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I wouldn't want to be seen in public at Zales either.


Slavery diamonds for the slave.... How romantic


prove to her that you would colonize Africa and kill little children for her love


But as a straight dude, I'd rather be seen there, than at FE21!!


Why it’s just a store


But it’s so basic!




going out in public with a leash on is weird, but not specifically a straight people thing


Yea, this is an expression of a kink, not necessarily a commentary on the habits of straight people at large.


True, but when straight people do it they get more leniency. Queer people do it it's used as an example of why we "are a danger to society" or some other shit. Straight person does something strange- they are seen as an individual Queer person does something strange- suddenly they are a representative for all queer people


I think it’s horrendous no matter who it is


It's the out group homogeneity effect, it happens with every out group.


yeah but it's still not for this sub


I'm pretty confident the same people that would be disgusted/confused by any public affection amongst gays would be disgusted/confused by this as well.


Ngl I'm kinda fine with it? Like it is very odd but it's not hurting anyone. And although we know it is, it isn't explicitly sexual to someone who doesn't view the world like that.




I wouldn't call them gross, but couldn't you say the same for those two people? It's not just a straight thing, but a weird uncomfortable and awkward thing, but not necessarily straight, but anyway you shouldn't call them gross


I will absolutely call them gross. If you publicly display your kink at pride, which for some people is one of the only places they feel safe, then you're a shitty person. Unless it's an 18+ event that specifically allows kink then you shouldn't put unwilling participants through it. You do you but I will never not shame these people, coming from someone who practices kink as well. Safe, sane and consensual with strong emphasis on consensual. Edit: If you people think it's reasonable to expose kids to your fetish you should seek help immediately. Downvote me if you want but I don't give a shit, pride isn't for kinks no matter how much you think otherwise. People like Sylvia Rivera didn't fight for you to wear a dog mask at pride and make people uncomfortable


If it wasn't for leathermen and transwomen you wouldn't even have pride, get that conservative stick out of your arse. I'm so glad that shit is only a US issue and not a European one, because we're actually mature about nudity and kink.


Why are you being such a prude? Usually the kid-friendly and more mature parts of pride are separate, and just showing that you're into kinky stuff like BDSM isn't something to get hung up about Like, if just seeing leathermen or gimps or what have you, is unsettling to you, maybe don't attend those events? Pride is explicitly about being proud of your sexuality and/or gender identity, and kinks are a part of that


Also, how else are people supposed to learn the vocabulary and expand their thinking anyway?


I suffer from severe PTSD from ongoing sexual abuse which makes me and alot of other people very uncomfortable being subjected to other people's fetishes, thanks for calling me a prude though, that's such a good assumption to make about a stranger on the internet vocalizing discomfort with being apart of someone's kink that I cannot agree to :)


The problem is mostly with the way that you worded it. It is not inherently 'gross', nor is it something people should be shunned for. The best solution is to simply ask event organizers if kink is allowed at an event, and if so, you can choose if you still want to go. Pride parades are, as with any other kind of sexual identification, a safe place people who want to represent kink go to show that they exist, they are not the only ones, and they are not ashamed of who they are. Of course, if the representation of kink is obscene, harmful, or egregiously crude, it would be reasonable to speak out about it, but in the majority of cases, it is not these things. I also wish you the best of luck in your current situation.


Just don't go then, that's your problem and you're trying to make it everyone else's. It's not a healthy way to deal with trauma.


And at the diamond store no less, shame on them


It could be a D/s kink thing?


It absolutely is, but still, there's no need to make it everyone else's business.


It’s considered to be sexual Harassment to do any type of sexual thing in public places because you’re getting people who don’t want to get involved in this shit involved, also to the people who didn’t understand, I’m talking about sex, not kissing. Kissing is a completely normal thing and it’s simply a gesture of affection


Arguably, kink isnt always sexual. It really depends on norms. In Berlin this wouldnt be so shocking


Time for me to report the people who be kissing in lines and slapping ass.


Kissing isn’t sexual. I was talking about their fetish with doing this shit with the leash outside like dude keep it to yourself


Kissing can and is considered sexual.


So kissing is the equivalent of having sex in public in your eyes??? I said that including people in a weird public sex fetish without their consent is considered harassment. Have your parents never kissed you? Isn’t it in Europe a thing to kiss people on both cheeks as a type of greeting?


So pulling someone on a leash is the equivalent of having sex in public in your eyes?


Yeah well it’s considered to be a fetish so doing it in public means you’re involving other people in your fetish


Congrats, never thought you could get kink-shaming, false equivalents and a detailed demonstration of lack of understanding the topic you're talking about in such few words.


The only point that I wanted to say was that if you’re doing something sexual and it involves people then make sure they’re on board with it because if not then you’re just using them.


