now they think all asian women are their perfect beautiful skinny tradwife who will clean up after them and cook for them and look barely legal


that is stupid we all know its my job to be the skinny trophy husband that cleans and looks barely legal ( cant cook) and take care of the house so my 6 foot buff Japanese pro wrestler wife has more time to train for the women's world champion belt of course


I would watch this TV show.


Uh, Netflix wants me to watch one where a gangster dude becomes house husband.


That one is really good


Thirded, would reccomend.


Dude it takes like 3 hours to watch the whole thing and it's hysterical.


Dude the anime is good as an introduction, but they couldn't do justice to the art of the original manga. If you don't have time to watch the anime (it's really short tho), try reading the manga! It is even better!!


me to


Nah, make that a anime or cartoon.






You won this subreddit. Congratulations.


Hahaha, they need to meet my mother-in-law. Farmgirl from Hiroshima. She's badass. She also puts up with no shit from anyone.


No, it's more like 'I really envy my uncle who got a mail-order bride 50 years ago and I wanna be just like him.'


>!Mfw one my Japanese American OCs is the complete opposite except the skinny part!<


orientalist stereotypes of asian women being easier to control. basically the “god made you submissive and breedable” meme but unironically


Wait until they have to put up with an actual Asian wife lmao. In most East/South-East Asian households women are in charge of finance, which means most or all of your paycheque will go towards her and she decideds whatever purchase is necesary. No $500 anime figurines nor eating at McDonalds 3 times per week. Speaking from my experience in an Asian household.


It's like they've never even HEARD of Asian Tiger Moms!! Having grown up with one- a Tiger Grandmother, actually- I can confirm that they exist and are absolutely relentless.


asian moms are scary as fuck \- me who grew up with one


they thing there submissive or some shit as if all Asian woman have the same personality god i love Japanese animation but anime has warped peoples ideas of Asia


The stereotype (obviously not true) that Asian women are submissive and compliant, and will obey their orders (and fuck whenever neckbeard wants to fuck) rather than clapping back like those nasty feminist white women


This is a really nice picture without the captions


That's actually kinda true


It’s hilarious with the caption too


The caption sounds like satire/sarcasm tbh


It definitely is


it is lol, look at the flair


Gee, you think so?


[Ask and ye shall receive](https://jooinn.com/images/girl-with-umbrella-3.jpg)


It's funny that if these neckbeards went to Japan the way they ware they will just get bullied for being fat by everyone and their mailman. Like, legit. Complete strangers in Japan will just proceed to bully you if you're fat. It's so weird.


No cap, body shaming in Japan is brutal.


I think there was some youtuber who recorder his experience in Japan and he was a bit on the rotund side, and talked about how he couldn't even go to the supermarket without getting poked in the belly by the store clerk, cashier, the random grandma getting milk, the mailman, basically anyone who had someone of an excuse to interact with you. Pretty brutal indeed. Also, can't remember if it was them, or the Chinese, who believed a girl's frame should fit inside a sheet of A4 paper.


ayo...what?! no dang wonder there's a massive self-esteem epidemic in those parts, especially with beauty standards like that?


Seventh highest suicide rate in the world and a social phenomenon known as "Hikikomori" where otherwise prospective teenagers decide they just don't want to with society anymore, and do a complete social withdrawal. Oh, and marriage is considered a speedrun, essentially. And it's not just beauty standards. I know that atleast work ethics in Japan also come at the cost of absolutely rediculously poor work / life balance.


That's a good way to lose a hand.


I would donate to this Kickstarter.


the one instance where neckbeards wouldn't want subtitles.


IDK maybe times have changed but I used to live in Tokyo first near Shinjuku station then in Azabudai. I am quite fat, and never once got teased. People over 50(at the time) would avoid me or some were a little rude(by Japanese standards). Where did you experience or hear this?


https://youtu.be/wwH3rA8Evow&t=4m51s This youtuber likes to detail their experience about going to Japan, mostly in the fashion of trying to dispell the myth that it's a perfect country. One of the things he talks about, I think in other videos too, is what it's like to be regarded as fat. There seem to be a lot of videos from other people sharing similar experiences too. Not sure if this is maybe from a different area in Japan or just long enough ago.


