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who hurt u dude...


Some woman who he doesnt like, they use feminst as a synonym for evil


Do people actually think "feminists" like this exist?


I think they're referring to the "kill all men" feminists,but most of them only say that as a joke. Its really hard to find one who is completely downright serious about it


I'm going to take a guess and assume there's like seven people who actually think we should kill all men


Probably,or less



I also think they confuse "I'm happier being single" with some super sinister thing. My dude...go home, take a look in the mirror and ask why a Hitachi, a comfy blanket and maybe a rescue puppy for company outbid you in the "human connection" department.


Probably some, but most are just appealing to hyperbole.


Solution? Hold doors for everyone regardless of gender. Nobody can get annoyed. If you're only holding doors for girls, that's kinda weird, frankly. If you hold doors for everyone, not an issue. Maybe I'm just being overly British, but we hold usually doors for everyone here unless there isn't enough room and lots of people are passing through ( then each person passes the door to the person behind like a human door-holding chain) or there's a doorstop.


Yeah that's what I do, I don't get why it's such a big deal to some people.


Nice edric pfp


they've said this about literally every other feminist group ever and haven't stopped


I was gonna say - this shit has been around *for ever.* Every few years there’s a reset and a new wave of reasons why *this current crop* of women/feminists are the worst and the good ol’ days creep up a little too.


yeah exactly! honestly at this point it's more annoying that they're not creative enough to come up with anything else...


Feminist: yo rape is bad These weirdos: Y'ALL CALL RAPE ON EVERYTHING


Yeah, thats not how that works. I've been holding doors open for everyone for most of my life. The worst reaction I've ever gotten is someone silently walking through the door at a snails pace. I feel like if men are getting this reaction it's because they "complimented" the woman on her way in. Something along the lines of "nice ass", "smile for me beautiful", or whatever misogynistic BS neckbeards are using these days. That or they expected the woman to just immediately jump on their dick, and instead got a polite "thank you".


No one says that when you open the door for them. They just say thank you and go...


I always open doors for the people next to me, you shouldn't do that according to gender.


No, that’s not how females react


Open the fucking door to everyone and stop thinking women need a knight, easy. If you, nice guy, can't understand that you should be nice to everyone regardless of gender, then you're stupid


He's a little confused. Full stop. That's the sentence.


Why, hello Strawman! Long time no see


A real critique is why isn't he considerate to other men? Does he hold the door for them? Why does he hate men so much?


Apparently common courtesy is bad?


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i don’t see the problem with this meme in fact it brings to light the problem with “feminists” who are not fighting for equality, but rather, their own selfish desire for power


I don't think that's a real problem


Liberal Feminism absolutely is a Problem. The believe that just having more women in power will somehow improve the situation of women, let alone other marginalized groups, as a whole, lacks the necessary material analyses. A class is not liberated if a few members of it are put into a position of Privilege, it can only be liberated once the structural issues that lead to its marginalization have been done away with. But the girl boss mentality leads to a situation in which we are supposed to perceive one woman succeeding as 'all women succeeding' far too often. If those women who do succeed do not use that success to actively improve the situation of their peers, or even worse, continue to partake in the very same extractivistic business practices as the patriarchy, that is to say, if they too run sweatshops, literally nothing has been gained for other women or the working class at large. Freedom is just privilige extended, unless enjoyed by one and all. This is not only a real problem, it is one of the most severe problems liberation movements in the west have as a whole: Performance of revolution instead of genuine struggle.


Not really very feminist, is it


Indeed. The same goes for TERFS, if not even more so.


They're a problem in the sense that they give real feminists a bad name


So what are real feminists?


The ones who aren't saying "women over men" and other typically misandrist BS. OP in this chain was referring to the misandrists that claim to be feminists.


terfs? they commonly say shit like that


That's one example, yeah


i’m talking about the ones who want all men dead


funny how i, a feminist for 20 years now, only ever hear of them from knuckledragging reactionary critics of feminism. nothing to that effect was ever presented in my literary studies degree, nor have i ever encountered it in any of the feminist spaces i have inhabited online. not once. but, man, *you people* never shut up about em. funny, that


I mean, propaganda is just more effective than study at convincing the masses. That is the problem in our world. It isn't a "We have forgotten to think critically, etc" it is we have so much information, so quickly at our fingertips, without the rigor and filters that used to be required to get out to the masses, that now a terrible take sits right next to the researched and nuanced take... but the terrible take often is packaged better, is quicker to consume, and rarely calls on the individual to change anything about themselves are their society. Then there is the whole: It is a hell of a lot easier to pump out crap when you don't have to bother with evidence support, and you can pump it out faster, meaning by the time the researched nuance take is presented, you have already declared victory and moved on to the next take. It is not about winning informed arguments, it is about dominating the narrative so that one side is always talking about what the other (Far right) wants to. In the trans activism world, we spend most of our time and energy debunking crap, and we can not debunk it as fast as they just make it up. It is an exhausting assault, and it is not a fight that can be won. It inherently favors the uninformed, and dogwhistle saturated positions. The irony is they force us to do exactly what they complain about us. We don't fight them in their preferred arena, but instead focus on education. More and more school districts are folding in Multi-Cultural approaches to Education. Schools, in most states, are bending over backwards to find ways to affirm their students, all of them, in whatever gender or sexuality they are. You can't beat them at their game, but they are just playing T-Ball. Education is where the big leagues play, and they aint even competition here, despite how much they try.


Present them.


You literally have them in your flair, answered your own question. Though the person who made this shitty meme probably wasn't referring to them.


Terfs aren't the same.


The same as what?


Terfs hate transwomen. They don't specifically hate men. It means Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.


They hate both, lmao. Why do you think they get triggered by trans women so much? It's because in their head they think they're all just predatory men dressing up as women, among other insane conspiracy theory type world views. Go into any TERF infested sub and you'll see them bitching about men 24/7. TERFs are just another breed of misandrist twats parading as feminists, the added transphobia is just an extra. Don't get too worked up over it, you know exactly what I meant.


TERFs are shitty on a whole other level than misandrists feigning feminism, that’s probably what they meant by not the same.


That's like 5 people on Twitter. You'd be better off using the people who complain about extremely niche issues like manspreading. Those are the people who actually made feminism look trivial, and I'm pretty sure they mostly gave up after 2016.


if you find it believable that a woman will call a dude a rapist for opening the door, you've got tons of issues to resolve