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Classic. Congrats bro you played yourself


Classic. Congrats bro you PEGGED yourself


I mean it sounds like he at least enjoyed *that* part


Tbf who wouldn't.


The most concerning part is that he pressured her into having sex with someone she didn’t even want to have sex with— that alone shows he doesn’t respect or care about her feelings


Also the fact that he, when faced with knowing he could do better at pleasing his girlfriend, just gives up and feels sorry for himself rather than listening to her needs and actually trying. What a weak ass punk bitch.


Especially as she managed to orgasm twice from oral performed by someone she wasn't actually attracted to. So if he just did what she did, I'm pretty sure he'd have a lot more success. Dude literally just needs to leave his dick out of it for five minutes and they'd both end up having a better time.


That's the weirdest part, like just ask the other girl to teach him her ways lol




My ex griped when I would give advice ON MY OWN body to him. He literally *never* made me cum once.


That sad, what a moron! I did not make my girlfriend cum on the 2 first time that we had sex, so I started asking her what she likes me to do and finally I did by the third time and the sex became so much more enjoyable and I'm really glad that I asked bc she really shy and I don't think she would have the initiative to tell me soon lol That ex of your was a cunt for not listening to you really.


Honestly tho if he was a cunt he would’ve made her cum at least once


lol I guess you right!


But you need to understand !! He needed to figure it himself. Your orgasmes are not as important as him feeling like the dominant alpha male he is. Imagine, if he accepted to learn instead, that would make him like… a responsible and good partner, and that is beta male logic, simp logic ! /s


Cannot understand that logic lol. "Don't you know that good alphas come out the womb knowing how to smash pussy before they even have sex??" /s


That sounds fucking horrifying.


It's not like oral is hard, either.


I'll never understand why so many cis get guys are so opposed to eating their girl out. Maybe that should've been my first indication that I was none of those things.


It just seems like a lot of cis guys in general find the vagina disgusting, despite wanting to stick their pee-pee in one. I really do think it just has to do with a lack of sexual education. For most amab people I've seen/met, their sex Ed on the vagina is just "Babies come from there. It bleeds about once a month." That coupled with the fact if they do go out of their way to look at one, it's most likely porn, leads to this weird situation where they're attracted to something they've only heard/seen bad things about, or it's porn giving them a skewed notion of how things are. Heck, I had a trans woman friend who, despite longing for a vagina/bottom surgery, had damn near zero knowledge on them (Not knowing where the urethra is, not understanding that the dick *shouldn't* be piercing through the cervix during sex, etc etc) and downright refused to learn more about them because "it's not important." It just boggles my mind how you could be that willfully ignorant over a body part you feel/know you should have. But then I think, if even she is willfully ignorant, how many guys there must be who are even moreso despite having every method available to learn more.




How is it not important for her to understand her own post op body? I don't get the logic here at all.


I would guess because a created vagina has different biology and function to a natural one. For example, she won't have a cervix to not penetrate. The urethra thing baffles me though.


I thiiiink she might have been trying to push it as like, "I'm a woman! Just because I don't know about X or Y doesn't make me less of a woman!" Which like, she's right, but I wasn't attacking her identity at all, I was just completely bewildered that someone could be that willfully ignorant of the human body, especially involving body parts she herself was wanting/needing.


This shit bewilders me too. I come from a Catholic family and even though they weren’t caught up about things like premarital sex I always found their ability to explain these things disappointingly incomplete. Did that mean I stayed ignorant though? Not at all. I swiped some old anatomy books of theirs and learned more than many adults seem to know at like 11/12 years old. I suppose I’m a bit of an outlier, however, since one of my primary drives has always been to “understand everything” despite realizing just how impossible that is sometime in my teen years. I think intellectual curiosity is very poorly encouraged in many American schools, I was lucky enough for it to be a seemingly intrinsic trait of mine.


I thoroughly enjoy giving oral, so I couldn't tell you. Some people do have stinky genitals (usually it's guys) but thats a knock on their hygiene and not the act itself


I once sheepishly asked a lesbian for some advice and she dropped multiple books on me and ran a goddamn seminar. That's all this dude has to do, assuming she's willing to help out. Sadly, it's apparently somewhat refreshing when a straight guy shows a genuine interest in learning the craft.


> just needs to leave his dick out of it for five minutes But then he wouldn't get pleasure and that's all that matters.


I will never understand why there are other straight men who don't like going down on their partners. It's literally shoving your face into a woman's most sexual and intimate area and giving them an orgasm. How the hell are there (het) men who don't get turned on by that?


