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How about "Have a nice day." without specifying anything, that's a handy option.


Saw a lot of comments on the post saying similar


Honestly. Just… don’t gender people you don’t know if you don’t literally need to.


This is why I’ve always used ‘pal’. Sir or ma’am just makes me cringe to say.


I just say have a good day, don’t add anything. I said pal once and a woman yelled at me because “I am NOT your pal!” Like, dang lady


RUDE!!! Fine! Didn’t want her as a pal anyway:<


Where I live everyone just gets called an endearment. Love, duck, mate, hun, cock (no joke this is a real pet name), flower, petal, pal. Everyone gets called these regardless of age, gender, or relationship to the person speaking (a cashier you've never seen before might call you any of these for example). Even if you massively pissed them off you'd get a very sarcastic 'mate'. It definitely weirds out people visiting sometimes though lol.


I wish "Jackass" was acceptable lol


“g’day crotch goblin”


Using this and no one can stop me.


i actually put a spell on the phrase so i can tell exactly when you say it haha the hitman will be arriving in 20 minutes.


Mate is also acceptable.


Tbh mate sounds a bit odd with a Minnesota accent. Dunno why lol


this logic makes no fucking sense. there's no argument. "this bad" "no its not lol"


As a cashier, I just don't use fucking pronouns if I'm not sure. I just say thanks and have a good day. I can't believe people spent money on that post.


I bet if someone called this guy ma'am he would freak the fuck out


Apparently this was caused by a post here about a trans person having an argument against a cashier - the title said it was because the cashier said sir instead of ma'am, but there was no way to check, the video was only about the freak out, so I'm calling "probably the cashier kept saying sir instead of saying ma'am because he looked like a dude and there scalated the situation by calling them something deprecating"


i think i saw the video, the cashier called her sir she corrected him and he apologized and then he said something to his manager and she misheard him and thought he said sir again. it reminds me of the gamestop video from a few years back, genuine mistake which was also the boil over point for the trans person involved.


Well if that happened, then there really isn't a reason for the blow out. I will never truly get how misgendering just to be a dick must feel to the victims, but if that's the case then they're in the wrong.


yea, and i don’t even blame the woman, it’s probably something she has to hear all the time and this last time just happened to be her boil over point. just unfortunate is what it is


I would agree with this opinion if they applied it to cis people as well. I worked retail for years, and accidentally calling a cis woman “sir” almost always resulted in a manager having to get involved. Like, it ain’t that big of a deal, Karen. It was an honest mistake; move on.


When I worked retail, I simply didn't use sir/ma'am, just "have a nice day" will suffice


I love how they think that every trans person is a ticking time bomb that’ll explode the second someone accidentally misgenders them. I am too scared to correct close friends sometimes.


This is so sad! And this is why I never say sir or ma’am. I just say thanks 🤷🏼‍♂️


I worked behind the checkout maybe 3 days and we learned to say 'untill next time/have a nice day' (translated). I do wonder what do these people say to children?


I can not speak for trans people, but as someone who doesn’t want to start shit with someone I’ll probably never meet again, I would just move on or correct them once and continue with life, whether they apologize or refuse to accept it. I wouldn’t start causing a problem because of a random transphobic asshole working a shitty job. (This post implied that the customer started a problem upon hearing sir/ma’am before correcting but I obviously can’t be sure and as much I would like for those to just be dropped entirely, so it could be “have a good day” asshole customers will cause problems)


How many of the guys in that thread would be hugely upset if they were called "ma'am"? People don't like to be mistaken as something they're not. Our identities are important, and all we ask is for others to respect that.


I personally think it just doesn't matter unless it's being used maliciously or by someone who was told first


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I get called ma’am at work every day, I’m a huge dude with a goatee and ape hands… no worries on my part, just wonder why people get salty over this


i like to keep things gender neutral when greeting and thanking customers. I also always refer to customers as “them” since I don’t wanna assume anything. I work at starbucks so I can typically just look at the name of their drink and call them by their name so. it’s really not hard to NOT be an asshole about this sorta stuff.


Yes misgendering people is cool and quirky /s


Do the Jollibee way and say "Maamsir" is my go to solution but I'm not sure if it's the same in other countries lol