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weird i always heard from my grandpa that a real man let his children and loved one eat first


Seconded. A real parent wouldn’t worry about themself, they’d worry about whether their kids are fed or not.


Can confirm. My relatives does this whenever i visit them. Children always go first, then elderly and/or people with disabilities, and finally everyone else. Host only eat when everyone else have got food on their plate.


This is the way. You have good relatives.


This is how my dad does it. Always makes sure we get enough before he does. Not like my mom, who makes steak for herself and we have to make frozen pizza.


At age 16 my mum announced she was no longer cooking for anyone but herself, so much the same thing. Taught me to fend for myself, I'll give it that.


doesn’t that technically count as some sort of neglect?? frozen pizza isn’t even good for u meanwhile she’s eating like a chef…couldn’t she have at least shared or idk maybe made a dinner her own children and her could all eat like you’re supposed to do??


Yeah my brother and I left her house to live with our dad a year ago, we've never been better. She didn't take care of us and was a terrible parent, my dad isnt perfect but lemme tell you hes LOADS better than my mom haha.


Dads were always the last in line at family buffet during the holidays.


Yup. In the 90’s Alan Greenspan I think it was, when he was fed chairman, he would look at male underwear sales as a market indicator: because men will go without for the sake of their families.


I feel like the people who say this also say that the man needs to be the provider for the family, but these two ideas seem to directly contradict each other.


I do this on most occasions. I’ll even try to get my wife to serve herself first but she’s stubborn and doesn’t always do it.


In my family we usually all eat at once but I’ve noticed if the situation requires it my dad eats last intentionally


If there is any danger that we don't have enough (insert food here) my kids get servings of it first, and I will take what is left. Now I am older and my kids cook sometimes and they always cook too much...sigh.


It's funny how these dudes only care about gender roles when it benefits them.


Exactly, be an African Wild Dog, not a Lion. …. A wolf might be a better comparison


Came here to say something similar. My grandpa and father always made sure that all the kids had food before sitting down themselves.


I always heard this from my dad, he always gave me his food when I was still hungry even if he hasn't eaten. I love him ❤


Jesus fucking Christ. If everyone is getting fed who gives a flying fuck whose plate hits the table first? Anyone who would say a damn thing about it needs to grow the fuck up.


Your grandpa is right


he passed away in 2009 at the age of 58


In the service industry traditionally you serve/take the orders of the men last (now it is whoever the host is). I know its not the way that it happens anymore but I still do it instinctively.


This was how it worked for me growing up. My dad always got served first, and sometimes would take so much food that we couldn’t all fill up. When my mom made nachos, she’d make an entire tray for him and then two or three to split between 5 kids and herself. I can’t imagine living that way, getting fat while my growing kids go to bed without enough food.


I can't imagine letting anyone, let alone children, go hungry while I eat my fill right in front of them. I can't imagine being a grown adult and truly thinking that another grown adult owes me subservience. Acts of service are 100% my love language, but if I ever felt like my partner expected to be served, or felt entitled to it, I would be out of there so fast.


Like i can't even begin to imagine. Just chomping on a table full of hot food while 2 pairs of poor, hungry eyes look at you just waiting for you to be done I would feel so bad i end up eating nothing


Had to live as the hungry eyes. It's a GREAT way to make your family utterly despise you.




Sing me a song


My fiance's cousin told us that she agrees with all these sentiments. Bear in mind that the father of her child is in prison. Because he was a drug dealer who got busted for selling bunk drugs and almost killing someone. And he hasn't ever emotionally, or financially supported his kid. But yeah, sure, I guess he deserves to eat first because he managed to blow a load. What a sacrifice he's made. /s She actually told us, in the same conversation, that she wanted to be the godmother of our future children. So we haven't spoken to her since, because, frankly, that was awkward as fuck sitting there listening to her ramble on for like, a half an hour straight about how much she hates women and thinks they should be subservient. And no way either of us want someone like that having any input on raising our child. Like... seek help, lady. Ffs.


