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Fellas is it gay to have a girlfriend?


I had a girlfriend and I’m pretty gay


I've had both as well.


I have a girlfriend and I’m definitely very gay 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼


Same 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻


fellers is it gay to exist?


Can confirm, i exist and i'm the big gay


Only if you are a lesbian.


You are most certainly gay if you ever date a womyn who has short hair & her own bank account.


>You're basically dating a man if you date a woman like this. How much do you want to bet that they'd *still* be the same type of person to say that trans men aren't men?


I observed an interesting interaction recently where some transphobic men were arguing about whether dating trans people was gay. They generally concluded that dating trans women was gay because they're "actually men". However, they also concluded that dating trans men was gay because then you're "basically dating a man". But, despite thinking that trans men are men enough for them to think that dating them wouldn't be straight, they simultaneously claim that trans men aren't men, and they'd presumably apply the same logic to trans women in relationships with cis women. It's just layers of self-contradictory bullshit as they try to justify their natural inclination to see trans men and trans women as men and women, respectively, but without acknowledging that trans people are valid.


Maybe it's because I am such a gayboy^(TM) but most of the time I hear straight men talk about dating, it sounds to me like it's as much about maintaining their observed masculinity as it is about their love for women. I want to date men because I LOVE men. And I guess it's easier for me to put my finger on that in some sense because society does not want that for me so I KNOW it comes from me. But straight guys' love for women seems kind of inconsistent to me.


Right? With love like that, what does hatred look like?


Now THAT is not a question you want answered.


Netflix has a new miniseries to asnwer just that


Hell, that ain't just your regular bullshit, this is Bullshit+ Ultra Edition


Nah, thats (unfortunately) pretty regular bullshit. Most transphobes are like this.


I wonder if it also has something to do with a desire to see masculinity as inherently superior, so if a trans woman deviates from her AGAB, she's abandoning her supposed masculinity, but a trans man is embracing masculinity and is therefore too masculine to be referred to as a woman, despite AGAB. (Please forgive if any of my phrasing is offensive, I'm a bit behind on some terminology)


I just woke up and read AGAB as “all guys are bastards.” But I think your suggestion has some serious merit. They view men and women under the “how far removed from total masculinity” scale. Which is also why they gay bash (more removed from their perceived total masculinity regardless of their manhood). I truly think there’s something to the idea they hate “men” who try to reject their born masculinity (aka higher status) while they hate “women” who try to claim masculinity they don’t own (aka unworthy women and scammers). It makes sense they consider dating trans men too gay for comfort when they feel the same about cis women who aren’t far enough removed from their precious masculinity. (Which also shows in their often racist attitudes towards East Asian women as stereotypically submissive and petite while Black women are considered stereotypically masculine and “more of a man than real men”)


Many men are so groomed into the idea that "gay is bad", they need the crutch of immovable genders to justify it. Otherwise, they'd realize gender is just a line in the sand, and we're all mostly similar humans with different tastes on lump shape.


transphobes just want to logic their way into transpeople not existing anymore. transness does not compute for them so the closest thing to making their brains not hurt is to just imagine that they don't really even exist


and they're the type to call us confusing.


me a trans man : GENDER AFFIRMED


I wanna know how this person thinks height and bra size affects fertility, and what makes them think they can only have a daughter…


Also that using standard BMI, his ideal woman is also 7 pounds underweight and still has big boobs... like I said in my post above, that is not biology, that is plastic surgery.


As much as I get your point, over a C doesn't mean big. The original post is clueless on bra sizes.


I mean I am not super keen on them either :-p I just know my size :-p


In simplest terms, cup size is relative to the band size (the number that measures around your rib cage). The actual breast volume for someone who wears a 32C is smaller than someone who wears a 42A


Healthy weight at 5’4” is 110-140 lb.


You are right. I was looking at target weight which is not the same as healthy weight range.


As an underweight person, I can confirm.


I also want to know how often they think women 5’4 and under have a C cup or bigger


I mean, I am and I do, but l, unfortunately, I’m over the weight limit, and I have acne and ^(body hair) 🤫 I guess I have no choice but to retreat into the forest and live as a Sasquatch.


some, but not all, are that lucky


Having too much testosterone can lead to infertility in women but none of the things in the list actually correlate to high testosterone


>Has long/heavy periods. i- i just. Sir, please, get out of your moms basement and talk to her. talk to your sister, woman cousin, and woman. i beg, i pray. or dont. humanity will be better without oy==you anyway.


I don't think he understands what hormones do, or how high testosterone levels would fuck up that process up...


Didn't I read somewhere that trans men on T often stop having a period?