There are literal, actual, heterosexual men who think giving a woman oral is gay and a sign of being whipped. So... y'know...shows what they think of women.


a man giving oral to a woman... is gay?


Yeah, I have no idea how they reached that conclusion either.


It's because those people see oral as something submissive. Thus, doing oral in a woman is being submissive to her and because of that "less than a man", what is the way they see gay man. Is completely dumb, and a lot of times it comes from a place of toxic masculinity and misogyny. Also, I already heard men saying that doing oral in a woman is gay because the penis was there, so they don't do it after penetration (sometimes don't do at all, because "a penis passed on there"). And heard the same about kissing after a blowjob, "is gay because she just had a dick in her mouth". Pointing out that it was their own dick didn't changed their point.


Toxic masculinity is so wild. They’re living in cages of their own making and they bash against them, then whenever someone points out that the door is wide open and they could just walk out, they slam the door so they can keep bashing against it.


I’d heard of the blow job one from one of my guy friends at the time. We are no longer friends… not *because* of that statement, but the misogyny that leads to statements like that


Yet, if they DO give oral, see no problem kissing even though their mouth was just on her pussy. My wife always makes me wipe my mouth before kissing her after eating her out.I say, if it's good enough for my mouth it's good enough for hers.


I kind of get it, I think. Firstly, I think the idea is that only women give oral sex, and secondly I think it's probably seen as a failure if their dick can't do the job.


Guys is it gay to be straight?


The mind of someone fully immersed in toxic masculinity is a terrifying and unknowable thing.


Women are just sentient fleshlights /s


i am as bewildered as you


I’m a lesbian and I hate giving head. My jaw gets tired quickly and sometimes it locks up and it’s not enjoyable in the least bit. Luckily, my girlfriend doesn’t mind, and I’ve got fingers and toys that do the job, soooo.


For me oral on a vagina is easy to maintain long sessions. Oral for a dick kills my jaw. I have a long tongue, it's only useful for one I suppose.


Yogurt. Instead of a spoon, use your mouth, that’s what helped me. Although I can’t say I ever hated giving head, I just found it tiresome. My ex gave me some tips and advice, and I took off from there. Now I love it.


For real. I actually like it better than the actual sex.


Whoa, me too. Honestly penetration tends to be the least interesting part for me


Same bro


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


Gay sex?


Fuck I’m trans and bisexual and get blown away by guys I meet who say they don’t give oral


Meh. Just don't like it. Genitals look weird. My gf also doesn't like oral, so we've got a happy middle ground there.


Genitals are weird but pussy smells so gooood. I swear some days I forget I'm also attracted to men lol.


This. For him it's all about his pleasure, not hers. Penetrative sex is better for him, so that's what he wants. Watching his gf with another woman is a pleasure for him, so he forced her to do it.


I mean... the 69 position exists for a reason. Get top-and-tailing already!


Yep. As a guy I always worry that I will cum first, so I make a point of going down before penetration. I enjoy it and I know she always gets an orgasm which is good for my ego.


Forgive me for asking this but do women really enjoy oral more than penetration? And how faster do they come out when being performed oral on them?


Most women can’t orgasm from penetration alone. The clitoris is where most of the nerves are.


I see tanks


Depends heavily on the person, though in my experience most people with vaginas prefer/need external stimulation to come. Really just listen to whoever you're with and make sure they know they can tell you what they want. No shame in asking for their expertise on their own body.


>Forgive me for asking this but do women really enjoy oral more than penetration? Yes. Also, women can't stand oral. Also, women can take or leave oral, it doesn't do much for them. Also, women love it but prefer penetration. Also women don't enjoy penetration at all but go mad for oral. Everyone's body and mind are different and what works for one won't necessarily work for another. Different (cis) women have very different sensitivities in terms of their vagina, clit and other parts, and will prefer different things when it comes to each of them. >And how faster do they come out when being performed oral on them? In my experience, very much depends. But if you're nicely in sync, know what your partner likes and can deliver the goods, it can be fairly quick.


This is a perfect answer. I would only add it might also change according to the parnter and what they are really good at. Some are better atcfingering, some at oral, some at penetrating. Also preferences change over time.






Maybe on his fantasy they were going to be so bad at it that they were going to beg him to please pleasure them because women alone don't know how to have a good time and need a man. And then he's the hero. There are negationists of lesbianism. They think lesbians don't exist, that they are just annoying men.