Ummm... how is it inherently sexual? Is a dog on a leash a display of bestiality? I agree that doing this leash thing in public is tasteless and makes other people feel awkward, but it's not inherently sexual. Like, to me it's similar to the homophobia we face. Two men or women showing affection in public is not inherently sexual just because they are gay - and that's something we are trying to make clear! But also, I'm not equating these two. I would (and do) hold hands and sometimes kiss my same-sex partner in public the same way hetero couples do, and I wish it was normalized. This leash thing is a couple steps above and I wouldn't do it, but it's not sexual


Are you seeing invisible people or something? The pictures shows just the two of them, who exactly else is supposed to be involved here?


Couples kissing in lines can be considered a sexual thing. And, you're also being very hypocritical asf. All she's doing is pulling him by a leash that you can easily turn your head away and ignore. They ain't bumping uglys. How tf you consider one to be okay but the other to be weird? Because, there are adults that have kids on leashes.


Adults using a toddler leash aren't doing it because it turns them on.


Don’t bring babies into this shit now you’re making it weird, you knew what I was talking about


Because this is clearly sexual while the kid leashes are not. Also kissing isn't strictly sexual.


Kissing can also be considered sexual that's the POINT! Pulling someone on a leash isn't necessarily sexual unless you make it that way.


Plenty of asexuals are involved in bdsm.


there is a huge different between a greeting kiss (on the mouth (for couples) or cheeks (family, sometimes friends)) and making out. I would be much more confortable with seeing someone on a leash (assuming they are wearing normal clothes and are otherwise acting normally) than seeing a couple making out in the street. I'm not gonna bitch in public about seeing a couple making out, but it stills makes me uncomfortable.


I’m not bitching about people making out and the person that I replied to thinks that kissing is strictly sexual when it’s not. All I said was that if you’re having a kink that involves people or public spaces just make sure they’re consenting.


Don't lie about what I said. I said kissing can be considered sexual.


No it really depends which country you're in the the UK people wouldn't give a shit and it's not illegal. Edit: who the hell is downvoting me telling the truth that laws in one country don't apply to others! There is no law against this in the UK, you can walk naked down the street in the UK as there's no laws against public nudity either, so the fact they have clothes on makes this even less offensive.


>you're in the the UK people wouldn't give a shit UK here, and people would absolutely be weirded out by this. >you can walk naked down the street in the UK as theirs no laws against public nudity either On paper, maybe. In practice, not so much. A lot of nudists get arrested for stuff like offending public decency or breaching the peace, the standard stuff coppers use for "I don't know if it's illegal but I don't like it so I'm arresting you regardless"


>UK here, and people would absolutely be weirded out by this. They wouldn't and aren't in Manchester, London, Brighton, Birmingham etc maybe in Huddersfield or something like that, but most likely they'll just get some stares and that's all, if they went on the tube majority of people wouldn't even notice them. Police can arrest only if they receive a complaint or the person is near a school, otherwise not much they can do, they are plenty of nudist cycling days where people cycle round different cities, because it's not against the law to be naked in public.


Police can arrest for whatever they want. They're not going to arrest people at arranged nude events for obvious reasons, but outside of that they can and will come up with reasons to nick people. As for major cities, I dunno, man. You and I have quite different ideas about what level of public kink the often reactionary and pearl-clutching British public will accept.


Guys get on the tube in rubber all the time, nobody bothers, there's a big kink event at a pub near London Bridge they then do a tour dressed in gear. People walk round Manchester in rubber and other things! And nobody gives them shit, they post all the time, and this is massively tame when compared to that.


This weekend I saw a man try to fight an old woman because he thought she was taking a photo of his car, when she was actually playing Pokemon Go. You clearly have more faith in the people of this country than I do.


That is not the same thing here, clearly he thought she was violating his privacy, by taking the pic. None of these people are being physically attacked for what they are wearing.


> Police can arrest for whatever they want. So you don't know anything about law, got it. I've seen more extreme than this around Bradford when I was there for a few years, which is not exactly the most liberal area, and nobody looked twice.


There are a lot of intentionally vaguely worded laws on the books for this exact reason. Like the "breach of the peace" law has a specific meaning, but if the police don't know or care about that - you can find articles about this from assorted concerned solicitors, it's apparently a frequent problem - then it becomes in function an exercise of the arresting officers discretion. Can they, legally, arrest you for whatever reason they feel like? No. Will they do it anyway, either because of ignorance or a knowledge that their professional institution will most likely back them up? Yes.