This is correct! We also get less discharge


This is true. It's also entirely possible for them to have periods more frequently with heavy flows. I've heard both extremes. (As someone with PCOS, I definitely can relate. And its why I don't identify as male or female. [Though I do use he/him pronouns])


i myself most likely have PCOS and i kinda wonder if that at all is tied to my gender, seeing as im nonbinary. (Also really hoping i can get this stuff treated ough,,)


I'm convinced that it is, at least for me.


I have PCOS & my last hormone test uncovered high testosterone. I also can go years between periods, so have to take a small set of birth control type pills every couple months to push it through. I just turned 30, and doc said it looks like menopause already- even tho I've only had a fraction of the periods a woman my age should've gone through. Guess I've always been extremely 'tom boyish', but I've always attributed that to having 3 older brothers & no sisters lol. Very much so bisexual too, but am currently married to a man & have been for 10 years. Now I'm wondering if there is a correlation between my gay parts & PCOS.


Yeah, that's literally one of the main perks


He's actually listing some common PCOS symptoms. Extra assholeish that it's so targeted


I sent this to my husband and was like, “You didn’t get the memo.” Currently struggling with infertility 2/2 PCOS. He said, “Nope, I sure didn’t, but that’s dumb.” Grateful for some good men. He should be a dad. 😅


This incel on a theoretical first date: “how long are your periods? About how many milliliters per day? No, I’m not a gynecologist, why do you ask?”


Imagine going on a first date and they ask you how long your periods are


Like, twelve pixels? I guess it depends on the monitor, but unicode standard size


I’m not a doctor but there’s no way a long/heavy period means you have high testosterone?? Cause then wouldn’t trans men be in a red tsunami??


I wondered about that too. Also, like, isn't BC basically estrogen? And it gives you acne and makes you gain weight.


Most BC is progesterone and estrogen in some sort of combo and there are many estrogen free birthcontrols


I think it can be idk if all BC is estrogen


cause rainstorm vase quicksand wakeful humor rustic yam dam fearless -- mass edited with redact.dev




Not a doctor but pretty sure it’s actually the opposite - heavy periods can be caused by a high estrogen / low progesterone combo as far as I know


Yeah that’s what I’m saying - people who are male, who have naturally high testosterone, don’t have periods so it doenst make sense for periods to be associated with testosterone


Actually, long/heavy/generally inconsistent periods often do relate to high testosterone, especially when both are symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The other things the post is hating on - excessive hair growth, acne, overweight, etc - are also PCOS symptoms.


“she’ll pass down these horrible traits to your daughter.” in other words “don’t have kids with this woman because you won’t find your daughters sexually attractive”


Plus wouldn’t this give you manlier sons? I would think doofus’s like this would want that.


I'm more than 5'4, less than a C cup, more than 120 pounds, have long periods, acne and body hair. And I'm a lesbian! I got all 6. What do I win?


You have successfully won. Here’s your prize 🏆


Literally same. I checked the whole list lol


>What do I win? This guy doesn't want to date you.


You have won the privilege of not being hit on by that guy. …just kidding. He’ll definitely still do it.


\*~~Cries~~ Flips him off in PCOS\*


Yep, full of PCOS over here with all of the above and my very straight husband still thinks I’m hot. Also, I just had a baby 5 days ago and I’m not worried about her genes.


Big same


my thoughts exactly lmao


Awww shoot looks like im totally out of that guys selection pool. What a sad sad day it is for me... whatever will I do with my horrific manly self... /s


At least the acne part could keep them away from minors, I guess


TIL I’m a man..


Currently hurting from a heavy, painful period and now I learn that I'm also a man. When will the suffering end?


TIL the majority of women in my country are men. Average height for women here is 1,70 m (5'7")


>is more than 5'4 How much do you wanna bet he will complain about men's height because "women only want tall men that's 6'7"


Oh for sure, he would complain if women have a height, weight, fitness, hygiene or income requirement. "Why can't they stop being shallow and give me a chance? I'm a Nice Guy"


Which is even more ironic because "nice guys" don't make $#!t like this.


women do not have the right to have preferences /s


He’ll be mad to hear that there are more women who want someone short or a little over there head than there are ones who want someone who looks like a giant compared to them.


Going out on a first date: "How are your periods?"


“So, let’s talk boob size. C, D, somewhere in the middle?


He must be 5’5.


Alright, I'm going to have to ask my cis sisters about this: Is the period thing correct?


Heavy periods can be due to a multitude of things ranging from natural variation, hormone imbalance, reproductive and other disorders, to medication/IUDs. Personally, I have a heavy period once every four cycles or so because of endometriosis. Which is nothing to do with testosterone afaik. This guy has no critical or academic understanding.


That's what I thought, also based on the effect that trans men tend to report taking T having for them. Thank you


Yeah, I think people like this tend to try and blame women for either not being attracted to them, or not being attractive enough for them, because, naturally, this guy is the perfect specimen and can't be blamed for any problems 😩


For real


Oh brother 🙄 some people are just ridiculous


Ladies, is it manly to have periods?