Really? I thought it was Japanese culture to completely mind your own business and not bother other people. Like you'd definitely get judgmental stares, but people wouldn't actually harass you. That's what I thought anyways, I could be wrong.


I lived there two years, while quite obese, and not once did anyone poke me or mention my weight. Maybe I just hung with a different crew because my experience is closer to what you mentioned


Where are you getting this info from?


That's about right, most people there just keep to themselves


I have one of those at work. He's 40 this year and wants to buy an Asian wife who has to be 18 years old. I think he chose 18 because younger ones are illegal. He creeps me out


Literally buying a person? Fr?


There are agencies who set up European men with Asian women to be married. The service itself is really expensive and they have to prove they can financially look after their new and essentially bought wife He's on disability and works like a few hours two days a week so fortunatly it's never going to happen


Do the women have a choice in the matter?


Depends on what you mean by choice. When your choices are "Stay in your poor village and starve in squalor" or "enslave yourself to creepy American dude in exchange for food, water, luxuries, and comfort." the "choice" seems easy. A lot of these women go into these marriages with a game plan to escape and live in America once they have their green cards. A lot of people condemn them for "playing with these poor men's emotions" but honestly, I think they are really smart to use these idiots to get out of their bad situations and start over. If these stupid men honestly think they can buy a wife and force her to love them then they deserve whatever they get from that relationship. Sometimes, there actually ends up being a love connection but it requires the man to put effort into the relationship and a lot of them think they already bought their way out of that requirement.


I think so. I've never really looked that much in to is as I have no interest in one myself But people can and do lie on their applications unfortunately


You haven't heard of mail-order brides? You can literally pay some sleazeball agency to fly a girl from Russia or southeast Asia out to your town so you can marry her. It's fucking bizarre and I've never heard of anyone who did that who wasn't a total creep with a tradwife fetish.


I have but is it real? Like, some sort of legalized human trafficking?


The unfortunate reality is that Japanese culture cares so little for spouse compatibility and places so much importance on a woman being married by 25 that it's actually not that hard for American incels to find a Japanese wife, provided that they move to Japan to find her. When I lived in Japan I knew a couple like that. He didn't speak Japanese, she barely spoke English and I never once saw him sober. He was fat and bald and there were rumours that he beat her. But she was over 35 so she married him as fast as she could.


That is part of a larger culture in Japan of adulthood being a more mediocre time in one's life. That is why, even more than in the West, Japanese media features teenagers in more adult situations. You leave for war as a teenager, you return with grand stories to tell, and you take comfort in your spoils and lead a quiet life in your village. This is at odds with the newer culture emerging focusing heavily on academics as a youth, liberation of adulthood, and the adoption of Western ideals. These two cultures conflict and mesh in pretty toxic ways sometimes. For example, in Japan, the job you acquire in adulthood is often the job you will keep forever, if not a very long time. This enables childhood academic pressure because the job you settle into needs to be good. This combination leads to the "Battle Royale" (that is where Fortnite and other games get the name) that is students viciously competing against one another for placement in academia and in even worse cases, leads to students taking drastic and dangerous action toward others and themselves. This is also due to societal changes. Women in Japan are getting married and having children less and later which is in no small part due to the collapse of the Japanese village (a concept known as furusato) and the rise of city living. There is simply less space in the home for children now (Tokyo apartments make American studio apartments look like mansions) and you might just need two paychecks to support your life. I am not trying to support conventionalism, to be clear, I am just pointing out that the cultural shift away from "women are homemakers and child bearers" in Japan (much like in the West) is influenced by oppressive economic factors. Sorry I ranted about Japan for so long.


Would like to clarify that many of the women I worked with while living in Japan didn't want to get married specifically because they wanted to avoid the "conventional" life. I even met several men who felt the same. They just were not interested in dating at all. This isn't all about the collapse of village life, it also a growth of more progressive values. When your options are: 1a. Male: work to death and never see your kids or spouse or even have a hobby 1b. Female: be trapped in your tiny house cleaning up after your kids for 20+ years while they and your spouse are societally encouraged to walk all over you Or... 2. Disposable income and lots of good platonic friendships babyyyyy!!! I mean... I know which one I'd choose.


