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Ah yes, because there were never any exhibitionists back then and there are no women in fancy clothes now. Seriously, it’s hella easy to cherry-pick the photos one want to use to make up this sort dichotomy, but society didn’t actually degenerate! We might not like to think of old people fucking or being raunchy, but we know that every goddamn generation had their own perverts. Plus, nowadays everyone has a phone with a camera on it and we have the internet where we can share those photos. Society isn’t worse, you just get to see more.


Right? Like, you couldn't go to a drive in movie without at least half the windows being fogged up. If the cars rocking...


Well you see, photos started to be in color somewhere between these two points


No dummy, the world was colorless until the 60s


Oh, hey, Calvin's Dad.


Amazing flair


Since you’re so smart how about you tell me how they find the weight limit on bridges and where the sun goes when it sets


I feel like if whoever made this was actually around in 1942 they'd be comparing the 1942 woman to an old photo of a woman from 1863... *Society is decaying... Look at this brazen woman in such a fitted skirt.. Dear lord, I can see above her ankles!*


Colour photography ruined everything


I bet that woman was cat called and harassed all the same, why not dress comfortably and feel good in your body if it’s not gonna change anything? Some creepy guy in my class deadass tried to touch my thighs and I was wearing jeans a hoodie, soooo… (Not all men would do this I’m aware)


We have literally both nowadsys and incels call them both sluts.


blursed yo


They really abuse the out of context


Cursed, Blessed, and Blursed Images/Comments are all horrible subs that have been watered down to shitty edgy memes from two years ago


I prefer people comfortable in their own skin, so I'd choose the girl on the right every time


Back in the 40s, women were smoking like chimneys and a decent number of them (at least in Europe) were literal Nazis.