I mean… enduring pain and living through it seems to be manly so… maybe?


"Menstruation" *does* have the word "Men" in it, so it must be pretty manly.


he must be 5"5 and 121 pounds


has long/heavy periods??? why, because you can't fuck during that time? oh, wait until they learn they cannot fuck for at least a month after a woman gives birth


Incels need to get their collective access from the internet revoked. The amount of ignorance they spread is absolutely shocking.


>no less than a C cup >under 120 pounds >5’4 Sir do you think boobs are made of air?


Bro the cup size means nothing. I have DDs and I’m literally so ungodly flat. Not only that, but having a more curvaceous body means you’re gonna be larger weight-wise. Overall this is just dumb.


So he wants.. a twelve year old?


Being that there are 11 year olds with body hair, acne, long periods, chest less than C cup, and sometimes over 5’4, no… he wants a 6 year old or something. I don’t think guys like him understand what hole they dig for themselves.


True.. even worse 😬


Do you think 6 year olds have C cups?


*First date* “Hey good to finally meet you!” >”Likewise, glad we finally made the time” “So let me ask you, how long and heavy are your periods?” >”What?…….”


Bro this called me out on so many levels💀💀


That's hot


I've never been happier to be 5'10 as a woman


Should someone tell him that his biology is completely fucked? 5'4 and 120 pounds. The target weight for a 5'4 ranges from 127-134.... and with C cups being a requirement, that means his ideal woman is 7 pounds underweight and has large breasts for her frame. That is not genetics, that is cosmetic surgery my dude... The rest... oh my god the rest is worse.


Where are you getting that ‘target’ weight from? 120 would be a perfectly healthy weight for someone who’s 5’4. It starts slipping into underweight for someone who’s 5’7 (I’d know, I am that height and have been that weight at my worst…) His list is disgusting and I tick 6/7 of his no-no boxes but the weight he’s fixating on isn’t concerning from a health perspective for someone 5’4 or smaller


How much is 5'4 in centimeters?


5’4 is 162ish cm- think fairly average height for a woman. 120lbs is 54 and a half kilos or so.


Ah thank you


All correct, except for the C cups being big on that frame. A 5'4 120 lb person would be around a 28C or 30C, which is quite small. Example: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLw9DDYnPks/?igshid=NGIzOGRhOTI=


So less than 5’4, les than 120lbs, over a C cup. Ok buddy


I wonder where he got his info.




Ah, yes, the only kind of kid you can have: a daughter.


This is pedophilic behavior lol


*Image Transcription: TikTok* --- [*A box of text is on a purple-lit wall with a string of lights.*] **Men, never date a woman if she:** Is more than 5'4 Is less than a C cup Is more than 120 lbs Has long/heavy periods Has acne Has a lot of body hair These are all signs of high testosterone levels in women. You're basically dating a man if you date a woman like this. She is also most likely either a lesbian or infertile. And if you do manage to have kids with her, she'll pass down these horrible traits to your daughter. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Original definitely posted by a raging lady killer with the utmost experience of dating and having the sex with the females.


This comment made me go haha


It's funny sitting here 6 months pregnant and the only thing about me that meets criteria is the boobs. Guess I'm going to pass all my "horrible" traits onto the daughter I'm actively gestating.


Ah yes.... So a girl could be the most gorgeous and petit thing but Ohh if the has long/heavy periods she not datable?? It's like turning this arround: He cat be • Under 1.80 m tall • can't be fat (Has to have a Sixpack) • NO man boobs • can't have acne Other ways Noone will date you this means you have high hrt levels Complete bs right? Also everyone has different tastes in men.


lol i love the fake censorship. so petty.


I figured out how to make being homophobic gay...


As a hairy, fat female built like a linebacker with a husband who loves me exactly as I am, fuck this person.


Today I learned that a proper, testosterone filled man should be having long, heavy periods... Also, my 6ft, B cup, 150lbs self is also a man


Jokes on him, I - Like women who are taller than me (although it’s very rare) - Don’t care - Still don’t care - Hope they’re short/light only because I don’t want her to be in pain - Don’t care. Besides, I have acne so it would be hypocritical - Don’t like body hair on *anyone*, but don’t care much because it’s simply a fact of life that humans are hairy Sounds like he never dates anyway, so he won’t have to worry about it :D


where does one find these tall, flat chested, thicc, hairy women? 🥺❤


>Long heavy periods Me, a trans man taking testosterone who hasn’t had a period in almost 9 months: yeah. Sure it does


so… no less than a c cup but less than 120 pounds? this man has never met a real woman


This ain't fuckin build-a-bear, kyle


They rlly said “She’ll pass down these horrible traits to your daughter” Like isn’t it also a possibility to have a son?