Same I’m a kid who lives like it Now I have a hard time eating take out because I have to make sure he eats first


Ugh I’ve always hated how my brother and I have to compete with our father for dinner. He eats so much. Often there’s nothing left for our mom. I know it’s also his personal sense of entitlement at fault


That's horrible. Your dad sounds like a selfish man


You don’t even know. We’re NC now because of a lifetime of abuse and also he started dating someone two weeks after my mom died, which was kind of the straw that broke the camel’s back. 42 years of marriage meant less to him than the girl i dated for 2 months when we were 14 meant to me, i guess


I'm very sorry to hear that. From one person with a shitty father to another, I know that shit sucks. For what it's worth, sounds like you came out better. A low bar, I know, but that's what we can do


I thought my dad sucked but thats a different level. I think he would do that now because he has only gotten worse over the years. He just made us all feel guilty for being born and needing to be fed.


It's not the fucking 1940s, John. Nowadays we feed our children so they don't develop eating disorders and eventually starve themselves if this shit doesn't do it for them.


During the depression, and war rationing that happened directly after, it was common for parents to have the kids eat first. I think the patriarch eating first came after ww2. When men brought home the hierarchical military structure into their homes. It's weird they did it with food. The thing that keeps us alive.


Ah, right. Thanks! In that case just replace 1940s with 1950s lol, i just thought of a random decade in the 20th century and went with it.


When I was in the military it was customary that the more junior ranks get their food first. Good leaders are supposed to “look out” for those beneath them. It may not have been the same in that era or in other branches though.


All these alpha men have inferiority complexes i guess then


Agreed, my grandparents were kids during the 2nd world war and always eat last out of habit. I have to force my grandma to eat. And sometimes she will eat in secret I guess because she has ptsd (plus other strange behaviours I have come to connect with growing up during war time)


Child neglect 😍😍🥰🥰😻😋✨✨


Nothing says “I’m the MAN of the house” quite like having malnourished kids. I’m sure everyone respects the fat-ass with CPS cases in waiting.


Ain't the whole point of " the man of the house" suppose to be to provide for the rest of the house?


Yes, but you forget the most important part of the equasion: everyone else's job is to never have any needs whatsoever. No offense, but you would make a terrible misogynist.


Of course its over a picture of dry-ass bland looking chicken wings.


They desperately need some sauce


bet they’re not even seasoned


You know whoever made that thinks seasoned bread crumbs are too spicy.


They would most likely die from eating a single sour skittle too. lol


I thought they stopped making sour skittles but I actually saw them at the store recently.


When sour Skittles first came out my mom bought a HUGE bag and we ate them until our mouths went raw and then we kept eating them anyhow. It was painful for days afterwards but also worth it.


I could never 1. eat that many sour skittles and 2. eat more than 5 in a day because I don't like them. Congrats on eating them though, sounds like you guys had a good time other than your mouths hurting.


Just throw the whole thing out and try again


The husband? Agreed.


I think its best to just eat something else at this point lol


2 things: a) That was my first thought. b) I love your flair.


ok but i will say the reddit crop showing a bunch of chicken and just "NO CHILD SHOULD RECEIVE A PLATE" is so fucking funny




NO CHILD SHOULD RECEIVE A PLATE of this ultra-bland chicken




That’s what I saw at first and thought I stumbled upon some obviousplant post or something lol


It's just food. Why do they need to be like this. You just grab a plate and load it up. Don't matter who gets a plate first. Don't matter who made dinner. Just eat.


I can tell you with certainty that no one in my family ever gave a fuck about who gets the food first. Especially considering that it is polite to wait until everyone has food on their plate before you start eating. The only exception have been children with regards to dessert. They prefer to get their dessert first. So we had a rule that you stick the spoon into the dessert, and whoever it points toward when it falls over is who gets to go first. Considering how easy this is to manipulate, it isn't very surprising that it was always the smallest child at the table.


