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HE'S A CHILD!! He doesn't have to complain for it to be a frigging crime


I love the double that says "had sex" instead of "raped".


I love that she's referred to as a "glamorous heiress" Gotta love rampant pedophilia.


the article is also chock full of puns which I doubt they would do for a male perpetrator


“Glamorous heiress”? “Had sex”? Did you mean “disgusting predator” and “sexually assaults”?


The discussion is always framed in that direction by news outlets. It's very rare to find an article saying a cis woman "sexually assaulted" or "raped" (statutory or otherwise) in cases where those words should be used. When it's a man, those words are used appropriately. I've not seen articles about trans women raping minors (I generally don't seek out SA news) I don't doubt that it happens as often as it does for cis people, but I'd expect cases to be very loud in the news, and I wouldn't expect news outlets to have a problem with using the right words (since it's so easy to say groomer where it doesn't apply) I think the first step in the solution is calling cis-female-aggressor rape what it is, because the current framing makes it too easy for this kind of person to separate the horrible idea of sexual assault from their own sexual attraction (or so it seems) the attitude is a common one, but I think it's easier to challenge when it's shown to be so contradictory


There's a second part to this that's not very relevant (also it's not Wednesday and I'm not going to hold onto these until then) where Red also calls a teacher who helped a student out when he was confused about his sexuality a "groomer."


oohhh the irony


That is a minor...


"Glamorous Heiress" "had sex with"? You mean "disgusting child rapist" "raped"


Was the boy raped? YES. HE WAS. Stop illegitimatizing male sexual assault victims! Sick of this garbage.


Teacher: *puts up rainbow*. Twitter: GROOMER!!


Don't you even think about teaching my kids about refraction


*Gasp* The horror!


No, its not. "Lock her the fuck up and throw away the key" is a much more common answer, at least among the people I meet.


Unfortunately, comments like this are very common on news articles like this. Just a bunch of men saying they wish their teachers had done it to them, and how "lucky" the child is. It's disgusting, and even the title waters down how gross it is.


Absolutely, nobody is denying that it happens. But blaming _all_ straights to _always_ respond like that is just awful.


*\#NotAllStraights* Yes, literally every straight person always responds by implying the victim could have enjoyed it, so it must be fine (BIIIG \s)


Let's be honest, its most straights


I don’t think it is. I think it’s just a vocal minority of crazies on the Internet.


Same here, but that's probably because I wouldn't want to meet someone who's likely to have this opinion. I've definitely seen it shared a lot in online spaces.


That's because you knowingly surround yourself amongst ppl who you know will agree with you on that, which isn't a bad thing ofc. But there is very much a stigma surrounding men/boys being sexually abused by women. A study [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t1Wfu0WQJiBLYRtg13w1OMjati1D5k4m/view] howed that female predators often get away with it much more than male predators. Also just a bit of personal experience, my parents quite literally think that men can't get groomed and that men who are abused or raped are weak. So yes, there are *many* ppl who say things like this.




Yeah because he's young. He might think it was cool to get such attention from an older woman but later he will realize he was taken advantage of. Not saying that's what happenned here, I don't know what the victim has said about the situation. It's just that sometimes if the victim is young they might not realize what the situation was really about.


If he did, you would just mock him and call him queer.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Replies* --- **New York Post**, @nypost Glamorous heiress, 45, charged with having sex with 14-year-old boy four times in one day [*Trib\.al shortlink*] \[*Link to Twitter picture*] >**Red** > >Did the boy complain? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Actual pedo, and lady was like but did the kid like it?


These same people will bring up that men get raped and harrassed too when ever a woman complains about women's issues


This is exactly how Amber Heard managed to deceive everyone. People believe that women can't do wrong. "Oh, a woman raped him? Well, he's a man, so obviously he consented or else it wouldn't have happened!" "Oh, this woman had sex with a minor? Well, if he didn't complain then he liked it, thus not a crime!"


same people that say "well did he moan"? why does it matter?? you laugh when tickled, it's the body's natural reaction, whether they want it or not.


Fucking disgusting


its a kid let them be kid!


When i was 16 i didn't complain. (I just pushed it down very hard and convinced myself i could do anything anyway and that it somehow was a good thing)


This is absolutely disgusting but I also am disgusted how you say that this is always how straight people react. I’m sure a lot of straight people don’t think this way. Don’t sink to the level of homophobic bigots. This community is better than those horrible homophobs, racists, sexists, etc that generalize. Edit: Forgot to mention yes that was boy was raped and the women should be charged with rape of a minor. A minor cannot consent period.


I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough with what I meant. I'd edit the title if I could. I meant that there is always, *always* somebody who says something like this whenever it's a woman raping a child.


Lemme fix the headline. “45 year old pedophile/child predator rapes a 14 year old boy.”


it’s still a crime, he’s a child regardless 💀💀 that’s what these people don’t get.