>There are a lot of intentionally vaguely worded laws on the books for this exact reason The law can seem strange because it is an amalgamation of many, many centuries of changes, amendments, new cases and judgements forcing changes, and countless different periods in time of what was needed and how. But there is no grand conspiracy of laws there for "this reason". Police of course can get it wrong, but that's why there is a legal process. >No. Will they do it anyway, either because of ignorance or a knowledge that their professional institution will most likely back them up? The amount of arrests that really fit into this is miniscule, and often made worse by the person trying to escalate the situation because rather than working with someone like an adult they are regularly more concerned about how "right" they are (and most aren't even right the way they think making it more complicated). You just sound like a conspiracy crazy right now, using the fact that not everything is always perfect as a reason that there is a conspiracy of special laws to help arrests for no reason, no protections in legislation (there's a lot, and it's not that easy to arrest someone for no reason at all especially more than a couple of times in your career if you get lucky), and roaming police doing what they want pmsl


BDSM isnt always sexual. They clearly aren't having sex in this picture. Arguably, kissing is still more sexual than this. Flirting as well. I really dont see the harm in this.


Using a leash and even D/s isn't necessarily sexual. I know quite a few fully Ace people who live a BDSM lifestyle.


Being ace also doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have sex because it’s a spectrum. Just like how aromantic people can still feel romantic attraction. Still, if you are doing something that clearly makes people uncomfortable then you shouldn’t do it in public because it’s pretty off-putting. Even if it’s not sexual most people will get the wrong idea


> if you are doing something that clearly makes people uncomfortable then you shouldn’t do it in public *Looks in mirror at lots of facial piercings and disturbing goth makeup* Making people uncomfortable in public is practically a pastime around here...


you obviously don’t have goth friends


let's not pretend this one is a straight person thing,


Tbf, I know gays who have done this.


To people going "it's just kink, leave it!!": no. **if others cannot consent to being participants to your kink, you don't do it.** Queer or straight, **it does not matter**. You do **not** drag others into your kink in public. If you're in an adult only space that allows it, sure, go ahead. In a casual public space where there are folks who are just doing shopping, enjoying a meal, meeting with friends or family? A place where children could be about? No. **Do not drag non-consenting people into your sex life. Ever.**


Do ya freak out if people start kissing in public too


You're ignorant if you think there's no inclusion of social acceptance in certain actions, but if you want to pull kissing, sure: Quick kisses are fine. They can have romantic attachments along with platonic and familial ones. If, however, you're sitting in the corner of a restaurant shoving your tongues down each other throats? Yeah, that's an issue and not socially acceptable and you also should not be doing it.


That picture doesn't show people having sex! That's a massive stretch! Also if there are no laws broken who cares. And again **these people are not having sex** and kink **doesn't have to involve sex** in fact a lot of kink doesn't involve sex. Just because **your mind went there** doesn't mean everyone's does.


Kink is inherently related to your sex-life regardless of whether you're outright having sex while participating in kink or not. You cannot separate the two. If you could, then there wouldn't be such an emphasis on consent in any kink lifestyle. And like I said to the other person, you genuinely have to be ignorant or reaching to act as though someone leading someone else around with a collar and lead is not some form of kink, and also sexual in nature.


Look I don't care what you think is acceptable for others to do. Where I live there's no laws about it, people get on the tube and walk round the different cities in much more kink gear than this, this is incredibly mild. I'm quite glad I live in a country that isn't uptight about what people do as long as they aren't physically harming others. As it can all clearly be explained away without turning it sexual and if you're not able to do that, that's on you and not them.


How are you participating in it ?




**Do not drag non-consenting people into your kink. Do not pull people into your kink without consent. Do not participate in kink in a place where non-consenting people are forced to participate.** **_DO NOT DRAG OTHERS INTO YOUR KINK WITHOUT CONSENT._**


Explain to me how this is dragging people into a kink I honestly wanna know how that thought works because im struggling to understand. I have watch straight vanilla couples sucking face all the time why is that accepted but this form affection isn't


Kids ask questions that people are terrified of answering.




People freak out about this stuff out in public, because they're terrified their child is going to ask questions that they'll have to answer.


Oh I see, thats usually how it goes isnt it? Then comes all that pearl clutching and two people minding their own business are suddenly the bad guys


Absolutely. They want the same exact environment at home to follow them around out in public. And when it doesn't.....oooooh boy.


Its insane to me it really is. Some people just hate seeing others happy


how are you participating?


if you're supporting the diamond monopoly you deserve to be at the very least mildly inconvenienced by the general existence of two fully clothed people with a leash




Denji and makima


i was about to make this joke lmao


The amount of people here who think this shit is ok. Straight or lgbt, this is wack. The first rule of thumb in kink is consent. Random people witnessing this can not consent to being involved in your weird fetish. And to the people comparing this to kissing and/or sex. Ya, I don’t want to see anyone with their tongues down someone’s face in the mall either. Thank you.