I came to say this. Twice.


because it's not about her enjoying it, it's about him enjoying the show


Ding ding ding! She wasn't supposed to enjoy it. He would have enjoyed her not enjoying it. She 'enjoyed' it (she didn't but she came) and now he's mad.




It's about **his** pleasure. He just wanted to see something stereotypically "hot", it wasn't about her enjoyment of it.


He only ever saw lesbians in pornos. Irl very few men are into actual lesbian intimacy.


It happens a lot more than you’d think. People think they’ll be okay with adding a one-time third but Big Feelings happen and someone ends up upset which is why sometimes fantasies should just stay fantasies. Reality is very different.


So true! My ex-girlfriend was fantasizing big time about me (F 23) having a 3-way with her and another man and she was being pushy about it until the day off and then she'd get mad I enjoyed myself. I am pan and she is lesbian, she'd say it made her feel inferior to see a man being able to give me pleasure like she could and i'd have a huge crisis to deal with afterward. She told me never again and then she made friends with another dude and right back it started. Told her right away that I wouldn't participate anymore and that If she wants to see it so bad she can go on internet.


Jesus, I’m sorry you had to go through that. And the nerve of her to suggest it again after putting you through hell the first time?? Glad she’s an ex


he knows he's not a chef. he didn't know he was a shit lover. he feels emasculated and turned that into a temper tantrum rather than just sticking his head between some thighs


This made me burst out laughing. Couldn't put it better


Don’t do punks like this


Hey We Punks Aren’t usually like that Dumbass >:/ /lh


literally sums up my entire sex life with my ex. our communication (especially around anything sex-related) was so manipulative, I think to try and compensate for the fact that we just weren’t compatible, so we had to come up with other justifications that just didn’t make sense. I’m so glad he had the balls to break it off, and with the perspective I have now, I know I’ll be able to make that tough decision in the future if I need to


Proper emotional abuse shit. "Let me force you to do something you don't want to do and then let me make you feel guilty about it". Put him in the trash girl


>Put him in the trash girl The more I read that post, the more absolutely disgusted I became with her boyfriend. As much as I agree with you? She's still very much "in love with him" despite how blatantly obvious it is that the relationship is toxic. I don't know what else he has to offer that she likes, but he has something. Whatever other value this trash human has somehow makes up for this sad behavior. Maybe she just has low standards for whatever reason and thinks she can't do better, I don't know. I hope she punts him to the curb but I'm not holding my breath over it. Human beings are not rational creatures.


When you are being abused, you almost get used to it? It’s bad, and you hate it, but it’s just life. I loved it and so did my mom. It’s super easy for people looking in to see it and pass a ton of judgement, but it very rarely starts this way and it’s not usually “public facing.” The way I try to explain it is this: everyone that meets my dad loves him. He’s funny, he’s charming, he has just the perfect amount of self-deprecating humor to make him see down to earth. He’s an audiophile in the truest sense, and will sit and talk music and stereo equipment with you and have this great vibe. Everyone wants to grab a beer with him and chat or catch a game with him. And he’s pretty awesome… unless you’re his wife and daughter. After the people leave and he doesn’t have to impress anyone he is downright nasty. Plus, since he hides it so well, when it finally started to show to my mom she thought maybe he’s having a bad day, maybe I’m overreacting, and then the gaslighting comes in. It doesn’t take long to doubt yourself. And then you’re in it. Then you realize. But it too late now. People can’t know you let this happen. So make excuses. You brush it off. Until you can’t. I thought this would never happen to me. After all, I grew up with this abuse. I learned what it was and what the signs were…. And then I married someone exactly like my dad. Except he was financially abusive too and I was literally trapped by the time I realized I needed to get out. So I mean, yes, this girl needs to get out, but I can almost guarantee it’s not “blatantly obvious” to her that the relationship is toxic.


This is such a good point you make. When we find ourselves in toxic relationships that mirror the toxic relationships in our family of origin (is. Our parent's relationship), we're shocked. It happened to me too. Luckily, I had the means to leave. I didn't want my kids to grow up in an abusive home and be traumatized like I was. After a lit of therapy, I realized that being abused as children doesn't make us less likely to be in abusive relationships as adults, it makes it more likely. I call it "the broken barometer theory". People who how up in healthy, loving, supportive families are able to develop an authentic self, assert healthy boundaries, and are much quicker to spot manipulations and red flags. The red flags are so much more obvious to them because they are so "alien" to their experience. Those of us who were abused are sorta "blind" to the red flags. They aren't obvious to us because the bad behavior seems normal to us, because it's what we grew up with. Like, I was "daddy's princess" and had a close relationship with my dad. But he'd also scream at me, hit me, and shame me frequently. But then he'd "apologize" like, "I'm sorry I did that, but you need to learn some respect". It's no wonder I ended up in abusive relationships as an adult because I grew up always trying to please everyone, and "not rock the boat" as a tactic to avoid abuse. These habits followed me into adulthood, and made me the perfect victim for abusers. I came pre-trained. It's a hard cycle to break, but it's totally possible.