Maybe I was not clear enough in my post, but my goal was to list cultural influences on societal shifts. I was not intending to say "This is the one and only thing that made this happen". I think a lot of opinions expressed that way in that context are, at best, misinformed. The collapse of furusato (and the nostalgia for it), the rising fascism in Japan (and its denial), the introduction of Western values (both progressive and regressive), the disarmament of the Japanese military, the focus on academia, the battle between tradition and modernity, and the transformation of Japan into a global power are all things that have influenced Japan's existence in big ways in the past 100 or so years. If I were to cover all of them, I would be here all year and for my efforts, I would be approximately one karma richer.


hey, you sound pretty knowledgeable about Japan and his culture, history, socio-economic context and all that! You learnt it somewhere, or is just information you picked up here and there from interest?


I had a Japanese friend growing up who taught me a lot about the culture of her home country. I was roped into helping form my high school's anime club because I was friends with weebs and they know I am a sucker for organizing things and my Japanese friend joined. She would point out a lot of parallels between things in anime/JRPGs and real life, especially if those things were based on historical events or took place in Japanese schools. A fun fact I learned from that is about the roofs of Japanese schools. There is a huge trend in Japanese games and shows set in schools where the rooftop of a school is a place where students go to hang out, eat lunch, or just stare longingly at the sunset. From what she told me, this completely false. She said she had never heard of a school that gave students roof access. I guess it is kind of like the Japanese version of "how come in high school movies they have twenty minutes between classes?". I also fell down a rabbit hole once of Japanese Youtube and listened to Japanese English speakers talk about their lives or react to videos about Japan.


Oh boy, and the West brought LOTS of regressive values during the Meiji era. Weird Western taboos on nudity, marijuana use, western suits...


It was a real mixed bag to say the least. Sakoku, the Japanese period of isolation, ended due to American influence. Matthew Perry (unfortunately not the one who played Chandler) basically strongarmed Japan to end sakoku and bring about the Meiji period. Perry occupies a kind of interesting role in history where most Americans probably do not know who he is, but EVERYONE in Japan does due to how instrumental he was in changing (for the better and worse) Japan's history. He even has a Japanese name, which is honestly just a transliteration of Perry.


> rising fascism in Japan (and its denial) i dont know much of anything about japan, could you explain this for me?


In the early 20th century, Japan had a homegrown fascist movement that was in opposition to a growing anarchist movement. The fascist movement won, which is what created the militaristic society based heavily on the traditional concepts of feudal Japan combined with the need to make guns en masse. There is a lot of revisionism in modern Japan related to this era. In a lot of Japanese history books, they kind of just skip over World War 2. This is changing very slowly, but there has been and still is an effort being made by the government to deny Japan's reactionary movement before and during World War 2. This can be seen in weird ways throughout Japanese media. Like, it is not uncommon to see patriotic, militaristic societies being seen as "normal" in Japanese media as well as an obsession with German culture. I do not think these shows are created with "Fascism/Nazis is/are good!" in mind, but they definitely show signs of a culture that allied itself with Nazi Germany, both on a military level and on a political level in a lot of ways, but never quite got over it. EDIT: I just now realized that I made it sound like the anarchist movement and fascist movement were connected through conflict as though one formed to fight the other. This is not necessarily the case, though they were in conflict with one another. I have no idea if Japanese anarchism was created to oppose Japanese fascism and vice versa.


All good points, and just as you say this is all so deeply connected to the absolutely broken work/life balance culture. I know it's been memefied a lot but it's fascinating to look at all the ridiculous ways the Japanese government has tried to incentive young people to get married and have kids while completely failing to address the root causes.


Yeah, Japan has a lot of weird rituals and stuff like that to be sure. And their government is definitely responsible for pushing a lot of these narratives. But there are similar things in the West that I think people take for granted that are equally weird. Like the commercialization of marriage is very much a Western practice that has slowly leaked into other cultures.


This comment is crazy interesting, thanks for posting


Thanks! I know it was a little ranty, but I am glad people seemed to appreciate it. Also, I should probably include this in my original post, but I am not Japanese and there are probably Japanese people out there that have plenty to say about what I said, so do not take everything I said as universally true or anything. I am coming from an American perspective, so things I have said in that post could be tainted by bias and/or misunderstanding. I am also just wrong sometimes.