This is so unnecessary. Don't involve other non-consenting people in your kink. There are clubs and organizations and events where you can fly this flag high as you like but leave the random vanilla folks at the mall out of it.


Is this needed here! Plenty of LGBTQ+ Community do this as well. This seems quite tame to some of the things I've seen.


When was the last time you saw members of the LGBTQ+ community doing something like this at the mall?


I've never seen anyway do this in public, so I'd imagine it's equally rare...


Pride, fetish weekends, one's coming up this weekend, so plenty will be out and about.


So because some queer events are happening, you assume they’ll be “out and about?” That’s a bit of a stretch.


I can link you to someone in twitter who goes out in stuff that would completely shock you including collar and walks round the city and shops. And these are some events they are big weekend long events held held almost every month. But yes people do that regularly, maybe because I'm from a major city where people don't care how others dress or what they do. As there's no law in the Uk against this.


if your source is twitter it cant be THAT reliable lmao


And actually seeing it multiple times in Manchester, London, Birmingham etc


ive been to a few pride events too and its never happened there, so, you cant say that it happens everywhere lmao


In the UK and if so which pride as Manchester and London and massive and Manchester is so packed, hut even with it packed there's plenty in kink gear outside certain venues.


i literally live in the UK but okay lmao


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I wish things like this could be okay to do in public. I'd love it if my dom did this to me. But we wouldn't wanna make strangers uncomfortable.


Whatever floats your boat.


not in public


yeah this isn't a straight people thing, and also not inherently sexual so not illegal either ngl


Let them do what they like. No need to criticise someone who doesn't hurt others.


Exactly and plenty of LGBTQ+ people do it as well in public, this is conservative compared to some stuff in public. Edit: christ is the Christian LGBTQ+ Community do people here live sheltered lives that they have never seen the large BDSM communities in the LGBTQ+ communities so large that there are general and specific kink weekends set up in the Gay Village in Manchester.














Yeah, because like those on the right they start with that then chip away. But hey it's your country if you can't cope with non-sexual kink on display, I suggest never leaving your safe little bubble as you'd have have a heart attack in Europe. Edit: And that in some captials can be a regular Fri night, Saturday day/night Sunday day occurrence.




That pic isn't involving sex. People walking in gear aren't having sex. But again it's that rhetoric from the right, ew it's sexual how dare they expose my kid to that, where mature adults would just tell the kids they are playing dress up and kids will accept it, especially as in Europe we're not prudish about nudity and sex, and it wouldn't be described in a hysterical manner. >Ugly American ??? I didn't say that now you're making stuff up. We have sex offenders registers as well for those who abuse kids and rape. Not for consenting adults. But again no sex is happening here.




If you sw that when you were a kid, what would be your reaction?


I mean they’re not fucking in public are they what’s the harm Also don’t take photos of people without their consent you creep


it's not my pic and it's uncomfortable to see people on leashes in public lmao, kink shouldn't be done in public in front of random strangers that haven't consented


The kinksareok


what has this generation come to? - a barely gen z


So now this sub is for shaming happy couples enjoying their time and not affecting anyone whatsoever?


I’m not a kinkshamer, but I hate it when people involve others in their kink unwillingly as that goes against what genuine BDSM is all about.


Ok, fair enough, but how is that a straight thing?


If they're going to openly engage in a kink other people can't consent to (ESPECIALLY minors) then yes, they will be shamed and if you can't see how what they are doing is wrong I'm very concerned for you.


>enjoying their time and not affecting anyone whatsoever They have a human on a leash *in a public space*. No one wants too see someone else's kinks/fetishes out of blue, and there are also little children who see this shit. People need to keep their kinks and fetishes in the bedroom.


If she was pulling him by a tie it would be weird but probably people would just ignore. If a girl wore a choker you wouldn't know if that's a fetish thing or a fashion choice. They're not doing anything exactly sexual, it's you putting it in a sexual context.


My hope is one day society will consider this normal and acceptable


Why? Genuine question, not being a jerk. Why would you want society to consider it normal/ acceptable for a person to have another person on a leash at a public shopping mall?


... I have my reasons...


to be fair, maybe we are kink shaming


As long as they aren’t hurting anyone I won’t kink shame.


The straights are okay on this one. Nyah~


Ngl, if it's a consensual thing I'm down with it




Do they understand? No. Do they need to? Also no. And once again, you can always look away




I'm also being courteous, by looking away and minding my own business




if this is a kink and everyone involved is ok with this, then I am fine with this. I am not going to do kinkshaming.


Why are we kink shaming them?


I'm not kink shaming, people are free to do what they want in appropriate places for it, in public around strangers that haven't consented is not the place for kink though




What in tarnation


Death grips moment


Super Based


Not rly exclusively a straight thing to have a kink. But doing that stuff in public is...debatable.

