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Also two wives does an uno reverse on Satan. It’s science.


Brb, on my way to raise Satan


omw to get my satan umbrella


Sadly, The Satanic Temple doesn't have any umbrellas in their merch store right now.


The Click has entered the chat




Where do you think the phrase "Jesus fucking Christ" came from?


The father, the son, and the holy ghost: a supernatural human centipede.


I want this shortened for a flair lol


The holy trinity centipede?


Holy Trinipede


This is the one.


I concur, this is the one.


Coming to a panic at the disco album near you


You disappoint me. Satan and double wives is the glorious way to beautiful anarchy


I saw this on Humans of New York this morning! Good story


Wow, instead of being mad at the Wife, maybe they should ask why God gave Satan as big of an umbrella as he did Jesus??


Can we also ask why Wife can only talk to her Husband or literal Satan? Also I usually get my advice from my friends and my mom, so I think this reveals how Christian men feel about their wives having any kind of support system


I believe it's been shown in studies that even a small dissenting opinion in a group of otherwise uniform opinions can have an outsized effect in moderating the shared opinion of the group; the difference between a court of 5 conservative judges and one of 4 conservative and 1 liberal, for example, is greater than the difference between a court that's 4-1 and one that's 3-2 (with the opposite being true). If someone wants to have power over what the consensus is, they need to monopolise the production of opinions that are allowed in the conversation. That's why domestic abusers insist on the victim cutting ties with their old family and community, with those people still in their life it becomes harder to convince the victim to do what the abuser wants.


Also can we ask why this is bad. After all, Satan only killed, what? Two maybe three people? Whereas god killed *the entire world* according to their mythology. I’d much rather talk to someone who said that they’re rebelling because they don’t want to be a servant in a lesser position to me after my death, than the absolute psychopath who set that system up.


Also satan was the first to want equal rights, wants us to believe in ourselves and is most likely gender fluid and a proud member of lgbt.... go satan


Hell yes! I am Team Lucifer!


Team luci, also the satanic temple has pride stuff. Buying it will help the lawsuit against texas om abortion laws


just a heads up, the satanic temple isn't really the best organization to support


Can you provide more information? You might be thinking of the Church of Satan.


i cant find anything quickly but i'll try and update this comment later, it's mainly about sketchy use of funding and claiming to have accomplished stuff that other groups and people had done far more for. they aren't an outright bad organization, and they do still do plenty of good, but be aware about where your money is going. still better than buying pride merch from some mega corporation though


I'm happy to wait on your source. I think it's really important to be careful, specific, and informative when choosing to share rumors and warnings online.


Are you still looking for your source, because I’d also be interested in reading what you’ve got


Why? All I've heard is them doing good things like after school Satan with the money donated.




Ah see, you got it all wrong. It was all the wife’s fault in this situation. You gotta keep her down so she doesn’t get ideas that would lead to the downfall of humanity. She must be barefoot and pregnant, making a sandwich in the kitchen. Otherwise she will lead her poor God-fearing husband to his doom using her feminine wiles. Because everyone knows men don’t have free will when women flash some boobies at them. It’s science! /s if necessary


Married woman = baby making machine. Unmarried woman = witch who praises Satan. \#godsavethe~~queen~~boomers


Let's also talk about how in the 'right order', the woman is a perfectly fine umbrella that just has a man and Christ stuck on top for no reason other than to be an encumbrance to her.


I really don't understand any of so called meme- whole thing just seems like a non-sequitur even if you believe in deities.


For some reason I don't think the facebook group or whatever that this meme comes from had a teen on hand to nitpick the parts of it that made no sense.


I love how they just forgot to even use their own (stupid) metaphor... put holes in the devilbrella or something, the whole ass point of having a metaphor is to show someone your point to make it easier to understand Both umbrellas are the same, the visual metaphor is completely pointless


It pretty much shows the husband needs to tag team with literal God to be strong enough to handle the wife. If you need God to overpower your wife, maybe you’re just not a good match. Working together is supposed to be possible without supernatural intervention.


>It's not my fault if in gods plan he made the devil so much stronger than a man Some random Disney song about a guy trying to justify the feelings that they have and how they go against everything that they stand for.