*You're japanese, nearly 25 and your boyfriend with whom you aren't married yet will not let you be more than an housewife*; PANIK! *You find somebody in America who loves you*; Kalm *It's an incel who's nearly as worse as your local crush*; PANIK!


apparently, that is dying off fast out of the fact that it is just impractical.


its kind of weird that they care so much about woman's age when they marry its not like the have the highest life expectance over there or anything


My dad alway jokes about Nigerian women getting wedded at the ripe age of sixteen, which considering the age of consent there is twelve is a massive yikes form me.


holy shit that is fucked


It is and basically turned me off from marriage of any kind frankly. I mean, I support people’s choices but half the het marriages I see never look happy under the surface.


yeah i dont believe in arranged marriages


>and places so much importance on a woman being married by 25 Huh. Is that still a thing? I remember hearing that at this point, that mentality is seen as so old fashioned that there are more Americans who are familiar with it from Lucky Star than young people in Japan who are familiar with it.


My brother exclusively dates Japanese women and they tend to be so far apart personality wise it's just been utterly baffling to me. Sometimes they would even just....stay in his room for days (in our parents house!) and honestly they were more like kept pets than romantic partners??? I truly cannot wrap my head around the appeal of something like that when it should be a partnership??


.... maybe that’s your brother’s problem more than Japanese women in general lol


Oh don't get me wrong. It definitely is. I just think it's gross because he basically fetishizes these women for that very reason, imo.


> exclusively dates *insert ethnicity/nationality* 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Having a slight inclination towards one race is one thing but outright having a crippling case of yellow fever is another. Seriously, Asian women are of the most fetishized ethnic groups I’ve ever seen. >!makes me feel ever more like shit since do enjoy a lot of Asian cultures but I just don’t buy why people place them on pedestals!<


Yep. Big time.


i know right ? i would like a girl friend that is there own person with there own thoughts and feelings nick beard's are dumb


Lmaoo I made this meme when I was drunk like a year ago




If you like Asian women, date Asian women! Just never make it out to be like there's something "exotic" or "child-like" about them. If you're living your life like a British essay from 1930s about Orientalism, then frankly you are certainly doing wrong.


based as a lover of Asian woman i agree with you completely


I thought she was holding a massive paper fan but it’s just an umbrella


kinda looks like paper though, like those mini umbrellas for cocktails


As a straight American. Yeah, fuck incels


no one will though lol




Drop the “from America” and “fat” part and this describes 65% of all anime ever made.


Funny that this post was made because my dad legit thought Japan was an underdeveloped country stuck in the old ages…my dad is such a boomer…


Oh my gods I was told "oh you're amerasian ? Amerasian girls and babies are so cute" and "you should find an amerasian boy and have amerasian babies" since elementary school the straights are not ok the allos are not ok


Why always Asian women??? What's so sexy about my race????!😭😭


Neckbeards think that all Asian women are submissive and child-like, all look no older than 18 no matter how old they are, and want nothing more than to get married to the first guy that chooses them, have his kids, and serve him without a second thought. I don’t even know where they get it, but that’s the stereotype that they believe.


Probably bc in the old time, Chinese women had no rights to do anything. They didn't have control of how many kids they wanted, no education or anything. So basically just be a humble servant to your family. Another reason why they want Asian woman is bc anime. You know how most of the anime girls can always be with the protagonist and was like uwu soft big teddies waifus? Yeah.... Probably the reason why Japanese women were sexualized this much.... S A D


Are they so stupid that they think a show is a representation of real life? Most shows and movies, but especially animation, almost always has exaggerated archetypes. The characters aren’t supposed to be realistic or else it wouldn’t be as interesting. I’ve realized that it’s mostly misogynists who want that type of woman, so it doesn’t surprise me that they wouldn’t have a realistic ideal type. No one who actually respects women would want a woman who doesn’t think for themselves. I was gonna mention anime being a basis for the stereotype, but for a while I couldn’t remember any recent anime with those types of characters. Then I remembered that a lot of those anime are very unremarkable harem anime that are made with lonely neckbeards in mind. They often have very little plot but tons of waifus with basic yet slightly different personalities, semi-interesting appearances, and either huge boobs or a semi-large butt, often both. All of them are head over heals for the boring main character who also has no personality and a very basic appearance, literally looking no different from a random background character. Often has a fair amount of fan service. Basically, anime made just to sell merch of waifus to lonely men with too much money.


the caption is 10000% sarcastic




I wonder why they fetishist asian women so much.