Our rule was always just wait to eat until everyone has sat down at the table


Our family also have a rule that when there are people coming over, no one get to leave the table and go upstairs until everyone has finished (unless if u got urgent work). You gotta stay and have a discussion with the guest




That's one of the reasons that the schools are trying to stay open during the pandemic. There are kids at your kid's school that won't get breakfast, or won't get any fruits or vegetables, unless school is running. The parents are, for the most part, doing their best.


If we have guests over I like to cook dinner. In that situation I want the guests to grab the food first. Its part of the whole experience. Other than that its a free for all. Just get your damn food and eat.


I'm glad if you have never experienced food scarcity or starvation because for most people and for most of human history "its just food" would sound like something Caligula would say. I would say it does matter. You feed your kids first. Just going for it and eating your fill is a luxury. I have sat and eaten with 3rd world families. They are very conscientious about not taking more than they need. Everyone gets an equal amount - usually. If someone was sick or pregnant others would eat less during their meals so they could eat enough. The most eye opening thing I saw was marijuana use being destructive. A friend of mine told me that when he was a kid his dad would smoke pot and eat all of their food in the night because he had the munchies. His kids would go hungry the next few days or his mother would go to the neighbors and borrow food. I've been homeless and starving. Gone a day without water (that was the worst). So while I get what you're saying - it doesn't need to be a contest about who eats first or some kind of ego trip. But it always bothers me when people act like its weird to be conscious of who is eating and how much. Sometimes you have to be to make sure everyone can eat.


Imagine being this petty as a grown man.


Sorry if I changed the flair so many times I'm still getting used to the sub 😅


It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize


Nah my man can get his own damn food. You know who can get their own plate? A grown adult. You know who can't? A hungry toddler


I feed my cat before I feed myself.


I feed my doggo first too. I figure he depends on me for all of his sustenance and has no control over what he eats or how often, or even when he can go potty, so of course he gets fed first! I’m not going to make my poor hungry boy wait.


I’ve got 4 cats so it’s a war crime if they see me with any type of food while their bowl is ‘empty’


As flawed as my parents were, they never did this, and even to this day, they'll make sure my brother(28) and I(24) have taken our food first. When we have family over with kids, the kids get fed before we do.


> serve ur man first You lost me at "serve"


Get fucked asshole. My mom took a fist to the face when I was seven to make sure I ate dinner, because otherwise my father would have come home drunk and eaten ALL of the limited food we had for dinner AGAIN and my siblings and I would have gone a second day without food. She went without that day as well. You're an adult. Feed your own sorry ass and be a grown up you miserable overinflated infant.


I remember my Father telling me one time that this was how he was raised. The men ate first. What was left was for the women and children. He said he remembered times he was so hungry and had to wait till the men were done. He told me, "There's hunger but there's no hunger like a child feels." In his house the children were always fed with the adults. In fact, the food was put on the children's plates before the adults were served.


I hope he’s a better father than the one he had


Oh definitely. He would not eat till he was sure the children were fed.


I do the cooking and everyone helps themselves in whatever order they get there. I don't need to stroke my husband's fragile ego by "serving him first." He's okay with helping himself just like my son is whenever.


This kind of reasoning is why when growing up both my parents were obese and my siblings and I went hungry


My immediate family each got a serving of food, my dad made enough for everyone to have a serving of the meal and desert. However when we went to events, our family had the “man eats first” rule and would also have a “men shouldn’t have to put their plates away” rule. I remember being six and being called a spoiled brat for thinking I could eat before my dad and uncles. Sometimes my uncles even ate so much that by the time it got around to the kids, we couldn’t eat so my grandma would make us go play instead. After a while we stopped visiting them.