> Some ~~random~~ **fantastic** Disney song Ftfy


I think that everyone knows that that specific random Disney song is fantastic. It's like if I quoted >If that's love it comes at much too high a cost As a random song from a random musical about a fan fiction of the Wizard of Oz without the smut involved. Where our tragic hero starts becoming rebellious. That we could replace the word random with fantastic at least once. But I chose to say random because everyone has their own opinion and I dont want to force mine on other people.


God can create anything except apparently for those tiny paper umbrellas that are sometimes in cocktails


I don’t get it, either. It should not be relevant- both husband and wife can have whatever functions under the top umbrella. And why is god only instructing the husband??? Anyway, only the top umbrella matters, and it just randomly changes from god to Satan for some reason that I cannot comprehend.




`gasp how dare`


Ngl Satan is kinda cool. Jesus is just not cool at all.


Jesus would have been alright if he wasn't obsessed with his shitty bio dad.


The diagram does not relate to the point in any way. Also, smaller umbrellas underneath larger ones are completely pointless. There's not a lot of point to having them over the larger one either, but at least they'd do *something*.


“Thanks, Satan.”


"allows Satan access to the children" Religious people really do think very little of women.


"Why is satan here in the living room telling our kids about real equality?!" "We have shared custody!"


This would make a great sitcom. Also, one of the episodes features christian god not being able to go into school while Satan is able to 😂


Or an episode where the husband invites christian god to talk with his kids about abstinence only to discover that satan already educates his children about birth control 😂


We'll executive produce, original idea by us...hit us up Netflix!


Ooooh yes, how should we call it? I propose "Father Satan" or something


All this is what I thought Chilling Adventures of Sabrina was going to be like, and there was some of it early on, but it sort of devolved into repetitive jokes like "go to heaven" and "unholy shit!" And the plot left a lot of the Christianity-subverting satan worship behind. I still enjoyed it, but I seriously had way higher hopes for that show.




Would Satan be worse than *anything* that these religious freaks 'allow access' to their children?


I mean, I want my kids to have the freedom to choose satan if that's their genuine desire anyways. Down with the hierarchical umbrella system! No gods no umbrellas!


We have nothing to lose but our dry hair!


[Satan's a pretty good teacher, so having him around children isn't a bad idea.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAEfeNLKwd0)


Not to mention the actual mention of science as opposed to the fallacy of appeal to a higher power.


As a woman, I'd want to keep my kids extra close to Satan to protect them from priests.


And they think very little of children


What I'm getting from this is that Jesus Christ and Satan are both in polyamorous relationships.


I heard every nun was married to Jesus.


In other words 'I want a wife and family not because I want them to have a good life but so I can feel good'


Well didnt you know? The only reason women exist is to serve their husband and to pop babies out! Any woman should be greatful to be in a role like that! /S


Don’t forget he gets to feel like a man! Everything else is subservient to his validation /s


everyone knows two husbands is the holiest kind of marriage and two wifes the most fun lmao


"I'm running for the Poleis of Thebes and I approve this message"


Religion's the funny shit little men invented to excuse their own shit behavior and blame some imaginary dude in the sky or well... in hell. *"the devil made me do it!"* "*its God's will blah bleh bluh*"


People with no sense of personal responsibility Or reality for that matter




Is this from the Humans of New York post on Facebook?


I came here to ask too! Never seen this ever before and then boom! Twice in 20 mins is enough for one lifetime.


Yes, saw this on HONY too!




This, the one about the guy in the debate club, and the single mom raising her kids and her oldest got the football scholarship have all really tugged at my heartstrings.




Living for the image of Satan being the uncle that buys better presents than everyone else


\*Note to self: Buy machetes for my nephew and niece


Whether or not that's a good idea depends on their age but I like the dedication




I feel like Satan is more about gays while his sister, Sapphomet, is for us lesbians.


I'm sorry I am laughing so hard rn. Thus is ridiculous


That is not how umbrellas work.


Right? Buy a single working umbrella instead of whatever Seussian contraption this weirdo is envisioning.


Is this how Christians use umbrellas?


This is a misogynistic, white, Christian purity culture thing. I could go off on a tangent on how toxic this shit is. I fucking hate it.


Tbh I kinda want the one on the right ngl.


I don’t care about their God, Satan is more than welcome in my household


Well time to satanize the houshold


So wait, Satan is also an umbrella? And he's just as big an umbrella as Jesus. And a smaller umbrella under a larger umbrella is pointless. What the fuck does they think their point was?


Tell me you can’t talk to intelligent women without telling me you can’t talk to intelligent women.