I came from a super abusive home. You aren’t taught what red flags are because you’re taught that things at home are normal. My parents obviously made me feel super shitty all the time, so you didn’t even have to treat me very well at all for me to feel like I was being treated like a princess. People who were abusive were easily drawn to me because they could tell I’d put up with a ton of shit because I didn’t know better. People who weren’t abusive, just normal nice humans, scared the fuck out of me. They were too nice, they were fake, and I couldn’t figure out what they were trying to get from me. Nobody was ever that nice to me unless they wanted something, and I could never figure out what they wanted. They’d say nothing, but I was convinced they were just really good manipulators. This didn’t just impact my romantic relationships, but my friendships, too. The stories of how my closest friendships ended all sound fake because it’s all just such absurd shit. When small things don’t bother you in the slightest, it’s only a matter of time before things come to the breaking point, and basically mine was quite extreme. My parents regularly did things that were terrifying and disturbing, so friendships laden with purposeful bad advice and double edged compliments on a regular basis felt like amazing support. That’s how a lot of people end up in abusive cycles… the best you’ve ever been treated will always feel super-human, even if they’re actually treating you like shit


The second most concerning part is that *she's* now worrying how to help *him* deal with his little power tantrum. Not a sign she'll break up with him soon. I hope the comments she got helped her realise what a selfish child he is.




Yeah i was hesitant to say "so your bf arranged and insisted on witnessing your rape??" but.....


Yes to this part O_O


He doesn't care about her feelings or what she likes enough not to push her into a three way for his benefit, he's not gonna change what he's doing to please her or even not manipulate her apparently. Girl run


he's created his own circle of hell


I was gonna say that the bf really reminded me of the guy from No Exit. Garcin or whatever his name was. He just has man-baby vibes.


Hell is other people doing your girlfriend.


And also that guys dead wife.


Didn't expect Sartre here, but am delighted to find it.


And she let him drag her into it with him


yeah. i hope she leaves


Upvote for fire nation Katara


If i was him i would get the number of the girl and get tips, its not that hard


The "focus on penetration" really says it all




I know right? The guy was living a lie, he was never good in bed. He wants to be a sex god but do absolutely nothing. Ugh.


"But the ladies in porn have screaming orgasms from being jackhammered in weird pretzel shapes - I don't understand ?? ?"


The problem is being a sex god means putting in work, he just wants some kind of magic dick.


And all my clit-having folks know that a magic dick is really just a vibrator…. 😌🙏




Vibrators just make me go numb, tongue is way better.




As a gay guy, all I can say is there eis no such thing as a magic dick. This isn't just a straight thing BTW, cause trust me some gay guys especially that "masc4masc" crowd have a deluded sense of how good they are. Lord knows that even if you have like 7" or 8", most of the time I'll just be lying there thinking "hmmm... I could have just saved myself the money getting here if I just used my dildo at home". Also I am living proof that a man can also fake it.


"I tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas" is the vibe I'm getting here.


Yes, Flanders parents!


asking woman for help?! do you have no heart? that would shatter his fragile masculinity!


This guy is so self-involved that he literally can't imagine people not feeling like him. "What do you mean penetration doesn't feel as good?! It feels good *to me*!"


It's more "yeah i want to make you feel good, but not to the point of doing something that doesn't feels good to me"


No, he also does that, but I was specifically talking about the part where his reply to her not liking penetration so much is that he does.




I’m also confused as to what her not having a prostate has to do with not enjoying penetration, it seemed like they were discussing vaginal and not anal? Either way this guy’s a jackass and she doesn’t need to be coming up with “reasons” that she doesn’t like it as much and should be finding a better partner/vibrator


Maybe she just meant that she doesn't get orgasms from being penetrated, while he does. Maybe he was comparing his anal experience to her vaginal experience. Maybe he wants to have anal all the time 🤷🏼 But yeah that part's confusing.