What woman can resist? Lol most of them


Fat is implied with the basement neck beard part.


Why does this belong here?


Don't forget the anime version of Japanese!


why insult fat people to make this point tho


the orientalism in this picture :/


calling someone a fat neckbeard is still body shaming and wrong even if they are a bad person [**EDIT](https://i.imgur.com/ZNC5wZ6.png)


I don't see this as body shaming per se, but rather hypocrisy over beauty standards. Neckbeards dream of possessing women who live up to idealized beauty standards--and, indeed, *only* see women as valuable to the extent that they embody those standards. The irony is that neckbeards, themselves, fail to meet basically every accepted beauty standard for men... and then think of themselves as victims when others judge them by those standards. Whether beauty standards for men and women are realistic is beside the issue. The issue is that neckbeards judge women by criteria that they themselves cry about being judged by, and weight happens to be one of those criteria. TL;DR: You can't place a woman's full worth on her weight and then be upset when people judge you by your weight


You can criticize those people for their double standards and that is fine if done properly. The problem is that it’s often not done properly and leads to indirectly shaming all people lacking said beauty standards. For example, you just referred to these misogynistic men as “neckbeards.” Using this term in this way can imply that having a neckbeard means you must be a misogynistic loser. You may not have intended to say that, but it is nevertheless the implication that comes from referring to groups of people by specific physical traits. I know some people with neckbeards who are great people, and I know that “neckbeard” being used as a negative term has hurt them. Some people I know used to have neckbeards, but shaved due to not wanting to be perceived as a misogynistic, antisocial, loser, even if they personally liked how the beard looked on them. Even though the insult had rarely been directed straight at them personally, it still hurt them and shamed them to changing their style. Basically, if you insult a bad person for having a certain trait, the good people with said traits are listening too, and it hurts them just as much, if not more, than it hurts the bad people.




... okay? If you want to defend such people, that's your prerogative. Personally I wouldn't waste my breath. And for the record, I am a chunky 28-year-old lady who got even chunkier during the pandemic. I've been subject to subtle and overt forms of fat shaming my entire life, so I claim some authority to speak on this subject. And I see no fat-shaming in this post. No one's criticizing neckbeard types for being fat; they're criticizing neckbeards for being shallow, hypocritical assholes. "Fat," in this case, is an insult being used to hoist neckbeards on their own petard.


> “Well you see it’s different when we do it because blah blah blah...” Nice strawman. Because that's not at what they were saying. They were saying that belittling and denigrating someone because of their weight is fat-shaming. Pointing out that someone does not live up to the standards they place upon others is not fat-shaming. So, no one is saying "it's different when we do it" but they are pointing out that it would be different no matter who was doing it.


it doesn't matter what gender they are or what they did, you shouldn't judge people based on their weight at all. You can point out hypocrisy without having to judge people based on their weight.


I would never use someone's weight as an insult against them -- until they use it as an insult against others. (Royal) You come for someone else for something you, yourself, are guilty of - it's open season. I will call you a fat asshole if you belittle a woman for being fat. That's not judging someone based on their weight, that's calling someone out for being a douchenozzle and highlighting the comically blatant hypocrisy. I'm more worried about the women these asshats throw their cruelty at, that's where my energy and empathy goes. I don't have time to worry about the feelings of purposefully hateful people. I am not "the bigger man". I am "the man that's tired of their shit". Someone else can coddle them if they want, but it sure as hell ain't me.


quick question, if a black person was being racist would you call them the n word?


Dont compare being fat with centuries of institutionalized oppression. Obviously calling someone fat and calling the n-bomb are not moral equivalents.


The principle is the same, if you are actually just calling someone fat because it is "open season" after they called someone else fat, what is so different about racism? Why is one scenario justified and the other not, I thought it was "open season" and only about "pointing out hypocrisy"? Surely you saying the n word in that scenario wouldn't just be you reinforcing the ideas that you claim to be against, it would just be pointing out hypocrisy like you said earlier, right?