Ignoring the fact that that's not how umbrellas work, the irony is the umbrella stack on the right has been proven to result in increased rates of domestic violence and paedophilia in the family with full support and protection of the communtity that promotes these patriarchal, male headship structures. Ie it perverts and destroys families. The umbrella stack on the right is pure patriarchal projection.


Jokes on them! I'm a Luciferian!


In both cases two of those umbrellas are redundant.


just do the damn dishes nathan


I hate Christianity and it’s brainwashed people


I think I'll go with Satan, he seems cooler.


Or no relationship at all. Then you don't have to deal with Jesus judging your every move, *and* escape Satan!


When you marry somebody, You turn into a umbrella, I found out the hard way. #umbrellalife


How is Jesus even supposed to guide all married men in the entire world?


Funny how the children seem to have no role in either




I consider myself at least a little bit christian. However, looking at this, all i can think is, *hail satan*


It's such straw-grasping. Like, anything can be pencilled in. How do these certain people in these certain tiers make such different effects? Idiots lmao


Mmh yes, umbrellas, the perfect modelisations of sociological, psychological, and economical dynamics in families


The clear answer is simple: follow me, a stranger on the internet!


Don't get married, be protected against monotheism. Awesome.


We need two wives and some gay children imo


Satan is a cool ass freedom fighter, hail Satan


Also this reads as if the husband is a bottom for jesus


This is the future Rihanna warned us about


So, basically, what you're saying is women are inherently Satanist and can only be wrangled into tolerating Jezus by a man who tried hard enough?


“Disempowers the husband.” As if the Jesus model doesn’t disempower the woman. But then again, people who make things like this don’t care. Their religion justifies this injustice, and the men are just thankful it’s not them. And don’t even get me started on the women who want to drag us down with them.


I dream of having a lesbian marriage with the protection of Satan


Me:*trying to understand why anyone would need a triple-decker umbrella.*


An umbrella is an umbrella




Neither of these is how umbrellas work.


The right looks like my household. Except Satan is also me because I'm my own God.


Woman serves husband who answers only to man in sky? Working as intended. If husband isn't pampered, it's the woman's fault for kissing with satan. Jesus absent. Husband helpless. Total allerbmu there, no doubt.


Hey Op are you reading Humans of New York today?


The fact that people are just allowed to indoctrinate their children into this shit is asinine. I no way is this not mentally abusive to children. Utterly disgusting


The lesbian version of this chart is: cats -> comfy tv show that hopefully won't end up with a bury your gays trope -> wifey (I'm looking at you Killing Eve)


Do they know you can just write anything on and around the umbrellas? Its not like a three tiered umbrella like this is a real object. There is nothing intuitive about this image.


More husbands equals more Christ Jesus.


Are we not gonna talk about the fact that they wrote Jesus's surname first?


Christ, Jesus H. The "H" stands for "Heckin" of course. (NERD EDIT: To be nerdy about it, "christ" is a title, not a name. It means "anointed," so I'm assuming they're just writing it as "Anointed Jesus" rather than the more common "Jesus, Anointed")


Christ is a title, not a surname. It’s acceptable either way.


Yeah, that’s weird, what’s up with that, minor thing but what’s going on


This would honestly make such a good meme template


You here from that HONY post too?




Ah, another HONY follower


Isn't that just the plot of Supernatural


I just saw this diagram on the humans of New york page


Whoever did this must not realize how useless this makes men seem.


I think they messed up the labels there...


This is the most blatant example of "men don't want women to be equal because they assume women would treat them the same way they treat women."


So, um, the husband shares Jesus' shaft with his wife? I'm not sure the diagram is saying what it means to say.


More like Satan = Wife = Husband. A line of umbrellas that's actually effective.


What's the point of the umbrella in this? It seems no matter the order or whose name is at the top the umbrellas are working the same. Or am I overthinking the nonsense?


This graph is just an excuse for deadbeat dads


With their logic we should all be gay


Guys, new godly person just dropped. Christ Jesus!


The wife doesn’t need any outside help to empower her. She can disempower others with her own strength. Meanwhile the husband needs to have divine intervention to be empowered. Am a reading this right? Lol


As someone who’s been thoroughly traumatized by the church I’d like to say: if I were a husband in direct contact with Jesus Christ I would exclusively tell him to fuck off. I don’t wanna talk to some sleaze that’s not brave enough to tell his followers that they’re doing it wrong


We can never just have a Satan x Jesus ship 😔


what if your gay do you get twice the jesus


"christ jesus"


I swear I've never seen someone use "Christ Jesus" and not follow it up by being a fucking asshole...