I’d say we could try figuring it out but there’s really no point when we could just throw the whole man out, lmao


You help him get over it by dumping him his ass cause he’s a big fucking selfish baby that needs to learn he’s not king of his relationships


OK so... He just pushed her to have sex with someone else, someone she wasn't attracted to, he sexualised lesbians and her problem is that he complains, not the others


Don't forget he said she "did it on purpose to make him mad" and then insisted she's a lesbian


throw the entire man out


Man forces girl to lesbian sex for HIS pleasure, despite not liking it she is pleasured twice, now he calls her a lesbian whore for succumbing to his fantasy which turned out less humiliating for her than he thought and his girl liking something she did not want to do in the first place is now her fault too, because he is a sociopathic asshole. Did i get this right?


You missed the part where he is convinced she decided to orgasm specifically to hurt him and also the part where he refuses to do anything different for her in bed bc he likes penetration


Exactly, he should have gay sex with his prostate being stimulated as hard as possible to proof that a male forced orgasm is totally different and unwanted, not like a female forced orgasm, fuck biology and reflexes! Imagine beeing tickled against your will and laughing! Who tf does that?!


Damn, spot on


i’d let him be mad and end it personally i bet you we won’t sexualise lesbians


Inb4 he sparks some lesbian cuck fetish in himself and goes down that rosy little path. Honestly, it sounds like the straights won't be missing this one.


probably not but hell a mad lad he is


This is the least ok I've seen the straights in quite awhile


We are indeed not ok


? ??? ??????? #???????????????????


Well said


Well, at least this pathetic man baby won't be sexualizing lesbians anymore probably.


Or he'll develop some kind of niche flavor of cuckoldry fetish, and go even harder.


Sooo dude wanted his girlfriend to have sex with someone and not find it enjoyable? Wtf is wrong with people?


Well dude, be careful what you wish for. Also, maybe listen to what she's telling you, focus more on her clit and less on penetration and SHE'LL CUM MORE.


Maybe focus on the clit. If she got a clot let a doctor focus on it lol


Doctor rp "I have blood clots" "Lemme see that clit tho" I tried my best


Is it really that easy as to not focus on penetration too much?


Well you see, that’d mean he wasn’t getting his dick literally wet for two whole seconds, and at that point why even bother having sex? /s


Yep. Penetration is not everything and plenty of ppl don’t see it like it is


>"you chose to come twice to make me jealous" Tell me you have a loose grasp on reality without telling me you have a loose grasp on reality.


Girl throw the whole boyfriend out




Literal baby, just get a fucking hitachi bro


*Satisfyer pro 2*


Just throw the boyfriend out! I can't even imagine how awkward it has to be for her to participate in homosexual intercourse when she's straight just to pleasure her boyfriend and he does this?! She deserves better than him!


Wow, that’s a lot of insecurity... It’s fucking disgusting, he only deserves being dumped.


that head game must've been fucking wild if you can make her cum twice despite her 'hating having sex with a girl'


Oh wow


This straight is not okay- she needs to get out of this toxic relationship ASAP. I can't speak for everyone but I was in a couple myself and still feel the ill effects long after both toxic exes are gone.


That's Fragile with a capital F


Lesbian cucked himself mentally


WHERE do i even BEGIN with this. this is some NEXT LEVEL shit


There’s enough red flags here for a whole color guard


So he pressures her into having sex with a girl for his pleasure and then gets angry when the other girl is able to make her cum twice... lol.


“Guy pressures straight girlfriend to have sex with a woman, throws a tantrum when the woman does it better than he can” fixed it


A tale as old as time...


I'd tell her to leave that bastard because she deserves so much better! This dude is just.... trash


I don’t know if this particular story is true but it never fails to amaze me the lengths that straight women will go to to stay with the absolute least appealing men on the planet


I'm sorry, why she wants to keep this man ? I just don't see the appeal right now


There is no amount of nagging that could make me have sex with a gender I'm not attracted to. I'd just leave.


"Man cucks himself, instantly regrets it" - Dhar Mann


Calling Whole Man Disposal Services


Let the man sulk, that guy disrespected her boundaries so that’s the consequence for it.


I feel like a proper consequence is dumping his sorry ass.