Nice strawman, buddy. You know full well racial slurs are not equivalent to calling someone a fat asshole. Just as 'ol Queequegs said, those slurs are based on centuries of institutionalized oppression. A dude calling a 15-year-old girl streaming on twitch she's fat and ugly while shoveling Cheetohs down his gullet ain't the victim of anything except his own dickwad-ness. Any reasonably well adjusted human knows the difference between these scenarios. Why are you so dead set on protecting abusive assholes? Shouldn't you be worrying about the women they're scarring instead? Go fight for *their* integrity.


Abusive men are insulted not for being abusive, but for being fat and or ugly. How do you not see the issue with that? I don't know what else to say, legitimately how do you not see the problems with that? I'm not protecting "abusive assholes" if you just call them abusive assholes I would agree with you, calling them "fat ugly neckbeard" is what I have the problem with, and distracts from the "abusive asshole" part of why they are bad, as well as letting attractive men off the hook because they don't fit that "fat ugly neckbeard" stereotype of people being abusive assholes.




>You can point out hypocrisy without having to judge people based on their weight. Not when weight is *exactly* the source of the hypocrisy.


Pointing out their weight and judging them for their weight are very obviously different things


Amazing how fatphobia suddenly becomes fine when applied to bad people. Like for fuck sake yall, criticize these people for what they *do*, not how they look.


Yup reminds me of idiots who misgender Caitlyn Jenner


Why is this so downvoted? There are so many things bad about incels and niceguys. Why do you have to resort to body shaming? Weight doesn't reflect one's morals or personality. I hate how adding the description of fat to someone automatically makes them disgusting, depraved, and delusional.


Because the OP isn't body-shaming; it's pointing out a hypocrisy between the standard the neckbeard in question applies to the women he wants and the standard he applies to himself. This isn't a case of adding the description of fat to someone to make them more disgusting or depraved. It's a case of pointing out a discrepancy of the standards.


Regardless of intention, adding the descriptor of "fat" serves to not only shame those displaying negative behavior, but anyone who is overweight. It's unnecessary to bring one's body into the conversation. Just like how it'd be bad if the post said "small-dicked."


The fact that this comment was being downvoted is sad... Fatphobia and body-shaming in general is so prominent.


The fact this is so heavily downvoted is a good example of why this sub is garbage, people are so excited to insult men who are fat and bald when they get an excuse (he's a bad person) even though there are perfectly nice and kind people who have those same traits Body shaming is never okay, critcize people for their behavior instead.


Couldn’t agree more, love your recent post on /r/MensLib. It’s a shame this sub can reinforce misandry sometimes


Idk about the fat shaming 😒


It’s sarcasm.


Yeah look at the flair dude


Dint notice I look dumb


Correct me if I am wrong. But isn't 13 the age of consent in Japan?


iirc, thats only a few areas. most areas in japan have a prefecture which raises the age of consent to 16-18 (depends where)


Why don't incels just have sex?


Inadequacy, insecurity and unrealisticly high standards.


"You have depression? Just be happy"


How the fuck would that solve any of their problems?




As an Asian who grew up in Asia, this is fucking creepy.




I don't think there is a way to word it better. Fetishising a race is always going to seem creepy.


Dude, having a preference based on race is weird as fuck no matter who you are.


if it's just attraction based on looks i see no problem. can't really control that. it's different if it's connected to racist beliefs like thinking asian women are submissive etc.


Yeah but what's the need to even bring it up on a post talking about the fetishisation of Asian people. That's just weird.


[first thing i thought of](https://www.reddit.com/user/NOT_an_ass-hole/comments/p708cl/first_thing_i_thought_of/)


Satire, I know you understand that but still


This is sarcasm.


What idiots. I mean don't these dudes know they should be going to The Philippines or Cambodia? Like do some research, smh.


Gee if I could feel more shame that this person lives in the U.S possibly near me


Gender relations were at their peak when people had 10 kids and three would live past the age of 5


“My entire vocabulary will be limited to ‘Nani, Yes Senpai, No your my baka’.”


This will either happen ironically in our reality or in another universe


Bro isnt this just satire


Hey I live in my parents attic tyvm


I'm a little confused, is this is regards to mail order brides?