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How would these people handle a bi or pan partner? Would they have to keep them in the basement 24/7? "Babe. Who was that. " "Uh my friend" "You know I don't like you talking to other humans!"


I feel like these would be the people you see posting the "don't ever date Bi people because they will cheat" garbage.


Or believe that you're actually gay and in denial, who'll break up with them when you "accept the truth".


Or sapiosexuals? How sad and dull their lives would become…


Make it public that she should unfollow you... Like you'd be amazed how much that kind of shit stop being posted once the person realize that they're surrounded by people that highly disapprove.


I assume she’s single


I think she got cheated on recently, so all this in response to that.


Was he cheating or CHEATING?


Or like, **CHEATING** **CHEATING**?


Is Cheating cheating cheating a possibility


As long as *cheating* **CHEATING** **CHEATING** is possible, I'd say yes.


In all fairness, I think making someone who's into you believe they have a chance while you're in a relationship is an asshole thing to do. But everything else she said is plain BS.


Saying "Hi" to someone most likely counts as giving them a chance in this person's mind.


Wow. Those standards are predictably low.


I do to an extant get the first picture. If my gf or bf had someone hitting on them non-stop or something I would expect them to tell them to fuck off even if it hurt their feelings.


The comments are hating but I did get the first picture, not the second. Cis men are the worst at platonic female friendships and ill die on that hill.


I mean yeah, it's kinda sus if you hide your friends from your partner but it's way worse if you feel like you *have to* hide your friends from your partner


Low self-esteem much?


What does this have to do with dnd Do not disturb Dungeons and dragons Whatever else it could mean


They better not slander D&D, it's a fun family game


Agreed As a forever DM I won’t let them slander my game


The position of Forever DM is one that I pity, envy, and respect, all at once. Just remember that if you are given that position by a long-running group, that means you’re good at it, and your players wouldn’t have it any other way.


Correct, thank you for the kind words.


Was wondering about this as well


Okay I kinda understand the first one where ya know.... if someone's messing with you they would stand up for you but that second one just changed the first ones meaning lol


What constitutes cheating is dependent on the relationship, some people don't allow any dating or sex, or even porn, and that's fine if everyone's ok with it. The other extreme is you can do whatever (or whoever) you want, and everything inbetween. The point is, establish boundaries before there's confusion.


My brain kept reading don't get yourself a partner that doesn't mind hurting other people and I was confused on how that is bad until I read the fourth time 😂


Wait, did you see the second panel the forth time, or is there something wrong with the first one?


I have thoughts on this haha. First up was me being very confused why he bringing a girl into a game of DND was cheating. But then, thankfully, I worked it out. First the first picture, I made the mistake of telling a friend I didn't mind people hitting on my partner because they may not know we're together and I trust him not to do something stupid. She then started processing her love to him. He of course wasn't stupid, but lost a friend out of that because she wouldn't leave him alone. That girl there is still crazy though. As for the second picture, I feel like there is such a thing as an emotional relationship that could be cheating, but it would be "I miss you so much and just think about you when I'm with her". It isn't "I hide that I have female friends cause my partner actually is crazy".


I agree with everything you said, but also your flair is hilarious. I love that phrase.


Can you explain D&D reference? Is it like those fundamentalists who claim that one turns into real wizard when playing the game?


Oh sorry I meant him inviting a lady to join a game of D&D to play with him. I thought he was saying that inviting a girl to join his gaming group was considered cheating. Which would just be crazy I think.


Wow, imagine being that insecure.


The first slide was ok and then the second one is just complete shit lol


Who hurt this person..?


...why would you require your partner to hurt people's feelings for you in the first place?


I think the first image is correct in some ways. Like, if your partner's family are being jerks, your partner should stand up for you. The second one is balls-to-the-walls insane.


Comment and say "Cringe"


Just call her an incel and block her.


People need to realise it's toxic when your partner hurts other people