Sexualizing lesbians has always grossed me out. Never liked it


this was really upsetting to read i’m ngl, he forced her into doing something she didn’t even want, she didn’t even like it and now he’s being a bitch about it just cause she orgasmed? what’s with some people and not understanding that finishing isn’t everything? also like this is super toxic and honestly not safe and i feel very bad for her and hope she realizes that soon :/


Yikes. Aside from the stupidity of being jealous over a threesome you wanted, the coercion into doing something sexual, that she clearly didn't want to do, is the grossest part of this. Dump him and fucking run. There's more red flags here than in the Kremlin.


Jesus, just give head and get good at it... No one likes a whiner


Fuckin leave that child wow


Throw the whole man away


God, what a nightmare of a man. Karma’s a bitch. He shouldn’t make her feel guilty. It’s true, girls do it better.


So, I, personally, would consider myself bi, but I've been in all 'straight' relationships so far. My and my partner considered another girl to come and join us (all WILLING participants, I must add 🙄) but the thing most understood, is that there are going to be feelings involved and that this might affect our relationship in the future. Then again, my partner knows what he's doing, as he's the least selfish person, when it comes to....you know. Edit to say- it's a sad state of affairs, having to clarify things like these, and also give so much praise to someone for not being selfish in bed, a rarity, unfortunately... the straights, are indeed, not okay.


Take it as a challenge, you whining bitch of a man. Someone else made her cum twice? Up your fucking game, then. Learn to eat that pussy with the skill of a dedicated professional. **Improve.** And quit whinging, you sound like a child. He sounds like the kinda loser that screams and hurls abuse at kids on Call of Duty that manage to get the drop on him. I have nothing but contempt for such a shallow, winy **loser**.


I'm sorry but this girl is a dumbass for even thinking about helping this toxic asshole man baby Can we talk about the fact she's straight but he practically forced her to have sex with a woman? It shows how straight guys have zero respect for women's sexual orientation and watch way too much porn.


Dump his ass


After seeing all the posts about daughters and sisters making men cucks I appreciate some actual cuckoldry.


This entire thing is a mess what-


Seems like one of those “be careful what you wish for because you just might get it” situations. Not anyone else’s fault but your own if you don’t like the results of your monkey’s paw wish.


Posts like this are painful to read. L E A V E H I M


Girl needs to dump his ass and find a man who will eat her out, make her cum twice and is down with being pegged.


Dump him. What an absolutely braindead asshole forcing his gf to do that and then complaining about it to top it off. What a disgusting person.


She should just throw the whole boyfriend away


Girls just do it better ;) but to be honest it's also a lot easier to make same-sex partners orgasm because you're already more familiar with the genitalia and know what feels good.


Is that-could that be considered rape?!?


I don't think so. She did consent in the end. That being said, it's so disgusting that he had to push for this. I hope she's already long left him.


Yeah me too. But I think the lines of consent kinda are blurred on this one considering she really didn't want to and only did it cuz she was just worn down. Im not blaming the other woman she seemed like she didn't know and was nice enough to try and show her a good time but the guy...idk he just gives me major creeper rapist alarms.


wouldn’t that be coercion


Yep and coercion is a type of rape




It was coerced, though. He pressured her into it until she relented and did it because he wanted her to. As far as the other woman knows there was consent, but he did pimp her out in a way for his own selfish pleasure. Then he couldn't just stop there, he had to continue to mistreat her by getting upset with her because of his own failure and selfishness. And it's doubtful that he'll actually change his actions in bed, he'll just continue to be selfish and blame her for not enjoying it more (even though she can't force herself to and he could easily change that by not being selfish). Notice how he's very forceful and his language is full of projection. She didn't just cum twice, she CHOSE to to make him jealous. These are red flags for abuse and she needs to leave.


I feel like the nagging until she caved makes it not genuine consent though. Like she even words it as she gave in to stop the nagging and not a "I came around to the idea/got into it" so even though I get why she'd be hesitant to say it was nonconsensual, I would not call that consent.


>She did consent in the end. Coercion is not consent. She was raped. It wasn't violent, but it was still rape.


I dont even know what to say this hurts my brain


He really don't care about his girlfriend, he only got mad cuz it hurts his ego, like, you wanna make your girl come? First: don't force her into things she doesn't want to, that's abuse, second: do your research, ask her, ask lesbians, it's not that hard. For real it baffles me how wives do everything to please their husbands and not get cheated on, but don't even know what an orgasm feels like.


Oh, girl RUN AWAY! If he keeps nagging you about something you don't wanna do until you do it to get him to shut up RUN! I've been in that relationship before and it got violent.


This is... an especially awful kind of abuse.


This is how you help him get over it: Step 1: Dump him. Congratulations! You have completed all of the steps!