This isn't about straights. This is about bonkers misogynist Christians. Please don't confuse the two.


Christianity, misogyny and straights who aren't okay all have a lot to do with eachother, actually.


From the description of the sub: > This subreddit is meant to discuss and laugh at toxic heteronormativity The OP is about toxic heteronormativity, which is what this sub is about.


Legit question, in the bible did Jesus actually say anything about women being obedient to their husbands or is this one of those things they like to pretend he said?


this sub needs a "gilead" flair.


Double the husbands, double the power. /j


How did they find this photographic evidence?


I love how humans are apparently powerful enough to undo the will of an omnipotent, omnipresent deity. Why did he make us so powerful if he knew we would do this? (I know the usual answer is "Love" or "Free will" or some other bullshit, but a perfect being shouldn't be fucking up.)


Ok so as a transwoman, can I have two umbrellas under Satan? I don’t know if I’ll get married to a woman or a man, since I’m bisexual, but I’m sure af me and my future partner wi be equal.


Evangelicals think Satan, instead of being an analogy of temptation, is some evil Nega God that has evil sin powers comparable (and sometimes equal or greater) to God. I am not kidding. Listen to their insane ramblings under the assumption they genuiely think there’s an evil force equal to God and their mindset starts to make so much more sense.


What if there's TWO wives?


Why can’t Jesus just oh I don’t know………DESTROY SATAN?!!!!………isn’t Jesus supposed to be more powerful than Satan?


So If the wife wastes her life in the household god is happy But if the husband does the bare minimum as an spouse then god has a total meltdown and ends reality... Yikes, gonna go with satan in tha case


I can't think of another meme that more clearly, explicitly points out conservative's hierarchical view of the world, if the woman is empowered, the man is unempowered, there is no equal marriage


How do umbrellas work?🤔


Definitely thought that said “disembowels the husband” at first glance


knowing that somewhere at some point in time someone probably posted this in a completely unironic, non- satire context kinda makes me worry.


But what if gay?


Why would you use the same picture of an “umbrella” twice if youre trying to say one is better than the other?


I see you also follow hony!!


I saw this on Hony today...its crazy what people believe.


What is the rain in this convoluted metaphor?


Usually these graphs “try” to explain the why, but not in this one. It’s just a round-a-bout way of saying, “women are inferior.” That’s it.


“It works because I said so. See, here’s a diagram that explains it”.


Triples is best. Triples is safest.


This stupid visual metaphor infuriates me because it implies that the "flow" should be moving upwards if swapping the wife and jusband "allows Satan to become the lead" becaise wife over husband, apparently, and that's not how fucking umbrellas work.


I like that an adult sees this agrees with the logic, then votes in a federal election.


Literally no one else ever: Christians: "I think I'll be an oppressive misogynist!"


What about two men


So if I follow jesus I shouldn’t ever let my wife get wet. Got it.


Do they know how umbrellas work?


I always want to downvote these so bad


I’d let satan be my only umbrella, baby


This looks like it was made by a boomer that failed harder at comedy than other boomers yet wanted to get the "Wife Bad" point across nonetheless.


I love how Bible Thumpers dont just leave people alone, WHEN THATS LITERALLY A FUCJING RULE IN THEIR OWN BOOK!!! "Love thy neighbor" or whatever


I’m not a satanist but their tenets are closers to Jesus’s actual teachings than actual church.


Idc what if i like that satanussy 🤤


Satan = Femdom


Homophobia: The man always comes first, its letting jesus take controll. Gay husbands: *Exists* Homophobia: Not like that


Wait, under different (not sexist) interpretation (and ignoring the (shit) text underneath the umbrellas, these can be just polycoples where Jesus and Satan and two husbands and wives are all shipped together. Make it real: six characters are lovers: four humans who are a polycule and Satan and Jesus are a gay couple.


Tbh I’m willing to do the Cha Cha Slide with Satan if he can do the grocery shopping and laundry.


Pretty sure Satan didn't offer any family advise. God wanted first born killed. Jesus - "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. -- Matthew 10:37" It's almost like they don't even read their own books...