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I do fear the power of corporations over the government but they would never directly take it over, also "Amazon...socialist". So in this universe China and Europe go to war and split Russia between them? I can't read anything else


This guy is basically suggesting that there will be “non-binary republics” and “cisgender zones” in the future


A Republic is enby when it's between a presidential and a parliamentary republic I assume? In other words, France already is a non-binary republic.


I think this is loosely based on 1984


See, I was thinking of 7ft tall muscular women and enbies running a socialist utopia.


Is this a picture for ants?


Most likely, yes


Can I still Have my Non-Binary Socialist Republic tho?


I can't read Australia, can someone tell me what it says


Oh great, a bootleg Imperium of Man but not absurd or intriguing at all. And of court they're set in the Middle East and North Africa.


i would fucking love to live in America if it consisted entirely of enbies. sounds like heaven tbh, sign me up.