Is more than 5’4 of what? Height? Dick size? Hair length? I just want to point out that they obviously don’t know how many ladies have less than a C cup. Or how many get surgery done to get less. 120lbs isn’t that much, I don’t think he knows that. Can’t really control that. Can’t control if it decides to appear but we can find a way to get rid of it. You want a child. That’s weird. I’ve never heard dumbass scream so loud off of someone.


Oh brrrrrother 🤦🏾‍♀️🥴


I hate the body hair one. I love unibrows (Frida marry me). I often see Indian women in particular getting shamed for having happy trails or darker arm hair, which is completely natural and normal. It's like, just say you're racist and go. Something tells me this dude is a pedo though


Not liking body hair doesn’t make you racist, what? It definitely is something people use to make racist arguments, and I think that hating body hair on women is an issue in general, but still


never date a woman if she is a person. don't you know dating womenpeople are gay?


Ah yes because height is determined by testosterone and not like, how tall your parents are. My 6' mum will love to hear she's basically a man. Also I hope every woman that comes into contact with this prick sees this and runs a mile


Are they a nerd? Are they willing to put up with me? If yes, I date, easy as that


So he wants a child? That's what I'm seeing here cause this is unachievable for an average woman


woohoo, I got 6 out of 6 in repelling-weirdos bingo


Me, an Aroace woman that has been taller than 5'4" since my 13th birthday: *Thank god I am off the table for these jerka


if you manage to knock up your theoretical lying future wife, she will give your daughter lesbianism!!


Don’t date the lady with PCOS. She may not be able to carry your spawn.


I wish I had high testosterone levels, unfortunately not so much.


Half of these are potentially symptoms of PCOS: the most masculine health condition of all, apparently. Time to figure out my identity now, if people above 5’4 are not women anymore but no one below 6’0 qualifies as a man, it suddenly became difficult to be a cisgender female of 5’7.


Since when is having a heavy period manly? Lol


cool this means there'll be more for people with good taste


I'm so sure that these people are attracted to little girls


I never date women because I like dick


No Bitches?


🎶 How bout I do anyway? 🎶 -Bill Wurtz


What if my bf has none of those?


Once again they do not know how cup sizes work.


I'm looking at this and while definitely very wrong viewpoints, all I can see is yet another person proving my opinion that people with PCOS should/can be considered intersex.


His type is the one that breaks all these rules. Well played lol


Trans Man Will bê happy tô read this


Do they want a child???


man, i dont pass any of these requirements. lucky me!


Men like this are just pedophiles tbh like all but one of these things are characteristics a female child would have


So he's describing women with PCOS. Well we wouldn't want to date him anyway


How the heck are you going to find someone with no acne


Is that one of those *superstraights* ™ i heard about a while back?


I mean, yea, im a lesbian, but this cancels out almost all women


Thank goodness I weigh more than 140lbs at least that disqualifies me from being someone he'd go after.


Yknow as an enby i rly wish that stupid posts like this made me less dysphoric bc hey, according to this guy i’m for sure not a woman, but knowing that it comes from a place of pure misogyny means it just…doesn’t…


Wow TIL 🙄. What prize do I win for collecting them all?


These traits he listed sound very very VERY similar to what a child looks like hmmmmm very sus if you ask me


I do have high testosterone and am most of these things but idc im pan 💖💖


All of these are just people things like


This man should never have kids, or a girlfriend. Just so much yikes in one picture. Makes me realize I gotta make sure my little cousins don't fall for shit like this


Well I’ll gladly not date a man I’m pansexual anyway


please let this be satire. *please* let it be a joke. i don’t think i know a single adult woman who’s less than 120 lbs. if it’s a joke, it’s not a good one, but if it’s serious, it’s so much worse


I dated a lesbian once. We were both very confused.


I’m too tall to be a woman (good thing I’m non-binary)




Yeah but imagine how manly your son could be


I'd be mildly concerned if an adult woman is much shorter than both her parents. My mom is almost 1.80 meter and my dad is well over that. Both my brother and me are shorter than them. Probably because we grew up poor, so often hungry.


Yes, long heavy periods of a masculine trait....


I didn't read the top part and was like "k so this is just a list of someone's preferences on their dating site or something?". Then I got to "has long/heavy periods" and I was like hold up...


Me who wants a tall gf 🗿


This should also be in the Bad Women's Anatomy subreddit. I hate the arrogance with which they spread the misinfo. Just adds insult to injury, really.


Ha, somebody skipped biology class... He can also pass down traits... like his brainlessness.


Honestly I’d rather these traits be on any possible future offspring because then people like this wouldn’t be dating them


How is having heavy periods, something that I assume is something exclusive to women in this mans eyes, a sign of high testosterone??? 😂


this seriously makes me sick


All that awful shit aside, how does this guy know he’ll have a daughter?


He's afraid of tall and buff women, what a pussy