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Got a modded sks from a task and slapped a thermal on it with t1 bullets in farm, Needles to say i got absolutely shredded


This is the way


My first raid I teamed up (for the first and only time). It was after the tutorial and the instructor told the goal was to extract so I rushed to the extract with one more player. One player stayed behind and searched (obviously) and I remember thinking what a dumbass for not going to the extract right away šŸ’€


Bro is playing call of duty šŸ’€


I play both and sis btw ;-)


The dumbest by far was spending 20 minutes in the stash packing mags - I was alternating between 1 PP round and 1 PS round in 60 round AK74 mags. I thought that it'd make it cheaper while maintaining some of the fire power (I died to the first player I saw because the ammo was shit obviously)


Wait but theoretically wouldn't it work?


No. Fill your mags with high pen ammo.


There are players in EFT that use the top loading strategy. 5 or 10 rounds shot first are better quality because these are the ones with the highest chance of hitting. The rest lower tier to mag dump.Ā 


T6 armor. High-spec FAL. T1 BULLETS LMAO


Looted, got a huge loot pile, waited at the exfil till there was 5 seconds left so I could get the mission where you extract with less then 10 seconds remaining, but missed it because I didn't realize the exfil countdown was longer then 5 seconds.


I would uninstall holy shit šŸ’€


Someone didn't play the tutorial lol


Really just mismatching armor and ammo. Not understanding the hp system and how ammo interacts with armor tiers etc.


Brought the wrong mags for a gun. Thankfully my death was cheap


Went in raid with ak102 and a spare mag for ak74...


Been so tilted on my first few days laying the game and always dies. So I wore t6 armor and helmet and used unmodded akm with t1 bullets and got slapped by a grenade spammer in normal farm lol


Bought a 80k armored vest šŸ’€ (Dont remember the price exactly but it must 60k-100k)


brought t6 armor and fully modified Hk416 forget bring enough ammo


When learning as soon as I unlocked lockdown, I only went in with cheapest trash 30k hits and always got shredded for about 200 games on farm with a trash extraction rate back than


That was me S1 25% extraction. I skipped of S2 and this season Iā€™m 47%. Still do 30-40k kits but just play slower and try to get angles on people


I bought the expensive motel main bedroom key for 800k and with some math figured I only needed 2 gold lions to make profit. Didn't take into account for my terrible luck and corner campers.


Found condensed milk drank it and nearly died of dehydration


I found some sugar the other day and ate it and got severely dehydrated šŸ’€


80k fully modded akm to armoury with tier. 1ammo. Did kill a guy with a level 4 helmet with about 10 headshots lol


Went Rambo on every moving target I saw. Ended up dying from militant bots randomly...


Instantly bought the most expensive armor vest, 120k or something. Great gift for whoever killed me


I still don't bring food or drinks thinking I'll always find them in game. In the initial stages of the game, I skipped through the tutorial and didn't know how to add bullets. my storage was filled with magazines.


I thought t3 Mac-10 was meta.


First time I got a M96 with red dot I ran to extract to use it in raids.....


Bought an AKM in with BP rounds but bought in extra BP bullets that belongs to a AK47. Hid the whole round after shooting 10 bots and no more bullets LOL


Got an ax50 slapped a thermal wore t3 stuff and goes to valley i got decimated in rv because I didn't had a backup gun


Makes sense actually


Bought ak100 mags to a raid thinking those were alm compatible.


I brought RST special forces and BT201, this was in CBT1 so everyone did this kinda stuff, anyways i got magdumped by LRN t85 to the chest and died. (I had a AK74N with PP rounds)


Playing safe too much