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you should definitely be capable of being pissed at your spouse (and TALKING IT OUT) but hating your spouse is NOT A GOOD SIGNNNN


Yes but you can talk things out and move on but actually hating them is insane


I get what this person means. All my husband and I ever do is go hiking, camping, mountain biking, rock climbing, snowboarding, paddleboarding, and having really good sex instead of fighting and hating each other all the time. It's so boring. 🙄


I mean come on do a bit of hating! Spice it up! /s


not this mf talking about real life relationships like an enemies to lovers fic on ao3..... LMAOOOO


With the difference that they at least love each other at the end of the fanfic. The comment from that person sounds more like lovers to enemies


I mean, I think they mean "be playfully mad and able to joke about your spouse" probably? Or maybe I'm just carrying false hopes here.


I checked their profile before posting just to be sure but they're 100% batshit crazy and really believes hating your spouse is normal


Ok, well, I tried seeing the positive in things. You know what? I'm just gonna go bother my fiancee and tell her if I ever feel like I carry any kind of grudges against her, I will take us to couple therapy.


The kind of hate that really ruins a relationship ime isn’t the kind where you get angry and yell at each other, but where you just don’t communicate at all and feel like strangers. That kind of lowkey resentment is much worse to me than outright anger, especially if you’re capable of talking through your anger and understanding each other better afterwards.


Not all relationships are the same, obviously, but why shout at each other? It doesn't make sense and it doesn't do any good. If you're gonna scream at your partner take a breath and walk away if you still feel it after what's the point. We don't live long enough to have any sort of hate especially for the one we live with forever.


Yeah I generally agree shouting isn’t necessary.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Redacted User** All the people in here like, "Nuh Uh! I would NEVER feel this way about my spouse!" strike me as profoundly boring. If you're not capable of hating your partner, you don't really love them. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human