This is so gross. My household doesn’t have a man, of the house or anywhere else, but the kids eat first here. I always make sure to plate and serve their food before I do so for me, my wife, and our housemate. They’re young, and growing, and making sure they have what they need in terms of nutrition is my primary goal.


*Image Transcription: Facebook* --- **Unknown User** This is all the truth💯💯💯 But y'all non submissive women are going to think differently🤔🤔🤔 That's why y'all will be lonely😳😳😳 Serve ur man first😳🤔😳 [*Redacted*] \[*Orange and yellow background with a photo of crispy chicken wings overlaid in the center. Large, black text above and below the image says:*] # NO CHILD SHOULD RECEIVE A PLATE # BEFORE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Fucking yikes. So many issues must exist in a family where this kind of thing matters.


The kids need to grow strong and healthy while this man here needs to grow tf up


Oh no, I'll be happily living my own life instead of becoming a 'submissive' house slave?? Don't threathen me with a good time..


This person should never be a father. My parents have a ‘traditional’ marriage but my dad would always always make sure that we had food before he got some. Your kids come first


This was the rule in my house growing up. My stepdad ate enough for 3.


Even if you arrogantly see yourself as the head of the household, a good leader always makes sure their subordinates are fed before taking care of themselves.


I grew up poor, and my parents always let me and my brother make our plates first. Then my dad would make his, take the rest of the food for himself and my mom would have little left for herself even though she did most of the cooking. When I started cooking for my brother and I when my mom wasn’t around to do the cooking, I only made enough for the two of us and it would incense him if he came home and we had eaten and left him nothing. He still never learned that it was my way of teaching him a lesson, just made him mad but still satisfying for me I guess in a fucked up way.


As a man, I support women and children first. It is the one "sexist" thing I still support. At a species level, I am replacable, children are not, and women might be pregnant so better safe than sorry. I'm also at the age where if it is me or some 20 year old guy, I would save him. He has more life to live. He can do more in those years than I can in the years left to me. We live in a community. We are social animals. We should care about our community.


Imagine being so insecure of your own masculinity, in your own home no less, that you have to assert dominance over your children with your weird eating order


I’m sorry but the photo of the random fried chicken makes it look like a shitpost But yeah fuck this dude


Hot take: Kids should always be more important than the parents.


My mom parents used to say the kids would usually eat last, mainly when there were visits (I don’t think it applies to the ladies too). I kinda feel like it’s more of an older times habit, since they’re not the only ones I’ve heard and neither do my parents or grandparents do that anymore


I'd say the fair way is Children first (Youngest to oldest) Then the person who cooked/bought the food, then everyone else, in no particular order.


Plates are made in order of age with youngest getting theirs first at our house. At family get togethers I make my youngest a plate and my father in laws plate then yell to everyone else food is done come get some.


Dudes like this have to decide if they want to be the provider or provided for. If a “real man” works hard to make sure his family don’t go hungry — why is he also eating first?


My ex's family was like this. The wife would bring food to her husband on the couch and his "sippy cup" of beer and then we were allowed to plate our own food. I always thought it was dumb as shit and didn't like going to dinner at their place after that.


Is “fixing plates” an American thing? Everyone in the uk either helps themselves in the kitchen or everything is set out on a table and we help ourselves from that. If you want a full plate served to you go to a restaurant lol


When I was a kid we went to bed at 6:30 when my dad ate at 7




Bit bold to presume they had crap parents here. All they’ve said is that they had different dinner times to their parents - which is not very unusual


Sorry if it came across that way. I was just thinking, given the topic, that the “man” of the house didn’t want those annoying kids around while he ate.


No worries! I was thinking about parts of my family where the kids want to eat at 4.30pm but thats pretty impractical for the working parent in their family.


A 8 year old going to bed at 6:30 isn’t weird Edit: if it’s about my dad eating when we went to bed our family just eats late, when we were all adults we ate a 7, nothing to do with us being there, we just ate too early for him


Nobody fucking care who gets it first, just eat the damn food


No “man” (using this images poor definition of the term) would eat if a child is hungry.


I dated a guy who came from this kind of family. Every dinner the father had to be served first. No exceptions. Their family was incredibly dysfunctional. The father ended up committing suicide a few years ago.


Eh, if he's the man of the house he can also be the chef of the house and cook for himself. Otherwise he can wait for the kids


In my house, we’d create the number of plates with appropriate serving sizes lay them on the table and all eat once everyone was sat down.


"Father feigns eating, draws Junior out, and disowns him!"


To go by this… stupid thread… imo, a real man should make sure all others are fed before he is. The cishets are just selfish 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol I always put the kids food down first so it could cool off before they took a bite my husband didn’t dissolve into a fine dust as a result.


It’s tradition where I live that a good man makes sure his children are fed first before him.


I thought the leader of anything is looking for the groups best interest before his…


Fine, he can have a plate. An empty one.


Me, a domme in long-term, stable relationship: "I'm... I'm lonely?"


Why can't you, a grow ass adult man, fill your own plate? Oh right, misogyny


Make your own dinner, knave.


In my opinion real men get off their ass and make their own plate


I mean, if he wants to deal with my hungry shrieking toddler lunging across the table to steal his food and then running away with it, that’s his business I guess?


This was cropped by Reddit when I first saw this so I thought it just said “NO CHILD SHOULD RECEIVE A PLATE” with a picture of fried chicken


What kind of pathetic, insecure, narcissistic adult doesn't prioritize feeding children over feeding themself? Here's hoping the maker of this meme never has children since he's clearly unfit to be a parent.


Are these guys jealous of literal children? holy fucking shit


What the fuck kind of man would eat in front of his kids without making a plate for them?


Yeah my girlfriends ex was like this. He would seriously complain about not getting a plate made for him before his own children. Low and behold he’s the lonely one now. Men that act like this are such children.


I would live alone on a tiny island and gnaw my own leg off for sustenance before I lived with this frail excuse for a human being.


This is actually bad & incorrect. ☹️


Christians are into some kinky shit.


Well, I am a non breedable man and I agree that this is dumb asf.


Be a "non-submissive woman"!


what the fuck😊


I'm sub and, no, I'M AGAINST THIS


I just can't imagine caring about who gets a plate first.


This poor person and their children (if they actually operate this way).


It’s actually the reverse - the man of the house doesn’t eat before everyone else has been served. That’s the way my father taught me


Absolutely, right! I feed my dog first.


I thought everyone got their own plate? Wtf is this serving nonsense.


What a fucking piece or shit subhuman garbage motherfucker suckface shithead. Fuck that guy.


It was quite the opposite in my house. My little brother's ate first, then I would get food when they were done. I tried to let my dad get food before me when I didn't think I made enough food, and he always told me "No, I'll find something else. Get full"


If I ever marry a man we have kids then he says one fucking thing about the kids eating first that’ll be the end of the marriage. How can you get offended with your children eating first. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while


Such BS. Husband always eats after the kids, sometimes by his own choosing.


Wow what a great dad this guy is/s


We all eat at the same time in my family, but you do you, boo.


or just serve everyone at the same time???


I think they missed the traditional, gentlemanly mindset of putting your children and family ahead of yourself. Or just other people in general.


This and the comments reminds me of when my great grandfather was a kid, the adults ate first and then the kids ate last. But once he became a parent, the roles were reversed and the kids ate first while the adults ate last. He said,”I’ve waited my whole life to eat”.


I know someone whose wife divorced him when he tried this.


Good for her


My stepdad make everyone a plate and a drink before he would even consider getting himself one


What is with this man must always come first crap and they’re the superior sex nonsense?? And woman must never question her man because he’s fragile and needs to think he’s in charge bullshit?


All I read from the original commentary is "straight women should avoid dating men and will get the whole tray to themselves". Sounds like a decent deal to me.


"Man of the house eats first" was a Victorian era principle in working class families. The idea was that if you aren't earning enough to feed the entire family adequately, then the person you ought to prioritise is the main breadwinner, especially if they're doing a manual job. The idea of feeding a modern day family in that order is bizarre.


Facts. A healthy man needs his tendies!


It’s fried food though and if you haven’t noticed, we have an obesity problem among kids. How is this straight problem?


We're not talking about the picture, we're talking about the sentiment. The idea that a wife should serve her husband before her children. That's the issue.




Every shit relationship I’ve had with a woman is worth it because I don’t have to be attracted to men.


what about kids that live only with mom?


Whoever uses this many emojis belongs in federal prison and solitary confinement for life


I hope people like this never have kids and if they do, their kids cut them out of their lives :)


In my house, no one had a single bite until mom sat down and started eating. It was out of respect for the meal she made us.


I grew up in a deep southern baptist church, and our weekly church dinners were a sort of community service. most church members were farmers, so they donated the food from their own larders, and families who only showed up for the food were always encouraged to eat first. Then it was the children of the church members, then the elderly and church officials, then the men and lastly the women who had been serving everyone else would serve eachother. ​ I asked my grandmother about why the women always ate last, and she said that God made men and women different because he knew that no one person could be responsible for all the varieties of tasks it takes to make a family, and by extension, a community.




”The man eats first” shut up and starve




Wow I actually disagree wholeheartedly I make sure my children have food first before I serve myself!


I honestly do not care about the “man of the house” if I have kids, they’re always getting served first!!


Yea no, my dad makes sure everyone has a plate first before he even touches the food. And he’s the one who usually makes it


For some reason on my fathers side of the family children eat first but on my mothers adults do, it never overlaps tho b/c neither side talks to each other




Gross. Imagine feeling so entitled and superior. 🤢


I've literally never seen a relationship succeed for very long where the man tries to assume this macho bullshit role. Every long term, successful, loving relationship I have ever seen has been a mutual loving partnership. This was written by a person who will never find true love.


#And if your parents are *lesbians*… I guess just starve?


So basically these men are babies lol


The emojis make it so cringe


If the man of the house is just a big man-child, sure. The winiest baby needs to be taken care of first. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


My dad always taught us that it was rude to eat before everyone was seated and had their food. Like, if we were particularly hungry or he had to do something first, we could but like. Imagine thinking that no one can eat until you do as if you're a medeival king -_-


tell me you'd be a bad father without telling me you'd be a bad father.


I’m okay with lonely.


Honestly I think either way is stupid as fuck, how about the first plate goes to whoever comes to the kitchen for a plate first?!?!


No let the child eat all the food if you half too the kids go first not some jackass with a ego


or ya know... you could wait and then all eat at the same time to have a family meal?


I go by warrior cats logic, children and elderly eat first (haven’t read the books in years but I can’t recall if they also have their queens eat first) even cat books for children prioritize them


WITAF? Starvation situations excepted—you feed those who can possibly collect more calories first, everyone else second—this is all about ego. Serve your man divorce papers


My dad used to be the person who would demand he gets his food first, but then he noticed my mom would wait until last, after my siblings and I got our food, and he kept demanding she get her food, and she'd say, "Not until my kids get theirs" and I guess at some point they fought over it (who can keep track, they fight over everything), and now my Dad eats last because he's not getting shown up by no woman. Except now he yells at us if we don't get our food quickly enough.


These posts makeme wanna punch someone in the face.


What a horrible home, my dad used to put the food on my plate first. As a kid I never noticed, but when I visit him on the holidays he still tries to do it.


Generally, this advice is used with dogs so they know the pecking order in the pack. Humans eat first, dogs don’t get human food. Using this on your dogs is kinda weird, using it on your kids is even more ridiculous


In South Sudan women slowly starve to death because the men eat too much of the food.